Although there had of course been squadrons stationed in home waters previously, the Channel squadron (often incorrectly referred to as the Channel Fleet) first became a permanent formation in 1858. The following extracts from (generally the Naval Intelligence column of) The Times newspaper refer to the activities of the Squadron in the period 1858-1862.
Extracts from the Times newspaper | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Date | Extract | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 23 November 1857 | It has been already stated that it is in contemplation to commission a Channel squadron either before or in the spring, about the end of the financial year, and the Renown, 91, just commissioned at Chatham, is doubtless intended as a member. The Algiers, 91, sister ship, is being expedited for the pendant at Portsmouth as much as possible; there will be no difficulty in manning a fleet if commissioned, the guardships being full of continuous and general service men, to the extent at Portsmouth alone of about 2,000 (collectively), above their own complements and more are being added daily by the ships paying off. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 11 March 1858 | An Admiralty order has arrived at Sheerness, staying the fitment of ships for the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 13 April 1858 | HOUSE OF COMMONS, Monday, April 12. The House then went into committee on these estimates. Sir J. PAKINGTON said… | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 14 April 1858 | The intention to commission a Channel fleet forthwith, as announced by the First Lord of the Admiralty in the House of Commons on Monday night, has created the most lively feelings of satisfaction in naval circles and among the tradesmen of Portsmouth, where the fleet will rendezvous. Rear-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel, K.C.B., is mentioned as the probable Commander-in-Chief of this fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 28 April 1858 | The Ordnance Department at Portsmouth are issuing munitions of war to the line-of-battle ships Victor Emmanuel, 91, Algiers, 91, and Caesar, 91, in readiness for commission. The Caesar, being fully rigged, is expected to be the first commissioned to form one of the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 12 May 1858 | The Melpomene, 51, is being expedited for immediate commission at Portsmouth. The men are employed in the mast-house from 6 in the morning until 8 at night in getting her masts and yards ready. She is believed to be intended for one of the squadron to be commissioned immediately at Portsmouth to form a portion of the Channel fleet, which we are informed is to be got together without further delay. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 7 June 1858 | COMMAND OF THE Channel squadron. - There is now, we believe, no doubt as to the selection of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel as the Commander-in-Chief of the Channel squadron. Great fears were entertained at one time that the command would be given to a worn-out officer, whoso unpopularity with smart young seamen is well known, and whose day is, in fact, passed; and it is no small relief, therefore, to learn that one of the most vigorous and at the same time justly popular admirals in the service is the officer chosen. If men understand that they are to be kept at one incessant routine of drill and gunnery, and gunnery and drill, from Monday morning till Saturday night, it requires no very intimate knowledge of sailors to predict that the ships will, like the Marlborough, remain for months with only the marines and idlers on board. Had the Marlborough been blessed with a popular captain, there is no knowing what effect it might have had upon the unemployed sailors. It is strange how small a matter will turn the current of popularity; but the fact of a ship's remaining half-manned for three or four months is considered tantamount to an admission that there is something wrong about the ship or captain. It will he seen how long the Orion, the ship destined to bear Sir Henry Keppel's flag, takes in manning. If she is not manned offhand we shall be greatly surprised, and shall be inclined to accept it as an ill omen. Sir Henry is well known to the best description of men we have in the service. He is known as one full of fight, and he humours "Jack's" predilections by despising and denouncing humbug. He will take care to have the squadron which may be placed under his orders in good fighting condition, and it will not be his fault if the crews of the ships do not, in due coarse, become seamen as well as gunners. -United Service Gazette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 7 June 1858 | A professional paper has allotted the command of the Channel fleet to Rear-Admiral Keppel, and given him a flagship (Orion). Neither of these guesses will be found correct. We believe Admiral Martin will have the chief and Admiral Elliot the second flag. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 12 June 1858 | The three depot ships of the steam fleet in reserve at Portsmouth, Devonport, and Sheerness - the Hannibal, 91, Captain the Hon. G.F. Hastings, C.B.; the Exmouth, 91, Captain Robinson; and the Cressy, 81, Captain Halsted - are to form members of the Channel fleet, their steam reserve staff being turned over to sailing ships. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 24 June 1858 | The Renown, 91, Captain Forbes, arrived at Spithead yesterday afternoon from Plymouth, to join the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 28 June 1858 | The Brunswick, 80, screw, Captain Erasmus Ommaney, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from Plymouth, to join the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 1 July 1858 | The Duke of Wellington, 131, Captain Eyres, C.B., will be given up this day to the steam reserve at Portsmouth. She is fully rigged, and is supposed to be intended for flagship of the Channel fleet. Captain Eyres and staff will return this day to their old ship St. Vincent. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 12 July 1858 | The United Service Gazette says:- "We have much pleasure in announcing that the ships intended to form the Channel fleet will be brought forward immediately for commission. Rear Admiral of the Red Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., one of the most active and deservedly popular in the service, was on Thursday appointed the commander-in-chief, and will forthwith hoist his flag at Portsmouth on board the Duke of Wellington, Sir Charles Fremantle is in his 58th year, which, as the admirals' list goes, must be though young. He is also full of vigour, and, upon the whole, we may congratulate the First Lord upon the discretion he has displayed in selecting this officer from among the numerous aspirants for the distinguished post. The flag captain and other officers composing the staff have not yet been named. Great care will be necessary with regard to the captain and commander of the flag ship, for these are times in which a little delicate handling will do great things towards manning the fleet, while the want of it will be productive of much mischief." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 9 August 1858 | Rear-Admiral of the Red Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., hoisted his flag on board the Renown, 91, Captain Forbes, at Spithead on Saturday as Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, now assembling at that anchorage. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 10 August 1858 | Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, shifted his flag from the Renown, 91, Captain Forbes, to the Orion, 91, Captain D'Eyncourt. at Spithead, yesterday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 18 August 1858 | The Euryalus, 51, Captain John W. Tarleton, C.B., in dock at Portsmouth, when repaired, will join the Channel squadron until such time as Prince Alfred shall embark, which it is expected will be about October. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 26 August 1858 | The Orion, 91, screw, Captain Edwin C.T. D'Eyncourt, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Freemantle, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel squadron; the Caesar, 91, screw, Captain Charles Frederick; the Renown, 91, screw, Captain Arthur Forbes; the Brunswick, 80, screw, Captain Erasmus Ommanney; and the Racoon, 21, screw, Captain James A. Paynter, sailed from Spithead yesterday for a short cruise in the Channel, the first movement of the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 31 August 1858 | On Thursday night five line-of-battle ships belonging to the Channel fleet anchored at Torbay. They are expected to remain a few days in the bay, and since they have been there they have been practicing great gun exercise. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 1 September 1858 | The Channel squadron, comprising the Orion, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Fremantle, the Brunswick, the Renown, the Caesar, and the Racoon, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday (Tuesday) evening. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 3 September 1858 | The Victor Emmanuel, 91, screw, Captain James Willcox, C.B., was inspected at Spithead yesterday forenoon by Admiral Sir George F. Seymour, and is expected to sail about Sunday to join the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 4 September 1858 | Admiral Freemantles squadron will probably sail from Plymouth today (Saturday) for Cork or Bantry Bay, where they will remain a short time, and then take a cruise for a fortnight, returning to Plymouth Sound. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 6 September 1858 | In consequence of the dirty weather from the southward and westward, Admiral Fremantle's squadron, consisting of the Orion, Caesar, Brunswick, Renown, and Racoon, did not sail from Plymouth Sound for Ireland on Saturday Preparations are made for their departure to-day (Monday). The Diadem, 32, screw frigate, Captain W. Moorsom, C.B., sailed from Spithead yesterday forenoon for Plymouth to join the Channel squadron. She is expected to be away about a month, and on her return is to come into harbour to be fitted with her proper masts. Those she has at present are only jury masts. The Victor Emmanuel, 91, screw, Captain James Willcox, is expected to sail from Spithead to-morrow to join the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 29 November 1858 | The Channel squadron, consisting of the Royal Albert, Renown, Orion, and Brunswick, weighed anchor on Saturday morning, and steamed out of Bantry Bay for Cork; on obtaining an offing the squadron at noon of the same day let off their steam, and raised their propellers, and proceeded under canvass, the Renown leading the weather line, and followed by the Orion, and the Brunswick leading the lee line, followed by the Royal Albert. The wind during the whole time the squadron was at sea was from south to south-east blowing fresh and occasionally increasing to a gale. At daylight of the 24th the squadron had separated owing to a dense November fog. The vessels arrived at Queenstown in the following order, Brunswick and Renown on the afternoon of the 24th and Royal Albert at 1 p.m. on the 25th. The Orion is outside of the harbour. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 20 December 1858 | It is reported at Plymouth that the Channel fleet will remain during Christmas at Queenstown, and then repair to Lisbon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 3 January 1859 | The annual return of the names, number of guns, and tonnage of the whole of the vessels in the navy was published on Saturday, from which it appeals that the British navy at the commencement of the present year, consists of 523 vessels, including screw steamers of every description, exclusive of which there are 167 gunboats. Of the number of vessels composing the navy no less than 176 are in commission, and doing duty in every part of the globe. The vessels in commission are distributed as follow:- 32 line-of-battle ships, frigates, and smaller vessels are attached to the East Indies and China station; 25 on the coast of Africa; 16 in the Mediterranean; 15 on the Pacific and on the Australia station; 15 on the North America and West India station; 7 on the south-east coast of America, and 5 at the Cape of Good Hope. The remaining 61 vessels, are employed on particular service, or attached as guardships to the principal ports in Great Britain and Ireland, including the Channel squadron, which is composed of the following screw steamers:- The Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir C.H. Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Orion, 91, Captain E.C.T. D'Eyncourt; the Renown,. 91, Captain, A. Forbes; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Captain J. Willcox; the Brunswick, 80, Captain E. Ommanney; and the Racoon, 22, Captain J.A. Paynter. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 11 January 1859 | It is rumoured in naval circles that the Government have it in contemplation to make a considerable augmentation in the Channel squadron by the addition of 12 sail of the line. The greatest activity prevails at all the dockyards in hastening forward the completion of those line-of-battle ships which have been on the stocks several years, most of which are nearly completed, in order that they may be commissioned and made ready for sea. During the present year 'several first-class screw steamers will be launched at Portsmouth, Chatham, Devonport, and Pembroke, when other line-of-battle ships are to be immediately laid down on the same slips. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 28 January 1859 | The Atlas, 91, one of the new screw steamers of the line, ordered to be built at Chatham-dockyard, will, in all probability, be launched during the present year, when she will be attached to the Channel squadron. The Hood, 91, just completed at Chatham, is also intended for the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 10 February 1859 | The Trafalgar, 120, in dock at Chatham, being converted into a 90-gun screw steamer, is nearly completed, and will be ready to be undocked next month, when it is understood she will be attached to the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 14 February 1859 | BEREHAVEN, BANTRY-BAY, Feb. 9.- The Channel fleet arrived in this harbour to-day, and will remain, it is said, for some weeks. It left Queenstown on Saturday last. The excitement generally caused by its arrival is damped in this case by an unfortunate event which preceded it. Last night, a little before 12 o'clock, Her Majesty's brig Wizard, in attempting to enter this harbour, went on shore on the small "Rhone Corrid," or Seal-rock, outside the east entrance. The night was exceedingly dark and hazy, and the weather very stormy. After she struck her guns were fired, when the Coastguard and some of the inhabitants of the neighbouring shore went to her assistance in two boats, and after considerable difficulty succeeded in taking off the crew. Some of the men engaged on this occasion were the same who, in the year 1853, took off at the risk of their lives, the crew of the Lady of the Lake, a merchant ship that was wrecked on the same rock, and were rewarded with 5 l. by the Shipwrecked Mariners Society, and by subscriptions collected in Cork and Dublin, and even in London. The firing from the Wizard was also heard on board Her Majesty's gunboat Skipjack, which was anchored in Berehaven Harbour, about four miles from the catastrophe. Steam was got up on board her, and she proceeded to the spot and took the officers and crew of the Wizard on board. The latter has become a total wreck, and the officers did not even save their clothes. She was stationed at Queenstown for training boys, and was notorious for her bad sailing, as she frequently missed stays and committed other mistakes in sailing, of which none of Her Majesty's ships of the present day ought to be guilty. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 18 April 1859 | The screw troopship Urgent, Commander John W.D. Macdonald, left Plymouth on Thursday for the Channel fleet in Bantry Bay. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 25 April 1859 | The Lords of the Admiralty have given directions for the Channel fleet to be supplied with Redl's cone signals, and preparations are being made accordingly in the Devonport Dockyard. Redl's mode has been practised in Plymouth Harbour for the last six months. It Is cheap, simple, and very rapid, and is also adapted for use by the steam-whistle of a gunboat, or by a bugle, bell, &c. in case of fog. Under recent directions from Port Admiral Sir Barrington Reynolds, K.C.B., the system has also been carried out at night, by lights, and can then be worked more rapidly than by day. On Thursday night, in the presence of the Port Admiral and a large party, some experiments were made from the battery at Mount Wise, for testing the use of Robson's patent signal lights and dischargers in conjunction with Reld's code. Robson's lights are of three colours - red, blue, and green, and like the rockets, which exhibit the same colours, are very intense and distinct. Communication was quickly obtained with the flagship Impregnable, lying off Mount Edgecumbe, and the gunnery-ship Cambridge, in Hamoaze. The rockets throw out a ball of fire, which floats in the air some time after the discharge, and with the lights greatly increase the usefulness and rapidity of the cone signals. Robson's inventions have been long adopted by the Trinity Board and the mercantile marine. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 29 April 1859 | THE CHANNEL FLEET.- BEREHAVEN, April 23.-The ships of the Channel fleet that had been staying here for some months left to-day. They comprised the Royal Albert, the Renown, the Brunswick, the St. Jean d'Acre, and the Racoon. The Victor Emanuel and the Orion came in here with them, but early in March they were ordered to Tangier. It is said that these two vessels are to join the Channel fleet again, as also the Algiers and the James Watt, line-of-battle ships, and the Liffey, the Mersey, and the Doris, frigates. The Caesar and the Diadem are also returning from the West Indies to join, and the Euryalus from the Mediterranean. During their stay here the Marines and Naval Brigades were exercised on shore every week, as also in the boats. The Admiral, Sir Charles Freemantle, is most deservedly popular with all classes.- Cork Reporter. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 13 May 1859 | The screw corvette Cadmus, 21, has been commissioned at Chatham by Capt, Henry S. Hillyar, C.B. It is expected she will be attached to the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 19 May 1859 | Her Majesty's screw line-of-battle ships Renown, 91 guns, Captain Arthur Forbes; the St. Jean d'Acre, 101, Captain Thomas P. Thompson; the Brunswick, 80, Capt. Erasmus Ommanney, and the screw corvette Racoon, 22, Captain James A. Paynter, arrived at Gibraltar on the 3d inst. from the coast of England on their way to the Mediterranean. These ships of war lately formed put of the Channel fleet, and were escorted to the Bay by the Royal Albert, 120, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle. The Renown, the St. Jean d'Acre, the Brunswick, and the Racoon, having taken in some fresh supplies, left the Bay between 3 and 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th, under steam for the eastward. The Victor Emmanuel, 91 guns, Captain Willcox, C.B., which has been lying at Gibraltar for some time past, proceeded eastward at 9 a.m. on the 4th. Admiral Fremantle returned to England in the Royal Albert, which left on the afternoon of the 6th. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 21 May 1859 | On Thursday the Cressy screw steam line-of-battle ship steamed out of harbour at Sheerness for Spithead, to join the Channel fleet. She saluted the flag of the Commander-in-Chief, and at 12 o'clock fired a Royal salute, in commemoration of Her Majesty's birthday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 27 May 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ship Exmouth, 90, Capt. J. Stopford, arrived at Portland on Tuesday night from Plymouth, to join the Channel fleet. The new screw steam corvette Cadmus, of 21 guns, and 400-horse power (nominal), Capt. Hillyar, from Chatham, has completed her coaling from the depôt in Saltpan Reach. She will have her compasses adjusted to-day, take in her combustible munitions of war, and leave immediately to join the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 1 June 1859 | The new screw steam frigate Emerald, Capt. Arthur Cumming, and the new screw steam corvette Cadmus, Capt. Hillyar, now at Sheerness, ready to join the Channel squadron, will proceed to the Great Nore, and there remain to salute the Princess Royal of Prussia on her passage down the Thames. Her Royal Highness will embark from Gravesend tomorrow. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 2 June 1859 | Rear-Admiral of the Blue John Elphinstone Erskine arrived at Sheerness yesterday, at noon, and shortly after, accompanied by Flag-Lieut. Robert G. Douglas, proceeded on board the new screw steamship Edgar and hoisted his flag (blue) at the mizen, as second in command of the Channel squadron. The gallant Admiral forthwith proceeds on short leave of absence, during the fitting of the ship. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 6 June 1859 | The crew of the screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, Capt. Edward B. Rice, in Plymouth Sound, were paid wages on Wednesday, and obtained leave of absence for four days. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 9 June 1859 | The Channel fleet now assembled at Portland consists of the following screw steamships;- Exmouth, 91, Capt. J. Stopford; Hero, 91, Capt. G.H. Seymour, C.B.; James Watt, 91, Capt. E. Codd; Algiers, 91, Capt. G.W.D. O'Callaghan; Cressy, 80, Capt. the Hon. G.J.B. Elliot, C.B.; Mersey, 40. Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B.; Blenheim, 60, Capt. F. Scott. A considerable augmentation, of the fleet is shortly expected. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 15 June 1859 | The steam despatch boat Flying Fish arrived in Portland Harbour on Sunday morning; the screw steam frigate Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming, arrived in the evening from Spithead, to join the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 18 June 1859 | The new line-of-battle ship Royal Albert, 121, Captain Rice, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, arrived at Portland harbour on Thursday afternoon at half-??? [unreadable] from Plymouth. On arriving off King's Pier, the Hero, Captain G. H. Seymour, C.B., saluted the gallant ??? with the usual number of guns, which was duly replied to. The Royal Albert came in under steam, and took an excellent position inside the other ships of war at anchor in that magnificent harbour. The fleet now comprises the following ships:- Royal Albert, 121; Hero, ???; James Watt, 91; Algiers, 91; Mersey, 40; Emerald, Blenheim, 60; and the gunboats Flying Fish, 6, and ???. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 23 June 1859 | The Pioneer, 6, screw despatch vessel, Commander May sailed from Spithead on Tuesday, to join the Channel fleet in Portland Roads. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 25 June 1859 | The screw steam-frigate Amphion, 36, attached to the steam reserve at Chatham, has been commissioned at that port, and is to have a complement of 340 men. It is understood that she will be attached to the Channel squadron of observation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 1 July 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ship Agamemnon, 91, Capt. Thomas Hope, arrlved at Portland on Tuesday afternoon from Spithead. Her Majesty's vessels now at anchor in that harbour are the Royal Albert, 121; Hero, 91; James Watt, 91; Agamemnon, 91; Algiers, 91; Emerald, 51; Mersey, 40; Curacoa, 31; Blenheim, 60; Pioneer, 6; Flying Fish, 6; and the Biter, 2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 8 July 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ships Royal Albert, 121, Capt. E.B. Rice, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle; the James Watt, 91, Capt. E. Codd; the Hero, 91, Capt. G.H. Seymour, C.B.; the Algiers, 91, Capt. G.W.D. O'Callaghan; the Mersey, 40, Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B.; and the screw despatch gunboat Flying Fish, 6, Commander Hope, left Portland harbour on Wednesday morning for a cruise in the Channel. The Agamemnon, 91, Capt. T. Hope; the Emerald, 31, Capt. Arthur Cumming; the Blenheim, 60, Capt. Scott; and the Pioneer, 6, Commander May, are still at anchor. