Name | Ranger (1835) | Explanation | |
Type | Packet brig | ||
Launched | 25 July 1835 | ||
Hull | Wooden | ||
Propulsion | Sail | ||
Builders measure | 363 tons | ||
Displacement | |||
Guns | 8 | ||
Fate | 1867 | ||
Class | |||
Ships book | |||
Note | 1860 hulk | ||
Snippets concerning this vessels career | |||
Date | Event | ||
14 May 1838 | Commanded by Lieutenant commander James Howard Turner, Falmouth | ||
(October 1843) | Out of commission at Devonport | ||
14 December 1844 - 3 May 1848 | Commanded (until paying off at Chatham) by Commander James Anderson, west coast of Africa | ||
31 May 1848 - 29 March 1849 | Commanded (from commissioning at Chatham until paying off at Plymouth) by Commander Charles Frankland Newland, west coast of Africa | ||
13 June 1849 - 25 October 1851 | Commanded by Commander Thomas Miller, west coast of Africa | ||
Extracts from the Times newspaper | |||
Date | Extract | ||
We 19 April 1848 | The Ranger, 8, Commander Anderson, arrived at Spithead last night from the Coast of Africa. She has brought no news. We are happy to state that during the commission of this ship, upwards of three years, she has had no sickness, has lost only one man by desertion, and has not administered one lash to the crew, nor blacklisted a man during the whole time - facts eminently to the credit of the commander and officers, the First-Lieutenant especially. | ||
Ma 24 April 1848 | CHATHAM, April 21. The Waterwitch, 10 guns, Commander R.R. Quin, is alongside the Tartar hulk; she has got her topmasts on end. Her guns were put on hoard yesterday.The Ranger, 8 guns, Commander J. Anderson, from the coast of Africa, where she has been employed since 1844, is ordered to this port to he paid off, without her bulkheads or internal fittings being disturbed. | ||
Sa 29 April 1848 | CHATHAM, April 28. The Ranger, 8 guns, Commander J. Anderson, was towed into harbour on Wednesday afternoon last by the African steam-vesssel. She is alongside the Tartar Hulk, discharging her stores, and will be paid off on Wednesday, the 3d of May. | ||
Sa 6 May 1848 | The Ranger, 8 guns, Commander J. Anderson, was paid of into ordinary on the 3d inst. | ||
Sa 27 May 1848 | The Ranger, 6 guns, is taken into dock to make good defects, and to be immediately fitted for sea. She is ordered to be ready for commission next month. | ||
Sa 17 June 1848 | CHATHAM, June 16. The Ranger, 6, Commander C.F. Newland, sails tomorrow, the 17th inst., when she will be inspected by the Port Admiral at the Nore, whence she will sail for Portsmouth, there to await the mail for the coast of Africa. | ||
Ma 30 October 1848 | The Pantaloon, 8, Commander Prevost, was at St. Vincent's (one of the Cape de Verd Islands), on the 1st of September, a letter from her of which date states, that the Ranger, 8, Commander Newland, had sustained considerable damage in her bottom from having got on shore, and that after several ineffectual attempts to heave her down to get at the evil, Commander Prevost (as senior officer) had selected the acting-master of his vessel (Mr. Greet) to attempt another trial, and it was expected that the practical knowledge and experience of that officer would enable him to achieve the object, and no doubts were entertained but of a satisfactory result. | ||
Th 9 November 1848 | Her Majesty's sloop Ranger, 8, Commander Charles F. Newland, which get ashore at St. Vincent (Cape de Verd) on the 22nd of July, was sunk on the 8th of September, in being hove down by the Pantaloon, but was afloat when the Heroine arrived there, The James Town, American Commodore, had rendered considerable assistance to the Ranger. All the Ranger's keel, fore foot, and butt ends are gone, and several of her timbers are showing; it is doubtful if she can be repaired sufficiently to enable her to come home. | ||
We 6 December 1848 | The Coast Of Africa The Siren, 16, Commander Chaloner, arrived this afternoon from the above station. She left St. Paul de Loando on the 1st of October, St. Helena the 19th, Ascension the 25th, and Sierra Leone Nov. 7. The squadron was distributed thus at the latest dates:- The Penelope and Philomel at St. Paul de Loando; the Amphitrite in the Bights; the Tortoise at Ascension; the Alert left Sierra Leone on the 5th of November for the Gambia; the Bittern off Loango and Mayumba; the Bonetta in search of the Commodore; the Britomart cruising between Cape Mayumba and the river Settee; the Contest off Benguela; the Cygnet in the Bights; the Dart cruising off Ambrize; the Dolphin in the Bights; the Favourite gone to Loango with provisions for the Bittern; the Pantaloon, from England, in search of the Commodore; the Ranger, recovered, and gone under sail in search of the Commodore, to report herself all safe; the Rapid left Congo on the 16th of October, to go