Commissioned officers in command - 1840-1880
Commissioned officers in command - 1840-1880

Royal NavyPersonnel

Officers A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??

The table below is intended to include all commissioned officers (that is, with the rank of Lieutenant or above) in command of a Royal Navy vessel between 1840 and 1880. The data are chiefly derived from service records in the National Archives in Kew, contemporary Navy Lists, William R. O'Byrne's "Naval Biographical Dictionary" (1849) and the "Naval Intelligence" column of the Times newspaper.

Follow the links in the first column for available biographic and career data. The 'Rank reached' column shows the highest substantive rank reached (thus not including "retired ..."); as the data are incomplete, however, some officers may have actually reached a higher rank.

For officers not shown here, try Paul Benyon's extensive listExternal link. For persons other than naval sea officers, go here.

 OfficerBornDiedRank reachedEntries
JohnPackwood R.N. <1850>1854Lieutenant3
Arthur Cecil HenryPaget R.N. 1839 1924Captain18
Lord Clarence EdwardPaget R.N. 1811 1895Admiral31
Frederick George CharlesPaget R.N. <1852 1866Lieutenant4
JohnPaget R.N. <1800 1857Commander6
Thomas AlexanderPakenham R.N. 18201889Captain21
Wray Richard GledstanesPalliser R.N. <1847 1891Commander8
GeorgePalmer R.N. <1845>1873Captain13
JohnPalmer R.N. <1841>1860Commander3
John JervisPalmer R.N. 18201861Commander15
John EdwardParish R.N. 1822 1894Captain17
GeorgeParker R.N. <1846>1884Captain9
HydeParker R.N. 17841854Vice-Admiral20
HydeParker R.N. 1824 1854Captain10
JohnParker R.N. <1805>1864Captain13
George HenryParkin R.N. 18281902Captain30
AbrahamParks R.N. <1806>1847Lieutenant6
Alfred Arthur ChaseParr R.N. 18491914Vice-Admiral28
Robert AugustusParr R.N. <1854>1868Captain6
CharlesParry R.N. <1855>1868Commander8
William EdwardParry R.N. 1790 1855Rear-Admiral36
GeorgeParsons R.N. <1855>1886Captain8
JohnParsons R.N. 1791 1864Lieutenant11
William LukePartridge R.N. 18191876Commander14
JohnPasco R.N. 1774 1853Rear-Admiral10
William Montagu Isaacson GeorgePasco R.N. <1820>1864Commander8
Russell Graves SabinePasley R.N. 1838 1888Commander8
Thomas Malcolm SabinePasley R.N. 1828 1870Captain10
Thomas SabinePasley R.N. 1804 1884Admiral21
Augustus Robert LloydPassingham R.N. <1819 1844Lieutenant3
Charles George EdwardPatey R.N. 1813 1881Captain19
George EdwinPatey R.N. 18141862Captain20
FrederickPatten R.N. <1814>1873Captain9
John Robert EbenezerPattisson R.N. 18441928Rear-Admiral16
GeorgePaulet R.N. 1803 1879Admiral20
William BerjewPauli R.N. <1854>1856Lieutenant2
John ThomasPaulson R.N. <1812>1842Commander8
RichardPawle R.N. 1795>1836Lieutenant4
James Aylmer DorsetPaynter R.N. <1826 1876Rear-Admiral15
JosephPearse R.N. 1794>1870Captain10
Richard BulkeleyPearse R.N. 18301895Captain12
William Alfred RumbulowPearse R.N. <1841>1868Captain10
Mark RobertPechell R.N. 1830 1902Captain15
EdmundPeel R.N. 18011871Commander13
FrancisPeel R.N. <1848>1857Commander4
WilliamPeel R.N. <1824 1858Captain21
Mountford Stephen LovielePeile R.N. 1824 1885Captain12
EdwardPeirse R.N. <1827>1879Captain17
Dudley Worsley AnthonyPelham R.N. 1812>1839Commander7
Frederick ThomasPelham R.N. 1808 1861Rear-Admiral22
Watkin OwenPell R.N. 1788 1869Rear-Admiral17
