Thomas Bevis R.N.
Thomas Bevis R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Thomas Bevis R.N.Explanation
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
1868 Died
5 November 1797Entered Navy
24 September 1806Lieutenant
3 August 1829Commander
4 February 1858Retired Captain
Date fromDate toService
24 September 1806 Lieutenant in Antelope, commanded by Henry Baxely
180? Lieutenant in Antelope, commanded by Edward Galway
24 April 1809 Lieutenant in Isis, commanded by Woodley Losack, including expedition to Flushing in August 1809
29 January 1810 Lieutenant in Beagle, commanded by William Brooking , home station
7 September 1810July 1814Lieutenant in Galatea, commanded by Woodley Losack, Cape of Good Hope and West Indies
1 November 1814July 1816Lieutenant in Bombay, flagship of Charles Vinicombe Penrose, Mediterranean
25 August 1818August 1819Lieutenant in Euryalus, commanded by Thomas Huskinsson, until invalided
18 February 1821 Coast Guard
2 December 1828 Lieutenant in Prince Regent, flagship of Henry Blackwood, the Nore
18?? Superintendant of the packet service at Milford
5 February 1839 Commander in Redwing, as Superintendant of the packet service at Liverpool
11 October 1849 Additional Commander in Saturn, commanded by Thomas Sabine Pasley, Pembroke, as Superintendent of the packet service at Holyhead
1 November 1853 Additional Commander in Saturn, commanded by Robert Smart, Pembroke, as Superintendent of the packet service at Holyhead

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