The table below is intended to include all commissioned officers (that is, with the rank of Lieutenant or above) in command of a Royal Navy vessel between 1840 and 1880. The data are chiefly derived from service records in the National Archives in Kew, contemporary Navy Lists, William R. O'Byrne's "Naval Biographical Dictionary" (1849) and the "Naval Intelligence" column of the Times newspaper.
Follow the links in the first column for available biographic and career data. The 'Rank reached' column shows the highest substantive rank reached (thus not including "retired ..."); as the data are incomplete, however, some officers may have actually reached a higher rank.
For officers not shown here, try Paul Benyon's extensive list. For persons other than naval sea officers, go here.
Officer | Born | Died | Rank reached | Entries | |
James Crawford | Caffin R.N. | 1812 | 1883 | Captain | 38 |
Henry | Caldwell R.N. | 1815 | 1868 | Captain | 23 |
William Alfred | Cambier R.N. | 1832 | 1872 | Commander | 15 |
Joseph | Cammilleri R.N. | 1794 | 1860 | Commander | 12 |
Colin Andrew | Campbell R.N. | 1831 | 1869 | Captain | 14 |
Colin Yorke | Campbell R.N. | <1838 | 1893 | Captain | 10 |
Frederick Archibald | Campbell R.N. | <1829 | 1874 | Rear-Admiral | 27 |
Henry John Fletcher | Campbell R.N. | 1837 | 1914 | Captain | 32 |
Hugh | Campbell R.N. | 1837 | 1877 | Captain | 17 |
James Carter | Campbell R.N. | 1828 | 1913 | Commander | 13 |
John Norman | Campbell R.N. | 1777 | 1849 | Captain | 10 |
Hubert | Campion R.N. | 1825 | 1900 | Captain | 23 |
Edward St Leger | Cannon R.N. | 1810 | 1881 | Captain | 11 |
Frederick | Cannon R.N. | <1822 | >1860 | Commander | 11 |
Thomas | Carmichael R.N. | <1832 | >1849 | Commander | 4 |
Hon. John | Carnegie R.N. | 1829 | 1883 | Captain | 13 |
Swynfen Thomas | Carnegie R.N. | 1813 | 1879 | Vice-Admiral | 21 |
Alfred | Carpenter R.N. | 1847 | 1925 | Commander | 12 |
Edward John | Carpenter R.N. | 1801 | >1846 | Captain | 10 |
Hon. Walter Cecil | Carpenter R.N. | 1834 | 1904 | Admiral | 28 |
Henry John | Carr R.N. | 1839 | 1914 | Captain | 11 |
Washington | Carr R.N. | <1811 | >1846 | Commander | 4 |
Hilary Mansell | Carré R.N. | 1836 | 1920 | Commander | 19 |
James | Carter R.N. | <1802 | >1845 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Richard | Carter R.N. | 1829 | 1887 | Captain | 23 |
Thomas Wren | Carter R.N. | 1798 | 1874 | Vice-Admiral | 13 |
Byron Charles Ferdinand Plantagenet | Cary R.N. | 1808 | 1887 | Commander | 14 |
William McCoy FitzGerald | Castle R.N. | 1843 | 1892 | Captain | 8 |
Ralph Peter | Cator R.N. | <1843 | 1903 | Rear-Admiral | 15 |
John Halliday | Cave R.N. | <1848 | >1884 | Captain | 8 |
Lord Edward Henry | Cecil R.N. | 1834 | 1862 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Charles Thomas William George | Cerjat R.N. | 1820 | 1869 | Commander | 16 |
Henry | Chads R.N. | 1819 | 1906 | Admiral | 26 |
