Ma 9 November 1863 | The Orontes, screw iron troopship, Capt. W.H. Hire, arrived at Spithead, late on Friday evening, from Malta and Gibraltar, with the following freight on board:- Saloon Passengers.-Dr. Kelly, R.N., from Malta Hospital; Lieut. Calder, R.N., from Her Majesty's ship Phoebe; Mr. Inuis, naval cadet, Her Majesty's ship Liffey; Capt. Leadbetter, 25th Regiment, in charge of military invalids; Lieut. Skinner, 8th Regiment (2d battalion); Dr. Annersley, Inspector-General of Hospitals, Mrs. Annersley and family, Capt. Fitzroy Somerset, R.E., Capt. Ridout, R.A., Capt. Squirl, 2d Regiment; Dr. Sinclair, R.A, and Assist.-Surgeon Graves, R.A. in medical charge of invalids; Mr. Sinclair and family, Mrs. Capt. Barnett and child, Mrs. Spratt and family, Mrs. Hibbert and servant. Her troop and naval list comprised:- 124 military invalids, 59 time-expired men, 10 military prisoners, 7 insane soldiers, 22 soldiers' wives and 38 children, from various regiments, and 130 naval invalids from the Mediterranean fleet. The military invalids were transferred from the ship on Saturday to Netley Hospital, and the time expired men, women, and children, insane men and prisoners, to the depôts of their regiments, &c. The naval invalids were transferred to Her Majesty's ship Victory, and the Royal and Naval Hospital at Haslar. Two warders and 32 convicts (the latter are tickets of leave), who also came from Gibraltar in the ship, were transferred to the convict prison at Portsea. Some 700 tons of old stores and a large quantity of condemned powder has been sent to England in the ship from Malta and Gibraltar. The Orontes sailed from Malta on the 31st ult., leaving at anchor there Her Majesty's ships Hydra, Procris, and Redpole. The Malacca, 20, screw, sailed from the Rock for England on the 29th ult. The Gibraltar, screw, liner, Capt. Prevost, sailed for Malta on the 31st ult. The Racoon, 20, screw, Captain Count Gleichen, was lying at Malaga. At Malta there was great dullness of trade, and consequent grumbling ashore, owing to the lengthened absence of the fleet at the Piraeus. Since leaving England the Orontes has done very efficient service in the Mediterranean in the exchange of regiments between Malta and Gibraltar, and in the performance of which duty the conduct and attention to the wants of their military passengers of Capt. Hire and his officers are spoken of in very high terms. It is, however, stated that although the Orontes was designed and constructed for an improved Himalaya, she is, in fact, very far from being even the equal of that vessel. Her machinery is of insufficient power, and she can with difficulty average 10 knots. Her steering power is also defective, her wheel requiring considerable alterations. At present it takes six men in ordinary weather to steer her. She is an excellent sea boat and remarkably easy in rough weather. Her immediate requirements (to make her approach the Himalaya in comfort to her passengers and in speed) are, a poop on the upper deck, and the present cabin space on the main deck added to the troop berthing; some alterations to her machinery, and additional boiler space. It will take about three weeks to make good her ordinary defects. |