The table below is intended to include all commissioned officers (that is, with the rank of Lieutenant or above) in command of a Royal Navy vessel between 1840 and 1880. The data are chiefly derived from service records in the National Archives in Kew, contemporary Navy Lists, William R. O'Byrne's "Naval Biographical Dictionary" (1849) and the "Naval Intelligence" column of the Times newspaper.
Follow the links in the first column for available biographic and career data. The 'Rank reached' column shows the highest substantive rank reached (thus not including "retired ..."); as the data are incomplete, however, some officers may have actually reached a higher rank.
For officers not shown here, try Paul Benyon's extensive list. For persons other than naval sea officers, go here.
Officer | Born | Died | Rank reached | Entries | |
Henry James | Lacon R.N. | 1810 | 1867 | Captain | 14 |
Edward | Lacy R.N. | 1818 | 1886 | Captain | 18 |
Charles Pybus | Ladd R.N. | 1790 | 1873 | Lieutenant | 10 |
Edward Henry Gage | Lambert R.N. | 1825 | 1872 | Captain | 13 |
George Robert | Lambert R.N. | 1795 | 1869 | Admiral | 23 |
Lionel | Lambert R.N. | 1836 | 1860 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Rowley | Lambert R.N. | 1828 | 1880 | Vice-Admiral | 16 |
Henry Briggs | Lang R.N. | 1845 | 1896 | Captain | 11 |
Oliver Thomas | Lang R.N. | <1860 | 1865 | Lieutenant | 5 |
William Metcalfe | Lang R.N. | 1843 | 1906 | Captain | 34 |
Joseph Millar | Langtry R.N. | 1805 | 1862 | Commander | 17 |
Charles Horace | Lapidge R.N. | <1824 | 1868 | Lieutenant | 8 |
William Frederick | Lapidge R.N. | <1803 | 1860 | Captain | 17 |
Hon. Frederick Canning | Lascelles R.N. | 1848 | 1928 | Lieutenant | 10 |
George | Lavie R.N. | 1813 | >1846 | Commander | 7 |
George Bennett | Lawrance R.N. | 1818 | 1853 | Lieutenant | 7 |
John | Lawrence R.N. | <1793 | 1849 | Captain | 7 |
Henry | Layton R.N. | 1799 | 1882 | Captain | 10 |
Thomas Philip | Le Hardy R.N. | 1803 | 1848 | Commander | 9 |
Robert Owen | Leach R.N. | 1832 | >1886 | Captain | 10 |
Charles Taylor | Leckie R.N. | 1817 | 1867 | Captain | 12 |
William Frederick | Lee R.N. | <1855 | >1873 | Commander | 7 |
Henry John | Leeke R.N. | 1794 | 1870 | Admiral | 22 |
Nicholas | Lefebvre R.N. | 1793 | 1881 | Captain | 14 |
Benjamin Langlois | Lefroy R.N. | <1854 | >1873 | Commander | 12 |
Prince Ernest L.V.C.A.J.E | Leiningen R.N. | 1830 | 1904 | Admiral | 21 |
John | Leith R.N. | <1803 | >1854 | Rear-Admiral | 10 |
Walter | Leslie R.N. | <1803 | >1858 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Thomas Bridgeman | Lethbridge R.N. | 1829 | 1892 | Admiral | 31 |
Reginald Thomas John | Levinge R.N. | 1813 | 1848 | Commander | 13 |
Thomas Arundel | Lewis R.N. | 1794 | 1874 | Lieutenant | 14 |
