Name | Racoon (1857) | Explanation | |
Type | Corvette | ||
Launched | 25 April 1857 | ||
Hull | Wooden | Length | 200 feet |
Propulsion | Screw | ||
Builders measure | 1467 tons | ||
Displacement | 2306 tons | ||
Guns | 21 | ||
Fate | 1877 | Last in commission | 1873 |
Class | Class (as screw) | Pearl | |
Ships book | ADM 135/382 | ||
Career | |||
Date | Event | ||
25 April 1857 | Launched at Chatham Dockyard. | ||
22 November 1857 - 1 May 1860 | Commanded (from commissioning at Chatham) by Captain James Aylmer Dorset Paynter, Channel squadron | ||
3 May 1860 - 21 January 1862 | Commanded (until paying off at Chatham) by Captain William Charles Chamberlain, Mediterranean | ||
29 January 1863 - 9 April 1866 | Commanded (from commissioning at Chatham) by Captain Count Gleichen, West Indies, then (April 1864) the Mediterranean, then (March 1866) Queenstown | ||
9 April 1866 - 3 November 1866 | Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain William Armytage, Queenstown | ||
3 November 1866 - 6 May 1870 | Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth until paying off at Bermuda) by Captain Richard Purvis, Cape of Good Hope, then North America and West Indies | ||
3 January 1870 - 2 July 1873 | Commanded (from commissioning at Bermuda until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Edward Henry Howard, North America and West Indies | ||
28 August 1877 | Breaking up at Devonport completed. | ||
Extracts from the Times newspaper | |||
Date | Extract | ||
Th 26 August 1858 | The Orion, 91, screw, Captain Edwin C.T. D'Eyncourt, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Freemantle, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel squadron; the Caesar, 91, screw, Captain Charles Frederick; the Renown, 91, screw, Captain Arthur Forbes; the Brunswick, 80, screw, Captain Erasmus Ommanney; and the Racoon, 21, screw, Captain James A. Paynter, sailed from Spithead yesterday for a short cruise in the Channel, the first movement of the Channel fleet. | ||
We 1 September 1858 | The Channel squadron, comprising the Orion, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Fremantle, the Brunswick, the Renown, the Caesar, and the Racoon, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday (Tuesday) evening. | ||
Ma 6 September 1858 | In consequence of the dirty weather from the southward and westward, Admiral Fremantle's squadron, consisting of the Orion, Caesar, Brunswick, Renown, and Racoon, did not sail from Plymouth Sound for Ireland on Saturday Preparations are made for their departure to-day (Monday). The Diadem, 32, screw frigate, Captain W. Moorsom, C.B., sailed from Spithead yesterday forenoon for Plymouth to join the Channel squadron. She is expected to be away about a month, and on her return is to come into harbour to be fitted with her proper masts. Those she has at present are only jury masts. The Victor Emmanuel, 91, screw, Captain James Willcox, is expected to sail from Spithead to-morrow to join the Channel squadron. | ||
Ma 4 October 1858 | Admiral Fremantle's squadron hove in sight, near the Eddystone, at 9 o'clock yesterday (Sunday) morning. Wind, west south west; strong breeze. At 11 o'clock they were approaching Plymouth Sound in two divisions. The squadron includes the Renown, 91, Captain A. Forbes; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Captain J. Wilcox; the Orion, 91, Captain D'Eyncourt; the Caesar, 90, Captain C. Frederick; the Brunswick, 81, Captain E. Ommanney; the Euryalus, 51, Captain J.W. Tarleton; the Diadem, 32, Captain W. Moorsom; and the Racoon, 22, Captain J.A. Paynter. | ||
Ma 3 January 1859 | The annual return of the names, number of guns, and tonnage of the whole of the vessels in the navy was published on Saturday, from which it appeals that the British navy at the commencement of the present year, consists of 523 vessels, including screw steamers of every description, exclusive of which there are 167 gunboats. Of the number of vessels composing the navy no less than 176 are in commission, and doing duty in every part of the globe. The vessels in commission are distributed as follow:- 32 line-of-battle ships, frigates, and smaller vessels are attached to the East Indies and China station; 25 on the coast of Africa; 16 in the Mediterranean; 15 on the Pacific and on the Australia station; 15 on the North America and West India station; 7 on the south-east coast of America, and 5 at the Cape of Good Hope. The remaining 61 vessels, are employed on particular service, or attached as guardships to the principal ports in Great Britain and Ireland, including the Channel squadron, which is composed of the following screw steamers:- The Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir C.H. Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Orion, 91, Captain E.C.T. D'Eyncourt; the Renown,. 91, Captain, A. Forbes; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Captain J. Willcox; the Brunswick, 80, Captain E. Ommanney; and the Racoon, 22, Captain J.A. Paynter. | ||
Fr 29 April 1859 | THE CHANNEL FLEET.- BEREHAVEN, April 23.-The ships of the Channel fleet that had been staying here for some months left to-day. They comprised the Royal Albert, the Renown, the Brunswick, the St. Jean d'Acre, and the Racoon. The Victor Emanuel and the Orion came in here with them, but early in March they were ordered to Tangier. It is said that these two vessels are to join the Channel fleet again, as also the Algiers and the James Watt, line-of-battle ships, and the Liffey, the Mersey, and the Doris, frigates. The Caesar and the Diadem are also returning from the West Indies to join, and the Euryalus from the Mediterranean. During their stay here the Marines and Naval Brigades were exercised on shore every week, as also in the boats. The Admiral, Sir Charles Freemantle, is most deservedly popular with all classes.- Cork Reporter. | ||
Th 19 May 1859 | Her Majesty's screw line-of-battle ships Renown, 91 guns, Captain Arthur Forbes; the St. Jean d'Acre, 101, Captain Thomas P. Thompson; the Brunswick, 80, Capt. Erasmus Ommanney, and the screw corvette Racoon, 22, Captain James A. Paynter, arrived at Gibraltar on the 3d inst. from the coast of England on their way to the Mediterranean. These ships of war lately formed put of the Channel fleet, and were escorted to the Bay by the Royal Albert, 120, Rear-Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle. The Renown, the St. Jean d'Acre, the Brunswick, and the Racoon, having taken in some fresh supplies, left the Bay between 3 and 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th, under steam for the eastward. The Victor Emmanuel, 91 guns, Captain Willcox, C.B., which has been lying at Gibraltar for some time past, proceeded eastward at 9 a.m. on the 4th. Admiral Fremantle returned to England in the Royal Albert, which left on the afternoon of the 6th. | ||
We 28 September 1859 | The following is the distribution of the Mediterranean fleet at Malta:- Screw steamships of the Line.- The Marlborough, 131 (flagship of Vice-Admiral Fanshawe), on her way to Gibraltar, left Malta on the 15th of September; the Hannibal, 91 (flagship of Rear-Admiral Mundy), coast of Sicily; the Conqueror, 101, Gibraltar; the St. Jean d'Acre, 101, coast of Sicily; the Orion, 91, Gibraltar; the Princess Royal, 91, Gibraltar; the Renown, 91, Malta; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Gibraltar; the Exmouth, 90, Naples; the London, 90, coast of Sicily; the Brunswick, 80, coast of Sicily; the Centurion, 80, Gibraltar; and the Cressy, 80, left Malta on the 5th of September. Steam Frigates.- The Euryalus, 51, Piraeus of Athens; the Liffey, 51, Piraeus of Athens; the Doris, 32, left Malta on the 13th of September; and the Terrible, 21, Naples. Steam Corvettes.- The Racoon, 22, Corfu; the Cadmus, 21, Malta; and the Vulture, 6, Morocco coast. Steam Sloops.- The Gannet, 11, Piraeus of Athens; the Argus, 6, Malta; the Intrepid, 6, Constantinople; the Recruit, 6, Malta; the Scourge, 6, Malta; the Assurance, 4, left Malta on the 31st of August; the Coquette, 4, Marseilles; the Lapwing, 4, Gibraltar; the Osprey, 4, Corfu; the Vigilant, 4, Venice; and the Wanderer, 4, Candia. Steam Gunboats.- The Growler, Gibraltar; and the Quail, Gibraltar. Steam Despatch-vessels.- The Banshee, 2, Malta; and the Caradoc, 2, Malta. Steam-tender.- The Boxer, 2, Malta. Steam Surveying-vessels.- The Medina, 4, Candia ; and the Tartarus, 4, Candia. Receiving-ship.- The Hibernia (flag of Rear-Admiral Codrington), Malta. Depot-ship.- The Africa, Gibraltar. Tugs.- The Hearty, Malta; and the Redpole, 2, Gibraltar. Sailing Gunboats.- The Azof, 2, Malta; and the Kertch, 2, Malta. | ||
We 22 January 1862 | Her Majesty's screw corvette Racoon, 22, 1,467 tons, 400-horse power, Capt. W.C. Chamberlain, hauled down her pennant and was put out of commission at Chatham yesterday, when the crew were paid off. The Racoon was commissioned at Chatham in November, 1857, by Capt. J.A. Paynter, now of the Exmouth, 86, screw steamer, and for 18 months was attached to the Channel squadron, under the command of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle, K.C.B. In 1859 she was despatched to the Mediterranean, and has since served with the squadron of Vice-Admiral Sir W.F. Martin, K.C.B., cruising from Syria to Gibraltar, until ordered home at the close of last year. During the time she was in commission there were comparatively few cases of sickness on board, the crew being generally healthy. Only about three of the officers who first joined the ship on being commissioned remained until she was paid off. Prior to the steamer being put out of commission yesterday Capt. Chamberlain assembled the crew on the quarter-deck, and expressed the regret he felt that they were all about to part, especially as they had been such a generally well-behaved ship's company since he had held the command. Should he be appointed to any other vessel he should be happy to see as many of his old crew as possible with him. On the recommendation of Capt. Chamberlain medals, together with the usual gratuities, were awarded by the Admiralty, for long service and good conduct, to Robert Whitbred, captain's coxswain, Charles Powers, gunner's mate, and John Childs and John Chapman, boatswain's mates. The Racoon is to be placed in the third division of the steam reserve at Chatham. | ||
