Henry Ducie Chads R.N.
Henry Ducie Chads R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Henry Ducie Chads R.N.Explanation
Eldest son of Captain Henry Chads R.N. (d. 1799)
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
24 February 1788 Born
26 November 1815 Married Elizabeth Townshend, eldest daughter of John Pook, of Fareham, Hampshire
26 December 1826 C.B. (Companion of the Bath) for service in Burma
5 July 1855 K.C.B. (Knight Commander of the Bath)
28 March 1865 G.C.B. (Knight Grand Cross of the Bath)
7 April 1868 Died (Southsea)
Entry in O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'
25 October 1800Entered Royal Naval Colle
5 November 1806Lieutenant
28 May 1813Commander
25 July 1825Captain
12 January 1854Rear-Admiral
24 November 1858Vice-Admiral
3 December 1863Admiral
Date fromDate toService
6 September 181222 April 1813Lieutenant in JavaExternal link, commanded by Rowley Henry, North America (until defeated by USS ConstitutionExternal link on 29 December 1812, when - Lambert being killed - Chads had to surrender the ship)
6 September 181323 November 1815Commander in Columbia (American privateer captured 1813, sloop), West Indies
22 November 18237 November 1828Commander in Arachne (1809, brig-sloop), East Indies (including Rangoon campaign in First Anglo-Burmese War)
8 November 18253 January 1827Captain in Alligator, East Indies
4 January 183428 September 1837Captain in Andromache, East Indies
20 August 18419 August 1845Captain in Cambrian, East Indies (including the first Anglo-Chinese war)
28 August 184511 January 1854Captain in Boyne, gunnery ship, Portsmouth, and Superintendent of Royal Naval College
6 February 1854 Third in command in the Baltic during the Russian War, flag in Edinburgh
1 April 18567 December 1858Commander-in-chief, Queenstown, flag in Nile
1859 Chairman of a committee on coast defence

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