Henry Ducie | Chads R.N. | 1788 | 1868 | Admiral | 25 |
John Hanbury | Chads R.N. | <1851 | >1870 | Commander | 7 |
Henry Joseph | Challis R.N. | 1833 | >1873 | Commander | 16 |
Thomas | Chaloner R.N. | 1815 | 1884 | Captain | 18 |
William Charles | Chamberlain R.N. | 1818 | 1878 | Rear-Admiral | 22 |
Ennis | Chambers R.N. | 1826 | 1860 | Commander | 8 |
Samuel | Chambers R.N. | <1800 | 1843 | Captain | 6 |
William Wylly | Chambers R.N. | <1823 | >1854 | Captain | 6 |
William Cox | Chapman R.N. | 1826 | 1895 | Captain | 22 |
Edward Philips | Charlewood R.N. | 1814 | >1861 | Captain | 11 |
Alfred John | Chatfield R.N. | 1831 | 1910 | Rear-Admiral | 16 |
Augustus | Chetham-Strode R.N. | 1825 | 1874 | Captain | 21 |
Henry Weyland | Chetwynd R.N. | <1850 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
William | Chimmo R.N. | 1826 | 1891 | Commander | 22 |
Henry | Christian R.N. | 1828 | 1916 | Captain | 17 |
Peter | Christie R.N. | 1797 | 1855 | Captain | 10 |
Edmund John | Church R.N. | 1842 | >1899 | Vice-Admiral | 8 |
Earl of | Clanwilliam R.N. | 1832 | 1907 | Admiral of the Fleet | 33 |
Bouverie Francis | Clark R.N. | 1842 | 1922 | Captain | 33 |
Reginald Treby | Clark R.N. | <1856 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
William | Clark R.N. | 1796 | >1865 | Captain | 10 |
Thomas Jordaine | Clarke R.N. | 1813 | >1841 | Commander | 9 |
John | Clavell R.N. | 1776 | 1846 | Captain | 18 |
Henry Augustus | Clavering R.N. | 1824 | 1893 | Commander | 11 |
Francis Starkie | Clayton R.N. | 1839 | 1919 | Rear-Admiral | 13 |
Henry Forster | Cleveland R.N. | 1835 | 1924 | Unknown! | 20 |
William John Cavendish | Clifford R.N. | 1814 | 1882 | Vice-Admiral | 20 |
Francis Arden | Close R.N. | 1829 | 1918 | Captain | 18 |
Charles Henry | Clutterbuck R.N. | 1833 | 1859 | Lieutenant | 7 |
William Robert | Clutterbuck R.N. | 1844 | 1923 | Captain | 40 |
Thomas | Cochran R.N. | 1819 | 1889 | Captain | 20 |
Arthur Auckland Leopold Pedro | Cochrane R.N. | 1824 | 1905 | Admiral | 19 |
Ernest Grey Lambton | Cochrane R.N. | <1854 | >1870 | Commander | 4 |
James Horsford | Cockburn R.N. | 1817 | 1872 | Rear-Admiral | 12 |
McLeod Baynes | Cockcraft R.N. | 1819 | 1886 | Captain | 12 |
Edward | Codd R.N. | 1804 | 1887 | Captain | 21 |
William | Codrington R.N. | 1832 | 1888 | Rear-Admiral | 31 |
Henry John | Codrington R.N. | 1808 | 1877 | Admiral of the Fleet | 28 |
Henry Edward | Coffin R.N. | <1805 | >1875 | Captain | 9 |
Francis Rogers | Coghlan R.N. | <1807 | >1843 | Commander | 12 |
Cowper Phipps | Coles R.N. | 1819 | 1870 | Captain | 18 |
Edward | Collier R.N. | 1783 | 1872 | Vice-Admiral | 15 |
Edward | Collier R.N. | 1793 | 1859 | Captain | 19 |
Francis Augustus | Collier R.N. | 1788 | 1849 | Rear-Admiral | 26 |
Richard | Collinson R.N. | 1811 | 1883 | Vice-Admiral | 16 |
Tathwell Benjamin | Collinson R.N. | 1829 | >1858 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Philip Howard | Colomb R.N. | 1831 | 1899 | Captain | 35 |