Fr 4 April 1862 | No instructions have yet been received from the Admiralty for suspending the works connected with the Royal Oak, 50, armour-plated frigate, under construction at Chatham, and it is therefore probable that the plan proposed for completing the squadron of armour-plated frigates building at the several dockyards as cupola ships, on Captain Coles's principle, has been abandoned, and that the Royal Oak and the other vessels of her class will be completed simply as armour-plated ships, according to the original plan. In the meantime every effort is being made by the dockyard officials to have the Royal Oak completed and afloat during the present summer. To accomplish this every hand, with the exception of some 50 or 60 shipwrights and caulkers at work on the Racoon, 22, and the Pylades, 21, is employed on her, and from the energy which is just now being displayed little more than four months will see the first of the new description of wooden armour-covered ships afloat. By special direction of the Admiralty all the hands in the dockyard have been withdrawn from the wooden ships and placed on the two iron vessels, the Achilles and Royal Oak, which together have upwards of 1,000 shipwrights and mechanics employed on them, in addition to the hands at work in the factory and smithy preparing the materials to be used. The exterior of the Royal Oak is now completely planked in readiness to receive her armour-plates, which will be laid on a solid backing of teak and oak of 29 inches in thickness. Adjoining the slip, an extensive building is in course of erection for the reception of the machinery to be used in preparing the iron slabs in which the vessel will be encased. Unlike the Achilles, the Resistance, the Defence, and other iron vessels of that class, which are provided with projecting stems, for running down vessels, the Royal Oak and the other armour-plated ships, are almost square-built, each being constructed with what is termed a "tumble-home" stem, projecting in the slightest possible manner from the bow of the ship, thus doing away altogether with the supposition of these frigates being used as steam rams. In order to obtain additional strength for the stern-post, the screw-well usually found on board screw steamers will be partially abolished in the Royal Oak and the sister ship Royal Alfred, building at Portsmouth. | ||
Sa 31 January 1863 | The screw corvette Racoon, 22, 400-horse power, recently fitted at Chatham dockyard, and since attached to the first-class steam reserve, has been commissioned by Capt. the Count Victor F. Gleichen (December 13, 1859). As previously stated in The Times, she is intended to convey his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, who has just passed his first examination for lieutenant, on a lengthened cruise. The Racoon has all her guns and the principal part of her stores on board, so that no delay is likely to arise in sending her to sea as soon as the whole of her officers and crew have been appointed. | ||
Ma 9 February 1863 | The fine screw corvette Racoon, 22, 400-horse power, Capt. the Count Victor Gleichen, fitting in the Medway to convey his Royal Highness Prince Alfred on a special cruise, has been removed from dock, and is now moored off the west shore, where she is being completed for sea with all possible despatch. The Racoon was constructed at Chatham dockyard a few years back from the designs of Admiral Sir Baldwin Walker, the then surveyor of the navy, and is sister ship to the Clio, Cadmus, and some other vessels of that class. She differs only from a frigate in having no broadside guns placed on her upper deck. She carries on her gun deck 18 8-inch 63-pounder smooth-bore guns, for throwing either shot or shell, and two-40-pounder Armstrongs; and on her fighting deck has two 110-pounder Armstrong pivot guns. The Racoon has but recently undergone a thorough repair and refit at Chatham dockyard. It is stated that Prince Alfred himself selected the Racoon for his cruise from having admired her so much when in, the Mediterranean. The Racoon is fitted for service on the Home Station at present, and it is rumoured at Chatham that she will visit Norway, Sweden, and Denmark prior to proceeding to Australia, which is understood to be her ultimate destination, A picked band of 12 musicians will be attached to the Racoon during the time she is in commission. | ||
Tu 10 February 1863 | Admiralty directions have been received at Chatham for a number of shipwrights and caulkers' apprentices to be attached to the Racoon, 22, 400-hoise power, Capt. the Count Victor Gleichen, preparing for sea. Under the new regulations of the Admiralty the whole of the apprentices in Her Majesty's dockyard are to serve the latter portion of their apprenticeship afloat, in order to accustom them to service at sea. | ||
Tu 24 February 1863 | The Racoon, 21, 400 horse-power, Capt. the Count Victor Gleichen (Prince Hohenlohe), remains in the Medway, where she is moored off the west shore, receiving the remainder of her supplies, stores, &c. According to orders received at Chatham last week, she proceeds round to the Thames for the purpose of shipping her provisions at Deptford. It is probable that the illness of his Royal Highness Prince Alfred will change intentions regarding the departure and coarse of this vessel. | ||
Th 26 February 1863 | We have received the following letter from ant Malta correspondent, dated Valetta, Feb. 21:- "The arrangements made for Prince Alfred going home have been unavoidably altered, I regret to say, owing to the unexpected illness of the young Prince, who has been suffering from a severe attack of cold and fever. The St. George, 84, Capt. the Hon. F. Egerton, having Prince Alfred on board, arrived here from Naples on Thursday last, and the Magicienne, 16, Capt. his Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen, which, had proceeded from Malta to convey his Royal Highness to Marseilles, returned the same day from Naples. The Duke of Sutherland, accompanied by the Duchess, arrived at Malta on Sunday last from Alexandria, in his steam yacht Undine. They continued their voyage on Tuesday for Sicily and Naples. Her Majesty's despatch boat Psyche, Lieut-Commander Sterne, has arrived at Constantinople, and relieved the Trident, 6, Commander Balfour, which left on the 10th inst for Malta. Her Majesty's ships in Malta harbour are the Marlborough, 131 (bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Sir W.F. Martin, K.C.B.); the Hibernia, receiving ship (bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral H.J. Codrington, C.B.); the St. George, 84; the Magicienne, 16; the Icarus, 11: the Medina and the Firefly, surveying ships; and the Boxer and Growler, tenders." Her Majesty's screw steam corvette Racoon, 22, Capt. Victor Count Gleichen, which has recently been refitted at Chatham Dockyard, was taken from Sheerness harbour for her final trial on Monday previously to proceeding to sea. The Racoon carries an armament of two 110 lb. Armstrong guns, one 12 lb. Armstrong and one 12 lb. smooth bore guns for boats, one 12 lb. Armstrong fieldpiece, and one 6 lb. smooth bore gun for practice at short ranges on the upper deck; 16 8-inch smooth bore, and four 40 lb. Armstrong guns on the main deck. The most experienced workmen have been employed in fitting her out, which has been done on the principle most approved in the service, and no expense or labour has been spared to render her, as she undoubtedly is, one of the finest vessels of her class now afloat. The trial was under the superintendence of Capt. T.P. Thompson, of the Sheerness steam reserve, and took place at the measured mile off Maplin Sands, Messrs. W. Rumble, inspector of machinery afloat at Sheerness, and Baker, chief inspector of Chatham Dockyard, were in attendance to note the results with respect to the working of the machinery, and the condition of the ship was also minutely inspected by Messrs. Moore, of Chatham Dockyard, and Martin, assistant-master shipwright at Sheerness. The engines were in charge of Mr. Lawson, chief engineer of the ship. The vessel attained an average speed at full boiler power of 10.1 knots per hour; revolutions of engines, 54 per minute; pressure of steam, 20 lb.; vacuum, 25 1b.; while at half-boiler power the average speed was 7.279 knots; revolutions of engines, 42. The circle was turned with full boiler-power, helm to port, 17 deg., in 5 min. 21 secs.; with half-boiler power, helm to starboard, 23 deg., in 5 min. 59 secs. The engines were stopped when going at full speed in 16 secs, from the time of moving the telegraph; they were started ahead in 35 secs., and astern in 25 secs. from dead stop. The Racoon is fitted with trunk engines, 400-horse power, made by Messrs. Ravenhill, Salkeld, and Co., and common screw with corners cut off; pitch, 26 ft.; diameter, 16 ft.; length of blade, 3 ft. During the trial the draught of water was 18 ft. 2 in. forward and 19 ft. 6 in. aft. There was an entire absence of hot bearings or priming, and the trial was pronounced highly successful both as regards the machinery and the qualities of the vessel. The Racoon left Sheerness harbour on Tuesday for Greenhithe, where she will be stationed until after the arrival of her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra, after which she will proceed to Portsmouth and remain there till the Royal marriage ceremony is over, when she is expected to leave for a lengthened cruise on the coasts of Norway, Sweden, and Iceland. | ||
