HMS Prometheus (1839)
HMS Prometheus (1839)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NamePrometheus (1839)Explanation
Launched21 September 1839
Builders measure800 tons
Displacement878 tons
Ships book
Snippets concerning this vessels career
21 November 1839Commanded by Lieutenant commander Thomas Spark, Mediterranean
23 February 1843Commanded by Lieutenant commander Frederick Lowe, particular service
15 May 1844Commanded by Commander John Hay, west coast of Africa
9 May 1850
- 31 January 1853
Commanded by Commander Henry Richard Foote, west coast of Africa
25 February 1854
- 3 October 1854
Commanded by Commander Edward Bridges Rice, west coast of Africa
12 September 1854
- 16 January 1856
Commanded by Commander Jasper Henry Selwyn, west coast of Africa
27 January 1856
- 15 September 1857
Commanded by Commander Charles Webley Hope, west coast of Africa
19 October 1859
- 12 November 1860
Commanded (from commissioning at Woolwich) by Commander Sidmouth Stowell Skipwich, west coast of Africa (until Skipwich invalided)
6 November 1860
- 21 June 1862
Commanded by Commander Norman Bernard Bedingfield, west coast of Africa
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 14 September 1840It appears that neither the Salamander nor Comet steam-vessels are to be paid off; they are equipping at Woolwich, with great despatch; they will be both at Spithead about the last week in September. The Medea will leave Woolwich on the 24th. The Vesuvius is fitting at Chatham for the Mediterranean. These four steam ships will increase Sir R. Stopford's force to 10 powerful steam-vessels of war, he having already the Gorgon, Cyclops, Phoenix, Rhadamanthus, Hydra, and Stromboli; and to which there are several steamers already fitted for guns, &c., employed in the conveyance of the mails, such as the Acheron, Volcano, Prometheus, Megaera, Alecto, &c.
Th 1 January 1863The Prometheus, 5, 200-horse power, which was undocked at Chatham Dockyard a few days since to allow of the iron paddlewheel steamer Recruit, 6, 160-horse power, being placed in the same dock to undergo some very extensive repairs, is ordered to be thoroughly surveyed by several of the master-shipwrights connected with the various dockyards, with the view to ascertain whether the defects in that vessel are of such a nature as to allow of her repair. During the time the Prometheus was in dock she underwent a survey at the hands of the dockyard officials, the result of which was the discovery that most of her timbers were exceedingly rotten and her planking very defective. Her engines and machinery have been taken out and placed in the dockyard, and should the special report to the Admiralty be unfavourable she will either he broken up or sold out of the service. The Prometheus is not an old vessel, and nearly the whole time since she was built she has been employed on the coast of Africa.

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