George Twisleton | Colville R.N. | <1847 | 1860 | Commander | 4 |
Henry Wandesford | Comber R.N. | <1848 | >1870 | Captain | 8 |
John Edmund | Commerell R.N. | 1829 | 1901 | Admiral of the Fleet | 35 |
William | Compton R.N. | 1818 | >1866 | Captain | 7 |
Matthew | Connolly R.N. | 1816 | 1901 | Captain | 28 |
Trevenen Penrose | Coode R.N. | 1822 | 1895 | Captain | 22 |
John Murray | Cooke R.N. | <1841 | 1861 | Commander | 4 |
William Edgar De Crackenthorpe | Cookson R.N. | <1857 | >1884 | Commander | 6 |
Robert | Coote R.N. | 1820 | 1898 | Admiral | 15 |
John | Corbett R.N. | 1822 | 1893 | Admiral | 25 |
Joseph | Corbyn R.N. | <1786 | 1850 | Commander | 7 |
Henry Warrington | Corneck R.N. | <1848 | >1860 | Commander | 4 |
Armar Lowry | Corry R.N. | 1793 | 1855 | Rear-Admiral | 15 |
Hon. Armar Lowry | Corry R.N. | 1836 | 1919 | Captain | 11 |
Nicholas | Cory R.N. | 1796 | 1864 | Captain | 16 |
Henry | Coryton R.N. | 1810 | 1879 | Commander | 14 |
George Frederic | Cottam R.N. | 1836 | 1906 | Lieutenant | 8 |
George William Conway | Courtenay R.N. | 1793 | 1863 | Captain | 12 |
Richard William | Courtenay R.N. | 1820 | 1894 | Captain | 21 |
Peter | Cracroft R.N. | 1816 | 1865 | Captain | 17 |
John Bettinson | Cragg R.N. | <1809 | >1856 | Commander | 12 |
Robert George | Craigie R.N. | <1848 | 1862 | Captain | 12 |
John Hay | Crang R.N. | 1811 | 1887 | Commander | 10 |
Frederick Augustus Buchanan | Craufurd R.N. | 1822 | 1875 | Captain | 11 |
Richard Borough | Crawford R.N. | 1801 | 1865 | Captain | 18 |
John Zell | Creasy R.N. | <1854 | >1863 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Thomas | Creser R.N. | 1797 | >1863 | Lieutenant | 8 |
Samuel Gurney | Cresswell R.N. | 1827 | 1867 | Captain | 11 |
Offley Malcolm | Crewe-Read R.N. | <1846 | >1860 | Commander | 4 |
William | Crispin R.N. | 1803 | 1875 | Captain | 12 |
Henry | Crocker R.N. | <1812 | >1853 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Henry | Croft R.N. | <1828 | 1892 | Captain | 10 |
Hon. Francis George | Crofton R.N. | 1838 | 1900 | Commander | 17 |
Stephen Smith Lowther | Crofton R.N. | <1831 | >1879 | Captain | 13 |
Herbert Franklyn | Crohan R.N. | 1844 | 1892 | Commander | 8 |
James Nias | Croke R.N. | <1858 | >1863 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Wentworth Parsons | Croke R.N. | 1787 | 1857 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Walter | Croker R.N. | <1814 | 1840 | Commander | 4 |
William | Crooke R.N. | <1809 | >1846 | Commander | 7 |
Edward | Crouch R.N. | 1816 | 1847 | Commander | 10 |
Francis Rawdon Moira | Crozier R.N. | 1796 | 1850 | Captain | 14 |
Henry Edward | Crozier R.N. | <1845 | >1884 | Commander | 6 |
William Pearson | Crozier R.N. | <1823 | >1857 | Commander | 12 |
Michael | Culme-Seymour R.N. | 1836 | 1920 | Admiral | 31 |