Th 5 March 1863 | Her Majesty's, 22, screw corvette Racoon, Count Victor F.F.E.G.A.C.F. Gleichen, yesterday sailed from Greenhithe (after adjusting her compasses) for Gravesend, to join the Emerald, Capt. Arthur Cumming, ordered to be dressed for the reception of the Royal squadron. | ||
Ma 9 March 1863 | THE RECEPTION OF THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA. We to-day lay before our readers a full and faithful record of one of the most remarkable receptions accorded to Royalty in modern times. … All the morning small groups of pleasure craft had been dropping down the river and clustering about the pier-head, each full, or, to speak plainly, uncomfortably crowded; each dressed with colours, many carrying the proper Danish flag, and all having some extemporized contrivance to do duty for it, which was more or less unlike that now flown by the modem Vikings. Soon after 8 o'clock the gunboats Carnation, Bullfrog, Sepoy, and Spanker, which the Lords of the Admiralty had placed at the disposal of the officers and men of the Naval Reserve, in compliance with their wish, to attend and do honour to the occasion, stood over to Tilbury to receive their crews, and embarked as fine a set of blue-jackets as ever stepped on board a Queen's ship. The boats from the Emerald, 51, and the Racoon, 22, which lay off the pier, began at the same time to row guard, to keep a space clear for the Royal yacht among the now fast increasing mass of boats of all kinds which began to cover the river. From this time up to the landing it was one continued scene of excitement, enthusiasm, and display such as has rarely been seen in England before, and certainly never at Gravesend. The visitors to the pier began to arrive as early as 9 o'clock, though there was no possibility of their seeing anything till after 12; the indefatigable Reception Committee were, of course, at their posts, with the chief members of the Corporation, all so active, cheerful, and watchful that it was difficult to believe that few of them had been to bed at all the night before. The admirable arrangements for seating visitors made the duty of the stewards light even when fair transgressors insisted upon getting into blue seats with pink tickets, or into yellow without any tickets at all. All, however, went smoothly; by 10 o'clock the ranges of seats down the pier were thronged with richly dressed ladies. The streets were lined with trim close ranks of Volunteers, whose admirable front and perfect order was sat off to advantage by the loose, dense, swaying masses of the crowds behind them. Every seat was filled along the streets, every balcony and window was thronged with ladies, even in some cases the very roof-tops were occupied with adventurous sightseers. Great was the hubbub and excitement when, at 10 o'clock, the Emerald began saluting slowly, and one of the Royal yachts was seen in the distance steaming round Coalhouse-point and coming quickly up the river. But the vessel for which the thundering honour was intended was coming down the river - the Black Eagle Admiralty yacht, with all their Lordships in full uniform onboard. But Lords of the Admiralty were of no account in popular estimation on this occasion, and all eyes were still bent upon the advancing form of the Royal yacht, which came nearer and nearer till the anxious doubts of all were happily solved by her turning out to be the Osborne coming on as a kind of avant-courier of the Royal party, and with, a perfect cargo of luggage and boxes on board. The Lords of the Admiralty landed and came up the pier, which now presented a most briljant sight. The escort, a splendid troop of the Kent Yeomanry, under Major the Earl of Darnley, had arrived, the guard of honour was in waiting, there was a briljant staff of naval and military officers, including General Eyre, Captain Sir F. Nicolson, with Viscount Sydney, the Lord-Lieutenant of the county, the Bishop of Rochester, the Mayor of Gravesend (Mr. Sams), in his robes, with the Recorder of the town (Mr. S.G. Grady), Mr. Sharland, the Town Clerk, all the Aldermen of the Corporation, in full civic costume, and, though last, by no means least, Mrs. Sams, the Mayoress, bearing a bouquet, in the rich ornament which the ladies of Gravesend had subscribed to present to the fair Dane. It was a beautiful present, worthy the occasion and the young Princess. Its form was a cornucopia of gold, enriched with alternate rows of pearls and coral. ... A telegram had been received stating that the Prince of Wales had left London, and anxiety was on the stretch lest he should arrive before the Royal yacht, when, as if steaming through the low meadow land of Essex, the tall, raking masts of a vessel decked with flags were seen coming np the river at a speed which told at once that it could be none other than the Victoria and Albert, followed close by a ship which, though larger and more stately, came with equal swiftness - the Warrior. In an instant after the steamboats which now thronged the river, and many of which, from London, were crowded from deck to funnel, and swayed from side to side in a manner terrible to witness, started across to meet her, followed pell-mell by all the little fleet of row boats. As the yacht turned Coalhouse Point she slackened speed and the crews of the men-of-war off the pier went swarming up the shrouds like bees and clustered in thick groups on all the yards, even to the topmastheads, waiting for the signal to "lay out" and man them. Still very slowly, for the tide was running strong, the Royal yacht came on, dressed in flags from stem to stern, with the Prince of Wales's banner and the Royal flag of Denmark both hoisted at the main. Following and almost surrounding her came the volunteer escort of steamers and boats of all kinds, cheering and shouting, ringing bells and waving handkerchiefs as if they were demented. It was evident that they could see the Princess, and the curiosity and excitement of those on the pier rose to fever heat. Still slowly and very carefully, amid the smoke of steamers and deep hoarse roar of cheers, the Royal yacht came. Old Tilbury gave the first thundering salute, the men-of-war followed instantly gun for gun from each broadside, the men lay out upon the yards in as true and even lines as rows of infantry, and the ships as if by magic were dressed, from stem to stern, with lines of flattering ensigns. Still those on the pier could not see the Princess, though from the almost frantic enthusiasm of those on board the crowds of boats and steamers on the starboard side it was evident that she must be plainly visible from that quarter. Opposite the pier the yacht turned, and brought her head down the river towards the Kentish shore. There were ladies and gentlemen on the quarter-deck, but evidently not the Princess, from the lull in the uproar of exclamation and delight which now fell from all the boats for a few minutes, when it broke out with, if possible, redoubled vigour on the port side of the vessel - the side furthest from the pier, where it was evident, from the tremendous outbreak of cheers, clapping hands, and waving kerchiefs, that the Princess was again at the window of the deck cabin, It was not till the Royal yacht was close alongside the pier that she was seen at last, as she came over to the starboard aide and stood looking ont upon the scene around. She was dressed entirely in white, with the exception of a few light coloured flowers in her bonnet, and wore what was apparently a very warm white shawl, for she is still suffering from the effects of a severe cold. Her colour was heightened as if by nervous excitement, but there was an expression of pleasing astonishment at her reception which was unmistakeable, and she did not, or perhaps could not, check the frank display of wondering pleasure with which she looked from side to side bowing her acknowledgments, and every now and then speaking earnestly to her mother, who stood near her, apparently directing her attention also to the extraordinary scene of delight and enthusiasm around on all sides. Occasionally as the port side spectators grew deafening in their cheers - as a gentle reminder that they were there as well as the visitors on the pier - she went to that side also, but, as may be guessed, her appearance did not stop the cheering. Nbthing did, in truth, till she withdrew at intervals altogether, but not for long. Her white bonnet and delighted face were soon to be seen peeping round from some unexpected window, when in a second she was discovered and cheered till she came forward and bowed and had to go to another. The portraits of herself and the Prince of Wales together which were taken at Brussels are precisely like her. The Paris photographs, taken from a painting done more than A year ago, not only are not so like, but do her an injustice, inasmuch as they render nothing of the expression of thorough good nature and good humour which beam from, her countenance, and light it up into a look which is almost fascinating when she speaks. All the time the vessel was alongside, her father, Prince Christian, with her two brothers, Prince Waldemar and Prince Frederick, who stood outside on the quarter-deck, seemed to be absolutely astounded at the wonderful enthusiasm and delight of the welcome. The Lords of the Admiralty, Lord Sydney, and other high officials, went on board to be presented, and at this moment the signal bells on the pier communicating with the telegraph at the station announced that the Prince of Wales had arrived in Gravesend. At the signal the 60 young ladies who had been chosen to strew flowers before the bride elect filed, two and two, from their