Edmund Mortimer | Leycester R.N. | 1810 | >1866 | Commander | 6 |
Francis | Liardet R.N. | 1798 | 1863 | Captain | 19 |
William Henry | Liddell R.N. | 1833 | >1878 | Captain | 9 |
Charles Gowan | Lindsay R.N. | <1852 | >1865 | Commander | 7 |
Alexander | Little R.N. | <1837 | >1854 | Commander | 10 |
Edward | Littlehales R.N. | 1805 | 1888 | Captain | 11 |
Edward Alexander Tylden | Lloyd R.N. | 1820 | 1850 | Lieutenant | 12 |
Henry | Lloyd R.N. | <1828 | >1858 | Commander | 16 |
John Hughes | Lloyd R.N. | 1803 | >1854 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Rodney Maclaine | Lloyd R.N. | 1841 | 1911 | Vice-Admiral | 22 |
Francis Erskine | Loch R.N. | 1788 | 1868 | Admiral | 16 |
Granville Gower | Loch R.N. | 1813 | 1853 | Captain | 10 |
Nicholas | Lockyer R.N. | 1778 | 1847 | Captain | 10 |
Charles Arthur | Lodder R.N. | 1820 | 1885 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Edward Francis | Lodder R.N. | <1854 | >1868 | Commander | 6 |
Lambton | Loraine R.N. | 1838 | 1917 | Captain | 23 |
William | Loring R.N. | 1811 | 1895 | Admiral | 18 |
William | Lory R.N. | 1794 | 1868 | Commander | 12 |
William | Louis R.N. | 1810 | 1887 | Captain | 11 |
Arthur | Lowe R.N. | 1814 | 1882 | Vice-Admiral | 15 |
Frederick | Lowe R.N. | 1811 | 1861 | Commander | 13 |
Gower | Lowe R.N. | <1816 | 1848 | Commander | 16 |
Marcus | Lowther R.N. | 1820 | >1886 | Captain | 12 |
William Garnham | Luard R.N. | 1820 | 1910 | Admiral | 31 |
Charles Davis | Lucas R.N. | 1834 | 1914 | Captain | 12 |
John Proctor | Luce R.N. | <1848 | >1867 | Captain | 8 |
William | Luce R.N. | <1807 | 1876 | Lieutenant | 5 |
Alfred | Luckraft R.N. | 1817 | 1865 | Lieutenant | 21 |
Charles Maxwell | Luckraft R.N. | 1814 | 1908 | Commander | 13 |
William | Luckraft R.N. | <1796 | 1865 | Captain | 13 |
John | Lunn R.N. | <1829 | >1847 | Commander | 8 |
Stephen | Lushington R.N. | 1803 | 1877 | Rear-Admiral | 25 |
Percy Putt | Luxmoore R.N. | 1833 | 1899 | Captain | 12 |
George William Charles | Lydiard R.N. | <1815 | >1862 | Captain | 8 |
Algernon McLennan | Lyons R.N. | 1833 | 1908 | Admiral of the Fleet | 27 |
Edmund Moubray | Lyons R.N. | 1819 | 1855 | Captain | 15 |
Thomas Henry | Lysaght R.N. | <1830 | >1866 | Commander | 9 |
Henry | Lyster R.N. | 1799 | 1864 | Rear-Admiral | 13 |
Gordon Gallie | Macdonald R.N. | <1809 | >1857 | Captain | 13 |
James Archibald | Macdonald R.N. | 1808 | 1875 | Commander | 14 |
Reginald John James George | Macdonald R.N. | 1820 | 1899 | Admiral | 24 |
John | MacDonell R.N. | <1811 | >1846 | Captain | 13 |
John | Macdougall R.N. | 1790 | 1865 | Vice-Admiral | 11 |
John | Macdougall R.N. | <1837 | >1866 | Captain | 9 |
Malcolm | Macgregor R.N. | 1834 | 1879 | Captain | 13 |
