Name | Orion (1854) | Explanation | |
Type | Second rate | Type | Two-decker |
Launched | 6 November 1854 | Converted to screw | on the stocks |
Hull | Wooden | Length | 238 feet |
Propulsion | Screw | Men | 720 |
Builders measure | 3281 tons | ||
Displacement | |||
Guns | 91 | ||
Fate | 1867 | Last in commission | 1861 |
Class | Class (as screw) | Hood | |
Ships book | ADM 135/338 | ||
Career | |||
Date | Event | ||
6 November 1854 | Launched at Chatham Dockyard. | ||
11 January 1855 - 1 October 1857 | Commanded (from commissioning at Sheerness until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain John Elphinstone Erskine, the Baltic during the Russian War then (July 1856) North America and West Indies | ||
3 June 1858 - 2 February 1859 | Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Captain Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Channel squadron (from 10 August to 1 November 1858 flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles HoweFremantle) | ||
27 January 1859 - 22 June 1859 | Commanded by Captain Wallace Houston, Mediterranean | ||
22 June 1859 - October 1861 | Commanded by Captain John James Bartholomew Edward Frere, Mediterranean | ||
(7 October 1861) - 9 November 1861 | Commanded (until paying off) by Acting Captain William Cecil De Vere, Mediterranean | ||
1867 | Sold to Castle for breaking up at Charlton. | ||
Extracts from the Times newspaper | |||
Date | Extract | ||
Ma 7 June 1858 | COMMAND OF THE Channel squadron. - There is now, we believe, no doubt as to the selection of Rear-Admiral the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel as the Commander-in-Chief of the Channel squadron. Great fears were entertained at one time that the command would be given to a worn-out officer, whoso unpopularity with smart young seamen is well known, and whose day is, in fact, passed; and it is no small relief, therefore, to learn that one of the most vigorous and at the same time justly popular admirals in the service is the officer chosen. If men understand that they are to be kept at one incessant routine of drill and gunnery, and gunnery and drill, from Monday morning till Saturday night, it requires no very intimate knowledge of sailors to predict that the ships will, like the Marlborough, remain for months with only the marines and idlers on board. Had the Marlborough been blessed with a popular captain, there is no knowing what effect it might have had upon the unemployed sailors. It is strange how small a matter will turn the current of popularity; but the fact of a ship's remaining half-manned for three or four months is considered tantamount to an admission that there is something wrong about the ship or captain. It will he seen how long the Orion, the ship destined to bear Sir Henry Keppel's flag, takes in manning. If she is not manned offhand we shall be greatly surprised, and shall be inclined to accept it as an ill omen. Sir Henry is well known to the best description of men we have in the service. He is known as one full of fight, and he humours "Jack's" predilections by despising and denouncing humbug. He will take care to have the squadron which may be placed under his orders in good fighting condition, and it will not be his fault if the crews of the ships do not, in due coarse, become seamen as well as gunners. -United Service Gazette. | ||
Tu 10 August 1858 | Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Fremantle, K.C.B., Commander-in-Chief of the Channel fleet, shifted his flag from the Renown, 91, Captain Forbes, to the Orion, 91, Captain D'Eyncourt. at Spithead, yesterday. | ||
Th 26 August 1858 | The Orion, 91, screw, Captain Edwin C.T. D'Eyncourt, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Howe Freemantle, Commander-in-Chief of the Channel squadron; the Caesar, 91, screw, Captain Charles Frederick; the Renown, 91, screw, Captain Arthur Forbes; the Brunswick, 80, screw, Captain Erasmus Ommanney; and the Racoon, 21, screw, Captain James A. Paynter, sailed from Spithead yesterday for a short cruise in the Channel, the first movement of the Channel fleet. | ||
