HMS Valorous (1851)
HMS Valorous (1851)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameValorous (1851)Explanation
Type2nd class frigate   
Launched30 April 1851
Builders measure1255 tons
Displacement2300 tons
Ships book
Snippets concerning this vessels career
11 December 1852Commanded by Captain Claude Henry Mason Buckle, Mediterrnaean, then (1854) the Baltic and (1855) the Black Sea during the Russian War
26 August 1857Commanded by Captain William Cornwallis Aldham, North America and West Indies
13 April 1863
- September 1867
Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Charles Codrington Forsyth, Cape of Good Hope
27 November 1869
- 13 March 1870
Commanded by Captain Francisco Sangro Robert Dawson Tremlett, troop transport to Ireland, then escorting Captain from the Mersey to Spithead
14 March 1870
- 29 February 1872
Commanded by Captain Edward Hardinge, protection of Canadian fisheries
1 March 1872
- 10 September 1873
Commanded by Captain Arthur Thomas Thrupp, Plymouth
26 February 1875
- 25 February 1878
Commanded by Captain Loftus Francis Jones, particular service, escort of the Arctic expedition of 1875 under Sir George Nares
26 February 1878
- 9 October 1878
Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Captain Archibald George Bogle, Particular service
10 October 1878
- 7 October 1882
Commanded by Captain George Digby Morant, particular service
20 December 1883
- 21 December 1886
Commanded by Captain Hon Richard Hare, particular service
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 6 March 1854


The victualling of the ships at Spithead for six months foreign service was completed yesterday. There are now at this rendezvous to-day the following ships, the complements of which we give, as nearly as we can arrive at them without consulting the ships' books:—
Princess Royal, Captain Lord Clarence Paget, flag of Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., &c.913,129880400
Prince Regent, Captain Hutton, flag of Rear-Admiral Corry.902,513821
Edinburgh, Captain Hewlett, flag of Rear-Admiral Chads. C.B.561,772660450
Royal George, Captain Codrington, C.B.1212,6161,100400
St. Jean d'Acre, Captain the Hon. Henry Keppel.1013,600900650
Boscawen, Captain Glanville.702,212620
Hogue, Captain W. Ramsay.601.750660450
Impérieuse, Captain Watson, C.B.512,347530360
Arrogant, Captain Yelverton.471,872450360
Amphion. Captain A.C. Key.341.474320300
Tribune, Captain the Hon. S.T. Carnegie.301,570200300
Dauntless, Captain Ryder.331,490300580
Leopard, Captain Giffard.181,412280550
Valorous, Captain C.H.M. Buckle.161,255220400
Dragon, Captain Willcox.61,270200500
Bulldog, Captain W.C. Hall.61,123160500
Frolic, Commander Nolloth.16511120
They have each been ordered (this day) to draw charts for the Baltic.
Every day will add to this force, which will eventually include the three-deckers, Duke of Wellington, 131; St. George, 120; Waterloo, 120; Neptune, 120; Caesar, 91; Nile, 91; James Watt, 91; Algiers, 91; Monarch, 84; Ganges, 84; Cressy, 81; Majestic, 81; Blenheim, 60; Ajax, 60; Euryalus, 51 ; Fox, 42; Pique, 40; and numerous others. Sir Charles Napier will, we believe, command personally 20 sail of the line, and 10 sail of French. There will be about 50 sail of smaller ships, which will be apportioned to the English and French Rear-Admirals and Commodore Martin, and it is reported a squadron of sailing-sloops or brigs is to be commissioned to cruise off the Scotch coast to prevent privateering. Rear-Admiral Corry will shift his flag to-morrow from the Prince Regent, 90, to the Neptune, 120, an order having been received yesterday, appointing Captain Hutton to the Neptune, and Captain Smith, C.B., from the Neptune, to the Prince Regent. Captain Hutton takes with him Commander Bunce, Lieutenant Brandreth, and 50 of the Prince Regent's crew. When the change of officers and ships was made known on board the Prince Regent yesterday, the whole ship's company, who really love their admiral and captain, and are devotedly attached to their matchless ship, wanted to follow the admiral, as one man, into the Neptune, and when told that only 50 would be allowed to be draughted by the Admiralty, their countenances betokened the sincerest dejection. Subsequently