waiting-room, and ranged themselves on each side of the path, down the centre of the pier. They were all clad in red and white - the colours of the long line of Danish Kings from whom the fair Princess descends - and each carried a pretty basket filled with the earliest flowers of spring. They were in regular gradations from the ages of 12 to 20, and were as charming samples of young belles as any town in England could have shown. The Prince cams at five mutates to 12,- almost instantly after the Royal gangway was fixed to the yacht. One glance at his Royal Highness was sufficient to show how needless were all Parliamentary assurances that this was a marriage of affection, as with a face radiant with happiness he traversed the pier with rapid steps. He wore a plain morning dress, and acknowledged, with his usual courteous grace, the almost moving warmth of his reception, but his eyes were steadily directed to the deck cabin of the Royal yacht. The Princess watched his coming from the window, but, as he neared the vessel, first came to the door, and then, after a moment's hesitation, out upon the deck towards the Prince, who hurriedly advanced and, removing his hat, gave her an earnest, hearty kiss, in the presence of all the assembled thousands, who thereupon went into such ecstasies of delight and applause as made the shores of the river ring again. The Princess seemed glad to escape from the cheers now, and, taking the Prince's arm, and accompanied by her Royal parents, went into the deck cabin and then below. In a minute or two all but the Princess reappeared on deck, and it was officially intimated that the landing would take-place in 20 minutes. But in the meantime the fame of the exceeding beauty of the pier and enter decorations, had spread on board the yacht, and one by one the members of the suite came up to see it. The bride's young sisters, the little Princesses Dagmar and Thyra, were not, however, to be satisfied with a mere glance, but were taken along the pier to look at the beautiful vista up Harmer-street beyond. ... | ||
Fr 13 March 1863 | The Black Prince iron frigate, Capt. Wainwright, continues in the steam basin at Portsmouth taking out damaged machinery and refitting. The Emerald frigate, Capt. A. Cumming, goes into harbour from Spithead this morning to take out her damaged screw and ship another for her experimental trials. The other ships of the Channel squadron now at Spithead comprise the Revenge flagship, the Warrior, Resistance, and Defence, iron frigates, the Kite steamer, bound for Woolwich, and the Racoon, 22, screw frigate, Capt, Count Gleichen, on special service. | ||
Th 19 March 1863 | The screw steam corvette Racoon, 22, from Chatham and Portsmouth, arrived yesterday (Wednesday) morning at Plymouth, when it is reported that she will proceed to Malta to embark his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, and then go to the West Indies to join the fleet of Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief on that station. | ||
Ma 30 March 1863 | THE RACOON.- Prince Alfred having been pronounced convalescent, is travelling homewards by easy stages, via Marseilles. The Racoon was originally intended, as announced by us, to proceed from England to Malta to convey the Prince to this country, but, for some reason which has not yet been made public, the Admiralty decided upon ordering Count Gleichen to take his ship to the West Indies. We know not what may have been the cause given by the Count to induce their Lordships to arrive at so sudden, and therefore, to very many persons, an unexpected and disappointing decision. The offence must have been of a serious character to induce "my Lords" to visit not only the captain, but the officers and crew, with so severe a mark of their displeasure, as for months past it has been quite understood that the Racoon had been, at the national cost, fitted up in a manner adapted to the reception of a Prince of the Blood, and we were, moreover, assured that the intended shipmates of His Royal Highness had all been selected with great care, both in reference to their social and professional qualities; and now, without a reason assigned, the ship is hurried off, certainly not at the most favourable season of the year, to an unhealthy station. If Count Gleichen has given offence why not have superseded him? Would Captains Brown, Smith, Jones, or Robinson have been so tenderly handled by the Admiralty? The public know nothing of Count Gleichen beyond the fact that he sought to enter the Service, and condescends to receive the pay allotted to the rank which he has reached with a rapidity unknown to the large majority of native born officers. Perhaps some independent member of the House will question Lord Clarence Paget on this subject, as it is one which possesses much interest to the Royal Navy.-Army and Navy Gazette. | ||
Ma 1 June 1863 | The Racoon, 20, steam corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, arrived at Spithead, at a late hour on Friday, from the West Indies. She brought home from the station a few naval invalids and military invalids and time-expired men, embarked on, the 9th of May at Bermuda. The naval invalids were transferred on Saturday to the Victory, flagship of the Commander-in-Chief, at Portsmouth. The military comprised three men of the Royal Artillery and three men of the Royal Engineers, invalids, who were sent to the Royal Military Hospital, at Netley, and 12 men (time expired) of the 39th foot, who were forwarded on to the regimental depot, at Templemore. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred will join the Racoon as her junior lieut. | ||
Ma 1 June 1863 | Her Majesty's ships of war, now at Spithead consist of the Black Prince, 40 guns, screw iron frigate, Capt. Wainwright; Defence, 18 guns, screw iron frigate, Capt. Phillimore; Racoon, 20 guns, screw woodlen corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, and Orontes, screw iron troopship, Capt. Hire. | ||
Sa 13 June 1863 | PRINCE ALFRED.- Lieutenant his Royal Highness Prince Alfred joined Her Majesty's screw corvette Racoon, 20 guns. Captain Count Gleichen at Portsmouth yesterday, as her junior lieutenant. His Royal Highness paid a visit to Vice-Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B. Port-Admiral and Commander-in-Chief, Rear-Admiral G. Elliott, superintendent of the dockyard, and to the Royal Naval College. His Royal Highness afterwards returned to town on short leave. About the 20th inst. the Racoon will sail for a three months' cruise on the coast of Scotland, at the close of which Prince Alfred will commence his course of study at the Royal Palace of Holyrood. | ||
Th 25 June 1863 | Lieutenant his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, accompanied by Major Cowell, landed yesterday at Portsmouth dockyard from his ship, the Racoon, 20, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, lying at Spithead, and paid a farewell visit to Capt. Scott and the officers of Her Majesty's ship Victory. The Racoon is under orders to sail for the coast of Scotland this day. | ||
Tu 4 August 1863 | The Racoon, 22-gun screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, arrived at Spithead on Sunday afternoon from the coast of Scotland, last from Port Douglas. Soon after arrival his Royal Highness Prince Alfred disembarked from the corvette, and, accompanied by Capt. his Serene Highness Prince Leiningen, who had arrived from Osborne, proceeded to join Her Majesty and the Royal Family at Osborne. It is understood that his Royal Highness will not rejoin the Racoon until May, 1864, as he will in the first instance accompany Her Majesty to the Continent, and afterwards proceed to Holyrood Palace to undergo his appointed six months' course of study. The ship yesterday discharged her powder and shell into Ordnance lighters at Spithead, being ordered into Portsmouth harbour to dock and repair damages caused by striking the ground recently when under steam in Loch Ness. Three small ponies brought in the Racoon from Scotland were yesterday transferred by the Pigmy, steam tender, to the Royal stables at Osborne. | ||
Th 6 August 1863 | His Royal Highness Prince Alfred arrived at Portsmouth yesterday in Her Majesty's steam-yacht Fairy, accompanied by Major Cowell, R.E. His Royal Highness, who wore his uniform and sword as a lieutenant in Her Majesty's navy, had arrived from Osborne expressly to attend the funeral of a seaman-gunner late belonging to the Racoon (the Prince's ship), named William Keyer, aged 22 years who was killed by falling from the foretop of the Racoon on the 31st of July. On his return from the funeral the Prince immediately reembarked on board the Fairy, and returned to Osborne. On the Fairy's first arriving in the harbour from Osborne the Prince went on board the Enchantress, and paid his respects to the Lords of the Admiralty. | ||
Th 6 August 1863 | The inspection of the [Portsmouth] dockyard by the Board will take place this morning. Yesterday Rear-Admiral Robinson visited the Orontes, screw troopship, the Hector, iron frigate, and the Racoon, corvette. | ||
Fr 18 September 1863 | The Racoon, screw steam corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, went out of Portsmouth harbour yesterday morning, and anchored at Spithead. She is now only waiting the arrival of his Royal Highness Prince Alfred prior to sailing on another cruise [in fact he did not rejoin, having gone to Scotland to study at Holyrood]. | ||