We 1 September 1858 | The Channel squadron, comprising the Orion, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Fremantle, the Brunswick, the Renown, the Caesar, and the Racoon, arrived in Plymouth Sound yesterday (Tuesday) evening. | ||
Ma 6 September 1858 | In consequence of the dirty weather from the southward and westward, Admiral Fremantle's squadron, consisting of the Orion, Caesar, Brunswick, Renown, and Racoon, did not sail from Plymouth Sound for Ireland on Saturday Preparations are made for their departure to-day (Monday). The Diadem, 32, screw frigate, Captain W. Moorsom, C.B., sailed from Spithead yesterday forenoon for Plymouth to join the Channel squadron. She is expected to be away about a month, and on her return is to come into harbour to be fitted with her proper masts. Those she has at present are only jury masts. The Victor Emmanuel, 91, screw, Captain James Willcox, is expected to sail from Spithead to-morrow to join the Channel squadron. | ||
Ma 4 October 1858 | Admiral Fremantle's squadron hove in sight, near the Eddystone, at 9 o'clock yesterday (Sunday) morning. Wind, west south west; strong breeze. At 11 o'clock they were approaching Plymouth Sound in two divisions. The squadron includes the Renown, 91, Captain A. Forbes; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Captain J. Wilcox; the Orion, 91, Captain D'Eyncourt; the Caesar, 90, Captain C. Frederick; the Brunswick, 81, Captain E. Ommanney; the Euryalus, 51, Captain J.W. Tarleton; the Diadem, 32, Captain W. Moorsom; and the Racoon, 22, Captain J.A. Paynter. | ||
Ma 29 November 1858 | The Channel squadron, consisting of the Royal Albert, Renown, Orion, and Brunswick, weighed anchor on Saturday morning, and steamed out of Bantry Bay for Cork; on obtaining an offing the squadron at noon of the same day let off their steam, and raised their propellers, and proceeded under canvass, the Renown leading the weather line, and followed by the Orion, and the Brunswick leading the lee line, followed by the Royal Albert. The wind during the whole time the squadron was at sea was from south to south-east blowing fresh and occasionally increasing to a gale. At daylight of the 24th the squadron had separated owing to a dense November fog. The vessels arrived at Queenstown in the following order, Brunswick and Renown on the afternoon of the 24th and Royal Albert at 1 p.m. on the 25th. The Orion is outside of the harbour. | ||
Ma 3 January 1859 | The annual return of the names, number of guns, and tonnage of the whole of the vessels in the navy was published on Saturday, from which it appeals that the British navy at the commencement of the present year, consists of 523 vessels, including screw steamers of every description, exclusive of which there are 167 gunboats. Of the number of vessels composing the navy no less than 176 are in commission, and doing duty in every part of the globe. The vessels in commission are distributed as follow:- 32 line-of-battle ships, frigates, and smaller vessels are attached to the East Indies and China station; 25 on the coast of Africa; 16 in the Mediterranean; 15 on the Pacific and on the Australia station; 15 on the North America and West India station; 7 on the south-east coast of America, and 5 at the Cape of Good Hope. The remaining 61 vessels, are employed on particular service, or attached as guardships to the principal ports in Great Britain and Ireland, including the Channel squadron, which is composed of the following screw steamers:- The Royal Albert, 121, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Sir C.H. Fremantle, K.C.B.; the Orion, 91, Captain E.C.T. D'Eyncourt; the Renown,. 91, Captain, A. Forbes; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Captain J. Willcox; the Brunswick, 80, Captain E. Ommanney; and the Racoon, 22, Captain J.A. Paynter. | ||