Pownoll WilliamPellew R.N. 1837>1860Commander8
Richard WilsonPelly R.N. 1814 1890Commander11
Charles CooperPenrose Fitzgerald R.N. 18411921Admiral41
Henry LeggePerceval R.N. 1836 1869Commander7
John LaisnéPerry R.N. <1854>1881Captain9
Charles AdolphusPetch R.N. 1797>1843Lieutenant5
RobertPeter R.N. <1804>1830Lieutenant2
Lumley WoodyearPeyton R.N. <1846>1885Lieutenant8
George AnnesleyPhayre R.N. <1843>1866Commander4
HenryPhelps R.N. <1832 1905Captain7
John PhillipsPhilipps R.N. <1807>1860Lieutenant6
AlexanderPhilips R.N. <1850>1889Captain8
AugustusPhillimore R.N. 1822 1897Admiral23
Henry BouchierPhillimore R.N. 18331893Vice-Admiral24
RobertPhillipps R.N. 1807>1855Commander6
Charles GerransPhillips R.N. <1820>1855Commander6
William CharlesPhillott R.N. <1826>1841Commander4
Benjamin SpencerPickard R.N. 18221890Captain19
Shute BarringtonPiers R.N. 18281876Captain21
HughPigot R.N. 1775 1857Admiral41
John WilliamPike R.N. 18271894Captain20
Bedford Clapperton TryvellionPim R.N. 1826 1886Captain17
John CharlesPitman R.N. 1814>1864Commander9
James HanwayPlumridge R.N. 1787 1863Admiral25
EdwardPlunkett R.N. 1808>1864Captain16
James AugustusPoland R.N. 18321918Captain24
Edwin JohnPollard R.N. 1833 1909Captain16
Walter JamesPollard R.N. <1843>1868Commander7
GeorgePoole R.N. <1855 1878Commander7
BrunswickPopham R.N. <1817>1841Captain12
George OtwayPopplewell R.N. <1832>1888Captain9
Edwin AugustusPorcher R.N. <1846>1856Lieutenant2
Charles JamesPostle R.N. <1836 1851Commander8
Richard AshmorePowell R.N. 18161892Captain21
Edward RochePower R.N. <1824>1858Commander13
Francis MowbrayPrattent R.N. 1833 1892Vice-Admiral21
George WilliamPreedy R.N. 1817 1894Captain30
HenryPrescott R.N. 1783 1874Admiral16
D'Arcy SpencePreston R.N. 1827 1890Captain14
WilliamPreston R.N. <1811>1841Captain11
WilliamPretyman R.N. <1809>1846Commander4
James CharlesPrevost R.N. <1829 1891Rear-Admiral15
Lewis de TeissierPrevost R.N. 1814 1898Commander12
DavidPrice R.N. 17901854Rear-Admiral13
John Adolphus PopePrice R.N. <1842>1869Captain9
John RollestonPrickett R.N. 18481921Commander24
Benjamin PentlandPriest R.N. <1827>1863Commander14
DanielPring R.N. 1780 1847Captain16
CharlesPringle R.N. <1856>1875Captain8
Richard DavisonPritchard R.N. 1777 1948Commander6
SamuelPritchard R.N. <1843>1855Commander3
Samuel PerkinsPritchard R.N. 17841868Captain11
Samuel RosserProtheroe R.N. <1811>1846Lieutenant3
HenryPryce R.N. 1786 1866Commander9
William DavidPuget R.N. <1813>1844Captain12
William John SamuelPullen R.N. 1813 1887Captain15
EdwardPurcell R.N. <1808>1852Captain5
Francis ReginaldPurvis R.N. 1833 1895Captain10
George Thomas MaitlandPurvis R.N. 1829>1880Commander11
John BrettPurvis R.N. 1787 1857Vice-Admiral11
John ChildPurvis R.N. 1832 1904Captain11
RichardPurvis R.N. <1846 1875Captain13
Frederick WhitefordPym R.N. <1852>1855Lieutenant3
Richard ElsworthyPym R.N. 1792 1876Lieutenant10
William HenryPym R.N. 1828 1886Commander19
MichaelQuin R.N. <18121870Vice-Admiral14
Richard RobertQuin R.N. 1820 1870Captain14
William HenryQuin R.N. <1813 1840Commander5
Henry JamesRaby R.N. 1827 1907Captain21
WilliamRadcliffe R.N. 1796>1866Captain9
GeorgeRamsay R.N. 1806 1880Vice-Admiral18
WilliamRamsay R.N. 1796 1871Vice-Admiral17
George GranvilleRandolph R.N. 1818 1907Vice-Admiral29
William HectorRason R.N. <1855 1859Lieutenant5