Ma 9 November 1863 | The Orontes, screw iron troopship, Capt. W.H. Hire, arrived at Spithead, late on Friday evening, from Malta and Gibraltar, with the following freight on board:- Saloon Passengers.-Dr. Kelly, R.N., from Malta Hospital; Lieut. Calder, R.N., from Her Majesty's ship Phoebe; Mr. Inuis, naval cadet, Her Majesty's ship Liffey; Capt. Leadbetter, 25th Regiment, in charge of military invalids; Lieut. Skinner, 8th Regiment (2d battalion); Dr. Annersley, Inspector-General of Hospitals, Mrs. Annersley and family, Capt. Fitzroy Somerset, R.E., Capt. Ridout, R.A., Capt. Squirl, 2d Regiment; Dr. Sinclair, R.A, and Assist.-Surgeon Graves, R.A. in medical charge of invalids; Mr. Sinclair and family, Mrs. Capt. Barnett and child, Mrs. Spratt and family, Mrs. Hibbert and servant. Her troop and naval list comprised:- 124 military invalids, 59 time-expired men, 10 military prisoners, 7 insane soldiers, 22 soldiers' wives and 38 children, from various regiments, and 130 naval invalids from the Mediterranean fleet. The military invalids were transferred from the ship on Saturday to Netley Hospital, and the time expired men, women, and children, insane men and prisoners, to the depôts of their regiments, &c. The naval invalids were transferred to Her Majesty's ship Victory, and the Royal and Naval Hospital at Haslar. Two warders and 32 convicts (the latter are tickets of leave), who also came from Gibraltar in the ship, were transferred to the convict prison at Portsea. Some 700 tons of old stores and a large quantity of condemned powder has been sent to England in the ship from Malta and Gibraltar. The Orontes sailed from Malta on the 31st ult., leaving at anchor there Her Majesty's ships Hydra, Procris, and Redpole. The Malacca, 20, screw, sailed from the Rock for England on the 29th ult. The Gibraltar, screw, liner, Capt. Prevost, sailed for Malta on the 31st ult. The Racoon, 20, screw, Captain Count Gleichen, was lying at Malaga. At Malta there was great dullness of trade, and consequent grumbling ashore, owing to the lengthened absence of the fleet at the Piraeus. Since leaving England the Orontes has done very efficient service in the Mediterranean in the exchange of regiments between Malta and Gibraltar, and in the performance of which duty the conduct and attention to the wants of their military passengers of Capt. Hire and his officers are spoken of in very high terms. It is, however, stated that although the Orontes was designed and constructed for an improved Himalaya, she is, in fact, very far from being even the equal of that vessel. Her machinery is of insufficient power, and she can with difficulty average 10 knots. Her steering power is also defective, her wheel requiring considerable alterations. At present it takes six men in ordinary weather to steer her. She is an excellent sea boat and remarkably easy in rough weather. Her immediate requirements (to make her approach the Himalaya in comfort to her passengers and in speed) are, a poop on the upper deck, and the present cabin space on the main deck added to the troop berthing; some alterations to her machinery, and additional boiler space. It will take about three weeks to make good her ordinary defects. | ||
Tu 5 April 1864 | The Racoon, 22, Capt. Count Gleichen, has been taken on the strength of the Mediterranean fleet, and was at Gibraltar by the last accounts. | ||
We 27 April 1864 | COURT CIRCULAR. OSBORNE, APRIL 26. Her Majesty the Queen drove out yesterday, in the morning and afternoon. | ||
Ma 9 May 1864 | The Dromedary, 2, Master-Commander A. Brown, left Malta on the 27th ult. for Gibraltar, with supernumeraries and stores for the Racoon, 22, Captain Count Gleichen, and will return to Malta and Corfu to embark ordnance stores for England. The Racoon, as stated in a former letter, is to proceed to Marseilles to take on board Prince Alfred, and, it is reported, return with him to Spithead, the voyage to the Cape of Good Hope and Australia having been, it appears, given up for the present. | ||
Ma 23 May 1864 | COURT CIRCULAR. Balmoral, May 19. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred was present at the marriage of his cousin, Princess Clotilde, of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, with the Archduke Joseph. which was solemnized at Coburg on the 12th inst. His Royal Highness proceeded thence on a visit to his sister the Princess Alice (Princess Louis of Hesse Darmstadt), and goes by Carlsrühe and Geneva to Marseilles, where he will join the Racoon on the 22d inst. | ||
Fr 3 June 1864 | PORTUGAL. Lisbon, May 30. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred arrived here on board the Racoon on the 29th inst,, and landed to-day at the Royal Arsenal. The King came from Cintra, and went off in the Royal barge to convey his Royal Highness ashore. | ||
We 8 June 1864 | The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen arrived at Spithead on Monday at midday from the Mediterranean. She sailed from Gibraltar on the 27th of May, and from Lisbon on the 1st inst. On the day she left Gibraltar she spoke, in the Straits, the bark Vulcan, of Liverpool, and on the following day, off Cape St. Vincent, the brig Hylson, of Shields, steering south-east. On the arrival of the Racoon at Spithead the Royal screw yacht Fairy was despatched out to her by order of the Admiral commanding, Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B., for the service of Lieut. Prince Alfred. Count Gleichen landed in the Fairy, and proceeded to London. The Racoon afterwards discharged her powder and shell into ordnance lighters, and went into Portsmouth harbour. Lieut. Prince Alfred yesterday landed at Portsmouth on leave, and proceeded by ordinary train on the South-Western Railway to London and Windsor, to meet Her Majesty and the Royal family on Her Majesty's return from Balmoral. On Monday evening the Prince visited the Royal Sovereign turret ship. | ||
Th 9 June 1864 | The Colossus, 65, screw coastguard ship, Capt. Edward Codd, was placed in No, 10 dock yesterday at Portsmouth, to clean and repair her copper, Kingston valves, &c. The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, was placed the same tide in No. 7 dock. Nos. 7 and 10 docks at Portsmouth were thrown into one by the removal of the caisson at the junction of the two docks which constitute what is known as the "Warrior" dock. When used for separate purposes, as in the present instance, the central caisson is kept in use. | ||
Ma 27 June 1864 | The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, sailed from Spithead, on her northern cruise, on Saturday, Lieutenant Prince Alfred rejoining from leave previous to the corvette weighing her anchor. The Prince, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and Prince Louis of Hesse, arrived at the Queen's private station in the Royal Clarence-yard, Gosport, from Windsor, at 10 45 a.m., where, on alighting, the Royal Princes were received by Major-Gen, Lord W. Paulet, C.B., Admiral Sir M. Seymour, G.C.B., Rear-Admiral Harry Edgell, C.B., Capt. Scott, C.B. (aide-de-camp to the Queen), Col. Thackwell (Assist. Adjutant-General), and other officers. Their Royal Highnesses immediately embarked on board the Fire Queen steam yacht, Staff-Commander Paul, which conveyed them out to Spithead, and transferred them to the Racoon, lying at anchor with the Channel fleet, but with steam up in readiness to start on her voyage. Soon afterwards a signal was made from the Racoon to the Edgar, flagship of the Admiral commanding the Channel squadron, that "the Prince of Wales would be glad to see Admiral Dacres on board the Racoon." The Admiral at once went on board the corvette. At 3 p.m. the Racoon weighed her anchor, and, after steaming about the Channel fleet for some little time, stood out to sea by the eastern channel, with the Fire Queen in attendance. Off the Warner lightship the engines were stopped, and the Prince of Wales and Prince Louis of Hesse, taking leave of Prince Alfred, left her, re-embarked on board the Fire Queen, and returned to Portsmouth harbour, landing at the Royal Clarence Victualling-yard, and thence proceeding by special South-Western train for Windsor, via Basingstoke, at 4 30 p.m. In accordance with the wish expressed by the Prince of Wales, no public honours of any kind were paid him beyond the attendance of the chief military and naval authorities at the Royal Clarence-yard. The Inhabitants of Portsmouth, however, considering them, selves free from any official trammels or etiquette, decked out their Victoria Pier, at the entrance to the harbour, gaily with flags, and cheered most lustily as the Fire Queen steamed in and out of the harbour, the Prince of Wales lifting his hat repeatedly in answer to the crowd assembled on the pier. | ||
Ma 27 June 1864 | COURT CIRCULAR. Windsor Castle, June 25. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred left the Castle early this morning for Portsmouth, attended by Major Cowell, to embark on board Her Majesty's ship Racoon, which will proceed immediately to the North of Norway. | ||
Fr 1 July 1864 | PRINCE ALFRED.- On Wednesday afternoon Her Majesty's screw corvette Racoon, which left Spithead on Saturday on her cruise to the coast of Norway, arrived in the Firth of Forth with Prince Alfred on board, and anchored in the Roads, near Granton. His Royal Highness, accompanied by Major Cowell and Lieutenant Montagu, drove to Edinburgh, and called at the town residence of the Lord Provost, in George-square. The Prince left town by the 5 15 train for Dalkeith, where he arrived at 5 45. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch's carriage was in waiting at the station, and on the arrival of the train his Royal Highness entered it and drove to Dalkeith Palace. At half-past seven the Prince honoured the officers of the Edinburgh County Militia with his presence at mess in the regimental mess-room at the Cross Keys hotel. The Prince was attended by Colonel the Duke of Buccleuch, Major Cowell, and Lieutenant Montagu. The band of the regiment, which was stationed at the hotel, played "God save the Queen" on the arrival of his Royal Highness, and continued to play a selection of popular music during the evening. His Royal Highness returned to Dalkeith-house in the evening, and it is expected that he will remain the guest of the Duke of Buccleuch during the forenoon. The Prince inspected the Edinburgh County Militia on Thursday and returned to Edinburgh in the afternoon. We understand that the Racoon, with his Royal Highness on board, will leave the Firth on Saturday for Norway. The Racoon carries 22 guns, is of 400-horse power, and is commanded by Captain Count Gleichen.- Scotsman. | ||