all the petty officers went aft on the quarter deck and respectfully requested that the Admiralty might be memorialised for their removal with their admiral and captain. The Neptune will be some time getting ready. She has lower yards and topmasts up and topgallant masts pointed, but has only 150 men on her books besides her draught of Royal Marines. We expect, therefore, that Rear-Admiral Chads will be the first despatched with a "flying squadron" of frigates towards the Baltic, that Sir Charles Napier will follow, and that Rear-Admiral Corry will bring up the rear. Captain Hay, of the Victory, has declined the flag-captaincy to Sir Charles Napier. The Prince Regent, the St. Jean d’Acre, the Amphion and the Odin were paid wages down to the 31st of January yesterday. The Impérieuse, Tribune, and Valorous will be paid to-morrow, leaving only the Arrogant (whose pay books have not yet been landed) of Admiral Corry's division to be paid. The Blenheim, 60, Captain the Hon, F.J. Pelham, has readjusted her compasses and will be ready to join the fleet to morrow. The Caesar, 91, Captain Robb, is rattling down her rigging. The Odin, 16, Captain F. Scott, is repairing boilers in the steam-basin. The fleet are daily exercised in gunnery, reefing, furling, &c. Mr. Parratt, of the Treasury, brought down last night from London a small tubular collapsing boat, upon the principle of his admirable liferaft, which he has this day taken off to the St. Jean d'Acre, for the Hon. H. Keppell. The 23d, 42d, and 79th Regiments are preparing for active service. The two latter corps will be augmented by volunteers from the 72d and 79th depots, 31 volunteers from the 11th Foot, 32 from the 65th, and 62 from the 35th embarked from this dockyard at 6 o'clock this morning, in the Foyle, British and Irish Steam-pocket Company's vessel, to join the 1st battalion of the Royals, at Plymouth. The Foyle embarks the 93d depôt at Plymouth, to-morrow, for the Isle of Wight. The depôt of the 2d battalion of the Rifle Brigade will be conveyed to the Isle of Wight to-morrow in Her Majesty's steam-tender Sprightly.
The Cruiser, 14, Commander G.H. Douglas, will join the Baltic fleet.
Sa 12 November 1864The following is the list of the vessels of the Royal navy which will be armed, and are now being armed, with the new description of 300-pounder and other guns in course of issue. The figures after each vessel specify the number of guns of the description mentioned she will carry. To mount the 12-ton 300-pounders:- Bellerophon, 10; Royal Sovereign, 5; Minotaur, 4; Scorpion, 4; Wiveren, 4; Prince Albert, 4; Agincourt, 4; and Northumberland, 4. To be armed with the 6½-ton guns:- The Achilles, 20; Black Prince, 20; Warrior, 20; Lord Warden, 20; Lord Clyde, 20; Royal Oak, 20; Prince Consort, 20; Royal Alfred, 20; Caledonia, 20; Ocean, 20; Minotaur, 18 ; Agincourt, 18; Valiant, 16; Zealous, 16; Hector, 16; Defence, 10; Resistance, 10; Endymion, 6; Mersey, 4; Orlando, 4, Pallas, 4; Favourite, 4; Research, 4; Enterprise, 4; Amazon, 2; Viper, 2; and Vixen, 2. To mount the 64-pounder muzzle-loader:- The Bristol, 12; Melpomene, 12; Liverpool, 12; Severn, 12; Arethusa, 12; Phoebe, 12;. Shannon, 12; Octavia, 12; Constance, 12; Sutlej, 12; Undaunted, 12; Impérieuse, 12; Aurora, 12; Leander, 12; Bacchante, 12; Emerald, 12; Phaeton, 12: Narcissus, 12; Forte, 12; Euryalus, 12; Topaz, 12; Newcastle, 12; Liffey, 12; Immortalité, 12; Glasgow, 12; Clio, 8, North Star, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1865]; Racoon, 8; Challenge[r], 8; and Menai, 8 [laid down 1860, cancelled 1864]. The following will be supplied with the 64-pounder breech-loaders:- The Scout, 8; Rattlesnake, 8; Cadmus, 8; Scylla, 8; Barossa, 8; Jason, 8; Charybdis, 8; Wolverine, 8; Pylades, 8; Orestes, 8; Pearl, 8; Pelorus, 8; Satellite, 8; Acheron, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Shearwater, 4; Valorous, 4; Furious, 4; Bittern, 4 [laid down 1861, cancelled 1863]; Magicienne, 4; and Columbine, 4. A supply of the 6½-ton smooth-bore 100-pounder wrought iron guns has already been received at Chatham, and it is understood that the first supply of the 300-pounder rifled 12-ton Armstrong gun may shortly be expected at the Ordnance wharf.
