Hubert Campion R.N.
Hubert Campion R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Hubert Campion R.N.Explanation
Son of Thomas Campion (1780-1859)
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
18 June 1825 Born (Exeter, Devonshire)
2 October 1860 Married Elizabeth (1828-1888), daughter of John Gilmore (1794-1862)
14 April 1900 Died (Lee, Kent)
Obituary in the Times newspaper
23 October 1849Lieutenant
7 December 1855Commander
19 September 1865Captain
1 April 1870Retired Captain
30 December 1878Retired Rear-Admiral
Date fromDate toService
22 June 184829 November 1848Mate in Nimrod, commanded by Commander Thomas Belgrave, Cape of Good Hope
20 November 18486 February 1849Mate in President, commanded by Captain William Pearse Stanley, Cape of Good Hope
2 May 18494 June 1849Mate in Castor, commanded by Commodore Christopher Wyvill, Cape of Good Hope
5 June 184931 October 1849Mate in Victoria and Albert, commanded by Captain Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence, Portsmouth
11 October 18505 December 1851Lieutenant in Geyser, commanded by Commander Edward Tatham, south east coast of America
3 April 185210 May 1852Lieutenant in Hecate, commanded by Commander George Sumner Hand, particular service
11 May 185217 June 1853Lieutenant in Geyser, commanded by Commander George Sumner Hand then Commander Thomas Wilson, coast of Ireland then North America and West Indies
22 June 185311 September 1855Lieutenant in Vesuvius, commanded by Richard Ashmore Powell, Mediterranean (and, 1854, Black Sea during the Russian War)
15 September 18556 December 1855Lieutenant in Ardent, commanded by Lieutenant and commander William Horton, Mediterranean and Black Sea during the Russian War
7 December 185513 February 1856Commander in Ardent (until paying off at Woolwich), Mediterranean
10 May 185625 August 1857Commander in Falcon (until paying off at Portsmouth), North America and West Indies
1 March 185821 August 1860Commander in Elk (until paying off at Chatham), East Indies and China (Australia)
21 April 186223 September 1863Commander in Boscawen, training ship, Southampton Water

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