Ma 4 July 1864 | The departure of the Racoon, from Leith, has been delayed, owing to sickness on board, and the time of her leaving is now uncertain. On Saturday Prince Alfred disembarked, and took apartments in Douglas's Hotel, Edinburgh. He visited Holyrood, and saw part of the Volunteer review in the Park. | ||
Th 7 July 1864 | A NAVAL ENCAMPMENT.-In consequence of the epidemic of smallpox which has appeared on board Her Majesty's ship Racoon, while lying in Leith Roads, it has been resolved to encamp the crew for a time on the island of Inchcolm, near Burntisland, and a supply of tents and camp apparatus from Edinburgh Castle has been sent to the island for that purpose. One of the sailors taken ashore died on Monday in the Edinburgh Infirmary, and several others are lying ill there. Meantime the vessel, which lies off the island, is to be subjected to a thorough purification. Prince Alfred, who came ashore on Saturday, is still residing at Edinburgh, waiting the arrival of the Aurora, Captain Sir Leopold M'Clintock, which it is understood he is now to join. On Monday he visited the studios of Mr. Steell and Mr. Brodie, sculptors. | ||
Ma 11 July 1864 | Her Majesty's ship Racoon still remains in the Firth of Forth, moored off Inchcolm, on which island the crew are at present encamped. No new case of sickness having broken out during the week, it is thought likely that the camp may be broken up in about a week, and that the vessel will proceed on her cruise to Norway. Meantime the Aurora, Capt. Sir L. M'Clintock, has arrived in the Forth, for the purpose of taking Prince Alfred on board, and it is expected that the two ships will rendezvous in a few weeks at Froyen, on the coast of Norway, and that the Prince will proceed thither to his former vessel. | ||
Sa 16 July 1864 | The encampment of the crew of Her Miajesty's ship Racoon, Count Gleichen, on the island of Inchcolm, Firth of Forth, is to be broken up to-day. The Racoon arrived in the Forth on the 29th of June to coal before going out on a cruise on the coast of Norway with Prince Alfred. On arriving there two malignant cases of smallpox were reported, and in two other cases the disease seemed to be threatened. The invalids were removed to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where one of them died after four days' illness, and where the second still remains; the two suspected cases did not prove to be smallpox, and they have recovered. The proposal was immediately made to encamp the crew on shore and thoroughly cleanse the ship. The small island of Inchcolm was selected as the camping ground, and tents were procured from Edinburgh Castle. The Racoon selected an anchorage in the sound between the island and the Fifeshire coast, and about 30 men were left on board to purify and fumigate the ship. The crew were specially inspected by the medical officers, and those who did not show satisfactory marks of vaccination were subjected to the operation. The health of the men on shore has been excellent, and the ordinary sick list has daily been diminishing until it has been reduced not only below the average, but almost to a blank return. The steps taken have not only put a stop to what threatened to be a severe outbreak of epidemic disease, but greatly improved the general health of the crew. On the re-embarkation of the men, and after the necessary preparations have been made for sailing, the Racoon will leave the Firth of Forth and proceed to Fröyen in Norway, where Prince Alfred, who has meantime gone out in the Aurora, will rejoin his ship. | ||
Tu 2 August 1864 | THE AURORA.- The steam frigate Aurora, Captain Sir Leopold F. M'Clintock, which left about a fortnight ago with Prince Alfred for Norway, returned to her anchorage in Burntisland Roads on Friday afternoon. Since landing the Prince in Norway she has been on a ten days' cruise, during which she has experienced rather stormy weather. She fell in with the Racoon at Christiansand, whither that vessel has gone to receive the Prince again on the termination of his Norwegian tour. It is not certain how long she will remain at her present anchorage.- Scotsman. | ||
Ma 5 September 1864 | PRINCE ALFRED IN NORWAY. TRONDHJEM, Aug. 26. Prince Alfred, during his Norwegian cruise, has lately been paying a visit to the Duke of Roxburghe at his fishing quarters on the Alten, which, from its size and rapid streams, its succession of pools, and the weight and quantity of fish, is, for real sport, probably the finest salmon river in the world. … It was on the 25th of July, one of the brightest of bright Arctic summer days, that the Racoon and Black Eaglewere seen quietly steaming up the Fjord, and when it was known that the son of the Queen of England was on board and about to visit the Alten the excitement and delight of the natives, usually so impassive, were for once fairly aroused.Safe anchorage was found at Kaafjord, close under the mines of the Alten Copper Works, a spot which Lord Dufferin in his Letters from High Latitudes has rendered familiar to most English readers, The next day his Royal Highness, accompanied by the Duke of Roxburghe (who came on board immediately on his arrival), Count Gleichen, captain of the Racoon, Major Cowell, and Mr. Brierley, steamed over the Fjord in a tiny little craft - the thing of all others for Norwegian fjords - which had been fitted with engines on board, and which more than anything excited the wonderment and admiration of the inhabitants. They were not long in walking to Reipas, which has always been the head-quarters of Alten salmon fishers, kindly lent to them by the Copper Works Company, who have here a branch establishment. It was a sweltering hot day, the thermometer standing in the shade, where there was any, at 80 deg. Fahrenheit, so the Prince did not wet his line till 8 p.m., and between that and 3 a.m. killed four fine salmon and six grilse, which number would have been doubled had it not been such bright weather; myriads of mosquitoes saluted his arrival, taking especial delight, as they always do in new comers. The next day he went with the same party higher up the river, some 20 miles, to the Duke's other fishing lodge, and in three days killed 60 salmon and grilse, returning on Saturday. he left on Monday. August 1, for Hammerfest and the North Cape, and after a most successful trip and brilliant weather came back to the Alten on the 5th. He remained at Alten for a few days more fishing, and killed altogether in eight days and a half 40 salmon and 86 grilse - l,097 lb. The rest of the Racoon, including Count Gleichen, Mr. Brierley, Major Cowell, Mr. Campbell, the Hon. V. Montague, Lord W. Phipps, &c., killed between them 2,214 lb. - total weight, 3,311 lb. The Duke of Roxburghe, in 21 days, commencing July 4, killed 3,019 lb. (he killed 735 lb. in two days, July 19 and 20; the biggest fish, 36 lb. and 36 lb., the same day). Mr. R. Honywood, in 25 days, killed 2,801 lb., biggest fish 39 lb. (he killed in one night, August 3, 503 lb. - viz., 21 salmon, and 17 grilse, including two salmon of 35 lb. each); grand total, 9,134 lb. On the 15th the Racoon sailed from Alten, and the 16th and 17th were spent at Tromsö, where a ball was improvised on board the Racoon, which brought out an amount of beauty that few were prepared for, and left a lively remembrance on both sides. A cricket match was played in the Loffoden, at the foot of Vaagekaller, the highest mountain of that wild range, while the Prince was shooting at Steilo. The Racoon reached Trondhjem on the 24th, after a most successful cruise in the far North, the weather all the time being magnificent, although at Trondhjem there has been scarcely any summer at all. | ||
Th 15 September 1864 | Edinburgh, Sept. 14. Her Majesty's ship Racoon arrived in the Firth of Forth from Norway early yesterday morning and anchored in Burntisland Roads. Prince Alfred went ashore at 7 o'clock to catch the first train for the north, en route for Balmoral. | ||
Th 22 September 1864 | The Racoon, 20, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, which arrived at Spithead from Scotland on Tuesday, has gone into Portsmouth harbour, and will to placed in dock to repair damage to her keel, caused by grounding during her recent northern, cruise. Soon after anchoring at Spithead on Tuesday the wood and felt covering of her boilers was found to be burning, but after some trouble the fire was extinguished. An inquiry will be held on board relative to the cause of the accident. Such fires are of frequent occurrence on board Her Majesty's ships, but the evil has been partially met by the Admiralty giving a permissive sanction to the use of Spence's patent cement as a covering for boilers and steampipes, in lieu of the dangerous felt and wood covering. To fully meet the question, however, and prevent the recurrence of any such fires, the Admiralty should issue a compulsory order on the subject, and also alter their printed regulations relative to the covering of new boilers, which specially direct that all boilers and pipes shall be covered with felt and wood. The Spence cement is clastic, non-conducting, and non-combustible, and has undergone, with the most perfect success, a very lengthened test of its efficiency on the boilers and steampipes of the hydraulic engine-house of Portsmouth Dockyard, where a 60 lb. pressure of steam is used. | ||
