HMS Medea (1833)
HMS Medea (1833)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameMedea (1833)Explanation
Type2nd class sloop   
Launched2 September 1833
Builders measure835 tons
Displacement1142 tons
Ships bookADM 135/304
Snippets concerning this vessels career
15 February 1834
- 7 October 1837
Commanded by Commander Horatio Thomas Austin, Mediterranean
14 February 1838
- 23 November 1839
Commanded by Commander John Neale Nott, North America and West Indies
(January 1840)Out of commission at Woolwich
12 August 1840
- 16 May 1845
Commanded (from commissioning at Woolwich) by Commander Frederick Warden, Mediterranean (including operations on the coast of Syria in 1840, and at the blockade of Alexandria). Later collecting the 'Xanthian Marbles' (an ancient collection of sculptures discovered in 1838 by Sir Charles Fellows at the Greek city of Xanthus, and now in the British Museum)
2 November 1846Commanded (from commissioning) by Commander Francis Thomas Brown (commissioned at Woolwich)
5 November 1846
- 23 January 1847
Commanded by Commander Graham Eden William Hamond, until he died
25 January 1847Commanded by Commander Thomas Henry Mason, East Indies
18 December 1852
- 17 November 1853
Commanded by Commander John Crawshay Bailey, North America and West Indies
18 November 1853
- 17 December 1855
Commanded by Commander Augustus Phillimore, North America and West Indies
10 October 1855
- June 1856
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander Edward Peirse, North America and West Indies
18 September 1861
- 22 June 1865
Commanded (from commissioning at Portsmouth until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander D'Arcy Spence Preston, North America and West Indies
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 14 September 1840It appears that neither the Salamander nor Comet steam-vessels are to be paid off; they are equipping at Woolwich, with great despatch; they will be both at Spithead about the last week in September. The Medea will leave Woolwich on the 24th. The Vesuvius is fitting at Chatham for the Mediterranean. These four steam ships will increase Sir R. Stopford's force to 10 powerful steam-vessels of war, he having already the Gorgon, Cyclops, Phoenix, Rhadamanthus, Hydra, and Stromboli; and to which there are several steamers already fitted for guns, &c., employed in the conveyance of the mails, such as the Acheron, Volcano, Prometheus, Megaera, Alecto, &c.
We 5 January 1853The steam squadron of reserve, under the superintendence of Captain W.H. Henderson, C.B., of the Blenheim, 60, since the commissioning of the Sidon, Odin, Furious, and Medea, has been reduced to four vessels — viz., the Leopard, 12, 560-horse power; Vesuvius, 6, 280-horse power; Bulldog, 6, 500 horse-power; and the Stromboli, 6, 280-horse power; all paddle vessels. The Hecla, 6, will shortly join them, having been masted ready for rigging.
Fr 28 May 1858The Impérieuse, 51, screw frigate, will be undocked this day at Portsmouth and placed in the steam basin to be completed for commission.

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