Octavius | Cumberland R.N. | 1813 | 1877 | Captain | 16 |
William Henry | Cuming R.N. | 1832 | 1896 | Rear-Admiral | 28 |
Arthur | Cumming R.N. | 1817 | 1893 | Admiral | 36 |
Charles Thomas | Curme R.N. | 1827 | 1892 | Vice-Admiral | 22 |
Douglas | Curry R.N. | <1823 | 1869 | Rear-Admiral | 13 |
Alfred John | Curtis R.N. | <1831 | >1857 | Captain | 7 |
Arthur Cecil | Curtis R.N. | 1836 | 1895 | Captain | 29 |
Roger | Curtis R.N. | 1812 | >1846 | Commander | 5 |
Roger Lucius | Curtis R.N. | 1816 | >1850 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Assheton Gore | Curzon-Howe R.N. | 1850 | 1911 | Admiral | 45 |
John | D'Arcy R.N. | 1830 | >1882 | Captain | 16 |
St George Caulfield | D'Arcy-Irvine R.N. | 1833 | 1916 | Admiral | 27 |
Edwin Clayton Tennyson | D'Eyncourt R.N. | 1813 | 1903 | Rear-Admiral | 26 |
John Gooch | D'Urban R.N. | <1812 | 1845 | Commander | 11 |
James Richard | Dacres R.N. | <1824 | 1848 | Commander | 9 |
Sidney Colpoys | Dacres R.N. | 1804 | 1884 | Admiral | 28 |
Alfred Taylor | Dale R.N. | 1840 | 1925 | Admiral | 18 |
John Windham | Dalling R.N. | <1803 | >1844 | Captain | 9 |
Richard Henry | Dalton R.N. | 1818 | 1890 | Lieutenant | 16 |
William | Daniell R.N. | <1808 | 1845 | Commander | 8 |
Abraham | Darby R.N. | <1810 | >1848 | Lieutenant | 9 |
Arthur | Darley R.N. | <1806 | >1846 | Captain | 5 |
Duncan George | Davidson R.N. | <1855 | 1882 | Captain | 8 |
Henry | Davies R.N. | <1854 | >1857 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Lewis | Davies R.N. | <1808 | >1836 | Captain | 4 |
William Rees | Davies R.N. | <1808 | >1848 | Lieutenant | 7 |
George Evan | Davis R.N. | 1795 | 1850 | Commander | 8 |
Richard | Dawkins R.N. | 1828 | 1896 | Captain | 14 |
Hon. Edward Stanley | Dawson R.N. | 1843 | 1919 | Captain | 13 |
Llewellyn Styles | Dawson R.N. | <1861 | >1895 | Commander | 13 |
William | Dawson R.N. | <1809 | >1841 | Captain | 5 |
William | Dawson R.N. | <1854 | >1862 | Commander | 5 |
George Fiott | Day R.N. | <1845 | 1876 | Captain | 12 |
Joseph | Dayman R.N. | <1843 | 1868 | Captain | 15 |
Hon William Barnard | De Blaquiere R.N. | 1818 | 1889 | Commander | 8 |
Michael | De Courcy R.N. | <1824 | >1866 | Captain | 14 |
Claude Augustus Champion | De Crespigny R.N. | <1854 | >1854 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Algernon Frederick Rous | De Horsey R.N. | 1827 | 1922 | Admiral | 24 |
Herbert Philip | De Kantzow R.N. | <1849 | >1888 | Captain | 10 |
Walter Sidney | De Kantzow R.N. | <1854 | >1873 | Commander | 4 |
Philip | De Saumarez R.N. | <1823 | >1866 | Commander | 10 |
William Cecil | De Vere R.N. | <1846 | >1861 | Commander | 5 |
Thomas Alexis | De Wahl R.N. | <1858 | >1867 | Captain | 6 |
Charles | Deare R.N. | <1824 | >1839 | Commander | 3 |
Annesley Turner | Denham R.N. | 1835 | Lieutenant | 7 | |
Henry Mangles | Denham R.N. | 1800 | 1887 | Rear-Admiral | 29 |
Albert Denison Somerville | Denison R.N. | <1857 | >1879 | Captain | 7 |