Sa 24 September 1864 | The Racoon, 20, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, is in the Warrior dock at Portsmouth repairing damage to her false keel. Her lower yards and topmasts have been sent down, in process of her refit for further service. | ||
Ma 3 October 1864 | The Racoon, screw corvette, Capt, Count Gleichen, made a satisfactory trial of her machinery at Portsmouth yesterday. | ||
Tu 11 October 1864 | The Racoon, 20, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, sailed from Spithead yesterday afternoon for Gibraltar. | ||
Sa 12 November 1864 | The following is the list of the vessels of the Royal navy which will be armed, and are now being armed, with the new description of 300-pounder and other guns in course of issue. The figures after each vessel specify the number of guns of the description mentioned she will carry. To mount the 12-ton 300-pounders:- Bellerophon, 10; Royal Sovereign, 5; Minotaur, 4; Scorpion, 4; Wiveren, 4; Prince Albert, 4; Agincourt, 4; and Northumberland, 4. To be armed with the 6½-ton guns:- The Achilles, 20; Black Prince, 20; Warrior, 20; Lord Warden, 20; Lord Clyde, 20; Royal Oak, 20; Prince Consort, 20; Royal Alfred, 20; Caledonia, 20; Ocean, 20; Minotaur, 18 ; Agincourt, 18; Valiant, 16; Zealous, 16; Hector, 16; Defence, 10; Resistance, 10; Endymion, 6; Mersey, 4; Orlando, 4, Pallas, 4; Favourite, 4; Research, 4; Enterprise, 4; Amazon, 2; Viper, 2; and Vixen, 2. To mount the 64-pounder muzzle-loader:- The Bristol, 12; Melpomene, 12; Liverpool, 12; Severn, 12; Arethusa, 12; Phoebe, 12;. Shannon, 12; Octavia, 12; Constance, 12; Sutlej, 12; Undaunted, 12; Impérieuse, 12; Aurora, 12; Leander, 12; Bacchante, 12; Emerald, 12; Phaeton, 12: Narcissus, 12; Forte, 12; Euryalus, 12; Topaz, 12; Newcastle, 12; Liffey, 12; Immortalité, 12; Glasgow, 12; Clio, 8, North Star, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1865]; Racoon, 8; Challenge[r], 8; and Menai, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1864]. The following will be supplied with the 64-pounder breech-loaders:- The Scout, 8; Rattlesnake, 8; Cadmus, 8; Scylla, 8; Barossa, 8; Jason, 8; Charybdis, 8; Wolverine, 8; Pylades, 8; Orestes, 8; Pearl, 8; Pelorus, 8; Satellite, 8; Acheron, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Shearwater, 4; Valorous, 4; Furious, 4; Bittern, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Magicienne, 4; and Columbine, 4. A supply of the 6½-ton smooth-bore 100-pounder wrought iron guns has already been received at Chatham, and it is understood that the first supply of the 300-pounder rifled 12-ton Armstrong gun may shortly be expected at the Ordnance wharf. | ||
Fr 12 May 1865 | We have received the following letter from our Malta correspondent, dated Valetta, May 6:- "The Tyrian, gunboat, left Malta on the 3d inst. for Tunis, to relieve the Surprise, 4, Commander G. Tryon, which, will proceed to Gibraltar, to take the place of the Racoon, 22, Capt. Count Gleichen, ordered to England. It is expected that the Surprise will also soon proceed to England, that vessel having been three years and 11 months in commission. The Cossack, 20, Capt. W.K. Holland, left on the same day for Tripoli, conveying thither Consul-General Hay and his family. Intelligence of the death of President Lincoln having beea received here, the flags on all the public buildings and foreign Consulates were yesterday displayed half-mast, which sign of mourning will continue to be shown for three days." | ||
Ma 29 May 1865 | The Racoon, screw, Capt. Count Gleichen, arrived at Spithead yesterday from the Mediterranean. She brings a few naval invalids from the ships on that station, and 46 military invalids and time-expired men front various regiments at Gibraltar, under the command of Lieut. Jackson, 86th Regiment, who will disembark this morning. | ||
Ma 5 June 1865 | The Racoon, 20, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, steamed into Portsmouth harbour on Saturday from Spithhead for a refit after her Mediterranean cruise. | ||
Tu 27 June 1865 | COURT CIRCULAR. Osborne, July 26. Her Majesty the Queen, accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena, Princess Louise, Princess Beatrice, and Prince Leopold, went on board the Racoon, screw corvette, Captain Count Gleichen, off Osborne, yesterday afternoon. | ||
Tu 29 August 1865 | THE BOMBAY MAILS. Southampton, Monday evening. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamship Euxine, Captain N. Roskell, arrived at 7 p.m. with the heavy portion of the Bombay mails. She brings 63 passengers, 4,262 l. in specie, 1,992 bales of silk, 40 turtles, and 250 packages of sundries. | ||
Ma 2 October 1865 | The screw frigate Racoon, 22, Capt. Count Gleichen, arrived at Spithead during Friday night from the Mediterranean, and will steam into Portsmouth harbour to-day to be docked. She brought to England a number of naval invalids and time-expired men, who were transferred from her on Saturday to the Victory, by the Pigmy steam tender, Master-Commander Petch. Lieut. Prince Alfred was to have joined the .Racoon at Malta, and served on board her in the Mediterranean until his promotion to Commander's rank in the spring. The outbreak of cholera, however, in various ports of the Mediterranean has been the cause of the Racoon's recall to England. | ||
Tu 3 October 1865 | The Racoon, 22, screw frigate, Capt. Count Gleichen, discharged her powder and shell yesterday morning at Spithead, and afterwards weighed her anchor and steamed into Portsmouth harbour for docking and refit. | ||
We 25 October 1865 | The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt Count Gleichen, steamed out of Portsmouth harbour yesterday, on the completion of her refit, and anchored at Spithead to take in powder and shell. Lieut. Prince Alfred is expected to rejoin the Racoon to-day. The ship is under orders to sail on a short cruise. | ||
We 29 November 1865 | His Royal Highness Prince Alfred, about to embark at Trieste on board Her Majesty's ship Racoon, was expected shortly to visit Gibraltar. The following general order, respecting his Royal Highness's reception, had been issued to the garrison:- "Notification having been received from the Secretary of State that his Royal Highness Prince Alfred will shortly embark at Trieste on board Her Majesty's ship Racoon and will probably visit this fortress, his Royal Highness, having attained his majority, will be received as a member of the Royal family, unless he notifies his intention of dispensing with the usual forms of reception. All communications will be sent to Lieutenant Haig, Royal Engineers, Equerry, who will submit them to Prince Alfred, and through him his Royal Highness's pleasure will be notified." | ||
We 6 December 1865 | We have received the following letter from our Malta correspondent, dated Valetta, Dec. 1:- ... The Psyche, 2, despatch-vessal, Lieutenant-Commander R. Blane, is still under orders for immediate service, believed to have reference to the cruise of his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, who is at present on a visit to Madeira in the Racoon, 22, Captain Count Gleichen. | ||
Ma 11 December 1865 | Madeira.- On the 13th ult. Her Majesty's ship Racoon arrived, having his Royal Highness Prince Alfred on board. She remained eight days, and then proceeded to Gibraltar. | ||
Tu 13 February 1866 | His Royal Highness Prince Alfred returned to Gibraltar on the 29th ult. from Tangier in Her Majesty's ship Racoon. The Prince during his stay in Barbary made an excursion from Tangier to Tetuan, and had an opportunity of personally inspecting the last battle-field of the Spaniards and Moors in the late war- the Fondak Pass. Sir John H. Drummond Hay, Her Majesty's Minister in Morocco, also arrived with his family in the Racoon, on a short visit to Gibraltar. | ||
Tu 20 February 1866 | The Racoon screw corvette, 22, Capt. Count Gleichen arrived at Spithead from the Mediterranean during Sunday afternoon from Gibraltar, sailing thence on the 12th inst., and bringing to England a number of military and naval supernumeraries. | ||
Th 22 February 1866 | The Racoon, 22, screw, Capt. Count Gleichen, shifted her anchorage from Spithead to Cowes Roads on Tuesday, to relieve the Research, 4, Commander R. Scott. | ||
Th 22 February 1866 | THE COURT.- Her Majesty, accompanied by the Royal family from Osborne, and by Lieutenant his Royal Highness Prince Alfred, Her Majesty's ship Racoon, arrived in Portsmouth harbour at 3 30 p.m. yesterday, from the Royal marine palace at Osborne, on board the Royal paddle yacht Alberta, Captain his Serene Highness the Prince Leiningen. Her Majesty landed at the Royal Clarence Victualling-yard, where Lieutenant-General Sir George Buller, K.C.B., and Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, G.C.B., with their staffs and the heads of the military and naval departments, were in waiting. Her Majesty and the Royal family, with the exception of Prince Alfred, immediately on landing entered the Royal saloon carriage of the London and South-Western Company's special train, which was drawn up in the Queen's private station of the Clarence-yard, in charge of Mr. Godson, traffic superintendent of the London and South-Western Railway, and left for Windsor, via Basingstoke. At this junction Mr. J. Grierson, general manager of the Great Western Railway, superintended the arrangements, and the special then proceeded by way of Reading, Taplow, and Slough to Windsor, which was reached at 6 o'clock. The Mayor of Windsor, Mr. J. Jones, and a number of gentlemen and ladies, were in attendance to welcome the Queen and Royal family, who, on quitting the train, drove to the Castle, where Her Majesty arrived at five minutes past 6 o'clock in the evening. There was no guard of honour at the terminus. Her Majesty and the Princesses, who still wear mourning, were in perfect health. The Queen, it is expected, will remain some little time at Windsor Castle. Prince Alfred returned to Her Majesty's ship Racoon, in Cowes-roads, in the Royal yacht Alberta, after the departure of the Queen and the Royal family from the Clarence-yard for Windsor. | ||