Ma 7 February 1870Her Majesty’s turret-ship Captain, 4,272 tons, 900-horse power, twin screw engines, under the command of Capt. Hugh T. Burgoyne, V.C., and the Valorous, 12, paddle sloop, Capt. W. Tremlett, arrived at Spithead on Saturday morning from the Mersey and Holyhead. The Captain steamed into Portsmouth Harbour immediately after her arrival, and berthed alongside the dockyard in readiness for the usual survey and docking given to a new ship by the Government officials on her being received by them from the hands of private builders. The Valorous anchored at Spithead, and it being her first appearance there during her present commission, saluted the flag of the Port Admiral. The salute was returned by the guns of the flagship, the Duke of Wellington. The Captain and Valorous steamed out from the Mersey on the morning of Saturday, January 30, passing the Bell Buoy at 10 50 a.m., and at 4 20 p.m. the same day passed inside the Holyhead Breakwater, and came to anchor in the harbour. On the following morning it was blowing hard, with heavy rain and squalls, when it was decided not to proceed until there was a change of weather. Throughout Monday and Tuesday and the forenoon of Wednesday the weather maintained its rough character, but on the afternoon of Wednesday the wind moderated, and Capt. Burgoyne determined to proceed. The ships weighed their anchors about 4 p.m., and steamed out in company, the rate of progress being necessarily regulated by the speed attainable by the Valorous — from 8 to 9 knots. Outside Holyhead the ships found a strong southerly breeze, with a heavy swell running from the south-west. On the following day, Thursday, February 3, the wind still further freshened, with a rather heavier sea. At 8 p.m. the Longships Light was abeam. The weather continued unchanged during the ensuing night and up to about midday on Friday, but with the wind gradually veering more to the eastward, and during the afternoon both wind and sea became much more moderate. About 1 a.m. the Start Light was passed, and at 8 p.m. the Bill of Portland was passed. At 2 a.m. on Saturday morning the ships were off St Catherine’s Point, Isle of Wight, and then stood off until daylight before running in for Spithead, where they arrived at 10 30 a.m. In the heavy beam seas found off Holyhead and the Land's-end the Captain displayed most satisfactory sea-going qualities, being exceedingly buoyant and easy in all her movements. Very little water found its way on deck (the Captain is the low freeboard type of the cruising turret-ship, as the Monarch is the high free board), and at no time could any of the seas that at times threatened to break aboard over the low and bulwarkless side of the ship have prevented the working of the turret guns. The engines of the ship did their work throughout the distance between Birkenhead and Portsmouth without a fault of any kind. Their speed was, of course, regulated by the pace of the Valorous, except for a short time on Friday afternoon, when steam was given them, and their revolutions got up to about 70 per minute, at which rate they moved with perfect smoothness and efficiency.
Ma 30 June 1873The fleet remaining at Spithead anchorage yesterday comprised the following vessels:—The Agincourt, flagship, Rear-Admiral Hornby, C.B., commanding-in-chief; the Sultan, carrying the broad pennant of Commodore Vansittart, C.B., second in command; the Northumberland, Hercules, Monarch, Audacious, Vanguard, Black Prince, Caledonia, Penelope, Hector, Valiant, Achilles, Glatton, Devastation, Royal Sovereign, and Valorous, paddle. The Devastation, Glatton, and Royal Sovereign are expected to go into Portsmouth harbour from Spithead this morning.