Donald McLeod | Mackenzie R.N. | 1815 | 1894 | Captain | 22 |
James George | Mackenzie R.N. | <1823 | >1867 | Captain | 7 |
John Francis Campbell | Mackenzie R.N. | <1846 | 1892 | Captain | 13 |
Thomas Kirkpatrick | Mackenzie R.N. | <1857 | >1868 | Commander | 4 |
William | Maclean R.N. | <1823 | 1851 | Captain | 9 |
John Fiot Lee Pearse | Maclear R.N. | 1838 | 1907 | Rear-Admiral | 20 |
Edward | Madden R.N. | 1828 | 1876 | Captain | 15 |
Rochfort | Maguire R.N. | <1830 | 1867 | Captain | 21 |
Edward Reeves Philip | Mainwaring R.N. | 1788 | 1865 | Captain | 18 |
Horatio Laurence Arthur Lennox | Maitland R.N. | 1834 | 1904 | Captain | 12 |
Thomas | Maitland R.N. | 1803 | 1878 | Admiral | 35 |
William | Maitland R.N. | <1819 | 1846 | Commander | 8 |
William Heriot | Maitland R.N. | 1819 | 1890 | Commander | 14 |
Henry Cholmeley | Majendie R.N. | 1829 | 1873 | Captain | 14 |
George John | Malcolm R.N. | <1849 | >1873 | Captain | 6 |
Robert | Mann R.N. | <1810 | >1847 | Commander | 7 |
William Frederick Stanley | Mann R.N. | 1846 | 1924 | Captain | 8 |
George | Mansel R.N. | 1794 | 1854 | Captain | 16 |
Robert | Mansel R.N. | <1852 | >1867 | Commander | 6 |
Arthur Lukis | Mansell R.N. | 1815 | 1890 | Captain | 12 |
David Robert Bunbury | Mapleton R.N. | 1810 | 1848 | Commander | 15 |
Thomas Moore | Maquay R.N. | 1838 | 1881 | Commander | 6 |
Alfred Frederik | Marescaux R.N. | <1855 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Albert Hastings | Markham R.N. | 1841 | 1918 | Vice-Admiral | 46 |
Alfred | Markham R.N. | 1839 | 1880 | Captain | 23 |
Joseph Henry | Marryat R.N. | <1852 | >1870 | Captain | 8 |
John Barling | Marsh R.N. | <1830 | >1862 | Commander | 6 |
Edward | Marshall R.N. | <1829 | 1862 | Captain | 7 |
John William Phillips | Marshall R.N. | 1785 | 1850 | Rear-Admiral | 15 |
Francis | Marten R.N. | 1814 | 1891 | Captain | 24 |
Cornwallis Wykeham | Martin R.N. | 1833 | 1903 | Lieutenant | 6 |
George Bohun | Martin R.N. | 1799 | 1854 | Captain | 16 |
Henry Byam | Martin R.N. | 1803 | 1865 | Admiral | 17 |
Thomas Hutchinson Mangles | Martin R.N. | 1829 | 1895 | Captain | 14 |
William Fanshawe | Martin R.N. | 1801 | 1895 | Admiral | 32 |
Thomas Henry | Mason R.N. | 1811 | 1900 | Rear-Admiral | 24 |
Thomas Lecke | Massie R.N. | 1802 | 1898 | Rear-Admiral | 22 |
Vincent Amcotts | Massingberd R.N. | <1822 | >1884 | Captain | 13 |
Thomas | Mathias R.N. | <1810 | >1850 | Commander | 7 |
Charles Mitchell | Mathison R.N. | <1819 | >1854 | Commander | 13 |
Henry James | Matson R.N. | 1810 | 1852 | Captain | 12 |
Edward Eyre | Maunsell R.N. | 1818 | 1889 | Captain | 13 |
Robert | Maunsell R.N. | 1786 | 1845 | Captain | 15 |
Frederick Augustus | Maxse R.N. | 1833 | 1900 | Captain | 16 |
John Balfour | Maxwell R.N. | 1799 | 1874 | Captain | 13 |
