Leveson Eliot Henry Somerset R.N.
Leveson Eliot Henry Somerset R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Leveson Eliot Henry Somerset R.N.Explanation
Second son of Lord Granville Somerset, M.P.
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
20 August 1829 Born
18 January 1872 Married Eva (1848-1904), daughter of Hon. Richard Rowley
September 1875February 1878Superintendent of Bermuda dockyard
November 1876February 1878Naval aide-de-camp to Queen Victoria
7 February 1900 Died (Curson street, London)
22 May 1843Entered Navy
24 October 1851Lieutenant
10 May 1856Commander
15 April 1862Captain
28 April 1878Rear-Admiral
7 July 1884Vice-Admiral
19 June 1888Admiral
Date fromDate toService
4 February 1853 Lieutenant in Duke of Wellington, commanded by George Thomas Gordon, flagship of Vice-Admiral Charles Napier, the Baltic during the Russian War
17 October 1857 Commander in Devastation
27 October 185719 April 1860Commander (2ic) in Indus, commanded by John Charles Dalrymple Hay, flagship of Vice-Admiral Houston Stewart, North America and West Indies
20 April 186028 June 1862Commander (2ic) in Bacchante, commanded by Donald McLeod Mackenzie, flagship of Rear-Admiral Thomas Maitland, Pacific
8 October 186525 January 1868Captain in Bristol (from commissioning at Chatham until paying off at Sheerness), flagship of Commodore Geoffrey Thomas Phipps Hornby, west coast of Africa
21 January 18719 January 1872Captain in Royal Oak (until paying off at Portsmouth)
24 September 187224 September 1875Captain in Favorite, Coast Guard, Queensferry
June 1880June 1881Secon in command, Channel squadron

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