Ma 7 July 1873


"The Channel squadron will proceed to sea to-morrow, July 5, about noon, to convoy the Shah of PersiaExternal link to a spot 25 miles south of St. Catherine's.
"The squadron will then proceed to Leith, arriving on the 8th, and leaving on the 10th for Trondhjem (Norway) where it will arrive on the evening of the 16th inst., anchoring at the Grit islands on the way.
"The squadron will eventually return to the Downs.
"Letters should be addressed to Leith up to the 9th inst. From 11th to 17th. inclusive, they should be sent to Trondhjem. By order of J.P. Hornby, R-Ad."
N.B. The Valorous accompanies the squadron.
Of the fleet assembled at Spithead for the inspection of the Shah of Persia, and to render honour to His Majesty on his visit to England, only three vessels now remain at the anchorage — the Devastation, the Hector, and the Monarch, and these will probably leave the anchorage to-day, the Devastation and Hector being expected to go into Portsmouth harbour, the turret vessel to complete her outfit, effect certain alterations or repairs required, and prepare for sea trial; and the Hector to go into dock and prepare for her autumnal cruise as one of the reserve squadron. The Channel squadron has sailed for Leith and Trondhjem to do honour to the coronation of King OscarExternal link. The Monitor division have arrived from Spithead in eastern and western ports, and the Reserve squadron has also been distributed between Portsmouth, Plymouth, and Sheerness, to be docked and prepared for the annual autumnal drill cruise.
Th 8 August 1878The following Information has been officially notified:—
"The inspection of the Fleet by Her Majesty the Queen on Tuesday, the 13th inst., will take place about 4 p.m., at Spithead. There will be no general issue of tickets as only a very limited number of vessels can be set apart for the conveyance of official visitors. Naval officers on half-pay and military officers of the Portsmouth garrison will be accommodated on board Her Majesty's ships Valorous and Dasher respectively, and should apply at the Commander-in-Chief's office at Portsmouth Dockyard."
The special service fleet of masted ironclad turret ships and gunboats, under the command of Admiral Sir Cooper Key and Rear-Admiral Boys, numbering 19 sail all told, arrived yesterday afternoon at Spithead, where they will be reviewed on Tuesday next by the Queen. After leaving Portland Admiral Boys hoisted his flag on board the Thunderer and took command of the turret ships. The fleet forming into columns of sub-divisions, line abreast, each column of masted ships having a column of monitors on its starboard beam. In this order the fleet proceeded up Channel at a speed of five knots. On rounding Culver Cliff previous to entering the Solent the formation was altered to columns of division line ahead, the weather line being headed by the Hercules, flagship of Admiral Key, followed by the Valiant, Hector, Lord Warden, Warrior, Penelope, Resistance, and Boadicea. The starboard line, consisting of the turret-ships, was formed as follows:— Thunderer (bearing the flagship of the Rear-Admiral), Belleisle, Gorgon, Hydra, Hecate, Glatton, Cyclops, and Prince Albert, the rear being composed of the gunboats Tay, Tees, and Blazer. In this order the ships steamed towards Gilkicker Point, when the helms of both lines were put hard over, the frigates turning outwards to the Isle of Wight and the monitors outwards to Portsmouth and Southsea, and steamed back to the Noman and anchored in the same relative positions in line in readiness for the review. The Valorous, paddle steamer. Has been appropriated for the accommodation of naval half-pay officers.
Th 8 August 1878The following information has been officially notified, "The inspection of the Fleet by Her Majesty the Queen on Tuesday, the 13th inst., will take place about 4 p.m., at Spithead. There will be no general issue of tickets, as only a very limited number of vessels can be set apart for the conveyance of official visitors. Naval officers on half-pay and military officers of the Portsmouth garrison will be accommodated on board Her Majesty's ships Valorous and Dasher respectively, and should apply at the Commander-in-Chief's office at Portsmouth Dockyard."

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