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 9 July 1859 | A letter received at Plymouth from Lyme states that the Channel squadron left Portland on Thursday morning, and were "creeping slowly" down Channel. It is understood that they will rendezvous in the vicinity of Torbay for a week. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 18 July 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ships Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Sir Charles Fremantle; James Watt, 91; Algiers, 91; Hero, 91; the screw-frigate Mersey, 40; and the despatch gunboat Flying Fish, 6, arrived at Portland under steam on Friday morning after a few days cruise in the Channel. The other ships at anchor at Portland are the Agamemnon, 91; Aboukir, 91; Emerald, 51; Blenheim, 60 ; and the gun-boats Pioneer, 6, and Biter, 2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 22 July 1859 | The Channel fleet, at present at Portland, will leave that anchorage, according to present arrangements, on the 23th inst. for Spithead, where it will undergo necessary repairs, and the crews will have leave of absence ashore. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 26 July 1859 | His Royal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by Prince Alfred and Prince Arthur, arrived in the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert at noon yesterday on a visit of inspection to the extensive defensive and other important works in connexion with the new harbour at Portland. A portion of the Channel fleet, consisting of the Royal Albert, Agamemnon, James Watt, Algiers, and Emerald, which had shortly before left the harbour for Spithead, saluted the Royal party on passing. On the yacht rounding the extremity of the outer breakwater the ships at anchor - Aboukir, Blenheim, Topaze, Melpomene - also saluted. Their Royal Highnesses, on landing, were received by Mr. Coode, engineer-in-chief, and Mr. Leather, contractor for the breakwater, who conducted them over the works now in progress. After the inspection the Royal party returned on board the Victoria and Albert, which immediately left the harbour for Osborne. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 28 July 1859 | The screw steam frigate Diadem, 32, Capt. Moorsom, C.B., sailed from Plymouth on Tuesday to join the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 5 August 1859 | The Edgar, 91, screw, Captain Katon, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine (blue at the mizen), second in command of the Channel fleet, sailed from Spithead yesterday, at 3 p.m., for Portland, under canvass. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 10 August 1859 | The screw steamship Edgar, 91, Capt. Katon, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine, second in command of the Channel fleet, arrived at Portland on Saturday morning from Spithead. The Blenheim, 60, Capt. F. Scott, returned from the westward on Friday. Sir John Burgoyne, Inspector-General of fortifications, paid an official visit to the works at Portland on Saturday. The screw line-of-battle ship Neptune, 91, Capt. Sir William Hoste, arrived at Portland on Sunday afternoon from Spithead. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 16 August 1859 | A portion of the Channel fleet is expected to proceed on a cruise in the Channel in a few days. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 20 August 1859 | It is expected that the Channel fleet will leave Spithead this morning for a cruise of eight days off Ushant, at the end of which time it will return to port for three days, when it will again put to sea, and, being joined by Her Majesty's ship Caesar, from Devonport, will cruise until about the 20th of September, when it will form two divisions, one of which, it is supposed, will winter at Bantry Bay and the other at Portland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 22 August 1859 | Eight out of the 11 vessels forming that portion of the Channel fleet at Spithead left that anchorage under steam on Saturday. Early in the morning indications were given of their approaching departure; royal yards were crossed, funnels raised, and fires lit. At noon Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., embarked on board his barge from the sallyport stairs, and proceeded on board the Royal Albert, which, with the remainder of the squadron, had steam up, and was hove short. It was 3 p.m. before the fleet was fairly under way, the Royal Albert leading as far as the Nab Light, when the Flying Fish, 6, screw, Commander C. W. Hope, was sent ahead of the Royal Albert, and took up her position as look-out vessel to the squadron. Scarcely a ripple was on the water, and a more magnificent sight could not be imagined than the ships presented as they steamed round the east end of the Wight in the order named:- The Flying Fish, screw, 6, Commander C. W. Hope; the Royal Albert, 131, screw, Captain E. B. Rice, bearing the flag (red at the mizen) of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Algiers, 91, screw, Captain G.W.D. O'Callaghan; the James Watt, 91, screw, Captain E. Codd; the Agamemnon, 91, screw, Captain T. Hope; the Hero, 91, screw, Captain G.H. Seymour; the Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. W. Moorsom, C.B.; and the Emerald, 51, screw, Capt. A. Cumming. The Mersey was detained at Spithead on her experimental screw trials, her third attempt at the measured mile on Saturday again proving a failure, owing to the continued priming of her boilers. The ships at present at Spithead comprise the Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt. E.G. Fanshawe; the Mersey, 40, screw, Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B.; and the Scout, 21, screw, Capt. John Corbett, the above three vessels belonging to the Channel fleet; the Sidon, 22, paddle, Capt. R.B. Crawford, and the Pioneer, 6, screw, Commander Hugh Reilley, both ordered on foreign service, and the Gorgon, 6, paddle, Commander Bedford C. Pim | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 24 August 1859 | At half-past 6 o'clock on Saturday evening Her Majesty's ship Nile steamed out of Cork harbour with the intention of joining the Channel squadron at Spithead. It is thought likely that she will henceforth form portion of the squadron, and that the Hawke will continue for some time longer to hold the post of guardship in Queenstown. The screw steam despatch vessel Flying Fish, 6, Commander C. Hope, arrived at Plymouth on Monday, from the Channel fleet. The screw steamship Caesar, 90, Capt. T.H. Mason, got up steam on Monday morning, and in the afternoon left Plymouth Sound to join the Channel fleet, which, it is said, will cruise as far west as Ushant. The scrow steamships Aboukir, 91, the Topaz, 51, and the Melpomene, 51, left Portland harbour on Sunday, to join the Channel fleet, which was cruising a few miles from the harbour. The Edgar, 91, the Impérieuse, 51, and the Blenheim, 60, remain in port. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 27 August 1859 | The Channel squadron, in two divisions, consisting of 12 ships in all, were passed cruising off the Lizard on Wednesday, the 24th inst. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 1 September 1859 | It is reported at Plymouth that the Channel fleet will return in a few days to Portland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 8 September 1859 | THE CHANNEL FLEET.- Torbay has been again honoured during the past week with a visit from the Channel fleet. On Wednesday the Melpomene, 51, Capt. Ewart; Diadem, 32, Capt. W. Moorsom, C.B.; and the screw despatch gunboat Flying Fish, 6, Commander Hope, arrived in the bay from the westward. On inquiry it was learnt that a day or two before the fleet encountered a very heavy westerly gale in the chops of the Channel, in which the Diadem sprang her mainyard, and that with the vessels above-named she was detached from the squadron and ordered to rendezvous at Torbay. Early on Friday morning they were rejoined by the remainder of the fleet. The vessels were discerned in the offing standing in for the bay in splendid order. They consisted of the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. E.B. Rice, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B.; the James Watt, 91, Capt. E. Codd; the Algiers, 91, Capt. G.W.D. O'Callaghan; the Caesar, 90, Capt. T.H. Mason; the Agamemnon, 91, Capt. T. Hope; the Aboukir, 91, Capt. F. Schomberg; the Nile, 91, Capt. A.P.E. Wilmot; the Hero, 91, Capt. G.W. Seymour, C.B.; the Emerald, 51, Capt. A. Cumming; the Topaz, 51, Capt. the Hon. W.S. Spencer; and the Impérieuse, 50, Capt. John J.B.E. Frere. At noon the whole of the ships had come to an anchor about midbay. It was a noble sight to the spectator ashore to witness these magnificent specimens of naval architecture taking up their respective positions. Thousands of persons were, as on the last occasion, attracted to the quays, and the bay has been every day studded with boats and steamers conveying excursionists around the vessels. By the kindness of the commanders the ships were again, subject to necessary regulations, thrown open to the public, and during the whole of the specified hours an immense number of visitors have availed themselves of the privilege. The Diadem and the Flying Fish got under way on Saturday morning and proceeded to Plymouth, but the rest still remain at anchor. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 9 September 1859 | The Channel fleet left Torbay at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 12 September 1859 | The Channel fleet was off Plymouth on Saturday afternoon. At half-past 3 o'clock they were under steam only 3½ miles south of the Mewstone coming from the eastward, and led by the Royal Albert; they then edged in towards the Breakwater, under jibs and spankers only; wind, N. by W. The ships afterwards paid off towards the south, and at 5 o'clock were four or five miles east of the Eddystone, under steam only, apparently going down Channel. The fleet consisted of the flagship, the Royal Albert, 121, Rear. Admiral Sir Charles Freemantle; the Algiers, 91, Capt. George W.D. O'Callaghan; the James Watt, 91, Capt. Edward Codd; Caesar, 90, Capt. Thomas H. Mason; Hero, 91, Capt George H. Seymour; Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B.; Nile, 90, Capt. Arthur P.E. Wilmot, C.B.; Aboukir, 90, Capt. Charles F. Schomberg; Agamemnon, 91, Capt. Thomas Hope; Topaze, 51, Capt. Hon. W.S. Spencer; Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming; Flying Fish, 6, Commander Charles W. Hope; and Melpomene, 50, Capt. Charles J.F. Ewart. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 17 September 1859 | The Channel fleet entered Plymouth Sound yesterday (Friday). It consists of the flagship Royal Albert, 121, Rear-Admiral Sir C. Fremantle; the Hero, 91, Captain Sir G.J. Brooke; the Algiers, 91, Captain O'Callaghan; the Agamemnon, 91, Capt. Wilson [this would seem to be an error, Thomas Hope was captain at this time]; the Caesar, 90, Capt. Mason; the Emerald, 50, Capt. Cumming; the James Watt, 91, Capt. E. Codd; the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Schomberg; and the Topazee, 50, Capt. Spencer. The ships hove in sight about 9 a.m.; the Admiral entered at 11; the last ship at 2 p.m.; the flagship parted her bower cable in the Sound; the Melpomene and the Mersey parted company from the rest of the fleet at sea. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 19 September 1859 | The screw steam-frigate Melpomene, 50, Capt. Ewart, rejoined the Channel fleet in Plymouth Sound on Sunday morning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 23 September 1859 | Vice-Admiral Sir Barrington Reynolds, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief at Plymouth, having been granted leave of absence, struck his flag on board the Impregnable, in Hamoaze, on Wednesday night. His duties will in the meantime devolve on Sir Charles Fremantle, Admiral of the Channel fleet, now in Plymouth Sound. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 3 October 1859 | None of the ships belonging to the Channel fleet have left Plymouth during the last week, and there is no present prospect of a combined movement by Admiral Fremantle, who is Commander-in-Chief of the port daring the temporary absence of Vice-Admiral Sir Barrington Reynolds, K.C.B. In the meantime indications which would pass unnoticed under other circumstances, are now observed with interest both on board and on shore; the officers know, if possible, less than the townsmen. The flag ship, Royal Albert, 121, Capt. B. Rice, went from the Sound on Wednesday into Hamoaze, and, with all her armament on board, was placed in dock at Devonport. The copper was stripped off near the aperture of her shaft, and that part of the ship was caulked and recoppered; her bends were also caulked. She was undocked on Saturday. The corners of her fans will probably be reduced. Her crew of 1,000 men are considered good. Some of them are absent on leave until the 7th inst. Strong gales from the southward, accompanied by heavy rains, have recently prevailed, and have compelled the fleet in the Sound to strike top-gallant-masts and make all snug. The state of the weather has most likely prevented the departure of the screw steamship Caesar, 90, Capt. Thomas H. Mason; for some days the davits have been ready to get up her anchors, and she has been otherwise prepared. The blue Peter was flying on Saturday, and 10 or 12 officers and about 60 men, for various ships in the Mediterranean, have embarked. The officers of the Caesar are requesting to have their letters addressed in the first instance to Gibraltar. According to present information she will remain two years on the station; she was commissioned in June, 1853. The Caesar sailed yesterday (Sunday) morning, at 10 o'clock, It will be recollected that, some 10 days since, the Lords of the Admiralty issued orders to prepare for foreign service the James Watt, 91, Capt. Edward Codd, and the Agamemnon, 91, Capt. Thomas Hope. These ships continue ready. The James Watt is bound for the Mediterranean, and has received stores for the Orion and other ships there. The destination of the Agamemnon is uncertain; it is not thought now that she will follow the James Watt; some of her officers have just received leave of absence for a week. The Nile, 90, Capt. A.B. Wilmot, C.B, has a good crew of 850 men, many of whom are from Liverpool; about five months since she supplied 80 to the Doris, and shortly after, 90 to the Algiers. It is expected that the Nile will return to Queenstown, where her crew will probably be reduced to 350. The screw steam frigate Emerald, 50, Capt. Arthur Cumming has a crew of 550, which is less than her complement; it is supposed that she will winter at Sheerness. The Mersey, 40, Capt. Caldwell, C.B., has a complement of 560, chiefly "young fellows," who hope to be paid down at Portsmouth, and to pass the winter there. No preparations for sea are making on board the Diadem, 32, Capt. William Moorsom, C.B. The screw steam gun-vessel Flying Fish, 6, Commander Hope, went outside the harbour on Thursday to try her machinery, which has been recently repaired at Keyham steam yard. The Aboukir, Hero, Melpomene, Topaze, and Virago, complete the Channel fleet. Very few men have volunteerd for the expedition to China. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 10 October 1859 | Yesterday (Sunday) there were in Plymouth Sound ships of war belonging to five different nations, a circumstance said to be unprecedented.- The English ships of the line Aboukir, Algiers, Donegal, Hero, and Nile; frigates Diadem, Emerald, Melpomene, Mersey, and Topaze; corvette Pearl; the Dutch frigate Admiral Koopman, and sloops Vesuvius and Rainier; the Russian sloop Razboynik; the Brazilian corvette Bahiana; and the Turkish line-of-battle ship Shadie. In all 17 pennants. The whole of the ships, with the exception of the Brazilian corvette, have steam power. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 13 October 1859 | The following screw steamships, forming part of the Channel fleet, in Plymouth Sound, were ordered on Tuesday to prepare for sea immediately: viz., the Donegal, 101, Capt. William F. Glanville; the Emerald, 50, Capt. Arthur Cumming; the Melpomene, 50, Capt. Charles J.F. Ewart; the Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B.; the Algiers, 91, Capt, George W.D. O'Callaghan; the Hero, 81, Capt. George H. Seymour; and the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Charles S. Schomberg. The Nile and Melpomene will probably go to the West Indies, and the Hero to Vancouver's Island. The screw steam corvette Pearl, 21, Capt. Borlase, C.B., left Plymouth on Monday night for China. As she passed through the Sound her crew was cheered most lustily by the crews of the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 15 October 1859 | At 8 a.m. on Thursday Rear Admiral Elliott hoisted his flag (blue at the mizen) on board the screw steamship Hero, 90, Capt. Seymour, in Plymouth Sound, and took command of the fleet. His flag was saluted by the Dutch and Brazilian ships of war in the Sound. At noon the Aboukir, Capt. Schomberg, tripped her anchor and was followed in succession by the Hero, 90, Capt. Seymour; Algiers, 91, Capt. G. O'Callaghan; Trafalgar, 91, Capt. Fanshawe; and Donegal, 101, Capt. G. Glanville, under steam, and by the Mersey, 40, Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B,; Melpomene, 60, Capt. Ewart; and Emerald, 51, Capt. A, Cumming, under canvas. The last ship left at 5 p.m. One report states that the squadron will cruise ten days and return to Plymouth, another that they will rendezvous at Queenstown. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 18 October 1859 | A special messenger from the Lords of the Admiralty arrived at Plymouth on Sunday with despatches, and the screw steamvessel Flying Fish, 6, Commander Hope, left the Sound immediately. It is supposed that she will communicate with, the squadron of eight ships which left Plymouth on Thursday, under Rear-Admiral George Elliott, and which form a portion of the Channel fleet, under full command of Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 20 October 1859 | The following ships of the Channel fleet arrived in Cork Harbour on Saturday:- Donegal, 101, screw steamer; Aboukir, 90, screw steamer; Hero, 91, screw steamer; Trafalgar, 120; Algiers, 91, screw steamer; Emerald, 51, screw steamer; Melpomene, 50, screw steamer; and Mersey, 40 screw steamer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 24 October 1859 | By the last accounts received at Malta the Marlborough, 131, bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Fanshawe, the Commander-in-chief, with Rear Admiral Dacres on board as Captain of the Fleet; the Conqueror, 101; the Orion, 91; the Princess Royal; 91; the Renown, 91, steam-ships of the line; the Vulture, 6, steam frigate; the Scourge, 6, the Coquette, 4, and the Lapwing, 4, steam sloops; the Growler steam gunboat; the African depot ship; the Redpole steam tug were at Gibraltar, as well as the Edgar, 91, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Erskine, and the Neptune, 91, steamships of the line belonging to the Channel fleet. The Caesar, 90, the James Watt, 91, the Agamemnon, 91, steamships of the line, and the Virago, 6, steam sloop, were on their way to Gibraltar and the Mediterranean from England; and on her way to Malta from England and Gibraltar the Supply, 2, steam storeshlp. On her way to Gibraltar and England the Firebrand, 6, steam sloop. The Doris, 32, steam frigate, was at Tetuan, and the Quail steam gunboat at Tangier. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 27 October 1859 | The Channel fleet was off Plymouth on Tuesday evening. The Emerald and Mersey parted company from them, and entered the Sound to receive provisions for conveyance to Torbay, where the ships will assemble, and be joined by the Royal Albert and Diadem, from Plymouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 1 November 1859 | THE CHANNEL FLEET IN THE GALE As the Channel fleet has experienced one of the heaviest gales that have visited our coasts for many years, a short description of this revolving storm and of the wellbeing and doings of the fleet may not be uninteresting. The ships that comprised the squadron, under Rear-Admiral George Elliot, were the Hero, Captain Seymour, bearing the Admiral's flag; the Trafalgar, Captain Fanshawe; the Donegal, Captain Glanville; the Algiers, Captain O'Callaghan; the Aboukir, Captain Schomberg; the Mersey, Captain Caldwell; the Emerald; and the Melpomene, Captain Ewart. The ships remained in Queenstown a week. On Saturday the Admiral received his orders to proceed with the fleet to sea. The harbour was filled with shipping, a fresh north wind blowing. The signal was made about 9 a.m., "Up propellers," shortly followed by "Weigh; outward and leewardmost ships first." This was immediately obeyed; the Algiers led out under all sail, followed closely by the Aboukir, Melpomene, Emerald, Mersey, Trafalgar, and Hero; the Donegal remained in port in consequence of the illness of her captain. The ships sailed out in beautiful style, threading their way through a quantity of shipping. Nothing occurred at sea worthy of note until Monday morning. On that day the winds were light. The fleet was formed in line of battle, targets were laid out, and the whole forenoon was devoted to gunnery practice. The practice was extremely good, notwithstanding a good deal of rolling motion. On that afternoon several heavy storms of hail and sleet came from the N.W., and continued during the night, with very variable winds. After quarters at sunset the topsails were double-reefed, and courses reefed for the night. Variable winds still prevailed. Land was seen about the Land's-end and the Lizard lights sighted at about daylight, 6.30 a.m. The weather set in very dirty at S.E.; with increasing wind and heavy rain. The third reefs were taken in the topsails about 9 a.m., and shortly after topgallant-yards sent on deck; topgallant masts struck by signal; and also a signal, "Admiral will endeavour to go to Plymouth," "Form two columns; form the line of battle." About 10 a.m., signal, "Prepare to move with bowers. Bend sheet cable." The wind increased to a fury, with torrents of rain toward 11 a.m., with very thick weather, the wind heading the ships off, so that it became very doubtful if the stemmost ships could possibly get into the Sound, although it was probable the Hero and the headmost ships could get in. Admiral Elliot then, with the spirit of a British Admiral, decided at once (although he knew his exact position, having made the Eddystone lighthouse) to wear the fleet together and stand off and face the gale. Although the leading ships were in good positions to wear, it was not so with those in rear of the line. The Aboukir had just passed the Eddystone; the Trafalgar and Emerald were still in the rear, the Trafalgar having been detained to pick up a man who had fallen overboard from the jibboom, which was executed with great skill. The Aboukir immediately wore, set her courses, and dashed to windward of the lighthouse by carrying a press of sail and weathered it half a mile followed closely by the Mersey. The Algiers, Melpomene, and Trafalgar passed it very closely to leeward, as the Hand Deeps were under their lee. Added to these difficulties there was a perfect fleet of trawlers, vessels unmanageable while their trawl is towing, so that it required the greatest skill to avoid running them down. What must have been the sight from the lighthouse - these leviathan ships darting about like dolphins round it in the fury of the storm, defying the elements, and the little trawlers, with their masts bending like reeds to the gale! The signal was made to get up steam to secure the safety of the ships. The ships then got their canvass reduced and stood off the land. The Mersey and the Melpomene furled their sails, and got up steam, the former stalwart ship moving along like an ocean giant. The gale still increased until about 3 p.m., remaining very thick with rain. About 3 it lifted, the wind fell, the sun shone; but the sea remained towering up and breaking. The barometer then stood at about 28.50 deg. The Hero, Trafalgar, Algiers, Aboukir, and Melpomene were not far separated. Signal made, "Form the order of sailing in two columns." This was partially executed, when in a squall the wind shifted to N.W. It then for some three hours blew a perfect hurricane, considerably harder than it had previously blown at S.E. The ships stood up well. The Hero, dauntless as her name, appeared to take it easy. The Aboukir, close to leeward of her, carried one reef out of her maintopsail through the whole of it; and the Algiers, the Trafalgar, and the Melpomene were all doing well. The former eased up her topsail sheets in the squalls. The Mersey and the Emerald, it is supposed, had steamed into Plymouth, as they were not in sight. The ships kept in open order through the night; they wore in succession by night signal at about 1 a.m., made the land at daylight near the Start Point, formed the line of battle by signal, got the steam, up, and carrying sail came up Channel at about 11-knot speed, steamed into Portland, and took up their anchorage without the loss of a sail, a spar, or a rope yarn. This appears highly creditable to newly-organized ships, - some only a few months together, the senior not a year; and I hope it will tend to show that our mariners of England are not in that decay that some old gentlemen in the House of Commons are so glad to point out at all times and seasons. A little quiet organization - not a continual harassing and worry at shifting sails and spars and killing men, but a fair exercise at guns, sails, &c. - will make our fleet a credit to the country and a safeguard to the nation. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 1 November 1859 | The screw steam-frigate Emerald, 51, Captain A. Cumming, left Plymouth on Saturday for Portland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 2 November 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ship Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, the screw steam frigates Mersey, 40, and the Emerald, 51, arrived at Portland on Sunday from Plymouth. The Mars, 80, and the Blenheim, 60, arrived from the westward on Monday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 4 November 1859 | Her Majesty's screw steamsloop Mutine, Commander W. Graham, yesterday commenced receiving her stores in preparation for sea. One sergeant, one corporal, and 16 privates of the Royal Marines will embark to-day from the Woolwich division. The paddlewheel steam-sloop Prometheus, Commander Skipwith, sailed from Woolwich yesterday at 315 p.m., and proceeded to Greenhithe to adjust compasses in preparation to join the Channel fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 12 November 1859 | The Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. George D. O'Callaghan, arrived at Spithead from Portland yesterday. The ships remaining in Portland Harbour are:- the Royal Albert, 131; the Hero, 91; the Aboukir, 91; the Mars, 81; the Blenheim, 61; the Mersey, 40; the Emerald, 51; and the Melpomene, 51. The screw steamshlp Trafalgar, 91, from Portland, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday morning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 19 November 1859 | The screw frigate Ariadne, 26, in dock at Chatham, which was originally intended for the first division of the steam reserve, is now ordered to be immediately made ready for sea, and is expected to hoist the pendant to-day. It is at present unknown for what service she is intended, but it is likely she will, in the first instance, join the Channel squadron. Colonel Rea, Commandant of the Royal Marines at Chatham, received Admiralty orders yesterday for her detachment of Marines to be selected from that division. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 28 November 1859 | MALAGA, Nov. 17. The following details are from the Gibraltar Chronicle:-"Three of Her Majesty's steamships that have been in our bay since the 24th of September will take their departure to-day for England. These ships are the Edgar, 91, bearing Rear-Admiral Erskine's flag, belonging to the Channel fleet; the Conqueror, 101, Captain Clifford; and the Centurion, 80, Captain Patey. The two latter having put in their time on the Mediterranean station will, we hear, be paid off on their arrival at Portsmouth. " 1 o'clock.- The above ships have just left the bay." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 7 December 1859 | The screw line-of-battle ship Algiers, 91, rejoined the Channel Fleet at Portland on Sunday. The vessels now at anchor there are the Royal Albert, 131 (flag ship); Hero, 91; Aboukir, 91; Algiers, 91; Trafalgar, 91; Mars, 80; Mersey, 40; Diadem, 32; Blenheim, 60; Donegal, 101; Partridge, 6; and the Biter, 2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 20 December 1859 | Rear-Admiral Erskine returned to Plymouth on Saturday, and reholsted his flag on bourd the Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Katon. It is probable that she will join the Channel fleet shortly. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 4 January 1860 | The Admiralty have ordered a trial of Coston's night signals on board the Channel Fleet, and Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle has appointed a Board composed of the following officers to report on it; viz., Capt, H. Caldwell, Her Majesty's ship Mersey; Capt. J.N. Strange, Her Majesty's ship Mars; and Capt. H.J. Lacon, Her Majesty's ship Royal Albert. These signals have already had a preliminary trial at Woolwich, before Commodore Drummond, and were favourably reported on. They have for some time been in use on board the United States' squadron, by order of the United States' Navy Department. The signals consist of a firework, or combination of two or three coloured lights (white, red, or green), contained in a small case. They are held horizontally at arms' length, on a stick or handle, and when lighted burn with great brilliancy and distinctness, the change of colour being instantaneous. The smaller size signals may be distinguished at from four to six miles, and the larger size from six to ten miles' distance. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 9 January 1860 | THE ROYAL NAVY OF 1860.- By the official Navy List for the present month and quarter we find that the British navy consists o£ 518 vessels, including screw steamers of every description, exclusive of which there are 153 gunboats, 121 brigs, hulks, &c., employed in harbour service, and 47 coastguard tenders. Of the number of vessels composing the navy no less than 314 are in commission and doing duty in every part of the globe. The vessels in commission are distributed as follows:- 65 line-of-battle ships, frigates, sloops, and gunboats attached to the East Indies and China station, 18 on the Coast of Africa, 6 at Australia, 13 in the Pacific, 3 in the Brazils, 8 on the south-east coast of America, 8 at the Cape of Good Hope, 21 on the North America and West India station, 41 in the Mediterranean, 19 attached to the Channel squadron, and the remaining 112 are employed on particular service or attached as guardships to the principal ports in Great Britain and Ireland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 13 January 1860 | The Lucifer paddle has proceeded in charge of Second Master-attendant Stokes, with a mooring lump in tow for Portland to remove the moorings recently laid down there for the use of the Channel fleet to fresh positions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 19 January 1860 | The screw line-of-battle ships in Portland harbour are the Edgar, 91, flagship of Rear-Admiral Erskine, second in command of the Channel fleet; Donegal, 101; Hero, 91; Algiers, 91; Trafalgar, 91; Aboukir, 91; and the Mars, 80. The screw frigate Diadem, 32; the screw corvette Mutine, 18; and the gunboats Flying Fish, 6; and the Partridge, 2. The paddlewheel steam frigate Prometheus, 6, and the Coastguard ship Blenheim are also at anchor. The Royal Albert, 121, is daily expected from Plymouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 27 January 1860 | The Lucifer paddle steamer, with Second-Master-Attendant Stokes and party on board, has arrived at Portsmouth from Portland, where they have been engaged in laying down moorings for the use of the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 3 February 1860 | The screw line-of-battle ship Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, Commander in Chief of the Channel Fleet, arrived at Portland on Wednesday under steam from Plymouth, and took up her old position in the harbour. The Aboukir, 91, left Portland under canvas on Tuesday afternoon for a cruise in the Channel. The coal-hulk Pitt arrived on Tuesday night from Portsmouth, in tow of the paddlewheel steamers Virago and Lucifer, and was placed at her moorings at an early hour next morning. The Virago shortly afterwards left the harbour for the westward. There are now three Admirals at Portland - Fremantle, Erskine, and Elliott, and the following ships and gunboats:- The Royal Albert, 121, Capt. H.J. Lacon; the Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Katon; the Algiers, 91, Capt. W.D. O'Callaghan; the Mars, 80, Capt. James N. Strange; the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead; the Hero, 91, Capt. G.H. Seymour; the Trafalgar, 91, Capt. Edward G. Fanshawe; the Melpomene, 51, Capt. J.F. Ewart; the Mutine, 17, Commander William Graham; the Blenheim, 60, Capt. Francis Scott; the Flying Fish, 6, Commander C.W. Hope; and the gunboats Biter, 2, and Partridge, 2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 23 February 1860 | The screw steam frigate Diadem, 32, Capt. James H. Cockburn, arrived at Portland on Tuesday from Portsmouth. A portion of the Channel fleet is expected to leave that harbour in a few days for the Tagus. The vessels now in port are the Royal Albert, 121; Edgar, 91; Queen, 91; Algiers, 91: Donegal, 101; Hero, 91; Trafalgar, 91; Melpomene, 51; Mersey, 40; Diadem, 32; Blenheim, 60; Mutine, 17; Greyhound, 17; Biter, 2; and the Partridge, 2. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 24 February 1860 | We learn by electric telegraph that the Channel fleet, consisting of the Royal Albert, Edgar, Donegal, Algiers, Trafalgar, Queen, Mersey, Melpomene, and Diadem, left Portland at noon yesterday, under sail, for Lisbon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 27 February 1860 | The Channel squadron, consisting of eight ships under all sail, was observed from Plymouth Citadel at 3 p.m. on Friday, standing down Channel with a moderate breeze from the south, and steering for Lisbon. The screw steam frigate Diadem, 32, Captain James H. Cockburn, put into Plymouth Sound on Friday, having been run into by the screw steamship Queen, 86, Captain Charles F. Hillyar, by which she lost her bowsprit, figurehead, and part of her cutwater; the bowsprit is gone close home to the gammoning. The collision took place four or five miles south-cast of Portland, on Thursday evening, shortly after 7 o'clock. All the ships in the Channel fleet were then tacking in succession. Wind light, S.S.W. The Queen was on the lee line, on the port tack, under all plain sails, except royals, with a single reef in the topsails, steering E.N.E. The Diadem was on the weather line, starboard tack, under single reefed topsails, topgallantsails, foresails, spanker, and jib, steering about N.W. ½ W., but on the approach of the ship was put hard down and brought up in the wind. It is stated that, according to ordinary rule, instead of attempting to cross the frigate's bows she should have gone under her stern. The Queen lost her quarter-boat, but has gone on with the fleet to Lisbon. On Saturday the Diadem went into Hamoaze to have defects made good at Devonport Dockyard, where she will be detained more than a fortnight. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 1 March 1860 | His Royal Highness Prince Alfred passed his examination for midshipman on board the Euryalus the day the ship anchored at Spithead. The examination extended over three days. The King of Portugal dined with the Prince and the officers of the ship, on board, on the 18th inst. [should be 'ult.'] The Euryalus sailed from Lisbon on the following day [19 February], and had a contrary wind until off Ushant, when it veered from N.E. to N.W. and S.W. Off Cape Finisterre she lost a man by falling from aloft overboard. She passed the Channel squadron below Plymouth, at 10 30 p.m. on Sunday, standing on a wind down Channel. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 2 March 1860 | A letter dated Torbay, Tuesday, received at Plymouth, from one of the officers of the Channel squadron, says that off the Lizard the ships were taken all aback, and could not again form a line. The Edgar, Queen, and Donegal remained out. Besides the casualties to the Queen, Diadem, Algiers, and Mersey, already reported in The Times, the letter states that the Aboukir lost her cross-jack yard and starboard quarter-boats, the Royal Albert pitched her jib-boom under at times, and the Trafalgar lost her jib-boom; she will probably call at Plymouth before proceeding to the Tagus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 3 March 1860 | HOUSE OF COMMONS, Friday, March 2. Sir J. PAKINGTON rose to put a question to the noble lord the Secretary of the Admiralty, but before making that inquiry he cold not refrain from saying how warmly he concurred In all that had been said by the right hon. gentleman the member for Portsmouth [Francis Thornhill Baring], with respect to Sir Leopold M'Clintock and Lady Franklin… The question which he had risen to ask referred to some accidents reported to have occurred to the ships of the Channel squadron. The Times of that morning contained the following paragraph:- "A letter dated Torbay, Tuesday, received at Plymouth, from one of the officers of the Channel squadron. says that off the Lizard the ships were taken all aback, and could not again form a line. The Edgar, Queen, and Donegal remained out. Besides the casualties to the Queen, Diadem, Algiers, and Mersey, already reported in The Times, the letter states that the Aboukir lost her cross-jack yard and starboard quarter-boats, the Royal Albert pitched her jib-boom under at times, and the Trafalgar lost her jib-boom; she will probably call at Plymouth before proceeding to the Tagus." He wished to know whether the Admiralty had received any account of this dispersion, as he might call it, of the fleet off the Lizard, and whether the damage which had been caused was to be considered as the inevitable result of the late gale, or whether there was reason to attribute any blame to the offices in command of the squadron. A much more important question, however, and one upon which he was still more anxious for an explanation, arose with reference to the casualties to the Queen, Diadem, Algiers, and Mersey. Was he right in believing that these casualties had arisen from these magnificent ships having on three recent occasions come into collision with each other in the open Channel? He understood that on one occasion the Diadem and Queen ran foul of each other, and that on another, the Algiers and Mersey came into collision; and that both these occurrences took place when the ships were sailing in two lines, and tacking in succession. These collisions could not take place without much danger, and without causing serious damage and consequent expense, and, with regard to their cause, it was impossible to escape from one of two inferences. Either the sailing order under which the manoeuvres were executed must be of a defective and unsafe character, or there must be a want of seamanship among the officers who were in command of those ships. He therefore asked his noble friend to give some account of these circumstances, and he trusted that it would be in his power to give such an explanation as would remove the unpleasant feeling on the part of the public, to which the statements contained in this paragraph had given rise. Lord C. PAGET hoped he might be permitted, on the part of his brother officers, to thank the right hon. baronet the member for Portsmouth for the handsome way in which be had mentioned the services of Captain M'Clintock and others connected with Arctic exploration and discovery… The noble lord then proceeded to state, in reply to the question of the right hon. baronet the member for Droitwich [Packington], that undoubtedly there had been two collisions in the Channel, one of which had been of a very serious nature, inasmuch as it had resulted in the loss of the bowsprit of the Diadem. He was disposed to think, however, that the right hon. baronet was rather inclined to listen to what he had formerly called midshipmen's yarns. The statement which had appeared in The Times of that morning had evidently been prepared by the youngest midshipman in the fleet. He had looked over it very carefully, and he confessed that neither he nor any of his brother officers at the Admiralty had been able to make head or tail of it. (A laugh.) The fleet started from Portland on Thursday, and proceeded with a moderate breeze down the Channel, until it arrived off the Lizard. There during the night, the squadron being in two lines, a signal was made to tack in succession. The Diadem was the stern ship of the weather line, and the Queen fell foul of her and carried away her bowsprit. A very detailed report had been received from the captain of the Diadem, but the Admiralty had not yet obtained a very distinct report from the captain of the Queen. They had, however, ordered an inquiry into the circumstances. The other collision had taken place between the Algiers and the Mersey. The only information which the Admiralty had received was contained in a letter from the Mersey, which had put into port for some slight repairs, but in this case also a minute investigation would be instituted. The right hon. baronet had expressed opinions with respect to the conduct of the Channel squadron, which, if they had not come from a person intimately acquainted with the navy, he should have regarded as undeserving of notice. Sir J. PAKINGTON:- I expressed no opinions, but merely asked for information. Lord C. PAGET appealed to the House whether the right hon. baronet had not talked of extreme mismanagement in the conduct of the fleet. (Hear, hear.) There could be no doubt that when two vessels came into collision a certain amount of blame attached to one party or the other,- generally, indeed, to both; but he could not at that moment state whether any, and, if any, what degree of censure had been incurred in the late collisions in the Channel. He could perfectly understand, considering the state of the weather when the squadron left Portland, that there should be a loss of spars, a pitching away of jib-booms, and various accidents of that nature; but the Admiralty had at present no reason to suppose that there had been any mismanagement whatever. Accidents might always be expected when a squadron, commanded by young inexperienced officers, and manned by raw crews, put to sea for the first time. But that only showed the importance of keeping our squadrons constantly at sea. (Hear, bear.) He believed the right hon. baronet would find that our Channel fleet, notwithstanding the recent collisions, was well commanded and officered, and that the accidents which had occurred at starting would be followed by complete success. (Hear, hear.) Sir C. NAPIER thought the only fault which had been committed was that of sending a young squadron to sea to meet the equinoctial gales. But he could not agree with the Secretary to the Admiralty that the collisions were caused by the weather. The ships were taken aback, and the signal was made to tack. Every sailor knew that there were stringent orders to the effect that the ship on the port tack should always give way to the ship on the starboard tack. Those orders had not been obeyed on the occasion of the recent collision, and he was afraid the officer commanding the ship on the port tack had incurred some blame in not giving way, as he ought to have done, to the ship on the starboard tack. Young officers, however, could not be expected to be familiar with all the rules and regulations connected with the conduct of a squadron at sea, and he supposed there was not an officer in the Channel squadron who had ever sailed in a fleet before. The Admiralty ought to have sent the squadron to sea in the month of June, July, August, or September, in which case it would have had ample time to put itself in order before the equinoctial gales came on. (Hear, hear.) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 5 March 1860 | The Hero, 91, screw, Captain George H. Seymour, C.B., which had sailed on Friday from Spithead to join the Channel Fleet, put back to that anchorage on Saturday morning, with the loss of her fore yard, which had been carried away in a heavy squall from the W.S.W. off St. Catharine's at 5 a.m. the same day. The broken yard was towed ashore by the Comet steamtug, and the irons, &c. landed at the dockyard at noon. By 3 p.m. the new yard had been fitted with the irons, leathered, and launched into the water off the King's Stairs, In readiness for towing off to the ship. The Hero again sailed from Spithead at 7 a.m. yesterday, but brought up in St. Helen's Roads, the weather looking wild and unsettled, with a strong breeze from the westward. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 7 March 1860 | The Mars, 80, screw, Capt. Strange, sailed from Spithead at daylight yesterday to join the Channel fleet. A number of her crew are reported absent. The Flying Fish screw despatch vessel, Commander Charles W. Hope, also sailed from Spithead yesterday for the same destination. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 12 March 1860 | It is expected that the screw steamship Trafalgar, 90, Capt. Edward G. Fanshawe, will leave Plymouth to-morrow {Tuesday), probably to join the Channel squadron at Lisbon. Her crew were paid wages under the supervision of Admiral Sir T.S. Pasley on Friday, and the starboard watch obtained leave until to-day (Monday). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 23 March 1860 | The screw steamship Conqueror, 101, Capt. J. Willcox, C.B., belonging to the Channel squadron, is expected at Plymouth to repair, she being leaky abaft, near the sternpost. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 2 April 1860 | The Channel fleet, under command of Admiral Fremantle, sailed from Lisbon at 10 30 a.m, on the 23d ult. After their departure two Dutch frigates were the only foreign vessels of war left in the port. The usual Portuguese squadron was lying in the Tagus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 4 April 1860 | A portion of the Channel Fleet, consisting of the screw steamships Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry J. Lacon, bearing the flag of Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead; the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Charles F. Schomberg; and the screw steam-frigate Melpomene, 51, Capt. Charles J.F. Ewart, hove in sight at Plymouth about 6 o'clock yesterday (Tuesday) morning, with the wind from the westward, a smart breeze. They came in from sea under their three topsails, and on reaching the west end of the breakwater took in all canvas, and proceeded under steam to the anchorage ground, the flagship taking her position well to the westward. At 8 o'clock the flag of Port Admiral Sir Barrington Reynolds, K.C.B., was honoured by a salute, which was acknowledged by the Impregnable, 104, Capt. Stewart, in Hamoaze. This portion of the Channel fleet left Lisbon on Friday, March the 23d, in company with the screw steamships Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Katon; Algiers, 91, Capt. George W.D. O'Callaghan; Queen, 86, Capt. Charles F. Hillyar; Mars, 80, Capt. James N. Strange; and the screw steam-frigate Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B. The Edgar carried away her main topsailyard on Sunday morning, when crossing the Bay of Biscay. The Edgar and Mersey have lost a man each overboard. On Monday night, off the Lizard, the Edgar, Algiers, Queen, Mars, and Mersey parted company, and proceeded up Channel for Portsmouth. Very fine weather was experienced at first, but within the last four days strong gales from west-north-west have prevailed, with extraordinary heavy seas. All the ships are reported leaky; the Royal Albert will require a thorough caulking. Two Dutch ships of war were in the Tagus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 5 April 1860 | The Second Division of the Channel fleet, comprising the Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. James E. Katon, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral of the Blue John E. Erskine; the Queen, 86, screw, Capt. C.F. Hillyar; the Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. G.W.D. O'Callaghan; the Mars, 80, screw, Capt. J.N. Strange; and the Mersey, 40, screw, Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B., steamed into Spithead from the Channel yesterday morning by the eastern entrance in the order named. The Edgar having anchored, each succeeding ship steamed to the westward of the flagship, and, rounding to, proceeded to their respective positions. The Queen took up the eastern berth of the line, a-head of the Edgar. To the westward of the Edgar the Algiers anchored, and the Mars took up the western berth. The four liners are thus moored in a line from south-east to north-west. The Mersey frigate brought up in deeper water on the outside of the line. Soon after the ships came in sight the customary salutes were exchanged between the Edgar, flagship of Rear-Admiral Erskine, and the Victory, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief, Vice-Admiral Bruce. The Sprightly and Pigmy steam tenders were despatched from the harbour to Spithead on the fleet's arrival. Sails were unbent on Tuesday on board that portion of the Channel squadron which arrived in Plymouth Sound the same day from Lisbon, and measures are in progress for their immediate refitment. Those ships previously in the Sound sent up topgallantmasts and yards, and loosed sails to dry. The Conqueror, 101, Capt. Sotheby, steamed into Hamoaze and brought up off Keyham; she was appointed to go into dock yesterday (Wednesday). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 6 April 1860 | The crews of that portion of the Channel Fleet anchored at Spithead had leave granted them ashore, in parts of watches, yesterday evening until 7 a.m. to-morrow. The whole of the vessels have suffered more or less, both in their hulls and machinery, from the effects of the late gales during their passage to and from Lisbon. Of the five ships at Spithead, the Edgar has proved the most efficient of the whole, as well as much the easiest craft in a seaway. Next to her ranks the Mersey, the Mars taking next place, with the Algiers and the Queen last. The two last-named vessels rolled very heavily; the Queen, indeed, to such an extent as to unship the shot from their racks on the main deck, and send them flying about, injuring 15 of her crew before they were stowed down in her after-hold. She has a heavy sick-list besides. Her funnel casing is torn, waste steam-pipe carried away, and her machinery requires a thorough overhaul - the effects of her rolling and working. She made a good deal of water, as may be supposed, during the worst part of the last gale. The Algiers also made water during the gale, and her stern is supposed to be defective. The Mersey's steam-pipe is defective, from its great length exposed to the working of the ship; but, most important of all, her condensers are cracked. They will all require considerable repairs before they can again proceed to sea. All the officers of the squadron agree in awarding the superiority on every point at sea - speed under canvass, and easy motion in heavy seas especially - to ships of the Edgar and Donegal class, over those of the Algiers and Queen's. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 9 April 1860 | REPAIRS IN THE NAVY.- It was stated by the Surveyor of the Navy, in a report of the committee appointed by the Treasury to inquire into the Navy Estimates, that at the end of 15 years, on an average, the hull of each ship in the navy requires a complete and extensive repair. And further, that the duration of a ship of war cannot be estimated at more than 30 years. The Surveyor took for his guidance the average of the 10 years from 1849 to 1859, when 35 ships of the line and 46 frigates were removed from the effective list of the navy. We much fear that none of our "converted" ships, nor indeed any of our finest specimens of naval architecture, will stand the wear and tear for the periods assigned to them by the Naval Surveyor; and it is supposed, when he made the above statements, he alluded to the duration of sailing ships only, for we have had a few warnings lately as to the future fate of our Victorias, Howes, Duncans, and Diadems, by the introduction of steam into ships of war. We have found that, instead of requiring a complete repair once in 15 years only, that as many months are sometimes sufficient to send a ship into dock. The rapid manner in which the navy has been reconstructed in some degree accounts for this premature decay, in consequence of the unseasoned timber which has been so extensively used, and which from the limited supply in hand could not well have been avoided; but, in addition to the use of indifferent materiel, we must reckon upon our steam ships of war becoming rotten sooner than our sailing ships did, in consequence of the heat produced by the volcanic fires we put into them. Shipwrights know to a plank where to "prick" for rotten wood in a steamship. With unerring precision they try her just in the "wake of the boilers," where the alternations of heat and cold are the greatest, and which are sufficient to destroy the best seasoned timber. It is in these places that steamships require repairs oftenest. There is, however, another destructive power that disables a steamship of war in a very marked manner, and that is the "shake of the screw." Long-continued screw propulsion at full speed soon tells a tale. We have had indications in the Princess Royal, 91, now under repair at Portsmouth, of the destructive effects of the vibratory motion of the screw. She has been almost rebuilt abaft, after having passed through one commission only. It is said, also, in conformation of this, that the whole of the Channel fleet is leaky, and that the Royal Albert, the flag ship, will require a thorough caulking. When we remember how recently this ship was built and commissioned these reports are by no means satisfactory. Judging, therefore from the experience to be derived from the few years the "screw" has been in the navy, we must expect to find defects, in the "deal-wood" of all our ships, which is subject to the cross-stain it receives in passing through a body of water in a state of perturbation. Of course other naval Powers will have the same destructive elements to contend with as ourselves. Indeed, we happen to know that the vibration in some French line-of-battle ships greatly exceeds that of our best ships. The Emperor, however, aims as speed; he knows its importance as well as we do. But to obtain this very desirable quality in screw ships of war, he must be prepared to do as we do, and that is to anticipate a very serious increase in his navy estimates under the head of "repairs" - Army and Navy Gazette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 11 April 1860 | The portion of the Channel fleet anchored at Spithead, under the command of Rear-Admiral John E. Erskine, and consisting of the Edgar, the Algiers, the Queen, the Mars, and the Mersey, has been inspected by the officials of the steam and shipwright departments, and their report of defects of the different ships, and the repairs recommended to be carried out, has been forwarded to the Admiralty. The whole of the five vessels, as we before stated, are in need of repairs to both hull and machinery. The Mersey's required repairs in the last-named department are likely to prove of a very extensive character, and necessarily involve a large outlay before she can be again pronounced fit for foreign service. The Queen's repairs have been taken in hand by the Steam Factory Department. The Algiers, it is expected, will proceed to Keyham, where she will be placed in dock to repair the defects in her stern, &c. It is rumoured that the Duke of Wellington, 131, screw, in the first-class steam reserve in Portsmouth harbour, will be commissioned to receive the flag of the Admiral commanding the Channel Fleet, the Royal Albert's defects requiring remedy. The Duke may be pronounced fit for 18 months, or, perhaps, two years' service, if worked carefully and no accident occurring; but at the end of that time she would require new boilers and very extensive repairs to both hull and engines. As she is not in a sufficiently healthy condition of hull, boilers, and engines, to be sent on a foreign station for a three years' cruise, it is very probable that the rumour concerning her may be verified, and that she may carry Admiral Fremantle's flag in the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 11 April 1860 | Last week five stout steamships of the Channel squadron anchored at Spithead on their return from Lisbon. They had encountered boisterous weather, no doubt, but we certainly were not prepared for the report that they had all suffered such damage as to require considerable repairs before they could again proceed to sea. From the description given of their condition it appears evident that they suffered not merely as ships, but as steamships. Had they been sailing vessels of the old character they might have been longer on the voyage and less efficient men-of-war, but they would probably not have received such injury as to send them into dock. NELSON used to talk triumphantly of the manner in which his ships could buffet the gales of the Mediterranean without carrying away a spar; but NELSON'S vessels had no steam-pipes to be carried away, no funnel-casings to be torn, and no condensers to be cracked. We suspect, too, that they would have rolled far less heavily and with slighter strain, while the current outlay upon each would have been much less considerable. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 12 April 1860 | The disturbance on board a line-of-battle ship at Spithead on Tuesday, and referred to in The Times of yesterday, occurred on board the Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. Katon, flagship of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine, second in command of the Channel Fleet. It is stated that the Marines first displayed signs of insubordination relative to leave on the Monday, which was renewed on Tuesday, on which day a portion of the ship's company joined them, when there ensued the usual routine practised of late on such disgraceful occasions. Five of the ringleaders, comprising two Marines, one Marine artilleryman, and two seamen, were sent on board the Victory, where it is supposed they will be tried for their mutinous conduct. Various rumours are in circulation as to the cause of the disturbance and its extent. The Sprightly steamer was ordered to bank her fires, and the Marines on board Her Majesty's ship Victory were to hold themselves in readiness during last night to proceed in her on board the Edgar, should their services be required. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 19 April 1860 | The court-martial for the trial of the mutineers of Her Majesty's ship Edgar is expected to assemble on board Her Majesty's ship Victory in Portsmouth harbour on Monday next. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 19 April 1860 | The screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry J. Lacon, was removed on Tuesday afternoon from Hamoaze into the lock at Keyham Steamyard, Plymouth. The wind was blowing very strongly from the eastward, and an ordinary observer might have doubted the prudence of making the attempt in such weather. Commander George Biddlecombe, additional assistant-master attendant, took charge afloat, and, having a paddlewheel steaming on either side, advanced cautiously against the wind towards Keyham shortly after 2 o'clock. On nearing, a powerful warp was, under the instructions of Commander James Brown, master attendant, connected with the ship and a capstan on the south side of the lock, and a smart gang of blue-jackets and marines, having fitted the capstan bars, soon got a strain on her. Other warps were attached from the port bow to capstans on the north side, and, guiding ropes being also fixed to both her quarters, she became, when the tugs cast off, completely under control ashore, and the huge mass, hand led almost like a toy, was without the slightest grating or collision quietly lodged in the lock, in charge of the assistant-master shipwright, Mr. Henry Peake, who, with his foreman, Mr. Rowe, was in attendance to receive her. After being relieved of some 300 tons of coal, she will be placed in dock for repair, and will be fitted with four new boilers. Nearly a month will elapse before she can leave the yard. The flag of Rear-Admiral of the Blue George Elliot, Capt. of the Channel fleet and second in command, continues flying at the mizen of the Royal Albert. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 23 April 1860 | A court-martial is expected to assemble on board Her Majesty's ship Victory, in Portsmouth harbour, this morning, for the trial of the men undermentioned (part of the crew of Her Majesty's ship Edgar, flagship of Rear-Admiral Erskine, second in command of the Channel fleet), on the charges annexed to their names:- William Mathews, Thomas Doidge, Alfred Gunstan, Alfred Fry, William Harvey, William Parker, Charles Lucas, James Trlckey, Daniel Mooney, and Charles Cannon, private marines; and Henry Dawson, gunner, Royal Marine Artillery; on a charge of disobeying orders to fall in at two different times when the watch was piped to do so. James Haining, gunner, Royal Marine Artillery, and John Menzies, private, Royal Marines, for preventing John Clarke from being put in irons, and rescuing him from the sergeant and corporal who had him in charge. George W. Smith, A.B., for inciting a seaman named Cook to disobey orders, and to make a disturbance and unship ladders, &c, John Clarke, private, Royal Marines, for having when the port watch was mustered, endeavoured to delay and discourage the service by falling in with that watch instead of the starboard, to which he belonged, and for misconduct in the boat when being conveyed to the Victory a prisoner. George Jarvis, ordinary seamen, for inciting Cook to disobedience of orders, and for wilfully disobeying orders by remaining below when his watch was piped to fall in. Rear-Admiral the Hon. Sir H. Keppell, K.C.B., it is believed, will be president of the Court. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 11 May 1860 | The Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. George D. O'Callaghan, will go out of Portsmouth Harbour to Spithead to-morrow morning, to rejoin the first division of the Channel fleet at Spithead, on the completion of her repairs and refit. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 14 May 1860 | The Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. G.D. O'Callaghan, steamed ont of Portsmouth harbour on Saturday, and anchored in her old position with the port division of the Channel fleet at Spithead. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 18 May 1860 | Admiral Sir C. Fremantle, K.C.B., in command of the Channel squadron, struck his flag on board the screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, at Plymouth, on Wednesday at sunset. It is reported that the gallant officer is gone to the Admiralty on special business. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 25 May 1860 | The Channel fleet, consisting of the Conqueror, 101; the Donegal, 101; the Algiers, 91, the Aboukir, 91; the Trafalgar, 91; the Centurion, 80; the Mars, 80; and the Diadem, 32, left Portland harbour on Wednesday afternoon for a cruise in the Channel. The Blenheim, 60, is the only ship of war now at Portland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 31 May 1860 | The screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, Capt. H. Lacon, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., got up steam on Tuesday in Plymouth Sound, and sailed for the Downs to take the lead of the Channel fleet, which, it is reported, will visit the coasts of Ireland and Scotland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 6 June 1860 | Her Majesty's ship Edgar, 81, Capt. Katon, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Ersklne, passed the Downs yesterday to join the Channel squadron at Leith. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 11 June 1860 | The Channel squadron, on its northern cruise, arrived at the mouth of the Firth of Forth on Thursday afternoon, and on Friday forenoon steamed up the Firth. It was fully expected that the fleet would anchor in Leith roads, opposite Edinburgh, and great disappointment was felt when the splendid vessels, the finest ever seen in these waters, proceeded 8 or 10 miles higher up to the better enclosed roadstead of St. Margaret's Hope. The upper part of the Firth chosen as the temporary anchorage of the fleet is about two miles in breadth, and enclosed by the cultivated and picturesque coasts of West Lothian and Fifeshire; and, the Channel being deep and broad, ample searoom is given for the evolution of the largest vessels, while the shelter is equal to that of any harbour in the kingdom. The unprecedented spectacle of a squadron of the Royal Navy in the Firth of Forth had been looked forward to with the deepest interest by the inhabitants of Edinburgh an d Leith, and immediately it was found that the fleet were to pass higher up the Firth steam tugs and little boats of all descriptions pursued them to their chosen anchorage. On Saturday also numerous steam-vessels and lesser craft sailed from Leith to Granton, carrying passengers round the fleet, and causing an unwonted stir in the quiet roadstead of St. Margaret's Hope. The squadron are 14 in number - namely, the Royal Albert, 121 guns, the flagship of Sir C.H. Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Donegal, 101; the Conqueror, 101; the Edgar, 91; the Aboukir, 90; the Algiers, 91; the Trafalgar, 90; the Mars, 80; the Centurion, 80; the Mersey, 40; the Diadem, 32; the Ariadne, 26; the Greyhound, 17; and the Flying Fish, 6. In St. Margaret's Hope there has also been for some time stationed the Edinburgh, 60 guns, as a training-ship. Several sick seamen were conveyed from on board the Royal Albert to Leith Hospital on Friday evening. The squadron is expected to remain about a week in the Firth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 19 June 1860 | A rumour was current in naval circles yesterday at Portsmouth that Sir Thomas Maitland, C.B., had been offered the command of the Channel fleet in lieu of the Pacific station, and that Sir Charles Fremantle was about to receive another command. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 21 June 1860 | The Locust, 3, paddle-wheel steamer, 150-horse power Lieut. and Commander J.B. Field, arrived yesterday at Sheerness from the Channel Islands, where she has for some time been employed in protecting the fisheries and In exercising the Pilots and Coast Volunteers. After coaling and taking in a stock of provisions she will proceed to Leith, to be placed under the orders of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle, C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 25 June 1860 | The Channel squadron, after an anchorage of 15 days in St. Margaret's Hope, Firth of Forth, left its moorings on Saturday afternoon, and under canvass, with auxiliary steam power, proceeded down the Firth and stood out to sea. The squadron, in passing the narrow straits at Queensferry, proceeded in single line, the leading ships being the Royal Albert, 121, flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir C. Fremantle, the Mersey, 40-gun frigate, the Edgar, 91, flagship of Rear-Admiral Erskine, and the Donegal, 101, followed by seven other ships of the line and the Diadem frigate. The Greyhound corvette, 17, accompanied the Royal Albert as a tender. On passing Inchkeith, and getting into the outer bay of the Firth, the fleet formed in two lines, and stood out south-west in the direction of St. Abb's Head; the Royal Albert, the Donegal, the Aboukir, the Conqueror, and the Centurion, with the Greyhound forming the south line, and the Edgar, the Trafalgar, the Algiers, the Mars, the Diadem, and the Mersey, the north line. A number of steamers convoyed the fleet down the Firth, The public enthusiasm excited by the visit o£ the Channel squadron in the Forth can scarcely fall to give a stimulus to the service in the south-east of Scotland, where for many years a fleet of war-ships had not been seen; and great disappointment is felt that the fleet has not been able to make the tour of the north of Scotland and Ireland, as was anticipated. It was expected that the squadron would reach Yarmouth-roads yesterday afternoon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 30 June 1860 | Rear-Admiral Stopford hag been appointed Captain of the Channel Fleet, vice Rear-Admiral Elliott, who has resigned. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 2 July 1860 | On Saturday the Channel fleet arrived In Yarmouth Roads. The squadron, which has been engaged in target practice in the North Sea during the past week, consists of the Royal Albert, 120; Conqueror, 101; Donegal, 101; Algiers, 91; Edgar, 91; Aboukir, 91; Trafalgar, 91; Centurion, 80; Mars, 80; Mersey, 40; Diadem, 32; Ariadne, 26; and Flying Fish, 6. The fleet is not expected to remain in Yarmouth Roads more than three or four days, as it is to take part in a naval review before the departure of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales for Canada. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 3 July 1860 | The Channel fleet anchored in the Downs yesterday evening, on its way from Yarmouth Roads to Spithead, to take part in the naval review which is to take place prior to the departure of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales for Canada. [In fact this review never took place] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 4 July 1860 | Rear-Admiral the Hon. Frederick Thomas Pelham, C.B., one of the Lords of the Admiralty, arrived at Devonport on Monday morning, and in the afternoon, accompanied by Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Pasley, Admiral-Superintendent of the Dockyard, went on board the screw steam-ship Hero, 91, Capt. Seymour, where a large party of ladies were assembled. Shortly after steam was got up, and the Hero left Hamoaze and proceeded into Plymouth Sound, where she will probably remain until his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales embarks. It is expected that the Channel fleet will wait outside the port and escort the Hero into the Atlantic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 9 July 1860 | The Channel fleet sailed from the Downs on Saturday, at noon, for Plymouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 10 July 1860 | HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES. PLYMOUTH, MONDAY AFTERNOON. Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle's Channel squadron, consisting of the flagship Royal Albert, 121, Captain Henry J. Lacon; the Donegal, 101, Captain Henry Broadhead; the Aboukir, 90, Captain Douglas Curry; the Greyhound, 17, Commander Francis W. Sullivan; the Conqueror, 101, Captain Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; the Trafalgar, 90, Captain Edward G. Fanshawe ; the Centurion, 8 0, Captain Henry G. Rogers, C.B.; the Edgar, 91, Captain James E. Katon; the Algiers, 91, Captain George W.D. O'Callaghan; the Mersey, 40, Captain Henry Caldwell, C.B.; and the Diadem, 32, Captain James H. Cockburn, under canvas only, with a smart breeze a little to the southward of east, hove in sight from Mount Wise at half-past 8 o'clock this morning in two lines. They then formed one line, and stood in for the port. At half-past 10 o'clock the ships wore in succession, and went away to the westward. Shortly after they came in sight more to the southward. Their funnels are up ready for use. The only ship likely to enter the Sound is the Diadem, which is said to be short of fu el. The Earl of Mount-Edgcumbe, in his steam yacht, near the Royal William Victualling-yard, is waiting the approach of the Prince of Wales. The Hero continues inside the Breakwater ready for sea, and arrangements are made for the expected departure of his Royal Highness to-morrow (Tuesday) morning. Her escort, the Ariadne, will probably take the Osborne in tow. The Flying Fish has gone on to Newfoundland. (BY ELECTRIC AND INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAPH.) PLYMOUTH, MONDAY EVENING. Sir Charles Fremantle's squadron, which arrived off the port this morning, formed two lines, ranging about north and south, in the afternoon to receive the Royal yacht, which hove in sight at 7 o'clock, and was saluted by the Impregnable and other ships in Hamoaze. On rounding the west-end of the Breakwater the yardarms of the Hero, St. George, Emerald, and Ariadne, in the Sound, were manned, and the three last-named and the Plymouth Citadel saluted. At half-past 8, when the Prince left the yacht to join the Hero, the Emerald and the Citadel repeated the compliment. The weather is extremely fine, and thousands of the inhabitants were assembled on the heights. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 11 July 1860 | DEPARTURE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. PLYMOUTH, JULY 10. The screw steamship Hero, 91, Captain George H. Seymour, C.B., with his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and the screw steam frigate Ariadne, 26, Captain Edward W. Vansittart, weighed anchor in the Sound at 7 o'clock this morning, and shortly after sailed for Quebec. On leaving the port the Prince was saluted by the screw steamship St. George, 91, Captain the Hon. F. Egerton; the screw steam frigate Emerald, 51, Captain Arthur Cuming; by the Artillery in Plymouth Citadel, and by the Cornish Royal Volunteers from a field battery near the ruins of Mount-Edgcumbe-park. About a league and a half south-east of the Edd ystone the Hero was joined by Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle's Channel squadron; wind, easterly; very light. It is understood that the squadron, after escorting the Prince part of the way across the Atlantic, will return to Bantry Bay, and, having already visited the capital of Scotland, there is some probability of their going afterwards to Dublin. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 13 July 1860 | Two of Sir Charles Fremantle'a squadron - viz., the screw steamship Donegal, 101, Capt. S. Broadhead, and the Aboukir, 90, Capt. D. Curry, dismasted two fishing smacks on Tuesday, when, they were escorting his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales down Channel. The screw steamsloop Greyhound, 17, Commander Francis W. Sullivan, which returned to Plymouth from the Channel squadron on Tuesday evening, has some defects to make good. She is ordered to prepare for foreign service - the Mediterranean, it is said. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 18 July 1860 | IRELAND. DUBLIN, TUESDAY Morning. THE CHANNEL FLEET- The arrival of the Channel Fleet, consisting of 11 sail-of-the-line, in Bantry Bay, on Saturday, has created a considerable stir in that locality, and a demand for fresh provisions has given a great impetus to the beef trade. One dealer slaughters daily 20 head of cattle for the supply of the fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 24 July 1860 | The sudden death of Mr. James Rusden, Master of the screw steam frigate Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B., has created a feeling of great regret among the officers and crews of the Channel Fleet, now in Bantry Bay. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 30 July 1860 | The screw steamship Orion, 91, Capt. T.B. Frere, has received a quantity of stores and provisions for the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 15 August 1860 | The paddlewheel steamsloop Geyser, 6, Commander George M. Jackson, was appointed to leave Plymouth Sound yesterday to join the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 20 August 1860 | It is reported at Plymouth that the stay of Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel fleet at Milford Haven will be about a fortnight. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 3 September 1860 | The paddle steam storeship Rhadamanthus, 4, F.N. Sturdee, master-commander, from Woolwich, with marine engine gear, &c., was hauled on Saturday into Keyham basin, Plymouth, where her cargo will be discharged with all speed, and she will then be placed alongside the Royal William Victualling-yard to load provisions for that part of the Channel Fleet which is at Milford. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 10 September 1860 | On Thursday afternoon the Lords of the Admiralty proceeded in Her Majesty's steamer Lightning and steamed round the whole of the Channel Fleet; all of which, together with the blockship Blenheim, 60, Capt. Tatham, manned yards in splendid style, presenting a spectacle seldom seen anywhere, much less in Milford Haven. Their Lordships then went on hoard the flagship Royal Albert, 121, and soon after left under a salute of 19 guns from the fleet. The result of the visit to the Admiral was soon apparent by the signal being made to "hoist in boats and prepare for sea." This, followed by an order for all the fleet to be "hove short" by 4 a.m. next morning made it generally known throughout the fleet that Friday was to be a day of exercise and evolutions before their Lordships, outside the haven. Accordingly, a little after 6 o'clock a.m., on Friday, the order was made to "weigh in succession" and "stand out to sea," which they did in the following order, viz.: - The Diadem, 32, Capt. James H. Cockburn; the Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B.; the Mars, 80, Capt. James N. Strange; the Algiers, 91, Capt. George W.D. O'Callaghan; the Trafalgar, 91, Capt. Edward S. Fanshawe; the Aboukir, 91, Capt. Douglas Curry; the Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Caton, flagship of Rear-Admiral Erskine; the Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers; the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead [should be Edward Sotheby]; the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. H.J. Lacon, flag-ship of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B.; and the Donegal, 101, Capt. Edward Sotheby, C.B. [should be Henry Broadhead]. In about one hour and a half the whole were under weigh, and steaming out to sea. Shortly after 7 o’clock a.m., the Osborne, with the Admiralty flag at the main, slipped her moorings and went down the haven, accompanied by the gunboat Violet and Her Majesty’s ship Lightning, with the Earl of Cawdor on board. The fleet were expected to return on Friday night, with the exception of some few that will remain at sea for a few days, in order to go through a series of practical experiments, both by day and night, with Mr. W.H. Ward's new system of ocean telegraphic signals![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 11 September 1860 | REVIEW OF THE CHANNEL FLEET. The fleet, having all got under way by about 8 a.m., stood out to sea from Milford Haven, and, having made an offing of about seven miles, the Osborne, which had previously joined, with the Lords of the Admiralty on board, made the signal for the fleet to form a double line. They accordingly broke into two divisions; the starboard one, consisting of the Royal Albert, 121; the Donegal, 101; the Conqueror, 101; the Mars, 80, and the Trafalgar, 91, was led by Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., in the Royal Albert. The port division, under Rear-Admiral Erskine, in the Edgar, 91, which was leading, comprised also the Algiers, 91; the Aboukir, 91; the Centurion, 80; the Mersey, 40; and the Diadem, 32. This manoeuvre having been executed with great precision, the Osborne signalled for the fleet to make sail under easy canvass, followed by an order from the Admiral to bank up the fires. Having stood on thus for some time, the two divisions tacked in succession to the starboard, after which the order was given to form a single line of battle. This was effected by the starboard division standing on its course, and the port one tacking until they came into line, when they followed in the wake of their predecessors, an interval of two cables' length separating each ship. The concluding and most exciting manoeuvre of the day was then made by the whole getting orders to make all sail that could be done with safety, and running before the wind. Studdingsail booms were then run out, and every inch of canvass both alow and aloft that would draw was set. The order was then given to make for the nearest port, on which the fleet bore up for Milford Haven. The Osborne then steamed up to the Admiral's ship, and Rear-Admiral Pelham, C.B., hailed Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., and expressed, on the part of his Grace the Duke of Somerset and the rest of the Lords, the extreme satisfaction they all felt, not only in the appearance of the fleet, but also in the admirable precision with which all the manoeuvres had that day been performed, and we believe Capt. Ramsay, C.B., the superintendent of Pembroke Dockyard, was commissioned to convey the above opinion in writing to the Admiral of the fleet. The Osborne then parted company, - the Royal Albert giving the Lords of the Admiralty a salute of 19 guns, which the Osborne acknowledged by dipping her ensign, after which she stood to the southward, it being their Lordships' intention to inspect some important works in progress at the Scilly Isles, and afterwards proceed to Devonport to inspect the dockyard at that place. Nothing could be more favourable than the weather; it was slightly hazy up to 8 o'clock a.m., when it cleared up, and a fine fresh breeze came from the north-east, which lasted up to 3 o'clock p.m., when it died away. The whole of the signalling was done by bunting, and not by Ward's new system, as was generally supposed that it would be, and the brilliant flags had a very pretty effect as rapidly repeated by every third ship. As the fleet entered the harbour the Admiral made the signal for all the ships to take up their old berths, and by 6 o'clock p.m., all were in their original positions. The Lords of the Admiralty previous to leaving Pembroke-dock granted the employés the usual half-holyday for Saturday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 13 September 1860 | Pursuant to orders received on Sunday last, the Channel fleet, consisting of the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. H.J. Lacon, flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., commanding the Fleet; the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead; the Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Katon, flagship of Rear-Admiral John E. Erskine; the Mars, 80, Capt. James F. Strange; the Trafalgar, 91, Capt. Edward G. Fanshawe; the Algiers, 91, Capt. George W.D, O'Callaghan; the Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B.; the Aboukir, 91, Capt. Douglas Curry; the Mersey, 40, Capt. Henry Caldwell, C.B.; and the Diadem, 32, Capt. James H. Cockburn, got steam up by daybreak on Tuesday last, and sailed from Milford Haven at about 10 o'clock a.m. They are bound for a cruise of three weeks or a month, and it is supposed will go round the Western Islands, after which they are to rendezvous at Torbay, previous to going into winter quarters. Mr Ward is on board the Admiral's ship with his new system of ocean telegraphs, which are to be thoroughly tried during the cruise. The fleet has been in Milford Haven for more than three weeks, and the conduct of the men has been most exemplary. The civil authorities have not had to interfere except in one or two exceptional cases of drunkenness, together with a few cases of the not very heinous crime of overstaying leave. Rumour has it that three or four vessels of the fleet are to winter at Milford. A more secure berth could not be found in any case. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 17 September 1860 | The screw steam line-of-battle-ship Mars, 80, Capt. J.L. Strange, from the Channel fleet, arrived in Plymouth Sound on Friday evening, and on Saturday morning saluted the flag of the Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Sir A. Fanshawe, K.C.B. which was acknowledged by the Impregnable. The defects of the Mars are to be made good, and she is to be provisioned and stored for foreign service in the Mediterranean. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 18 September 1860 | The screw steamship Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead, which arrived in Plymouth Sound on Saturday evening, as reported in The Times yesterday, was detached from the Channel squadron at daylight on Friday, in lat. 49 59 N., long. 7 45 W. From Tuesday morning, when the ships left Milford, to the time of detachment constant strong winds were experienced. On Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle signalled the ships to form line abreast and start afterwards in chase to windward. The Donegal shortly took the lead and at the end of the trial was some miles ahead of her competitors. The Edgar, 91, Capt. James E. Katon, was a good second; the Trafalgar, 90, Capt. Edward G. Fanshawe, third; and the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B., bad fourth; the rest were nowhere. At 5 p.m, the signal for trial was recalled and signal given to form order of sail in two columns. On Thursday the wind increased to a strong gale; the squadron was under closereefed topsails and storm sails. On Friday morning, at 1 o'clock, the principal steering rope of the Donegal broke, which induced the Admiral to order her to Plymouth to have it replaced, although the could have remained at sea if necessary. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 3 October 1860 | The Channel fleet passed up Channel outside Plymouth yesterday morning, at 7 o'clock, under canvas; only half topsails down. Wind light, from the westward. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 4 October 1860 | The second division of the Channel fleet, under the command of Rear-Admiral J.R. Erskine, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from the westward, under steam and fore and aft canvas. The ships comprise the Edgar, 91, screw (flag), Captain J.E. Katon; Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt E.G. Fanshawe; Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. George D. O'Callaghan; Mersey, 40, screw, Capt. H. Caldwell, C.B. and the Diadem, 32, screw, Capt J.H. Cockburn. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 5 October 1860 | It is expected that the screw steamship Aboukir, 90, Captain Douglas Curry, which arrived in Plymouth Sound on Wednesday with the Royal Albert, the Conqueror, and the Centurion, will have to go up Hamoaze to be repaired. During the recent cruise the fleet has been engaged in the usual routine of naval evolutions, and the discipline of the ships has been fully tested. Under canvas only the Edgar is said to be the best. The Conqueror has been repeatedly complimented by Admiral Freemantle for her smart appearance and efficiency. Complaint is made that the Commercial Code of signals which has been recently introduced, and is of great value, appears to receive no proper attention from the merchant vessels met by the ships of
the fleet. During the cruise Ward's night signals have been tested, and have proved very valuable. Admiral Bethune's signals were also tried; they are useful only at short distances. The officers of the Steam Reserve Department of Woolwich Dockyard yesterday went down to Greenhithe for the purpose of accompanying Her Majesty's screw steam gunvessel Landrail, 5, Commander Wilson [should probably be Martin], down the measured mile, on a trial of her new engines, supplied by Mr. Humphreys, of Deptford. The trial having been perfectly satisfactory, the Landrail proceeded on her way to Portsmouth to join the Channel Squadron, and will ultimately proceed to the West Indies. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 6 October 1860 | It is not expected that that portion of the Channel fleet at Plymouth will continue long in the Sound. The crews will most likely be paid down, and granted leave of absence; some have already obtained leave. All the ships are refitting. The Conqueror is completing with coal. The Centurion is receiving provisions, apparently for another cruise. On Tuesday night the watch on board the Conqueror observed flames in the midship part of the lower deck of the Centurion, which was lying near, and sent assistance immediately. By the time they arrived the fire had been discovered on board, the first to give the alarm being a seaman, who at the time was sleeping in his hammock. The flames were promptly subdued, but the firebell was kept ringing all night. The fire occurred close to the boilers, and one of the ship's beams is consi derably burnt. The cause is unknown, but it is supposed to have arisen from a naked candle having been placed in contact with some clothes hung to dry. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 8 October 1860 | The Landrail, 4, screw, Commander Martin, and the Spiteful, 6, paddle, Commander Wilson, both arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from Woolwich; the former reported to join the Channel squadron, and the latter for the coast of Africa. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 9 October 1860 | We understand that, owing to continued ill-health, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., will not rehoist his flag as Commander-in-chief of the Channel fleet. According to present arrangements the two divisions of the fleet will winter at Portsmouth and Devonport, remaining under the command of the Port Admirals at the respective ports. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 11 October 1860 | Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet, who left the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. H. Lacon, a few days since at Portland, to have an interview with the Lords of the Admiralty in London, rejoined his ship in Plymouth Sound on Tuesday. While on shore Sir Charles has been promoted from Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral, and his new flag, blue at the fore hoisted on Tuesday, was duly honoured by a salute of 15 guns, which was responded to by the flagship Impregnable, 104, Capt. the Hon. F. Kerr, in Hamoaze. It is understood at Plymouth, that Sir Charles will shortly strike his flag again. The Royal Albert is completing with fuel; her capstan has been sent to the Devonport Dockyard to be repaired. A portion of the Channel Fleet will, it is expected, be despatched to meet the Prince of Wales on his return from the United States. His Royal Highness will not, as first intended visit the Island of Bermuda, but will sail for England direct from New York. The 17th of November has been named as the day of departure. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 13 October 1860 | Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Fremantle, K.C.B., struck his flag on Wednesday at sunset on board the screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry Lacon, in Plymouth Sound, and resigned command of the Channel Fleet. On Thursday morning his successor, Rear-Admiral R.F. Stopford, late Captain of the Fleet, hoisted his flag with the customary salute, on board the Royal Albert, which was answered by the Impregnable, 104, Capt. Lord F. Kerr, in Hamoaze. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 16 October 1860 | At Spithead are the Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt. Fanshawe, refitting as a part of the Channel Fleet; the Tartar, 21, screw, Capt. Hayes; the Spiteful, 6, paddle, Commander Wilson; and the Landrail, 5, screw, Commander Martin. The Tartar will sail in two or three days for the Pacific. The Spiteful and the Landrail are completing repairs to sundry slight defects, and awaiting sailing orders, expected for the West Coast of Africa. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 20 October 1860 | The Immortalité, 51 screw, will be placed in the steam basin at Portsmouth to-day, to make more room in the harbour, in consequence of the presence of part of the Channel Fleet in the port. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 20 October 1860 | Vice-Admiral of the Blue Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., in command of the Channel squadron, is expected to return with the fleet to Portland to-morrow (Wednesday). The following is a list of the ships, guns, horse-power, and tons' burden, together with the names of the officers and number of men composing the fleet: - Vice-Admiral Sir C.H. Fremantle, K.C.B., Commander; Rear-Admiral J.B. Erskine, Second in Command; Rear-Admiral R.F. Stopford, Captain of the Fleet:-
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 2 November 1860 | It is reported at Plymouth that the port division of the Channel Squadron will winter there, that one ship will be always in the Sound, and be relieved every month, and that the others will be moored at Hamoaze. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 6 November 1860 | That portion of the Channel squadron stationed at Plymouth are reefing studding-sail gear, and making other preparations for proceeding to Lisbon. It is reported that the flagship Royal Albert may sail to-day. The Centurion, 80, Capt. H.D. Rogers, received her powder on Friday afternoon. On Monday morning the riggers of the Devonport dock-yard were admitted before the usual hour, for the purpose of unmooring the screw steamship Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry, which will then be taken from Hamoaze into the Sound; she received her powder when in the inner harbour. The despatch of these ships to the Tagus was unexpected at Plymouth. The Emerald, 51, screw, Capt. Arthur Cumming, sailed from Spithead early on Sunday morning for Plymouth Sound and Lisbon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 7 November 1860 | Rear-Admiral Robert F. Stopford's port division of the Channel squadron, in Plymouth Sound, received orders on Monday evening to prepare for sailing yesterday (Tuesday) morning for Lisbon; and the ships were supplied by Mr. W.F. Collier, the Portuguese Vice-Consul, with bills of health for that city,- a course not frequently observed. They consist of the flagship Royal Albert, 12l, Capt. Henry D. Lacon, Conqueror, 101, Capt. E.S. Sotheby, C.B.; Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead; Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry; Centurion, 80, Capt. H.D. Rogers, C.B.; and Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming. At an early hour yesterday (Tuesday) morning, they picked up their small bower anchors, and at 11 o'clock fires were lighted under the boilers of the Royal Albert and Aboukir. At 1 p.m. the ships were detained for despatches. At 2 the Conqueror, Centurion, and Donegal left the Sound under canvas, and the Royal Albert and Aboukir under steam. They would soon put out their fires, as the wind continues strong from the eastward. The Emerald hauled down her blue-peter at 11, and will not sail with the rest, but remain at Plymouth for the stragglers, of whom there are about 200 on shore without leave. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 9 November 1860 | Most of the stragglers from the port division of the Channel squadron have gone on board the screw steam-frigate Emerald, 51, screw, Capt. Arthur Cumming, in Plymouth Sound, preparing to follow Admiral Stopford to Lisbon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 12 November 1860 | The screw steam-frigate Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming, having embarked men left behind from the squadron, sailed from Plymouth Sound on Friday afternoon under canvas for the Tagus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 7 December 1860 | The Geyser, 6, paddle, Commander G.M. Jackson, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from Lisbon, with the remaining officers and crew of Her Majesty's screw troopship Perseverance, wrecked on the 24th of October last on a reef of rocks off the north-west end of Mayo, Cape Verde. The Geyser had an exceedingly rough passage out from the Channel to Lisbon, where she arrived on the 29th ult. Having received on board the officers and men of the Perseverance, she sailed again for England on the following day, the 30th ult. During the whole passage home she experienced a continued succession of very heavy gales from all points of the compass. She arrived in Plymouth Sound on Wednesday morning, and received orders to proceed on to Portsmouth. The Perseverance's officers and men wil l be transhipped to Her Majesty's ship Victory, on board which ship it is expected a Court-martial will be held for the trial of Commander Power and his officers for the loss of their ship. The division of the Channel fleet which had proceeded to Lisbon from England was lying in the Tagus at the time of the Geyser's sailing, but was to leave for Plymouth South on the 6th inst. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 19 December 1860 | Moorings, hulks, &c., are preparing at Plymouth for the reception of that portion of the Channel fleet which will winter there. Those ships the bottoms of which require cleaning or overhauling will be taken into Keyham steamyard. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 21 December 1860 | The flagship Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry Lacon; the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead; the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry; and the Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming, which left Lisbon on the 10th inst., entered Plymouth Sound yesterday. They were under canvas until Monday, when steam was got up, in order to arrive by the time appointed. Fine weather was experienced until Wednesday evening, when a heavy squall carried away the Emerald's mainyard close off in the slings. The Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry B. Rogers, C.B., will remain up the Tagus until the arrival from Gibraltar of the St. Jean d'Acre, 101, Capt. Thomas P. Thomson, which she will supply with provisions, and then join the Channel squadron at Plymouth. The crews are all healthy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 22 December 1860 | The mainmast of the flagship Royal Albert, 121, at Plymouth, is said to have sustained damage on the passage out to Lisbon, owing to the mainstay having given way. The ships in the Sound, belonging to the Channel squadron, discharged their powder yesterday morning. Admiral Stopford's ship, the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry J Lacon; the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B., and the Donegal, 101, Capt. Broadhead, went up Hamoaze; the Aboukir and the Emerald are likely to follow. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 24 December 1860 | The screw steamship Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry and the screw steam frigate Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur Cumming, went on Saturday afternoon from Plymouth Sound into Hamoaze. The mainmast of the screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, at Devonport, is decayed. Her sails were sent to the Devonport Dockyard on Saturday. The crew are paid down, and granted 21 days' absence on leave. It is probable the crews of the Centurion, Donegal, Aboukir, and the Emerald will also be paid down, and that they will be provided with passages to the home ports. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 31 December 1860 | THE POPULARITY OF THE NAVY.- A correspondent informs us that the eastern division of the Channel fleet shows the following list of desertions:- Trafalgar, 169; Edgar, 146; Algiers, 89; Diadem, 110;- a severe reckoning, which shows that there are causes for desertion more tempting than the inducements to remain, or that the deserters were irrational blackguards, who to their offence superadded ignorance of their own interests.- Army and Navy Gazette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 1 January 1861 | The port division of the Channel squadron will probably continue some time at Plymouth. The screw steamship Royal Albert, 121, 850-horse power, is in Hamoaze; Admiral Stopford and Capt. Lacon are both on leave, and so is a large portion of her crew, who were paid down on the 23d ult. Her mainmast, reported to be defective, is stripped, and ready for inspection this week. There is some gossip at Devonport about transferring her crew to the Howe, which carries the same number of guns, but has a superiority of 150 horses in her engines, which are of 1,000-horse power. The masts of the Howe are not yet on board. The crew of the screw steam-frigate Emerald, 51, Capt. Arthur B. Cumming, do not expect to leave Hamoaze before April. The Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry, has, it is said, been ashore, and will therefore most likely be docked in Keyham steam-yard. The Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, will be placed in dock on account of the defective condition of her valves. The Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead, is also in Hamoaze. When in the Tagus a valuable seaman lost his life. He was one of the ship's corporals, and had been absent on duty by night. When alongside he took two lanterns in each hand, stepped from the boat on to the stage or platform, walked overboard, and was unfortunately drowned. It appears that while the Donegal was at Lisbon her side ladder was drawn up by night. When this is done it is the duty of some one to fasten a rope across the opening left. On the night in question the rope was omitted to be fastened; hence the loss of the life of a valuable petty officer while attending to the service of his ship. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 9 January 1861 | The Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. James Katon, flagship of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine, left Portsmouth harbour yesterday morning, and took up a berth to the eastward of the ships at Spithead. The ships now anchored at Spithead, in addition to the Edgar, comprise the Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. G.D. O'Callaghan; the Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt. Fanshawe; the Immortalité, 51, screw, Capt. G. Hancock; the Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. G. Cockburn; the Cossack, 20, screw, Capt. R. Moorman; the Desperate, 7, screw, Commander Ross; and the Triton, 3, paddle, Lieut-Commander R. Burton; the whole representing a force of 477 guns, and 4,410-horse power, nominal. The screw steamship Centurion, 80, Capt. H.D. Rogers, C.B., which left Lisbon on the 30th of December, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday morning. She started from the Tagus under steam, with a southerly wind, which continued until the 4th inst., when she was taken aback with east and south-east winds. On Sunday it changed to southwest, and so continued until 8.30 a.m. on Monday, when baffling winds were experienced, and at 2 30 p.m. steam was got up and continued until she reached the Sound. The weather was moderate and fine all the passage home. The Centurion brings only 10 invalids, who were taken from Lisbon hospital, where they were left by the Channel Fleet; she was ordered to go up Hamoaze yesterday afternoon to make good defects; her crew will be paid down and granted leave of absence. The screw steamship St. Jean d'Acre, 101, Capt. the Hon. C. Elliott, which arrived December 29, was left in the Tagus. The Centurion spoke January 4, at 4 p.m. the ship Phoenix, homeward bound. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 14 January 1861 | Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, consisting of the Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. James Katon; Algiers, 91, screw, Capt. G.D. O'Callaghan; Trafalgar, 90, screw, Capt. E.G. Fanshawe; and the Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. E.G. Fanshawe [should be J.H. Cockburn], left Spithead at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, under steam, and, passing out by the Bembridge lightvessel, proceeded down Channel, their ultimate destination, being stated to be Lisbon. The Immortalité, 51, screw, Capt G. Hancock, and the Desperate, 7, screw, Commander Ross, remain at Spithead. The St. George, 90, screw, Capt. the Hon. F. Egerton, left Spithead at 10 a.m. yesterday for Plymouth, where his Royal Highness Prince Alfred will embark prior to the ship sailing for North, America and the West Indies. Prior to the ship leaving Spithead Col. the Hon. H. Byng embarked onboard, and proceeded round to Plymouth in her. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 18 January 1861 | The Princess Royal, 91, screw, in the first-class steam reserve at Portsmouth, will be commissioned at that port for the flag of Rear-Admiral of the White Robert Smart, K.H., as Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet. The date of Rear-Admiral Smart's seniority is the 9th of July, 1857. Rear-Admiral John E. Erskine, the second in command of the Channel fleet, dates on the 4th of November of the same year. The Immortalité 61, screw, Capt. G. Hancock, at Spithead, will proceed from Spithead to join the division of the Channel fleet at Lisbon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 23 January 1861 | The Princess Royal, 91, screw, was commissioned yesterday, at Portsmouth, by Capt. Charles Fellowes, as the flagship of Rear-Admiral Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet. Bills were posted in the usual manner about the town, inviting seamen, &c., to enter for her. The Admiralty have directed that she shall be supplied with three of Sir W. Armstrong's guns - one 100-pounder and two 40-pounders, as part of her armament. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 25 January 1861 | Rear-Admiral Robert F. Stopford, Captain of the Channel Fleet, was at Devonport yesterday, with the intention of relinquishing the command to-day. The crew of his flagship, the Royal Albert, 121, Capt. Henry J. Lacon, will be paid down to-day, when those who have not joined other ships will, it is said, be sent to the Princess Royal, 91, Capt. Charles Fellowes, just commissioned in Portsmouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 28 January 1861 | That portion of the Channel squadron stationed at Plymouth is still lying snug for the winter, with lower yards and topmasts struck. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 1 February 1861 | Rumours have been current for the past week that the Princess Royal, 91, screw, fitting out at Portsmouth as flagship of Rear-Admiral Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, was in so rotten a state that the Revenge, 91, screw steamer, at Devonport, was about to be substituted for her. This is contradicted by the authorities at Portsmouth, where, whatever may be the ship's condition, no steps hare been taken to examine into it since she received a new stern in No. 1 dock subsequently to her last commission. Rear-Admiral Smart hoisted his flag on board yesterday. Mr. John Davey, inspector of machinery afloat, has also joined the ship for service with the Channel Fleet. It is rumoured at Devonport that Capt. Henry Broadhead, now in command of the screw steamship Donegal, 101, 800-horse power, one of the Channel Squadron, is likely to be appointed to the screw steamship Warrior, 36, of 1,250-horse power, at Sheerness [this proved not to be the case]. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 27 February 1861 | The Princess Royal, 91, screw, Capt. Fellowes, fitting at Portsmouth for the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart, K.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet, has sent up topgallant yards, and is ready for bending sails. She is, however, not yet quite complete at the hands of the shipwright department. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 4 March 1861 | Southampton, Sunday, March 3 - The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Tagus, from Lisbon on the 27th, ult., has arrived here with the above mail. She brings 13 passengers, l,664 l. in specie, and a general cargo. On the 2d inst. the Tagus exchanged night signals with one of the company's steamers steering S.W. Her Majesty's ships Ariadne and Diadem left Lisbon on the 25th ult. for Gibraltar. The Channel fleet and the Portuguese squadron were lying in the Tagus. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 13 March 1861 | The Princess Royal, 91, screw, Capt. T. Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral R. Smart, K.H., Commander-in-chief of the Channel fleet, will, weather permitting, go out of Portsmouth harbour to-day to Spithead. She is ordered to proceed to sea as early as possible, calling in at Devonport on her way down Channel for the purpose of being docked. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 14 March 1861 | That portion of the Channel squadron at Plymouth which sent their guns ashore to be new vented, have received them again. The Armstrong guns have not yet been supplied. The lower yards and topmasts of these ships continue struck. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 16 March 1861 | Rear-Admiral of the White Robert Smart, K.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel Fleet, embarked yesterday on board his flagship, the Princess Royal, 91, screw, Capt. Charles Fellowes, lying at Spithead, the Pigmy steam tender conveying the Admiral from the dockyard to the ship's anchorage. At 6 12 p.m. the Princess Royal had got her anchor and was steaming out for the Nab, on her way to Plymouth Sound, where she will call for the purpose of being docked in Devonport or Keyham yards. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 20 March 1861 | The gunboats Heron and Dotterel were removed yesterday from No. 3 dock in Keyham steamyard, to give place to the screw steamship Princess Royal, 91, Capt, Charles Fellowes, flag of Admiral Robert Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet. The Princess Royal will, however, make a trial trip outside Plymouth breakwater, for the purpose of testing some portions of her machinery before entering the dock. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 30 March 1861 | The Lords of the Admiralty are making minute inquiries from the authorities at Devonport dockyard regarding the condition of the screw steamship Princess Royal, 91, Capt. Charles Fellowes. If her repairs be likely to occupy much time, no doubt some other ship will be appointed to bear the flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, Commander in-Chief of the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 10 April 1861 | When the gunboat Redwing, tender to the gunnery ship Cambridge, 42, Capt. Jerningham, went on Monday from Hamoaze into the Sound, Rear-Admiral of the White, Robert Smart, K.H., commanding the Western Division of the Channel fleet, with several of his officers and men, were in her to witness the shot practice. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 11 April 1861 | The screw steamship Centurion, 80. Capt. H.D. Rogers, C.B., the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Douglas Curry, and the Hero, 91, Capt. Alfred P. Ryder, were appointed to leave Hamoaze yesterday afternoon, and go into Plymouth Sound. The Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead, will probably follow to-day, and the Conqueror, 101. Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, to-morrow. The ships belonging to the Plymouth division of the Channel Fleet have sent up their lower yards and topmasts. Nearly all arrived at Plymouth on the 20th of December last. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 15 April 1861 | Rear-Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, comprising the Edgar, 91, screw (flagship), Capt. James Katon; Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt. E.G. Fanshawe; and Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. J.H. Cockburn, arrived at Spithead at 1 p.m. on Saturday, under canvass, 14 days from Lisbon. Their news has been anticipated by the arrival of the Tagus, Peninsular and Oriental Mail Company's steamer at Southampton. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 19 April 1861 | It appears that the Princess Royal, 91, grounded on the Winter Shoal in Plymouth Sound on Tuesday afternoon, not in endeavouring to go to the westward, but to the northward of that shoal. She should, therefore, have gone nearer to the Citadel before attempting to make for Hamoaze, or else her jib should not have been hoisted. A very few fathoms would have taken her clear of danger. Her rise on the rock was rather understated in The Times of yesterday; instead of one to four feet, it should have been three to five feet - competent authorities say five feet. The diver examined the bottom on Wednesday and brought up a piece of her fore foot, about two feet six inches long; he stated that there are several feet gone. The gunboat Weser having been removed, the Princess Royal is now in No. 3 dock at Keyham Steamyard. However much this accident is to be regretted, it has been the means of bringing under special observation the very efficient condition of that portion of the Channel fleet now at anchor in the Sound. It consists of five screw steamships - viz., the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadhead, inside the western portion of the breakwater; the Aboukir, 90, Capt. Charles F.A. Shadwell, inside the Camber; the Conqueror, 101, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, inside both; and the Hero, 91, Capt. Alfred P. Ryder, and the Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B., yet further in. The officers on duty on board all the ships were apparently watching the Princess Royal. Boats were manned simultaneously. Between the striking of the ship on the rock and the starting of a pinnace from the Donegal with a stream anchor and all appurtenances only four minutes and a half elapsed. Equal activity was manifested by Commander Brown, Master Attendant, and the executive of the Devonport Dockyard, in the despatch of steam tenders and launches. On Wednesday again a boat belonging to the Aboukir was upset in the Sound, but the crew were promptly rescued by assistance from the ships just enumerated. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 22 April 1861 | When the starboard division of the Channel fleet left Plymouth Sound on Friday afternoon the Hero, 91, took the lead under topsails, topgallant sails, and royals, with jib and flying jib. She was followed by the Centurion, 80, Aboukir, 90, and the Conqueror, 101, which had her studding sails on the port side. The senior ship, the Donegal, 101, Capt. Henry Broadband, was under all plain sail; wind, easterly. Port Admiral Sir Houston Stewart and party witnessed the departure of the ships from the steam tender Avon, in the Sound. They are gone to relieve the homeward bound, and are expected again at Plymouth in the course of a week or 16 days. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 23 April 1861 | The Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. James Katon, flagship of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine, second in command of the Channel fleet, took on board yesterday, at Spithead, her apportioned complement of Armstrong guns, consisting of one 100-pounder, and two 40-pounders. The Trafalgar, 91, screw, will receive two 40-pounders at Spithead to-day. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 24 April 1861 | The Wallace, steam tender, at Portsmouth, was yesterday employed in conveying provisions and stores to the ships composing Rear-Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, lying at Spithead. The ships also commenced filling up coal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 27 April 1861 | A report prevails at Plymouth that the Channel fleet will rendezvous at Portland on Tuesday next, the 30th inst. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 2 May 1861 | The western division of the Channel fleet, comprising the Donegal, 101, screw, Capt. H. Broadhead; the Hero, 91, screw, Capt. A.P. Ryder; the Conqueror, 101, screw, Capt, E.S. Sotheby, C.B.; the Centurion, 80, screw, Capt. H.D. Rogers, C.B.; and the Aboukir, 91, screw, Capt. F.A. Shadwell, C.B., arrived at Portland on Tuesday afternoon, working into the Roads under all plain sail, and took up their berths in good order and distance, making a running moor with open hawse to the W.N.W. A Prussian corvette arrived in the Roads the same morning. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 2 May 1861 | The screw steamship. Princess Royal, 91, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., in command of the Channel Squadron, was put out of commission at Devonport on Tuesday, the 30th ult., and on Wednesday the screw steamship Revenge, 91, was commissioned to take her place. The crew will be paid wages and granted leave of absence probably on Saturday. The Revenge was removed yesterday morning from No. 3 Dock in Keyham steamyard, and moored in the basin. The gunboats Trinculo and Gleaner were placed in the dock immediately afterwards. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 6 May 1861 | The following vessels were yesterday lying at Spithead:- Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. J. Katon, flagship of Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine, second in command of the Channel fleet; Trafalgar, 91, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson; Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. J.H. Cockburn; Icarus, 11, screw, Commander N. Salmon, V.C.; Flying Fish, 5, screw, Commander Charles W. Hope; Sealark and Rolla, training brigs, and the paddle steamer Cyclops, Commander Pullen. The Diadem was under orders to proceed into Portsmouth harbour this morning and embark a wing of the 55th Regiment, with which she sails for Jersey. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 17 May 1861 | The Western Division of the Channel fleet, which has been lately lying at Portland, hove in sight off the east end of the Isle of Wight at 3 30 p.m. yesterday. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 18 May 1861 | The division of the Channel fleet which anchored in St. Helen's Roads, from Portland, on Thursday evening, weighed anchor yesterday morning, the Donegal and Hero proceeding under canvas to Spithead, where they anchored, joining Rear-Admiral Erskine's division lying at that anchorage. The three remaining ships - the Conqueror, Aboukir, and Centurion, stood out to sea, also under canvas, bound for Plymouth Sound. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 20 May 1861 | Her Majesty's Ship Donegal. - Captain Sherard Osborn, R.N., C.B., has been appointed to the command of Her Majesty's ship Donegal, vice Captain Henry Broadhead, appointed to Steam Reserve at Portsmouth, vice Captain George T. Gordon, superseded on account of ill health. The Donegal forms part of the Channel squadron, and is now at anchor at Spithead. She mounts 90 guns, has a nominal steam power of 600 horses, and had a complement of 350 seamen and marines,- a fine appointment for a captain of so recent a standing as Sherard Osborn, but not a whit better that his merits entitle him to. - Army and Navy Gazette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 27 May 1861 | Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, now lying at Spithead, comprising the Edgar, 91, screw, Capt. G.P. Mends (flag); the Donegal, 101, screw, Capt. Sherard Osborn, C.B.; the Hero, 91, screw, Capt. A.P. Ryder; the Flying Fish, 6, screw, Commander W.H. Anderson; and the Diadem, 32, screw, Capt. J.H. Cockburn, have received their orders for sea, and are expected to sail from Spithead on the termination of the courts martial now being held on board Her Majesty's ship Victory at Portsmouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 29 May 1861 | The Diadem, 32, Capt. Cockburn, went out of Portsmouth Harbour yesterday, and joined Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine's division of the Channel fleet at Spithead. Rumour sends the Channel fleet to Gibraltar in readiness to act in concert with the Mediterranean fleet, under Admiral Martin's command, should events require their presence in the Mediterranean waters. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 30 May 1861 | The boats of the ships of Rear-Admiral J. Erskine's division of the Channel Fleet, lying at Spithead, mustered yesterday morning under the stern of the Edgar flagship, manned and armed, and afterwards went through a variety of manoeuvres under oars and canvass. The cadets of the Britannia training ship were also called away in their boats, and being formed into two divisions, pulled out of harbour effected a landing on the beach, storming the western curtain of Portsmouth lines. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 10 June 1861 | The starboard division of the Channel squadron is said to have gone north to Glasgow. Their ultimate head-quarters will be Belfast, the first place of rendezvous being the Downs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 22 June 1861 | The Plymouth division of the Channel fleet, under the command of Rear-Admiral Stuart [should be Smart], consisting of the Revenge (flagship), Aboukir, Conqueror, and Centurion, with the steam tender Porpoise, cast anchor in Leith Heads on Thursday morning shortly after midnight. The division had been nearly three days at the mouth of the Firth of Forth, off the Isle of May, cruising about in expectation of meeting the Spithead division (Admiral Erskine's), consisting of the Edgar (flag), Donegal, Trafalgar, and Hero. Up to Wednesday evening the latter division had not been seen, and Admiral Smart gave the signal to proceed up the Firth. While cruising of the Isle of May the ships' crews were busily exercised in artillery and rifle practice at targets moored for the purpose. All Thursday the Plymouth division lay off the Island Of Inchkeith in Leith Roads, and at noon the several ships fired a royal salute in honour of Her Majesty's accession. In the afternoon the ships were ordered to get up steam for the purpose, it was understood, of proceeding up the Firth to St. Margaret's Hope, where both divisions of the Fleet lay for about a fortnight last summer. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 27 June 1861 | Rear-Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel Fleet, consisting of the Edgar, the Hero, and the Trafalgar, joined Admiral Smart's division, composed of the Revenge, the Aboukir, the Conqueror, and the Centurion, in Leith Roads on Saturday evening. It was expected that they should leave that anchorage early on Wednesday morning to proceed northward by the Moray and Pentland Firths, and subsequentlv visit the north of Ireland, and also, it is said, the Clyde. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 6 July 1861 | THE CHANNEL FLEET AT KIRKWALL.- We are indebted for the following to the Orkney Herald:- "On Saturday morning intelligence reached this place that the seven vessels of the Channel fleet now cruising on the east coast had left Leith, and that their next port of destination, was Kirkwall. On Monday morning intelligence was received that the vessels were tacking about between Tankerness and the south end of the island of Shapinsha, and were moving down towards Kirkwall, the wind being westerly, nearly right ahead; but, as the tide was turning also against them, it was thought they would anchor in some of the bays outside till the evening. However, they kept moving on, led by the Revenge, Admiral Smart's flagship, and it was surprising even to those best acquainted with the rapid cross tides and difficult navigation of these narrow channels how the large war-ships were managed. They moved slowly on, sounding their way, and by half-past 12 the Admiral's ship anchored off Carness Point, in Kirkwall Roads. Half an hour afterwards she was followed by the Aboukir, which anchored to the right or north side of the Revenge. A strong adverse tide, running at the rate of 10 miles an hour, having now set in, the wind also being right against them, the other five vessels anchored in the Bay of Holland; and between 7 and 10 in the evening they all entered the Roads, and anchored to the north and west of the Revenge. The weather continues gusty, wind west, and frequent thick, drizzling showers, some of which came on in the forenoon just when the vessels were passing between Shapinsha and the mainland, and interfered both with the signalling and with the view of the magnificent vessels from the shore. A salute of 13 guns was fired from the fort when the Admiral's ship cast anchor, which was promptly answered by the Revenge. The fleet is expected to remain here till Saturday." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 26 July 1861 | The screw steamship Donegal, 99, Capt. Sherard Osborn, C.B., which left Gibraltar on the 12th, entered Plymouth Sound on the 23d current. She went out under steam, and returned home under steam and canvass. Fine weather prevailed until Monday last, when there sprang up a heavy gale from the south-west and north-west. During the storm, in lat. 48 30 north, long. 6 6 west, Thomas Woolf, able seaman, fell over, or was washed from the fore chains. The life-buoy was dropped instantly and a boat was promptly lowered and gallantly manned, under Lieut. Edward G. Maddock. After a prolonged absence, the sea running very high and tho weather hazy, a recall gun was fired, when Thomas Southworth, ordinary seaman, was unfortunately blown overboard. He drew out the tompion and returned unobserved to the muzzle of the gun, it is supposed for the purpose of taking out some rags. It was with some danger that those who wero unsuccessful in rescuing Woolf were got on board the ship. The Donegal brings 36 military invalids from the garrison, three naval invalids from the St. Jean d'Acre, 99, Capt. the Hon. T.B. Elliot, C.B., and six convicts from Gibraltar. She has also 42 guns of various sizes from the Acre, in exchange for others of modem construction which she conveyed to that ship. The Donegal left at Gibraltar the Acre, the steam gunboat Procris, Lieut, and Commander the Hon. John Carnegie, and the paddlewheel steam-tug Redpole, 1, tender to the Hibernia. Off Algesiras was the Spanish squadron, consisting of one line-of-battle ship, two frigates, and two gunboats. At 11 a.m. on Monday, in lat 47 40 N., long. 7 W., the Donegal spoke the screw steamship Marlborough, 131, Capt. W.H. Stewart, C.B., beating to the westward, all well; and in the afternoon, during the gale, she passed a line-of-batfle ship, name unknown. On entering the Channel the Donegal tried her rate of sailing with a clipper merchant ship, which she distanced completely in a few hours. The Donegal will probably go into Hamoaze to exchange the Acre's old guns, after which she will, it is said, join the Channel fleet, to which the belongs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 29 July 1861 | The Channel Fleet are now anchored in the waters of Loughswilly. On Wednesday they sailed majestically up the Lough on the tide in the form of a crescent. The Londonderry Sentinel gives a graphic description of the scene, which I abridge:- "No sight could be more beautiful. Crowds collected from many points to witness the magnificent spectacle. These seven wooden walls of old England now displayed their graceful lines, their beautiful symmetry, and gayest bunting to the admiration of hundreds, while the waters of the Lough, as if proud of their freight, reflected their spire-like masts, their thousand flags and streamers, and their stately outlines in the glassy waves beneath. Now the ships are off Dunree Fort, on which the red cross of England unfurls its folds to the wind. As each man-of-war passes a salute is fired, and in the intervals the martial strains of the well-trained bands on board each vessel are borne to the shore. The scene was of the most thrilling description, and its interest was not lessened by the fact that this exhibition of the 'pride, pomp, and circumstance' of the maritime greatness of our country was unattended by the more direful accompaniments of 'glorious war.' "At half-past 4 the fleet were off Buncrana, having arrived in the following order:- "The Revenge, 91 guns, 800-horse power, Captain Charles Fellows, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart, senior Admiral of the fleet. The Edgar, 91 guns, 600-horse power, Captain Mends, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Erskine (white), second in command. The Conqueror, 101 guns, 200-horse power, Captain Southby, C.B., and Aide-de-Camp to the Queen. The Aboukir, 91 guns, 403-horse power, Captain Shadwell, C.B. The Hero, 91 guns, 600-horse power, Captain Ryder. The Trafalgar, 90 guns, 500-horse power, Captain Dixon. The Centurion, 80 guns, 400-horse power, Captain Rogers, C.B. The Porpoise gunboat, commanded by Lieutenant-Commander John Brasier Creagh, Knight of the Legion of Honour. "As night set in the shores of lough Swilly were brilliantly lit up with bonfires. The glare brought out the ships into fine relief, affording a spectacle easy to be enjoyed, but difficult to describe. All the inhabitants of Buncrana likewise illuminated their dwellings, and on every side great enthusiasm was witnessed. It was most gratifying to see the cordial reception given by the people of Ennishowen to the fleet, and both officers and men feel much pleased and complimented at the reception they have met with. Perhaps in no other place since they have left Spithead have they received such a hearty welcome, and the short experience had of the members of the fleet gives reason to believe that it will be richly deserved. "Some idea may be formed of the might and majesty of England's navy, from the fact that these seven vessels carry 636 guns, with crews amounting in number to 6,250 men, being more than the entire population of Strabane The entire horse-power is nominally 4,200, but is equal to double these figures. Three vessels properly belonging to this portion of the fleet are absent on other service - namely, the Donegal, the Diadem, and the Emerald." This spectacle will produce a profound and lasting impression on the peasantry of Donegal, and the fame of it will spread throughout all the mountains and glens of the west. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 31 July 1861 | IRELAND. DUBLIN, TUESDAY. The sudden recall of the Channel fleet has surprised everybody, and been a sad disappointment to many. The Mayor of Derry had invited the officers to a public dinner in the Corporation-hall, and the people of Belfast were looking with eager expectation to the appearance of the fleet in their own Lough, when the last of the ships was observed to weigh anchor on Monday morning, and sail for Plymouth. So unexpected was this movement and so hasty that about 200 of the men were left behind, with a steam tender to pick them up and convey them to their departing ships. Conjecture is busy as to the cause. Was Government afraid that the crews would fraternize with the Tenant-right men of Donegal, or did they apprehend a French invasion of England? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 8 August 1861 | The screw steam-ships Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H.; Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; Aboukir, 86, Capt. Charles P. Shadwell; and Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B., of the Channel Squadron, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday afternoon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 10 August 1861 | The Duke of Somerset, Admiral Grey, Capt. Drummond, and Mr. Whitbread, Admiral Robinson, Col. Greene, and the other officials connected with the Board of Admiralty commenced the inspection of the Devonport dockyard on Thursday, accompanied by the Admiral-Superintendent, Sir Thomas Pasley. … From Keyham their Lordships, attended by Capt. Astley C. Key, C.B., went into Hamoaze, and inspected the screw steam frigate Orlando, 50, the gunboat Speedy, and other ships belonging to the Steam Reserve. In the evening the members of the Board patronized a ball in aid of the Female Orphan Asylum. Yesterday morning the steam tenders Avon and Redwing had steam up in readiness to convey the Lords of the Admiralty to the Channel Squadron in the Sound, and to the various ships in commission in Hamoaze. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 15 August 1861 | The screw steamships Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H.; Donegal, 99, Capt. Sherard Osborne, C.B.; Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; and Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B., were under orders to leave Plymouth Sound yesterday afternoon for Holyhead, where they will join the port division of the Channel Fleet. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 26 August 1861 | (From the Court Circular.) "VICEREGAL LODGE, Aug. 23. Her Majesty the Queen and the Prince Consort, accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Alice, Princess Helena, and Prince Alfred, landed yesterday morning, at 11 o'clock, at the new pier at Kingstown, and proceeded by train to Dublin. In attendance were Lady Churchill, the Hon. Victoria Stuart Wortley, Earl Granville, K.G., Viscount Sydney (Lord Chamberlain), Lieutenant-General the Hon. C. Grey, and Major Du Plat (Equerries in Waiting), Colonel the Hon. Sir C. Phipps, K.C.B., Major Cowell, and Dr. Jenner. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 29 August 1861 | It is rumoured in Plymouth that, having incurred some damage, the screw steamship Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry Rogers, C.B., one of the Channel Squadron, is ordered to that port for repair. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 7 September 1861 | The Mayor of Derry has been informed, on the part of the Admiralty, that "Should there be no other demand for the services of the Channel Squadron it is intended that it should visit Lough-Foyle." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 12 September 1861 | (From Our Own Correspondent.) DUBLIN, Wednesday, Sept. 11. The presence of the Channel fleet in Belfast Lough has excited a furore among the sight-seers of that place. The crowds which thronged the steamers that ran on Monday between the quays and the Royal Squadron exceeded in number, says the Whig, anything ever witnessed at this harbour:- At half-past 11 o'clock the Town Council, accompanied by the ladies of their respective families and some friends, went down in the Adela to visit Rear-Admiral Smart on board the Revenge, and were very courteously received. Mr. Mullen, senior alderman, in the absence of the Mayor, welcomed him in the name of the corporation, invited him and the officers of the fleet to lunch at Belfast, and offered to place a steamer at their disposal. One of the ladies, Miss M'Gee, was introduced to the Admiral, and presented him with a handsome bouquet. Another party invited the Admiral and the officers to a ball this evening. The invitations were all politely accepted, and the parties retired well pleased with their visit, having first steamed round the ships. The multitude continued to pour down from Belfast till a late hour. Some accidents occurred in the crowding. A lady from Bangor-castle fell from the bridge of one of the steamers upon the deck with great force. One of her legs was broken, and the other badly sprained. Dr. Corry attended to her promptly, and she is said to be progressing favourably. A young man fell overboard, but was picked up in time to save his life by a coloured seaman belonging to the Revenge, who leaped in and rescued him. The report says,- "From the way in which, the passengers push and pull one another in endeavouring to secure a seat on the steamers it is almost a miracle that more have not been precipitated into the water." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 19 September 1861 | The people of Londonderry have at length been gratified with a visit from the Channel fleet. The members of the Corporation, with their ladies and friends, paid a visit to the Admiral on Monday. An address was presented, and complimentary speeches were delivered on both sides. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 21 September 1861 | The Derry Standard says it is impossible to speak in terms of overstrained compliment of the courtesy, urbanity, and kindness of the Admirals and officers of the Channel fleet during their stay in Lough Foyle to the crowd of visitors of all ranks who during four or five days thronged the ships incessantly from early morning till a late hour at night. It sees much utility in periodical visits of the fleet to the Irish ports, as such a gigantic exhibition of British power would awe the disaffected, stimulate the courage of the loyal, and make the tax-paying public feel that they get substantial value for their money. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 27 September 1861 | The Channel fleet arrived at Berehaven at 6 o'clock on Monday evening. The harbour is said to be capable of containing with safety all the ships in the British navy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 1 October 1861 | A portion of the Channel fleet is expected shortly at Plymouth to make good defects. The screw steamship Hero, 89, Capt Alfred P. Ryder, has lost canvas, and some of the others are deficient of spars. There is a dock vacant at Keyham Steamyard should any of the ships require docking. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 2 October 1861 | Dublin, Monday Six ships of the Channel Fleet are at Berehaven. The others, namely, the Hero and the Trafalgar, are expected immediately. They experienced very heavy weather at sea during the week, having sustained some damage and lost several of their boats. A correspondent of the Cork Constitution says:-"I most sincerely hope that a rumour circulated concerning the Hero and the Conqueror is not correct, or that it may prove, at most, an exaggeration of the facts - that when reefing sails 50 of the former and 10 of the latter ship's crew were swept off the yards and found a watery grave. Already the harbour for miles around teems with life, for, independent of the ships' boats gliding along from one to another vessel, or towards the shore with despatches, boats from the town and coast, plied with might and main, swarm around the leviathans, either delivering supplies or soliciting orders. Business is astir, - bakers, grocers, butchers, cabmen, ponies, bumboats, &c., are in requisition. In anticipation of this state of things commercial travellers from Cork and elsewhere have been receiving orders freely for some days past. Our post-office disgorged about 7,000 letters and papers this evening, and received from on board a return supply for circulation through the length and breadth of the land. On former occasions the men of the fleet remitted by post-office orders, to their friends and families, some tens of thousands of pounds. It is expected that business will be done to an equal extent in this way now." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 3 October 1861 | Mr. W.H. Ward, the inventor and patentee of the system of Ocean Marine Telegraph, now in use on board the ships of the Channel Fleet, exhibited with the authority of the Admiralty, at Portsmouth on Wednesday evening the mode of working the night signals portion of his system. The four lanterns, or rather signal lamps, which are used for the purpose were hung from the crossjackyard of the Shannon frigate, lying off the dockyard at her harbour moorings, and were read and answered from the platform of the King's Stairs, where Rear-Admiral the Hon. George Grey, superintendent of the dockyard, and other officers were assembled. Mr. Ward, having seen his lamps fixed in a perpendicular position on board the Shannon, explained the manner of their working to some seamen signalmen that had been sent on board for the purpose from Her Majesty's ships Warrior and Asia, So simple is the working of the signals that, on Mr. Ward being sent for onshore to explain his method to Rear-Admiral Grey, the men on board the Shannon, who had never before seen the lamps or their mode of working, signalled with them "Reef topsails," spelling each word through from the alphabetical code, as thus - showing one red and three white lights for "R," the change in the disposition of the lights each time representing a letter. The operator stands with four small lines in each hand, by pulling which he exhibits "White," "Red," or "Black," as required to give the letter. Numerals are given with three lamps. The whole of the lamps "flashed" by raising or lowering the screens quickly three times denote the end of a number, word, or sentence. This is simply according to the inventor's code, which simply spells each sentence transmitted, but the same alphabetical letters and numerals applied to the present Admiralty vocabulary would not, perhaps, have a greater range, for that would be impossible, but it would convey professional sentences in an incredibly short time. Yesterday Mr. Ward submitted to Admiral Grey and Capt. Cochrane one of his portable signal steering lamps, which, by exhibiting a red, green, or white light, conveys from forward to the quartermaster at the helm the order to "steady", "port," or "starboard," as may be required, and which he acknowledges receiving by repeating the signal from a similar lamp in his possession at the wheel. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 5 October 1861 | The screw steamship Donegal, 99, Capt. Sherard Osborn, one of the Channel fleet, arrived in Plymouth Sound on Friday afternoon. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 9 October 1861 | Rear Admiral Erskine's division of the Channel fleet, consisting of the Edgar, 89 screw (flagship), Capt. George P. Mends; the Hero, 89, screw, Capt. A.P. Ryder; and the Trafalgar, 86, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning under steam, and brought up in line on reaching the anchorage. The Edgar discharged her powder and shell yesterday at Spithead, preparatory to going into harbour. The starboard division of the Channel fleet, under Admiral Smart, which left Ireland eight days previously, and arrived at Plymouth yesterday morning (as reported in our second edition), parted company on Saturday evening with the port division, consisting of the Hero, the Edgar, and the Trafalgar, which are bound for Spithead. They entered the Sound in the following order:- The screw steamship Revenge, 89, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flag of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., white at the mizen; the Centurion, 80, Capt. Henry D. Rogers, C.B.; the Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B.; and the Aboukir, 86, Capt. Charles F.A. Shadwell, C.B. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 10 October 1861 | The damage sustained by the Channel Fleet during the late severe storm is estimated at 10,000 l. The Conqueror, Centurion, and Aboukir lost all their quarter boats. The Aboukir rolled excessively. The Hero lost her mainyard. The Trafalgar suffered severely. The Conqueror also lost her three topsails; indeed, so much canvas was blown away that when Admiral Stuart [should be Smart] signalled some of the ships to hoist certain sails, the reply given was "that they had none." It is reported at Plymouth that the Centurion and Aboukir are to be sent to the West Indies. The Revenge was removed yesterday from Plymouth Sound into Hamoaze to be repaired. The Conqueror, Centurion, and Aboukir will follow. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 18 October 1861 | The screw steamship Conqueror, 99, Capt. Edward S. Sotheby, C.B., one of the Channel Fleet, was placed yesterday afternoon in the Queen's dock at Keyham steam yard for the purpose of overhauling her valves and aperture to discover the cause of the leakage aft. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 25 October 1861 | That portion of the Channel Squadron which is at Plymouth is nearly ready for sea. The Revenge is lying inside the Breakwater, and may proceed to day to join the Warrior at Portland. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 4 November 1861 | Rear-Admiral J.E. Erskine will this day haul down his flag from the mizen of the Edgar, 89, screw, at Portsmouth, as second in command of the Channel fleet, now that its summer cruising is over. The ships belonging to the Channel fleet at Portsmouth will, for a certain period, be placed under the command of the Admiral commanding at the port, Vice-Admiral Sir H.W. Bruce, in this following the course adopted in a preceding year. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 22 January 1862 | Her Majesty's screw corvette Racoon, 22, 1,467 tons, 400-horse power, Capt. W.C. Chamberlain, hauled down her pennant and was put out of commission at Chatham yesterday, when the crew were paid off. The Racoon was commissioned at Chatham in November, 1857, by Capt. J.A. Paynter, now of the Exmouth, 86, screw steamer, and for 18 months was attached to the Channel squadron, under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle, K.C.B. In 1859 she was despatched to the Mediterranean, and has since served with the squadron of Vice-Admiral Sir W.F. Martin, K.C.B., cruising from Syria to Gibraltar, until ordered home at the close of last year. During the time she was in commission there were comparatively few cases of sickness on board, the crew being generally healthy. Only about three of the officers who first joined the ship on being commissioned remained until she was paid off. Prior to the steamer being put out of commission yesterday Capt. Chamberlain assembled the crew on the quarter-deck, and expressed the regret he felt that they were all about to part, especially as they had been such a generally well-behaved ship's company since he had held the command. Should he be appointed to any other vessel he should be happy to see as many of his old crew as possible with him. On the recommendation of Capt. Chamberlain medals, together with the usual gratuities, were awarded by the Admiralty, for long service and good conduct, to Robert Whitbred, captain's coxswain, Charles Powers, gunner's mate, and John Childs and John Chapman, boatswain's mates. The Racoon is to be placed in the third division of the steam reserve at Chatham. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Th 29 May 1862 | PRINCE ALFRED AND THE CHANNEL FLEET.- A division of the Channel fleet, comprising the Revenge, 90, Captain Fellowes, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart; the Trafalgar, 90, Captain Dickson; the Emerald, 51, Captain Cumming; the Chanticleer, 17, Captain Stirling; and the Porpoise, gunboat, arrived off Great Yarmouth on Tuesday, and were still lying yesterday in the roadstead, where they are awaiting the arrival of the St. George, 90, Captain Egerton, having his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, with Major Cowell, &c., on board. The St. George was to sail from Burntisland, near Leith, on Tuesday, and was expected to reach Yarmouth last evening or this (Thursday) morning. Up to yesterday afternoon, however, she had failed to make her appearance. The five vessels now in the roads came to Yarmouth through the Downs. It is quite uncertain how long they will remain in their present anchorage after being joined by the St. George, the officers of the squadron being themselves in ignorance as to their future movements. The ships are at anchor within about a mile and a quarter of the shore, and are objects of much interest to the townspeople and numerous visitors now at Yarmouth, who have put off in steamers and beach gigs, although the occasional wetness of the weather has somewhat damped the ardour of excursionists. The arrival of some ships of war at a place like Yarmouth is, of course quite a godsend to strangers having much time upon their hands, and if the squadron remains some days in the roadstead it will doubtless be visited by large numbers of persons from the surrounding country. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 3 June 1862 | PRINCE ALFRED AND THE CHANNEL FLEET.