HMS Rinaldo (1860)
HMS Rinaldo (1860)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameRinaldo (1860)Explanation
TypeSloop (1862: Corvette)   
Launched26 March 1860   
HullWooden Length185 feet
PropulsionScrew Men180
Builders measure951 tons   
Displacement1365 tons   
Fate1884 Last in commission1874
Ships book   
26 March 1860Launched at Portsmouth Dockyard.
3 May 1861
- 21 March 1863
Commanded by Commander William Nathan Wrighte Hewett, North America and West Indies
26 November 1862
- 10 May 1864
Commanded by Commander James Andrew Robert Dunlop, North America and West Indies (until Dunlop invalided)
11 May 1864
- 29 July 1864
Commanded by Acting Commander Archibald George Bogle, North America and West Indies
2 June 1864
- 10 February 1865
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander Maurice Horatio Nelson, North America and West Indies
1 November 1866
- 28 November 1868
Commanded (from commissioning at Portsmouth) by Commander William Kemptown Bush, China (until Bush invalided)
28 November 1868
- January 1871
Commanded by Commander Frederick Charles Bryan Robinson, China (until Robinson invalided)
20 January 1871
- 8 October 1872
Commanded by Commander George Robinson, China
5 June 1872
- 10 July 1874
Commanded (until paying off at Portsmouth) by Commander George Parsons, China
April 1884Sold.
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Tu 11 September 1860The following vessels comprise the four classes of the steam reserve at Portsmouth, the list corrected to this date :-
First Class.- Duke of Wellington, 131 guns, 700 horsepower; Princess Royal, 91 guns, 400 horse-power; Shannon, 51 guns, 600 horse-power ; Immortalité, 51 guns, 600 horse-power; Volcano, 6 guns, 140 horse-power; Philomel, 6 guns, 80 horse-power; and gunboats Brazen, Beaver, Snapper, Traveller, Grinder, and Blazer, of two guns each, and 60 horse-power.
Second Class.- Royal Sovereign, 131 guns, 800 horse-power; Victoria, 121 guns, 1,000 horse-power; Prince of Wales, 131 guns, 800 horse-power ; Duncan, 101 guns, 800 horse-power; Nelson, 91 guns, 500 horse-power; the Sutlej, 51 guns, 500 horse-power ; the Harrier, 17 guns, 100 horse-power; the Rinaldo, 17 guns, 200 horse-power; the Medea, 6 guns, 350 horse-power; the Stromboli, 6 guns, 280 horse-power; the Coquette, 6 guns, 200 horse-power; and the gunboats Cracker, Fancy, Swinger, Pincher, and Badger, of 60 horse-power each, and 2 guns.
Third Class.- The Tribune, 31 guns, 300 horse-power; the Rosamond, 6 guns, 280-horse power; the Vigilant, 4 guns, 200 horse-power; the Vulture, 6 guns, 470 horse-power; the Cygnet, 5 guns, 80 horse-power; and the gunboats Cheerful, Rambler, Pet, Daisy, Angler, Chub, Ant, Pert, and Decoy, of two guns each and 21 horse-power.
4th Class.- The screw transport Fox, 200 horse-power; the Erebus, 16 guns, 200 horse-power; the Meteor, 14 guns, 150 horse-power; and the Glatton, 14 guns, 150 horse-power.

The foregoing - not including the gunboats and mortar vessels in Haslar-yard - consist of seven line-of-battle ships, four frigates, two corvettes, nine sloops, three floating batteries, 20 gunboats, and one troop steamer. They give a total force of 1,150 guns, propelled by 11,420 horse-power (nominal). The Fox steam troopship is given in this return as not carrying any guns, but in the official Navy List she still carried "42" attached to her name.

Fr 31 January 1862Private letters have been received by our Chatham correspondent, from the West Indies, giving some further details respecting the loss of Her Majesty's ship Conqueror, 101, 3,265 tons, 800-horse power, Capt. E. S. Sotheby, C.B. The Conqueror was wrecked on the morning of the 30th of December, on a rock known as the Rum Crag, on her way to Bermuda, from Port Royal, which she had left but a few days. The pinnace of the Conqueror, with some of the officers and crew, arrived at Port Royal, Jamaica, on the 8th inst., when Commodore Dunlop, C.B., immediately despatched the Cygnet, 5, Commander A. T. Thrupp, to render her assistance. The Cadmus, 21, Capt. H.S. Hillyar, C.B., arrived at St. Thomas's on the 7th. inst., all well. The Rinaldo, 17, Commander W.N.W. Hewett, having on board the Confederate commissioners, arrived at St. Thomas's on the 14th inst. The United States sloop of war Iroquois, was also at St. Thomas's on the same date.
Sa 1 March 1862According to the Bermuda Royal Gazette, there were at the island, on the 4th of February, the screw steamship Nile, 90, Capt. Barnard, flag of Rear-Admiral Sir Alexander Milne, K.C.B. ; the Hero, 89, Capt. Ryder; the Agamemnon, 89, Capt. Hope; the Aboukir, 86, Capt. Shadwell, C.B. ; the Immortalité, 57, Capt. Hancock; the Diadem, 32, Capt Randolph; the Rinaldo, 17, Commander Hewett; the Terror, 16, Capt. Hutton; the Spiteful, 6, Commander Wilson; the Landrail, 5, Commander Martin; the Nimble, 6, Lieut. D'Arcy; and the gunboats Nettle and Onyx. The Immortalité, from Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay, arrived on the 30th of January, and the Diadem and Landrail from the West Indies on the 1st of February. The last two brought the remainder of the crew of the wrecked ship Conqueror, 90, the bowsprit only of which, is now above water. All the ship's company are berthed on board the hulk Medway, where they will remain until the court-martial, which was appointed to be held on board the Hero on the 6th of February. The crew may arrive in England in March.

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