William Henry | Maxwell R.N. | 1840 | 1919 | Vice-Admiral | 14 |
Charles Henry | May R.N. | <1829 | >1881 | Captain | 13 |
William Henry | May R.N. | 1849 | 1930 | Admiral of the Fleet | 14 |
Richard Charles | Mayne R.N. | 1835 | 1892 | Captain | 13 |
James Johnstone | McCleverty R.N. | 1810 | 1863 | Captain | 17 |
Francis Leopold | McClintock R.N. | 1819 | 1907 | Admiral | 22 |
Robert John le Mesurier | McClure R.N. | 1807 | 1873 | Captain | 14 |
Shephard | McCormick R.N. | 1794 | 1852 | Commander | 6 |
John Dobree | McCrea R.N. | 1829 | 1883 | Rear-Admiral | 28 |
John Wallace Douglas | McDonald R.N. | 1830 | >1888 | Captain | 13 |
John Julius | McDonnell R.N. | <1816 | >1846 | Commander | 4 |
Patrick Charles Campbell | McDougall R.N. | <1849 | >1857 | Commander | 3 |
John George Graham | McHardy R.N. | 1835 | 1865 | Lieutenant | 9 |
Henry Frederick | McKillop R.N. | 1822 | 1879 | Captain | 27 |
Archibald | McMurdo R.N. | 1812 | >1873 | Captain | 13 |
Peter | McQuhae R.N. | 1788 | 1853 | Captain | 13 |
Peter | McQuhae R.N. | <1803 | >1851 | Captain | 0 |
James George | Mead R.N. | 1834 | >1894 | Rear-Admiral | 9 |
Richard James | Meade R.N. | 1832 | 1907 | Admiral of the Fleet | 33 |
Edward Spencer | Meara R.N. | <1854 | >1870 | Commander | 4 |
George Frederick | Mecham R.N. | 1828 | 1858 | Commander | 9 |
Thomas Charles | Meheux R.N. | <1836 | >1847 | Lieutenant | 8 |
Arthur | Mellersh R.N. | 1812 | 1894 | Captain | 13 |
George Pechell | Mends R.N. | <1824 | >1866 | Captain | 15 |
William Bowen | Mends R.N. | 1781 | 1864 | Vice-Admiral | 12 |
William Robert | Mends R.N. | 1812 | 1897 | Captain | 32 |
William | Menzies R.N. | <1854 | >1873 | Commander | 6 |
Gover Rose | Miall R.N. | 1831 | 1875 | Commander | 8 |
Frederick Thomas | Michell R.N. | 1788 | 1873 | Vice-Admiral | 15 |
Reynell Charles | Michell R.N. | <1822 | >1849 | Commander | 12 |
George Nathaniel Broke | Middleton R.N. | 1812 | 1887 | Captain | 21 |
David | Miller R.N. | 1819 | 1884 | Captain | 16 |
Henry Matthew | Miller R.N. | 1830 | 1902 | Captain | 13 |
Robert Boyle | Miller R.N. | <1837 | 1873 | Commander | 6 |
Thomas | Miller R.N. | 1819 | 1899 | Vice-Admiral | 30 |
Thomas Edward | Miller R.N. | 1843 | 1924 | Lieutenant | 29 |
William Stewart | Miller R.N. | <1841 | >1848 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Alexander | Milne R.N. | 1806 | 1896 | Admiral | 41 |
Anthony William | Milward R.N. | 1801 | 1840 | Commander | 6 |
Henry Wentworth | Mist R.N. | 1833 | 1895 | Commander | 7 |
Alfred | Mitchell R.N. | 1827 | 1864 | Commander | 10 |
Thomas | Mitchell R.N. | <1811 | >1851 | Commander | 4 |
Robert Henry More | Molyneux R.N. | 1838 | 1904 | Admiral | 14 |
John William | Montagu R.N. | 1790 | 1882 | Captain | 14 |