Joseph | Denman R.N. | 1810 | 1874 | Vice-Admiral | 21 |
James Samuel Aked | Dennis R.N. | <1822 | >1879 | Captain | 10 |
Robert Peel | Dennistoun R.N. | 1836 | 1915 | Captain | 10 |
D'Arcy Anthony | Denny R.N. | 1836 | 1883 | Commander | 7 |
Charles Bayley Calmady | Dent R.N. | 1832 | 1894 | Captain | 15 |
Samuel Hoskins | Derriman R.N. | 1813 | 1897 | Captain | 13 |
Walter Bourchier | Devereux R.N. | 1810 | 1868 | Captain | 11 |
Roderick | Dew R.N. | 1823 | 1869 | Captain | 18 |
Henry Percy | Dicken R.N. | 1804 | >1858 | Lieutenant | 7 |
John Bourmaster | Dickson R.N. | 1815 | 1876 | Captain | 16 |
William | Dickson R.N. | 1798 | 1898 | Captain | 13 |
Noel Stephen Fox | Digby R.N. | 1839 | 1920 | Captain | 35 |
James | Dirom R.N. | 1815 | 1878 | Captain | 17 |
Edward | Dixon R.N. | 1804 | >1847 | Commander | 5 |
Manley Hall | Dixon R.N. | 1786 | 1864 | Vice-Admiral | 19 |
William Hugh | Dobbie R.N. | <1837 | >1857 | Captain | 4 |
Samuel Brooking | Dolling R.N. | 1814 | 1877 | Captain | 16 |
Compton Edward | Domvile R.N. | 1842 | 1924 | Admiral | 35 |
William Derenzy | Donaldson-Selby R.N. | 1834 | 1892 | Commander | 8 |
Malachi | Donellan R.N. | 1787 | 1865 | Lieutenant | 11 |
John William | Dorville R.N. | 1816 | 1894 | Captain | 18 |
Frederic Proby | Doughty R.N. | 1834 | 1892 | Captain | 26 |
Archibald Lucius | Douglas R.N. | 1842 | 1913 | Admiral | 32 |
George Amelius | Douglas R.N. | 1832 | 1900 | Commander | 7 |
George Henry | Douglas R.N. | <1844 | >1866 | Captain | 5 |
Henry John | Douglas R.N. | <1833 | >1867 | Captain | 11 |
Hugh Donald Cameron | Douglas R.N. | <1814 | 1843 | Commander | 4 |
John | Douglas R.N. | 1797 | 1884 | Lieutenant | 12 |
Peter John | Douglas R.N. | 1787 | 1858 | Vice-Admiral | 15 |
Richard | Douglas R.N. | 1788 | 1867 | Commander | 8 |
Robert Gordon | Douglas R.N. | 1829 | 1910 | Vice-Admiral | 32 |
Sholto | Douglas R.N. | <1855 | >1878 | Captain | 11 |
William Montagu | Dowell R.N. | 1825 | 1912 | Admiral | 33 |
George Arthur Tyrhitt | Drake R.N. | 1832 | 1864 | Lieutenant | 8 |
John | Drake R.N. | 1788 | 1864 | Captain | 13 |
Thomas George | Drake R.N. | 1816 | >1864 | Commander | 10 |
Andrew | Drew R.N. | 1792 | 1878 | Captain | 12 |
Charles Ramsay | Drinkwater-Bethune R.N. | 1802 | 1884 | Admiral | 24 |
Edmund Charles | Drummond R.N. | 1841 | 1911 | Admiral | 23 |
James Robert | Drummond R.N. | 1812 | 1895 | Admiral | 27 |
Byron | Drury R.N. | 1815 | 1888 | Captain | 19 |
George Graham | Duff R.N. | <1857 | >1870 | Commander | 5 |
John | Duffill R.N. | <1812 | 1855 | Captain | 17 |
Henry | Dumaresq R.N. | <1838 | >1875 | Captain | 7 |
Richard Saunders | Dundas R.N. | 1802 | 1861 | Vice-Admiral | 23 |
Andrew Robert | Dunlap R.N. | 1816 | 1852 | Lieutenant | 13 |
Hugh | Dunlop R.N. | <1821 | 1888 | Rear-Admiral | 17 |
James Andrew Robert | Dunlop R.N. | 1832 | 1892 | Captain | 12 |