Ma 26 February 1866 | COURT CIRCULAR. Windsor Castle, Feb. 24. His Royal Highness Prince Alfred arrived at the Castle yesterday, having completed his service on board Her Majesty's ship Racoon. The Prince went to London today attended by Lieutenant Haig. | ||
We 7 March 1866 | The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, with her tender, the Whiting, improved class of wooden gunboat, 60-horse power, Lieut.-Commanding James M. Morris, is under orders to sail immediately from Spithead for Queenstown, Ireland. The Whiting, which has been commissioned independently of the Racoon as that ship's tender, went out of Portsmouth, harbour yesterday on a trial of her new machinery and boilers, under the supervision of the officials of the Portsmouth dockyard factory department and the steam reserve. | ||
Fr 9 March 1866 | The Racoon, 22, screw corvette, Capt. Count Gleichen, accompanied by her tender, the screw gunboat Whiting, 4, 60-horse power, Lieut.-Commander James M. Morris, sailed from Spithead yesterday afternoon for Queenstown, Ireland. | ||
Tu 10 July 1866 | THE ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. The following telegram has been received by Reuter's Telegram Company (Limited) from Mr. R.A. Glass, managing director of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company :- "Valentia, July 9. "The Albany arrived here yesterday afternoon; has landed stores for this station, and sailed to-day at noon to join the cable fleet at Berehaven. | ||
Th 12 July 1866 | "Valentia, July 11. "Her Majesty's frigate Racoon left this morning to join the cable fleet, which is waiting the arrival of the steamship Medway, supposed to be detained by fog, which has prevailed on this coast since Sunday last. It is now quite clear, and sea calm. May expect to complete splice to-morrow." | ||
Fr 13 July 1866 | ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH EXPEDITION. Valentia, July 11. The Great Eastern is still anchored at Berehaven, and the expedition waits for her arrival - that is to say, that until she comes the squadron cannot start at all. Up till late last night it was confidently expected that the splice would be made tomorrow, but a messenger has just arrived who bears the unwelcome news that it may be Friday or even Saturday before the great ship can leave. Really, however, nothing very certain is known on this point. It is a mere question of coaling the Great Eastern, and the Irish labourers who have been improvised for this duty work with such an intermittent zeal that Captain Anderson has decided that whenever a reasonably fair quantity is stowed on board he will at once proceed to sea and leave the rest behind him. They are now loading day and night, and if this labour can only be continued the whole squadron will sail by Friday, but at present the chances seem against it. Every day that has passed since the thin end was laid, with the exception of yesterday, has shown the wisdom of having taken advantage of the first break of moderate weather. Since Saturday the fogs have been dense off the coast, and the wind and rain more or less continuous, and always quite enough to put an end to any chance of landing under the cliffs of Foilhommerum. The end of the wire out to sea, however, remains safely buoyed, and its electrical condition is perfect. Strange to say, the William Corry, which submerged this portion of the rope and left it at 3 a.m. last Sunday to return to Berehaven, where she was expected to arrive at noon the same day, has not yet been seen or heard of there. Whether she is still keeping by the buoy which is some 34 miles out to sea, or whether she has mistaken her instructions and returned to England none can say. Here, however, she is not, and her absence is causing some inconvenience, as there are 22 of the "cable hands" on board her who must be transferred to the Great Eastern before she starts. Not the slightest apprehension is felt about her beyond the very natural one that she may have misinterpreted her instructions. To-day her Majesty's screw Racoon will go out to the buoy to look for her, and signal her back to Berehaven, whither the Racoon is also bound. At the telegraph house on the cliffs of Foilhommerum the staff are busy just no w, though not much, more so than they have been throughout the winter. Last year's cable appears to have sunk as much out of mind as out of sight of the general public, yet not a day has passed since its unfortunate fracture last August that its insulation; and "conductivity"' have not been almost hourly recorded. These show its condition up to the broken end, 1,260 miles from shore, to be absolutely perfect. There is always a certain amount of resistance to an electric current entering a cable, which is called retardation, and is measured by millions of units. A submarine wire of a certain length can, therefore, always be measured off as it were and its insulating and conductive powers ascertained to within a mile of a fault by the time the current takes in entering the wire. These tests, as we have said, have been carried on hourly with last year's cable, and the result as to millions of units has corresponded day by day in the most remarkable manner. Of course, both its ''conductivity" and resistance have varied as earth currents arose or magnetic storms prevailed, but nine times out of ten the resistance test has been the same even to a millionth unit day after day, and these tests are identical with those which would be obtained from a perfect submarine rope 1,260 miles long. The readings of the barometer at the station also afford the most curious data, which until now have been almost entirely overlooked in electrical science as connected with the submarine cables. It is found that exactly in proportion as the barometer rose the resistance of the current increased, and vice versa. In plain terms, a low barometer meant a good cable, and a high barometer a bad one. Another curious circumstance which has sometimes been noticed, but never carefully recorded till now, is that between 12 and 2 in the day, and only at those hours, the cable is always at its worst. It is impossible, however, to enter into this question at length now, when the Racoon is on the point of starting round to Berehaven, and in search of the William Corry. But enough has been given in outline to indicate that a mass of most interesting and important facts remains to be disclosed, which may perhaps hereafter have a most essential bearing on the whole theory and practice of submarine telegraphy. The following telegram was received by Reuter's Telegram Company (limited), at 1 17 p.m. yesterday from Mr. R.A. Glass, managing director of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company (limited):- "Valentia, July 12. "The Great Eastern and attendant ships will leave Berehaven this afternoon, arriving at the buoys on the shore end at daylight to-morrow morning, where the splice will be made, weather permitting." | ||
Ma 22 October 1866 | QUEENSTOWN, SATURDAY. We had two very interesting arrivals this morning - Her Majesty's corvette Racoon, Captain Armytage, and the steamship Medway, Captain D. Harris. The former is from Valentia, and the latter from Heart's Content, the termini of the Atlantic Cable. The Racoon was at Valentia assisting in laying the shore end, and since that has been stationed there. The Medway, our readers will remember, is one of the grappling ships, and after laying the shore end of the second cable in Heart's Content she was sent with Her Majesty's ship Terrible, Captain Commerell,V.C., to lay a second cable across the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Northumberland Straits, so as to duplicate the whole of the submarine telegraph route to New York, and as all that pertains to this great enterprise is very interesting we have gathered the following short log of their proceedings. ... | ||
Sa 27 October 1866 | The screw steam corvette Racoon, 22, Capt. William Armytage, from Ireland, arrived on Thursday in Plymouth Sound, where her crew was mustered and inspected by Port Admiral Sir Charles H. Fremantle, K.C.B. Yesterday she was appointed to go into Hamoaze preparatory to her being paid off and placed in the third division of the Steam Reserve. | ||
Th 17 April 1873 | The following ships have been ordered home from the undermentioned stations to be paid out of commission The Cossack, 16, screw corvette, 1,296 tons, 230-horse power, Capt. R.G. Douglas, from the Australian station (this vessel was commissioned at Sheerness in December, 1868, by Capt. J.E. Parish, for service in the East Indies); the Racoon, 18,screw corvette, 1,447 tons, 400-horse power, Capt. Edward H. Howard, from North America and the West Indies (this vessel was paid off at Bermuda on the 6th of May, 1870, by Lieut. R.M. Sperling, now of the Devastation, and was re-commissioned by her present commander on the following day); the Supply, 2, iron steam storeship, 638 tons, 84-horse power, from Cadiz (she ran on a reef of rocks off Cape Pallas, on the West Coast of Africa, on the 12th of last September, sustaining considerable damage; Staff Commander N.G. Arguimbau, on his retirement from the service, was succeeded in the command of this vessel on the 2d of December last by Staff Commander Richard T.N. Pearce, who is bringing the vessel home); and the Zealous, 20, armour-plated screw steamship, 3,716 tons 800-horse power (flagship of Rear-Admiral Arthur Farquhar), Capt. Francis A. Hume, from the Pacific. |
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