northward; the Star in the Bights; the Wanderer off Cape Lopez; the Blazer en route to St. Paul de Loando; the Cyclops left Sierra Leone Nov. 6 for Ascension; the Firefly in the Bights; the Grappler in Elephant bay; the Pluto up the river Congo; the Snap tender en route to Ascension; the Sealark and Adelaide sailed from Sierra Leone on the 7th of November, the latter en route to Port Adelaide; the Waterwitch cruising off the Gallinas. Commander Rutherford has invalided from the Commodore's vessel and gone to St. Helena to recruit, and First Lieutenant Charles B. Bayley was made Acting Commander of her. The slave trade was very brisk. The Siren, since she has been on the coast (for the last 12 months cruising off the river Settee), has captured four prizes herself and shares for two others. The Penelope, Siren, and Bittern were lying at anchor in Mayumba-bay on the 5th of August, when a vessel was sighted becalmed; the Penelope got up her steam, went out, and presently made capture of the celebrated slaver "Polka," a fine brigantine fitted for the traffic, and having 24 slaves on board at the time. The Britomart has taken two — one empty, and one having 425 slaves on board. The Dart has taken one empty prize since the last mail. The Philomel, which lay outside of St. Paul de Loando on the 1st of October, reported the Grappler having taken another prize a day or two before, which she had destroyed in Elephant-bay. The Kingfisher had not arrived on the coast. The Siren has latterly been very healthy. She lost a man named Richard Sapper, a supernumerary from the Philomel, yesterday, in a heavy gale; he fell overboard, and although every means which could safely be adopted for his rescue were put in practice, he was lost. Another man, a sailmaker, from the Tortoise, died on the passage. The Island of Ascension was exceedingly healthy, and it was computed that there was a three years' ample supply of good water; all the turtle ponds were full, and vegetation and food for the flocks plentiful. | ||
Tu 23 January 1849 | PORTSMOUTH, Monday. The Bittern, 16, Commander Hope, arrived at Spithead this afternoon from the west coast of Africa, She sailed from Sierra Leone on the 26th of December, with mails, and Lieutenant Crowder, of the Rapid; Dr. Negus, surgeon of the Waterwitch; and Lieutenant Page of the Sealark, passengers. There were remaining at Sierra Leone, the Sealark, Ranger, refitting after being ashore; the Snap tender and the Adelaide, prize tender to the Sealark. The Bittern has taken four prizes, and shares in another. The squadron's officers and men were healthy, and the slave-trade more thriving than ever. Several captures were made between the interval of the Rapid sailing from Ascension and the Bittern from Sierra Leone. The latter is ordered to Sheerness to be paid off. The Commodore had made up his mind to come to England forthwith, and may be expected at Spithead in a few days. He is reported ill. | ||
Th 25 January 1849 | THE COAST OF AFRICA. St. Paul de Loando, Nov. 15; Since the departure of Commodore Sir Charles Hotham, this place has been the head-quarters of the senior officer, and has had occasional visits from his ship, the Favorite, 14, Commander Alexander Murray. The Philomel, 8, Commander Wood, arrived recently on this division from the North Coast, and has taken her station between this and Benguela. The other vessels on this division are the Contest, 12, Commander M'Murdo, cruising to the south of Benguela; the Blazer steamer, Lieutenant Smith, off the Congo; the Grappler steamer, Lieutenant Lysaught; and the Dart, 3, Lieutenant Glyn, off Ambrize; the Bittern, 12, Commander Hope off Kabenda; the Britomart, 8, Commander Chamberlaine, off Loango; the Waterwitch, 8, Commander Quin; and the Wanderer, 12, Commander Montresor, off Cape Lopez. The Dart has taken three, the Britomart two, and the Pluto one slaver off the Congo since the last mail. In the Bight of Benin are the Amphitrite, Captain Eden (ordered to the Pacific); the Cygnet, 8, Commander Kenyon; the Star, 8, Commander Riley; the Dolphin, 3, Lieutenant Boyle; and the Firefly steamer, Lieutenant Ponsonby (since Commander Tudor). On the Sierra Leone coast are the Alert, 6, Commander Dunlop; the Sealark, 8, Commander Monypenny; the Pantaloon, 8, Commander Prevost; and the Ranger, 8, Commander Newland. The Bonetta, 3, Lieutenant Forbes, arrived here from Sierra Leone on the 30th ult., with the mails brought out by the Pantaloon and Ranger. She reports both the Ranger and Alert as having been on shore and sustained considerable damage. The slave trade is greatly on the increase on the north coast, and the Pongas, Nunez, Gallinas, and Cape Mount rivers are swarming with slavers. The Bonetta has been exceedingly successful on that station, having taken five or