HMS Indus (1839)
HMS Indus (1839)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameIndus (1839)Explanation
TypeSecond rate   
Launched16 March 1839
Builders measure 
Displacement2653 tons
Ships book
Note1860 guardship
Snippets concerning this vessels career
30 October 1840
- 13 June 1844
Commanded by Captain James Stirling, Mediterranean
25 November 1856
- 27 February 1857
Commanded by Captain John Charles Dalrymple Hay, flagship of Rear-Admiral Houston Stewart, Devonport
25 April 1857
- 5 September 1859
Commanded by Captain John Charles Dalrymple Hay, flagship of Vice-Admiral Houston Stewart on the North America and West Indies station
August 1859
- 19 April 1860
Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain William King Hall, flagship of Vice-Admiral Houston Stewart, North America and West Indies
14 July 1860
- 3 July 1863
Commanded by Captain Astley Cooper Key, guard ship of the Steam Reserve, Devonport, flagship of the Admiral Superintendent of Devonport Dockyard (Rear-Admiral Thomas Sabine Pasley, then Rear-Admiral Thomas Matthew Charles Symonds)
1 January 1864Commanded by Captain William Edmonstone, flagship of Rear-Admiral Thomas Matthew Charles Symonds, flagship of the Admiral Superintendent, Devonport Dockyard
18 April 1866
- 27 January 1869
Commanded by Captain George Ommaney Willes, flagship of Rear-Admiral James Robert Drummond, guard ship of reserve, and flagship of the Admiral Superintendant, Devonport dockyard
26 January 1869Commanded by Captain William Garnham Luard, flagship of Rear-Admiral James Robert Drummond, flag ship of the Admiral Superintendent, Devonport
14 May 1870
- 23 May 1873
Commanded by Captain Charles Fellowes, flagship of Admiral James Robert Drummond, Devonport, and captain of the Steam Reserve
15 March 1875
- 9 October 1875
Commanded by Captain Radulphus Bryce Oldfield, flagship of Rear-Admiral William Charles Chamberlain, superintendent of Devonport Dockyard
1 January 1877
- 3 January 1880
Commanded by Captain Charles Thomas Curme, flagship of Rear-Admiral Charles Webley Hope, Guard Ship of Reserve, Devonport
27 October 1882
- 26 October 1885
Commanded by Captain Edward Kelly, guardship of Reserve, Devonport
13 October 1885
- 31 December 1888
Commanded by Captain Harry Holdsworth Rawson, flagship of Rear-Admiral John Crawford Wilson on the Devonport station
1 August 1888
- 4 August 1891
Commanded by Captain Walter James Hunt-Grubbe, Superintendent of Devonport dockyard, Plymouth

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