Hon Victor Alexander | Montagu R.N. | 1841 | 1915 | Captain | 12 |
John Eglinton | Montgomerie R.N. | 1825 | 1902 | Rear-Admiral | 23 |
Alexander Leslie | Montgomery R.N. | 1807 | 1888 | Captain | 13 |
Frederick Byng | Montresor R.N. | 1811 | 1887 | Rear-Admiral | 16 |
William Backhouse | Monypenny R.N. | 1808 | 1859 | Commander | 11 |
Arthur William | Moore R.N. | 1847 | 1934 | Rear-Admiral | 23 |
John | Moore R.N. | <1834 | 1866 | Captain | 14 |
Lewis James | Moore R.N. | <1848 | >1873 | Captain | 6 |
Robert Seppings | Moore R.N. | 1813 | 1893 | Lieutenant | 20 |
Thomas Edward Laws | Moore R.N. | 1819 | 1872 | Captain | 13 |
Richard | Moorman R.N. | 1810 | 1908 | Captain | 16 |
William | Moorsom R.N. | 1816 | 1860 | Captain | 13 |
George Digby | Morant R.N. | 1837 | 1921 | Admiral | 30 |
Fairfax | Moresby R.N. | 1786 | 1877 | Admiral of the Fleet | 24 |
Fairfax | Moresby R.N. | 1826 | 1858 | Commander | 7 |
John | Moresby R.N. | 1830 | 1922 | Vice-Admiral | 35 |
James William | Morgan R.N. | 1802 | 1852 | Captain | 9 |
Arthur Fleming | Morrell R.N. | 1788 | 1880 | Commander | 15 |
George | Morris R.N. | <1808 | >1846 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Henry Gage | Morris R.N. | <1837 | >1853 | Captain | 17 |
William | Morris R.N. | 1792 | >1875 | Commander | 8 |
William | Morris R.N. | <1823 | 1869 | Captain | 14 |
Samuel | Morrish R.N. | <1828 | >1860 | Captain | 6 |
William Henry Anderson | Morshead R.N. | 1811 | 1886 | Vice-Admiral | 20 |
George | Moubray R.N. | 1773 | 1856 | Captain | 7 |
William | Mould R.N. | <1828 | >1866 | Commander | 13 |
Robert | Mudge R.N. | <1806 | >1862 | Lieutenant | 9 |
George Rodney | Mundy R.N. | 1805 | 1884 | Admiral | 41 |
Alexander | Murray R.N. | <1819 | >1866 | Captain | 8 |
Augustus George Ernest | Murray R.N. | 1823 | 1872 | Lieutenant | 9 |
Elibank Harley | Murray R.N. | 1833 | 1901 | Captain | 26 |
John | Murray R.N. | <1848 | >1857 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Charles | Murray-Aynsley R.N. | 1821 | 1901 | Captain | 20 |
Charles | Napier R.N. | 1786 | 1860 | Admiral | 30 |
Charles George Elers | Napier R.N. | 1812 | 1847 | Captain | 11 |
Gerard John | Napier R.N. | 1818 | 1901 | Captain | 13 |
Richard Henry | Napier R.N. | 1836 | 1903 | Rear-Admiral | 13 |
Edward | Nares R.N. | <1848 | >1871 | Commander | 3 |
George Strong | Nares R.N. | 1831 | 1915 | Captain | 27 |
Henry | Need R.N. | <1833 | 1875 | Captain | 7 |
Charles Gudgeon | Nelson R.N. | 1828 | 1892 | Commander | 13 |
Hon. Maurice Horatio | Nelson R.N. | 1832 | 1914 | Captain | 12 |
Evan | Nepean R.N. | 1785 | 1864 | Captain | 10 |
William | Nevill R.N. | <1816 | >1870 | Captain | 7 |
Charles Frankland | Newland R.N. | 1800 | 1900 | Commander | 19 |
Charles James Franklin | Newton R.N. | 1799 | 1855 | Commander | 6 |
