HMS Tamar (1863)
HMS Tamar (1863)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameTamar (1863)Explanation
Launched5 January 1863
Builders measure2812 tons
Displacement4650 tons
Ships bookADM 135/465
Note1897 base ship.
1941 scuttled at Hong Kong
Snippets concerning this vessels career
4 July 1866Commanded by Captain Francis William Sullivan
8 May 1872
- 21 May 1875
Commanded (until paying off at Plymouth) by Captain Walter James Hunt-Grubbe, troopship, and commanded the Naval Brigade at the Battle of Amoaful, during the 1874 Ashantee campaign
12 October 1877
- 22 April 1878
Commanded by Captain Charles James Brownrigg, troopship
22 April 1878Commanded by Captain William Henry Liddell
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Sa 15 August 1863The iron screw frigate Tamar, 2,812 tons, 500-horse power, in No. 3 dock at Chatham, having been surveyed by the master shipwright's staff, and a favourable report made to the Admiralty, has been taken over from the private firm by which she was constructed. Orders having been received for her to be fitted for the first-class steam reserve, in readiness for the service for which she is intended - that of a troopship, similar to the sister iron steamer Orontes, yesterday the dockyard hands gave the last coating of the anti-corrosive composition to both sides of her hull, which had previously been payed over with a mixture of coal tar and naphtha, two coats of which were applied to the iron in its crude state. Over this again was laid two coats of the anti-corrosive composition invented by Mr. Hayes, the Admiralty chymist, which bears the character of being the best of the several anti-fouling compositions yet brought into use. It may, however, be at once stated that all of the many anti-fouling mixtures which have hitherto been introduced to the notice of the Board of Admiralty are more or less failures, none of them possessing in anything like a complete degree the two main essentials in an invention of the kind - namely, the property of preventing the growth of marine incrustations and other accumulations on iron ships' bottoms, and of preserving the iron itself from the destructive chymical action of the water and marine animalculae.
Tu 21 May 1872The Hotspur, 3, double screw iron armour-plated ram, arrived in Plymouth Sound on Sunday evening from Pembroke under command of Rear-Admiral Lord John Hay, C.B., who will give up charge to Capt. H.D. Hickley, of the Tamar, on that officer's arrival borne from Gibraltar in a few days.

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