Harry HoldsworthRawson R.N. 18431910Admiral32
JamesRawstorne R.N. 17951878Captain17
Edward Hood LingardRay R.N. <1849 1885Captain9
GeorgeRaymond R.N. 17951866Lieutenant8
James GrantRaymond R.N. <1812>1844Lieutenant3
William VinerRead R.N. 1797>1860Captain16
ArchibaldReed R.N. <1815>1856Commander7
JohnReeve R.N. <1799>1851Commander15
John MilwardReeve R.N. <1846>1860Commander3
RobertReid R.N. <1843>1859Commander5
WalterReid R.N. <1836>1851Commander4
Hugh ArthurReilly R.N. <1848 1862Commander4
BarringtonReynolds R.N. 1785 1861Admiral21
George StewartReynolds R.N. <1814 1882Commander13
Louis RivettReynolds R.N. <1846>1857Commander4
Edward BridgesRice R.N. 18191902Admiral23
ErnestRice R.N. 18401927Commander15
Frederic DampierRich R.N. <1846 1876Captain10
George FrederickRich R.N. <1805 1863Vice-Admiral14
Frederick WilliamRichards R.N. 1833 1912Admiral of the Fleet26
George HenryRichards R.N. 1820 1896Rear-Admiral17
Harry LordRichards R.N. <1798>1840Commander4
PeterRichards R.N. 17871869Rear-Admiral27
JohnRichardson R.N. <1834>1841Commander3
Richard McKinleyRichardson R.N. <1831>1848Lieutenant10
CornwallisRicketts R.N. 1803 1885Captain12
Stuart HamiltonRickman R.N. 18431913Commander14
Charles GrayRigge R.N. <1825>1847Lieutenant9
Charles ComptonRising R.N. 1841 1913Captain10
John Erskine FieldRisk R.N. <1826>1865Commander6
Richard HawkinsRisk R.N. 18111865Captain21
William ThomasRivers R.N. 1814>1850Commander7
GeorgeRivington R.N. <1856>1856Lieutenant2
JohnRobb R.N. <1812 1859Captain10
Edward ForwardRoberts R.N. <1828>1847Lieutenant5
SamuelRoberts R.N. 1787 1848Captain16
NicholasRobilliard R.N. <1810>1845Commander9
Charles Aylmer Pembroke VallanceyRobinson R.N. <1849>1869Captain4
Charles GeppRobinson R.N. 1805 1875Rear-Admiral13
Frederick Charles BryanRobinson R.N. 1836 1896Vice-Admiral14
GeorgeRobinson R.N. <1855>1885Captain12
John JamesRobinson R.N. 1811>1860Commander17
Loftus Christopher HawkerRobinson R.N. <1847>1856Lieutenant2
Robert SpencerRobinson R.N. 1809 1889Vice-Admiral31
WilliamRobinson R.N. <1811>1860Captain8
Charles RufusRobson R.N. <1851 1861Lieutenant7
WilliamRobson R.N. 1796>1860Captain11
John RashleighRodd R.N. <1830>1866Captain8
Arthur George RobertsonRoe R.N. <1858>1878Captain9
Richard HenryRoe R.N. <1853>1877Commander4
Justus PeterRoepel R.N. 1793 1847Captain11
Henry DowningRogers R.N. <1837>1861Captain14
William RaeRolland R.N. 18171904Captain26
GeorgeRose R.N. <1832>1839Lieutenant2
James ClarkRoss R.N. 1800 1862Rear-Admiral19
John FrancisRoss R.N. 18211899Captain23
FrankRougemont R.N. 18421882Commander8
Henry LewisRound R.N. <1854>1864Commander7
Hon. Henry JohnRous R.N. 17951877Admiral24
Charles JohnRowley R.N. 18321919Admiral31
Richard FreemanRowley R.N. 1806 1854Captain10
Robert Hibbert BartholomewRowley R.N. 18171860Commander12
Thomas HarveyRoyse R.N. 1835 1909Captain12
Joseph SparkhallRundle R.N. 1815 1880Commander10
Lord EdwardRussell R.N. 18051887Admiral23
Francis JohnRussell R.N. 1808 1888Commander8
JohnRussell R.N. <1833>1839Lieutenant2
JohnRussell R.N. <1824>1863Captain10
RobertRussell R.N. <1820 1848Captain8
Gilbert BrydoneRutherford R.N. <1840>1885Captain13
William FitzHerbertRuxton R.N. 1830 1895Captain15
Alfred PhillippsRyder R.N. 1820 1888Admiral of the Fleet25
Herbert ThomasRyves R.N. 1812 1880Lieutenant9

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