Robert John Wallace | Dunlop R.N. | <1823 | 1846 | Commander | 9 |
David | Dunn R.N. | <1800 | 1859 | Rear-Admiral | 16 |
Montagu Buccleuch | Dunn R.N. | <1846 | >1870 | Captain | 8 |
Nicholas James Cuthbert | Dunn R.N. | 1785 | 1858 | Commander | 11 |
John Alexander | Duntze R.N. | 1806 | 1882 | Admiral | 17 |
Arthur Edward | Dupuis R.N. | 1838 | 1897 | Captain | 30 |
John | Durnford R.N. | 1849 | 1914 | Admiral | 14 |
Francis | Durrant R.N. | 1837 | 1896 | Captain | 33 |
Hugh McNeile | Dyer R.N. | 1832 | 1875 | Commander | 26 |
Peché Hart | Dyke R.N. | 1805 | 1892 | Commander | 14 |
Arthur Parry | Eardley-Wilmot R.N. | 1805 | 1886 | Rear-Admiral | 27 |
Edward Charles | Earle R.N. | 1796 | 1845 | Commander | 14 |
Hamilton Edward George | Earle R.N. | <1854 | >1878 | Commander | 7 |
Alfred | Eaton R.N. | 1832 | Commander | 6 | |
Charles | Eden R.N. | 1808 | 1878 | Vice-Admiral | 22 |
Charles Davers | Eden R.N. | 1845 | 1895 | Lieutenant | 28 |
Henry | Eden R.N. | 1798 | 1888 | Admiral | 19 |
Henry | Eden R.N. | 1812 | 1880 | Commander | 15 |
Thomas Rodney | Eden R.N. | 1812 | 1850 | Captain | 13 |
Harry Edmond | Edgell R.N. | 1809 | 1876 | Rear-Admiral | 22 |
Duke of | Edinburgh R.N. | 1844 | 1900 | Admiral of the Fleet | 22 |
William | Edmonstone R.N. | 1810 | 1888 | Rear-Admiral | 23 |
Charles | Edmunds R.N. | 1801 | 1879 | Captain | 9 |
Herbert Holden | Edwards R.N. | 1840 | 1896 | Captain | 23 |
Joseph | Edye R.N. | <1849 | 1868 | Captain | 12 |
William Henry | Edye R.N. | 1830 | 1910 | Vice-Admiral | 20 |
Hon. Francis | Egerton R.N. | 1824 | 1895 | Rear-Admiral | 22 |
Francis Philip | Egerton R.N. | 1812 | 1893 | Commander | 11 |
Frederick Arthur | Egerton R.N. | 1816 | 1857 | Commander | 11 |
George Augustus | Eliott R.N. | 1799 | 1872 | Captain | 14 |
Alexander | Ellice R.N. | 1791 | 1853 | Captain | 18 |
Hugh Myddelton | Ellicombe R.N. | 1807 | >1854 | Captain | 10 |
Charles Gilbert John Brydone | Elliot R.N. | 1818 | 1895 | Admiral of the Fleet | 31 |
George | Elliot R.N. | 1813 | 1901 | Admiral | 30 |
William | Ellis R.N. | <1819 | >1885 | Captain | 10 |
John Spencer | Ellman R.N. | 1811 | >1854 | Commander | 5 |
William Buller Fullerton | Elphinstone R.N. | 1828 | 1893 | Commander | 18 |
Arthur | Elwes R.N. | 1844 | 1912 | Lieutenant | 19 |
James Elphinstone | Erskine R.N. | 1838 | 1911 | Admiral of the Fleet | 24 |
John Elphinstone | Erskine R.N. | 1806 | 1887 | Admiral | 19 |
Walter Grimston Bucknall | Estcourt R.N. | 1807 | 1845 | Commander | 8 |
Thomas | Etheridge R.N. | <1824 | >1855 | Captain | 5 |
George Bruce | Evans R.N. | 1839 | 1886 | Commander | 22 |
John | Evans R.N. | 1799 | 1842 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Henry Bryan | Everest R.N. | <1844 | >1857 | Commander | 3 |
Charles Joseph Frederick | Ewart R.N. | 1816 | 1884 | Captain | 13 |
Harry | Eyres R.N. | <1818 | >1858 | Captain | 13 |
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