Fr 29 April 1859 | THE CHANNEL FLEET.- BEREHAVEN, April 23.-The ships of the Channel fleet that had been staying here for some months left to-day. They comprised the Royal Albert, the Renown, the Brunswick, the St. Jean d'Acre, and the Racoon. The Victor Emanuel and the Orion came in here with them, but early in March they were ordered to Tangier. It is said that these two vessels are to join the Channel fleet again, as also the Algiers and the James Watt, line-of-battle ships, and the Liffey, the Mersey, and the Doris, frigates. The Caesar and the Diadem are also returning from the West Indies to join, and the Euryalus from the Mediterranean. During their stay here the Marines and Naval Brigades were exercised on shore every week, as also in the boats. The Admiral, Sir Charles Freemantle, is most deservedly popular with all classes.- Cork Reporter. | ||
We 28 September 1859 | The following is the distribution of the Mediterranean fleet at Malta:- Screw steamships of the Line.- The Marlborough, 131 (flagship of Vice-Admiral Fanshawe), on her way to Gibraltar, left Malta on the 15th of September; the Hannibal, 91 (flagship of Rear-Admiral Mundy), coast of Sicily; the Conqueror, 101, Gibraltar; the St. Jean d'Acre, 101, coast of Sicily; the Orion, 91, Gibraltar; the Princess Royal, 91, Gibraltar; the Renown, 91, Malta; the Victor Emmanuel, 91, Gibraltar; the Exmouth, 90, Naples; the London, 90, coast of Sicily; the Brunswick, 80, coast of Sicily; the Centurion, 80, Gibraltar; and the Cressy, 80, left Malta on the 5th of September. Steam Frigates.- The Euryalus, 51, Piraeus of Athens; the Liffey, 51, Piraeus of Athens; the Doris, 32, left Malta on the 13th of September; and the Terrible, 21, Naples. Steam Corvettes.- The Racoon, 22, Corfu; the Cadmus, 21, Malta; and the Vulture, 6, Morocco coast. Steam Sloops.- The Gannet, 11, Piraeus of Athens; the Argus, 6, Malta; the Intrepid, 6, Constantinople; the Recruit, 6, Malta; the Scourge, 6, Malta; the Assurance, 4, left Malta on the 31st of August; the Coquette, 4, Marseilles; the Lapwing, 4, Gibraltar; the Osprey, 4, Corfu; the Vigilant, 4, Venice; and the Wanderer, 4, Candia. Steam Gunboats.- The Growler, Gibraltar; and the Quail, Gibraltar. Steam Despatch-vessels.- The Banshee, 2, Malta; and the Caradoc, 2, Malta. Steam-tender.- The Boxer, 2, Malta. Steam Surveying-vessels.- The Medina, 4, Candia ; and the Tartarus, 4, Candia. Receiving-ship.- The Hibernia (flag of Rear-Admiral Codrington), Malta. Depot-ship.- The Africa, Gibraltar. Tugs.- The Hearty, Malta; and the Redpole, 2, Gibraltar. Sailing Gunboats.- The Azof, 2, Malta; and the Kertch, 2, Malta. | ||
Ma 24 October 1859 | By the last accounts received at Malta the Marlborough, 131, bearing the flag of Vice-Admiral Fanshawe, the Commander-in-chief, with Rear Admiral Dacres on board as Captain of the Fleet; the Conqueror, 101; the Orion, 91; the Princess Royal; 91; the Renown, 91, steam-ships of the line; the Vulture, 6, steam frigate; the Scourge, 6, the Coquette, 4, and the Lapwing, 4, steam sloops; the Growler steam gunboat; the African depot ship; the Redpole steam tug were at Gibraltar, as well as the Edgar, 91, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Erskine, and the Neptune, 91, steamships of the line belonging to the Channel fleet. The Caesar, 90, the James Watt, 91, the Agamemnon, 91, steamships of the line, and the Virago, 6, steam sloop, were on their way to Gibraltar and the Mediterranean from England; and on her way to Malta from England and Gibraltar the Supply, 2, steam storeshlp. On her way to Gibraltar and England the Firebrand, 6, steam sloop. The Doris, 32, steam frigate, was at Tetuan, and the Quail steam gunboat at Tangier. | ||
Ma 30 July 1860 | The screw steamship Orion, 91, Capt. T.B. Frere, has received a quantity of stores and provisions for the Channel fleet |
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