- The division of the Channel Fleet which passed last week in Great Yarmouth Roads consisted of the Revenge, 90, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart; the Trafalgar, 90, the Emerald, 51; the Chanticleer, 17; and the Porpoise gunboat. It was joined on Sunday by the St. George, 90, with Prince Alfred on board. The St. George took up a position in a line with the Revenge, the Trafalgar and the Emerald; the Chanticleer (corvette) lies rather further out to sea. The ships yesterday morning presented a very beautiful appearance, their sails hanging lightly in the brails to be dried. The weather was delightful, and the sea was calm and unruffled. Large numbers of visitors put off from the shore for the purpose of going on board the squadron. The Prince is not much seen, and it is understood that he will remain in retirement during his stay in the Roads, which is expected to extend until to-morrow, at least. On Saturday evening the Mayor and several of the leading inhabitants were entertained at dinner by Rear-Admiral Smart on board the St. George; and last evening the gallant Admiral, and the Captains and officers of the various ships composing the squadron, were to attend a ball at the Town-hall. It is uncertain whether Prince Alfred will be present. The shipping in the harbour and the principal establishments in the town made a gay display of flags yesterday in honour of his Royal Highness, and the Yarmouth Battery of Artillery Volunteers fired early in the morning a Royal salute of 21 guns. A cricket match was played yesterday between the officers of the squadron and the Great Yarmouth Club The Fleet "eleven" was made up as follows:- Lieutenant Vidal, St. George; Mr. E.M. Watson, midshipman, St. George; Mr. Milman, midshipman, Emerald; Lieutenant Lord J. Scott, Emerald; Lieutenant Molyneux, Emerald; Lieutenant Key, Revenge; Mr. G.H. Lawson, midshipman, Revenge; Mr. E.W. Goldson, assistant-paymaster, St. George; Sub-lieutenant Stewart, Revenge; Mr. Isaacson, R.M., Revenge; and Lieutenant Gordon, Revenge. The Fleet eleven went in first, and had scored 32 with the loss of two wickets when our report was despatched. The match was played on the South Denes, near the monument to Lord Nelson. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 4 June 1862 | PRINCE ALFRED AND THE CHANNEL FLEET.- The Revenge, 90, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Smart; the Trafalgar, 90; the St. George, 90; the Emerald, 51; the Chanticleer, 17; and the Porpoise gunboat still remained yesterday in Great Yarmouth Roads, although the squadron is expected to quit the roadstead some time to-day. Prince Alfred has remained as retired as possible, although the townspeople have evinced every desire to make a lion of him. On Monday it transpired that two officers and a youth had left by train for Norwich, and, although they travelled with second-class tickets, it was supposed that this was done with a view to maintain a strict incognito. A rumour, founded on these facts, that Prince Alfred intended to visit old Norwich, reached that city long before the train conveying the supposed distinguished passenger, and the municipal authorities straightway bestirred themselves to make some suitable demonstration in his honour. A hospitable canon of the Cathedral, presuming that the Prince would visit that venerable edifice, went to the length, of preparing a recherché lunch, but the Mayor, more cautions, telegraphed to Yarmouth to ascertain the truth of the reported visit. The reply was that the Royal stranger was still in Yarmouth, and, of course, the Mayor profited by his prudent inquiries. It had come, however, to be generally bruited about in Norwich that the Prince had actually visited the city, and hundreds went down to the Cathedral in the delusive hope of finding him there. All the while the object of this eager watchfulness was at Yarmouth, where he lunched with Mr. Manners Sutton at 3, Kimberley-terrace, afterwards visiting, at Trafalgar-house, Mrs. De Carle, a relative of his tutor, Mr. Onslow. Whenever his Royal Highness appeared in the streets he was followed by an attendant crowd, and on more than one occasion the enthusiasm found vent in irrepressible cheering. Even up to half-past 8 in the evening, when he embarked from the Britannia-pier for the St. George, his Royal Highness had to endure these well-meant attentions. Yesterday morning he remained perfectly retired. The Admiral of the squadron and a numerous party of officers were present at a call at the Town-hall on Monday evening; but the Prince, in consideration of his recent painful bereavement, abstained from joining in the festivities, which were prolonged to about 3 o'clock yesterday morning. About 160 ladies and gentlemen attended the ball, which passed off very agreeably. The cricket match played on the Denes on Monday between 11 officers from the fleet and an eleven from the Yarmouth Club terminated, as indeed it was expected it would, in favour of the visitors, who made 50 runs in their first innings and 86 in their second, while the Yarmouth side scored 56 and 30 respectively. The ships, which have taken in large quantities of fresh provisions, vegetables, and water, were visited yesterday by considerable numbers, but the attendance of strangers would probably have been much larger if cheaper transport facilities had been afforded by the Eastern Counties Railway Company. It may be added with regard to the armament of the ships composing the squadron that it does not correspond with the nominal numerical equipment. Thus the St. George, although, pierced for 90 guns, has only 86 on board; the Revenge, although pierced for 90, only 70; the Trafalgar, although pierced for 90, only 73; and the Emerald, although pierced for 51, only 35. These discrepancies are occasioned by the substitution of Armstrongs for ordinary guns. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 2 July 1862 | THE VICEROY OF EGYPT.- His Highness the Viceroy of Egypt, after trying the engines and the trim of his vessel on Monday proceeded in his yacht to Portsmouth. His Highness is expected to arrive in town this day (Wednesday). THE VICEROY OF EGYPT.- The Egyptian paddle yacht Faad Gahaad, Admiral Haffouz Pasha, with his Highness the Viceroy of Egypt on board, accompanied by Captain the Hon. James R. Drummond, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, the Hon. H. Murray, Admiral Austin, &c., arrived at Spithead at an early hour yesterday morning from the Thames, in charge of Mr. Petley, Master Commander of the Admiralty paddle yacht Black Eagle. His Highness during the forenoon paid visits on board the Revenge, screw line-of-battle ship, flagship of Rear-Admiral R. Smart, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, and the iron screw frigate Warrior, Captain the Hon A.A. Cochrane, lying with the remainder of the Channel fleet at Spithead. He received salutes from the guns of the Revenge on going on board and on leaving the ships. At 2 p.m., at the turn of tide after high water, the Faad Gahaad steamed into Portsmouth harbour. She proceeded alongside the south jetty of the dockyard, where a guard of honour from the 55th Regiment, with band and colours, was drawn up in honour of the Viceroy's arrival. The military and naval authorities, comprising Major-General Lord W. Paulet, C.B., commanding the garrison and district; Vice-Admiral Sir H.W. Bruce, Naval Commander-in-Chief; Rear-Admiral the Hon. George Grey; Colonel Somerset, Deputy-Quartermaster-general; Major J. Breton, Captains Coote, Wainwright, Powell, C.B. &c., R.N. were also in attendance. On the yacht making fast alongside the yard, Lord W. Paulet and Admirals Bruce and Grey, accompanied by the Chevalier Vandenberg (Turkish Vice-Consul at the port) and their respective staffs, proceeded on board. His Highness will not land from the yacht until to-day, when it is expected that he will visit the several objects of interest in the port and garrison. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 8 July 1862 | The French Imperial steam yacht, Prince Jerome, with Prince Napoleon on board, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from the Thames, and after steaming through the Channel Fleet anchored at the eastern part of the anchorage, The Prince declined to land, and the yacht, after a stay of two hours, weighed her anchor, and, after again steaming round the Channel Fleet, left for Cherbourg. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 9 July 1862 | PORTSMOUTH, Tuesday.- Her Majesty's yacht Victoria and Albert, Captain G.H. Seymour, passed through Spithead at 5 30 p.m. from Osborne, for Antwerp, with their Royal Highnesses the Prince Louis and Princess Alice of Hesse, and suite, on board. The Fairy, screw yacht, Master Commander Welch, with, it is presumed, Her Majesty on board, accompanied the Victoria and Albert out as far as the Noman Shoal, to the eastward of the Spithead anchorage, the Channel fleet lying at Spithead firing a Royal salute on the yachts passing by. Off the Noman the Fairy hove to and exchanged a parting signal with the Victoria and Albert, the Royal yachts then separating in their course, the Victoria and Albert proceeding on her voyage to Antwerp, and the Fairy returning to Osborne. The day has been beautifully fine, with a nice breeze from W.S.W., sufficient to fill the Victoria and Albert's sails and steady her motion on her voyage. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 11 July 1862 | We understand that His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is about to proceed to Russia in the paddle yacht Osborne, Master-Commander G.H.K. Bower. It is probable that he will be accompanied to the Baltic by the Channel squadron, under the command of Rear-Admiral Smart. The yacht is ordered to be in readiness by the 20th inst.- Express. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 15 July 1862 | The Channel Fleet have received orders for sea, and, according to arrangements existing yesterday, will sail from Spithead to-day for the Baltic, calling in at the Downs for pilots. The present intentions are for the fleet to proceed in the first instance to Stockholm, and afterwards to Riga, calling at Copenhagen on their return from the Baltic, sometime in the beginning of September. The Channel Fleet now anchored at Spithead comprises the Revenge, 89, screw, Capt, Charles Fellowes, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral of the Red, Robert Smart, K.H.; St. George, 86, screw, Capt. Hon. Francis Egerton; Trafalgar, 86, screw, Capt. J.B. Dickson; Defence, 18, screw, iron frigate, Capt. R. Ashmore Powell, C.B.; Emerald, 40, screw, Capt. A. Cumming; Galatea, 28, screw, Capt. Rochfort Maguire; Chanticleer, 17, screw, Commander Charles Stirling; and Trinculo, 2, screw gunboat, of 60-horse power, tender to the Revenge, flagship. The Warrior, 40, screw iron frigate, Capt. Hon. A.A. Cochrane, in dock at Portsmouth, is detached from the Channel fleet, and consequently will not accompany the ships on their Baltic cruise. The Warrior will be undocked at Portsmouth to-day, and is expected to proceed round to the Mersey, beyond which she has no orders to extend her cruising at present. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 16 July 1862 | The Channel Fleet sailed from Spithead yesterday for the Baltic. At 4 p.m. all the ships, with the exception of the Chanticleer, had weighed and stowed their anchors. The Emerald frigate led the way out of the anchorage under her three topsails, jib, spanker, and foretopmast staysail, before a strong westerly breeze, followed by the Revenge, carrying Rear-Admiral Smart's flag, under her three topsails, jib, and foresail. The St. George came next, under three topsails, jib, and foretopmast-staysail, succeeded by the Trafalgar, under the same sail, with the addition of her fore and main courses; the Galatea, with three topsails, jib, and staysail followed, and the Defence, under her double topsails, jib, and staysail, slowly moved up astern. South of the Warner light vessel the Emerald hove to, and the Admiral's ship passing took the lead of the line. The Trafalgar at the same time passed the St. George and took second place, with the St. George third. As soon as the line-of-battle ships had assumed their proper positions, the Emerald's sails were filled and she fell into her place astern of the St. George. The Galatea came next, followed by the Defence, which now let fall her fore and main courses to enable her to keep in her assigned position. As the Admiral's ship reared the Nab light vessel the Chanticleer had got her anchor at Spithead, and making sail brought up the rear of the line, about six miles astern of the leading ship. From the Nab light vessel a course was shaped to clear the Owers light ship, en route for the Downs, and soon after 5 p.m. the whole of the ships were out of sight from Portsmouth. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 18 July 1862 | The Trinculo, 2, screw gunboat, tender to the Revenge (flagship of the Channel fleet), was swung yesterday in Portsmouth harbour, under the superintendence of Mr. Craigie, master of the Victory, to ascertain the deviation of her compass prior to her sailing for the Baltic. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 8 August 1862 | It has been suggested that the Lords Commissioners might leave an agreeable souvenir of their 1862 visit to Portsmouth by giving to the Postmaster-General, who in turn could notify to the public, the name of the port for the time being to which letters for ships belonging to the Channel fleet might be addressed. At present the movements of the fleet are kept a profound mystery, and, however urgent the contents of a letter may be, there is at present no means of addressing one to any ship in the fleet with a certainty of its ever-reaching its destination. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 13 August 1862 | We are requested to publish the subjoined notification, dated yesterday, from the Admiralty, Whitehall:- "Channel Squadron.- Letters for the ships of war under the orders of Rear-Admiral Smart, in the Baltic, should be addressed at Copenhagen up to the end of the present month." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 1 September 1862 | ENGLISH FLEET IN THE BALTIC. Copenhagen, Aug. 31. Admiral Smart and several other English naval officers dined with the King on Friday last. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 19 September 1862 | CHRISTIANIA, Sept. 8.- The Morgenblad of yesterday, after announcing the arrival of the Channel Fleet, under command of Admiral Smart, and commenting on the different ships and the probable part they would play in the event of war, makes the following remarks, which, as representing the feelings of an independent people, through the medium of an unfettered press, will not fail to interest your readers:- "This squadron, interesting in itself, is the more so as being the first specimen Christiania has seen for a long time of the most powerful military force history can yet record - namely, the British fleet. Rome's legions conquered the world, but were from time to time defeated. The first Napoleon, surrounded by a halo of glory, succumbed before the disasters of Beresina, Leipsic, and Waterloo; indeed, the British army, that force which, since its creation by Cromwell, numbers more victories in proportion to the important battles it has fought than any other, has more than once suffered great disasters, while the British navy for upwards of a hundred and seventy years has never been defeated in any important engagement, but has rarely failed to crush its opponents. During several generations it has maintained in all seas as complete a supremacy as is under circumstances possible to imagine, and those nations which, unlike France, Russia , and America, form no plans of conquest, which alone are held in check by England's navy, have one and all the greatest interest in desiring it may maintain its supremacy. Thus it forms the most powerful agent for a policy the contrary of sentimental, but which, professing no object beyond the interests of England, is the most moderate and just any great country has ever followed. The policy of England lies not in forcing her will on others, but in upholding peace and that good state of order which allow every other nation to develop its resources and provide for its welfare; it is this which redeems England from the reproach of selfishness, and renders her policy far better for the world at large than that which, placing itself forward as the champion of "ideas," forces from the nations it assists a dearly paid interest in exchange. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sa 20 September 1862 | The Trafalgar, 70, screw, 500-horse power, Capt. the Hon. T. Bailey, belonging to the Channel squadron, arrived at the Nore, from the Baltic, on Friday. After having her powder unshipped she will proceed to Sheerness to be docked and paid off. The Trafalgar has been in commission three years. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 24 September 1862 | The St. George screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. the Hon. Francis Egerton, with his Royal Highness Prince Alfred on board; and the Chanticleer, 17, screw, Commander C. Stirling, arrived at Spithead yesterday morning from Kiel, as announced in our yesterday's second edition, and await orders at Spithead. The ships now at Spithead, in addition to the St. George and Chanticleer, are the Emerald, screw frigate, Capt. A. Cumming; the Galatea, screw frigate, Capt. R. Maguire; and the Resistance, screw iron frigate, Capt. Chamberlain. The last-named vessel was undocked yesterday at Portsmouth, and anchored at Spithead in readiness for her official trial of speed at the measured mile in Stokes Bay, ordered to take place this morning. The Revenge, screw line-of-battle-ship, Capt. C. Fellowes (flag of Rear-Admiral Smart), moved her berth from alongside Portsmouth dockyard yesterday to alongside her hulk, to transfer her crew preparatory to going into dock. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 29 September 1862 | The Edgar screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. the Hon. F.A. Foley, was undocked at Portsmouth on Saturday, on completion of the repairs to her stern, and went out of harbour to Spithead, where she will take in her powder and shell for sea. She is expected to sail this afternoon for Lisbon, looking in at Portland to pick up the Warrior and Black Prince iron frigates. The Resistance, 16, screw, iron ram, Capt. Chamberlain, is also expected to leave Spithead today or to-morrow for Portland or Lisbon. It is reported that, in addition to these vessels, a portion, if not the whole of the Channel fleet, will proceed to Lisbon to render all possible honour on the part of this country to the marriage of the King with the Princess Maria Pia, daughter of King Victor Emmanuel of Italy. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 1 October 1862 | The Revenge, 86, screw, Capt. C. Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, has been docked at Portsmouth to ascertain the extent of the damage she sustained by getting on shore during her recent cruise in the Baltic. This has been found to be very slight, and is confined to the after portion of her false keel. Workmen are now employed setting up stout shores under the ship's quarters, to enable them to remove the blocks underneath the keel and carry out the required repairs. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 7 October 1862 | The Revenge, 86, screw, Capt. C. Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral R. Smart, K.H., commanding-in-chief the Channel Fleet, was undocked at Portsmouth yesterday on the completion of her repairs to her false keel. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 8 October 1862 | In order to test the relative value of certain compositions for preserving the bottoms of iron ships, the Lords of the Admiralty have given directions to use the bottom of the iron steam tank vessel Minx, at Plymouth, for that purpose. A portion, 40 feet broad, extending from the bends to the keel, is to be divided into four sections of 10 feet each, on which will be applied the compositions of Mr. Hayes, the Queen's chymist, Portsmouth; Mr. Finnemore, chymist, Plymouth; Mr. Ekworth; and Mr. Edwards, Assistant-Master-Builder of Devonport dockyard. The Minx is employed in supplying water to the Channel fleet. At the end of three months her condition is to form the subject of a special report by some competent Government authority. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 13 October 1862 | The St. George, 86, screw, Capt. the Hon. Francis Egerton, went into Portsmouth harbour on Saturday from Spithead for the purpose of being docked, to replace some sheets of copper rubbed off her bottom, and repair damage to her garboard strake, caused by her grounding during her cruise with the Channel fleet in the Baltic. A doubt existing as to the possibility of placing the ship in dock to-day owing to her draught of water, 27 feet, and the tides now taking off, it was determined to lighten her by taking out part of her guns. She was lying lashed alongside the Caesar, a sister vessel now lying in ordinary, and it might have been supposed that the unencumbered decks of the latter were just the places to receive them. The guns, however, were deposited in ordnance lighters, which involved not only a great extra expense, but also a corresponding waste of time. The ship will be placed in dock to-day if it is found possible to do so, but this very doubt is another, and one of the strongest arguments which can be used in favour of the immediate construction of docks at Portsmouth having deep water entrances. The Channel fleet have now been lying at Spithead, with the exception of the Trafalgar, ever since its return from the Baltic, and every ship required docking, as all had been on shore during their Baltic cruise. Portsmouth is not behind other yards in dock accommodation; yet only one dock exists there which will receive first-class ships, and the consequences have been that each ship has had to wait its turn, and even now the repairs of the fleet are not yet completed. The Trafalgar, 70, screw steamship, 2,900 tons, 500-horse power, has been removed from Sheerness dockyard, where she has undergone thorough repair, to the harbour. She is to have six months' supplies put on board, when she will again join the Channel squadron. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 15 October 1862 | A detachment of 120 non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Marines, under the command of Capt. G.O. Evans, with Lieuts. J. Lecky, W.A. Rutherford, and B.W. Sampson, arrived at Chatham yesterday from Portsmouth and Woolwich, for embarkation on board the Trafalgar, 89, 500-horse power, Capt. the Hon. T. Baillie, refitting to join the Channel squadron. The detachment relieved a similar number of Royal Marines from the Trafalgar, under the command of the following officers - viz., Capt. A.D.H. Nepean; Lieuts. R.C. Harvey, H.A.A. Turner, and H. Fuller, who rejoined the head-quarters of their respective divisions. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fr 17 October 1862 | The Trafalgar, 89, 500-horse power, Capt. the Hon. T. Baillie, re-fitting at the Nore, to join the Channel squadron, has taken on board her stores and guns, and yesterday shipped her powder, preparatory to proceeding to Spithead. The petty officers and men having petitioned the Admiralty to be paid off, a despatch has been received at the Nore announcing that their request cannot be complied with, but a proportion of the crew would be allowed to volunteer for other ships in commission. Between 100 and 200 of the petty officers and seamen accordingly availed themselves of the offer of the Admiralty and have proceeded to the western ports to join the vessels there fitting for sea. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 21 October 1862 | The Revenge, screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, Rear-Admiral of the Red R. Smart, K.H., bent sails in Portsmouth harbour yesterday, on the completion of her repairs and refit, and will rejoin the fleet at Spithead anchorage to-day. The ships now at Spithead comprise the St. George, 86, screw, Capt. Hon. F. Egerton; Emerald, 36, screw, Capt. A. Cumming; Galatea, 26, screw, Capt. R. Maguire; Resistance, 16, screw, iron ram, Capt. Chamberlain; Defence, 16, screw, iron ram, Capt. Augustus Phillimore; Oberon, 3, paddle, Lieut.-Commander Morice; and Virago, 6, paddle, Commander Johnstone. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We 22 October 1862 | The Revenge, screw line-of-battle ship, Capt. Charles Fellowes, flagship of Rear-Admiral Robert Smart, K.H., went out of Portsmouth harbour yesterday morning, at high water, and joined the Channel fleet and other men-of-war at Spithead. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ma 8 December 1862 | The orders for the Defence, 18, iron-plated ship, to join the Mediterranean fleet have been countermanded, and she has joined the Channel fleet instead. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tu 23 December 1862 | The Amphion, 36, screw steam frigate, 1,474 tons, 300-horse power, Capt. A.C. Gordon, recently from the Mediterranean, was paid off under the superintendence of Capt. S.P. Thompson, of the Steam Reserve at Sheerness on Saturday last. The crew were granted 14 days' leave. The Amphion will be placed in the third division of the Sheerness Steam Reserve. The Geyser, 5, paddle-wheel steam sloop, 1,054 tons, 280-horse power, Commander Colin A. Campbell, sailed from Sheerness on Monday with the seamen for the western ports who were paid off from the Amphion on Saturday. The Geyser has also on board provisions for the Channel squadron, which she has fetched from Deptford. |
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