Joseph | Nias R.N. | <1820 | 1879 | Vice-Admiral | 13 |
Iltid Thomas Mansel | Nicholl R.N. | <1850 | >1856 | Lieutenant | 2 |
Henry Frederick | Nicholson R.N. | 1835 | >1914 | Admiral | 37 |
Beville Granville Wyndham | Nicolas R.N. | <1849 | >1862 | Commander | 6 |
Granville Toup | Nicolas R.N. | 1833 | 1894 | Commander | 9 |
John Toup | Nicolas R.N. | 1788 | 1851 | Rear-Admiral | 14 |
Edward | Nicolls R.N. | 1817 | 1844 | Lieutenant | 6 |
Frederick William Erskine | Nicolson R.N. | 1815 | 1899 | Vice-Admiral | 23 |
Jeffrey Wheelock | Noble R.N. | <1816 | >1846 | Captain | 8 |
Gerard Henry Uctred | Noel R.N. | 1845 | 1918 | Admiral of the Fleet | 36 |
Matthew Stainton | Nolloth R.N. | 1810 | 1883 | Captain | 18 |
Charles James | Norcock R.N. | 1847 | 1933 | Captain | 14 |
George Lowcay | Norcock R.N. | 1816 | 1869 | Commander | 20 |
George | Northland R.N. | 1830 | 1921 | Captain | 25 |
Edward Thomas | Nott R.N. | <1854 | 1874 | Captain | 8 |
John Neale | Nott R.N. | 1800 | 1849 | Captain | 15 |
John Thomas | Nott R.N. | 1787 | 1862 | Commander | 9 |
Joseph | Nourse R.N. | <1825 | >1847 | Lieutenant | 7 |
William Calmady | Nowell R.N. | <1813 | >1847 | Lieutenant | 12 |
Hugh | Nurse R.N. | <1822 | 1841 | Captain | 7 |
George William Douglas | O'Callaghan R.N. | 1811 | 1900 | Rear-Admiral | 14 |
John | O'Reilly R.N. | 1794 | 1873 | Lieutenant | 10 |
Montagu Frederic | O'Reilly R.N. | 1822 | >1862 | Captain | 10 |
Josiah | Oake R.N. | 1797 | 1864 | Captain | 10 |
Henry | Oakely R.N. | 1817 | 1877 | Lieutenant | 12 |
Graham | Ogle R.N. | 1814 | 1871 | Captain | 12 |
William Walter | Oke R.N. | <1808 | >1859 | Lieutenant | 4 |
Radulphus Bryce | Oldfield R.N. | 1827 | 1877 | Captain | 20 |
George | Oldmixon R.N. | <1808 | 1880 | Commander | 10 |
Richard Aldworth | Oliver R.N. | 1811 | 1889 | Captain | 18 |
William Browne | Oliver R.N. | 1802 | >1867 | Captain | 12 |
Thomas William | Olivier R.N. | <1854 | >1872 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Erasmus | Ommanney R.N. | 1814 | 1904 | Vice-Admiral | 32 |
Francis Metcalfe | Ommanney R.N. | 1838 | 1914 | Commander | 17 |
John James | Onslow R.N. | <1810 | 1856 | Captain | 9 |
John | Orlebar R.N. | 1810 | 1891 | Captain | 16 |
Noel | Osborn R.N. | <1856 | >1862 | Lieutenant | 3 |
Sherard | Osborn R.N. | 1822 | 1875 | Rear-Admiral | 35 |
Henry Charles | Otter R.N. | <1822 | >1870 | Captain | 12 |
Charles Cooke | Otway R.N. | 1815 | 1842 | Commander | 6 |
George Graham | Otway R.N. | 1816 | 1881 | Captain | 16 |
Robert Jocelyn | Otway R.N. | 1808 | 1884 | Captain | 16 |
Arthur Rodney | Owen R.N. | 1829 | 1876 | Commander | 11 |
Justus | Oxenham R.N. | <1812 | >1841 | Lieutenant | 3 |
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