six prizes. The Pluto sailed some weeks ago to reinforce that division. Lieutenant Joliffe has the command of her, and Mr. Christopher Albert, additional second master of the Penelope, has been given the command of the Adelaide prize tender, vice Joliffe. The Snap, recently a slaver steamer, but now converted into a bark, Mr. Raymond second master in charge, arrived here on the 5th inst., with a large quantity of stores and provisions from St. Helena for the use of the division of the squadron employed on this station. She sailed for Ascension on the 8th inst., all well. The Favorite, 14, Commander Murray, arrived on the 7th inst., and sailed the following evening on a cruise, all well. The Contest, 12, Commander M'Murdo, arrived on the 7th inst., and having caulked and refitted returned to her station off Benguela on the 14th, all well. The Favorite sails for England on the 1st of January. The new governor of the Portuguese possessions on the west coast has entered on his duties at this place, and the fleet of eight or ten cruisers under the orders of a new naval commander-in-chief are now actively employed in the suppression of the slave trade; their sphere of usefulness has, however, been recently crippled by a new treaty with Brazil, which limits the capture of slave vessels under that flag to within three miles of the shores of the Portuguese territories. The captain of the Mandonna brig of war has, however, been making amends for this restriction by burning to the ground all the barracoons belonging to the subjects of that empire, as well as those of his own countrymen along the coast. This and similar cases evidence a certain measure of vigilance on the part of the Portuguese officers to check the enormities of the slave trade, but, alas! they are mere isolated cases, and are, as well as the exertions of the British, next to futile in stemming the virulence of that disease which is drying up the vital energies of Africa. | ||
We 21 March 1849 | PLYMOUTH, March 19. Her Majesty’s brig Ranger, 6, Commander Charles F. Newland, came in this afternoon, all well, from the coast of Africa; left Sierra Leone on the 10th of February, same day as Her Majesty’s brig Wanderer, 16, Commander F.B. Montresor. About 20 days since the Ranger spoke the brig Challenger, of Glasgow, outward bound. | ||
Th 29 March 1849 | PLYMOUTH, March 27. A court-martial was yesterday assembled on board Her Majesty's ship Impregnable, 104, Captain Sir Thomas Maitland, to inquire into the conduct of Commander Charles Newland and others, the officers and crew of Her Majesty's brig Ranger, in allowing that vessel to ground at Port-a-Grande on the 22d of July, 1848, through an alleged want of care on their part.The court consisted of Admiral Superintendent Sir J. Louis, president; Admiral W.B. Mends, Captain Rich, Her Majesty's ship Vanguard; Captain Sir T. Maitland, Her Majesty's ship Impregnable, and Commander Charles Hall. Mr. W. Eastlake officiated as judge-advocate. The Court having learnt from Commander Newland that he had no complaint to urge against any of his crew, and that the crew had none to make against their commander, proceeded to hear so much of Commander Newland's narrative as related to the grounding of the brig. From this and from the corroborative evidence of Mr. E.N. Harrison, purser, First-Lieutenant B.S. Pickard, Mr John Thomas, acing-master, Second-Lieutenant H.H.M. Page, Mr. Thomas Davey, boatswain, and G.J. Cocks, coxswain, it appeared that the Ranger left Plymouth on the 2d of July last for service on the west coast of Africa, taking mails for Madeira and the Cape Verde Islands. She arrived at Madeira on the 15th of July, and as the commander considered the Ranger for the time being as a packet, he rigidly complied with the Admiralty instructions to that class of vessels, and sailed again within 24 hours. At noon on the 22d of July land was reported; the brig was then 61 miles distant from the N.E. Point of St. Antonio, and the commander being very anxious to make the anchorage before dark, they pressed on under all canvass, and left Bird Island on the starboard hand, the wind on the post side, N.E., squally. Sail was shortened to jib and boom mainsail, with the intention of anchoring in about in about nine or ten fathoms; they were, however, prevented by doing so by a report of breakers ahead. The jibs were hoisted and the ship bore up S.W. by S., and Commander Tudor, of her Majesty's steamer, Firefly, a passenger in the Ranger, and a senior officer, professing a knowledge of the harbour, volunteered to pilot the brig. By his command the best bower was ordered to be let go, but fouled; the small bower was then let go, by which time the best bower had cleared, but before she could be brought up by either anchor she took the ground, at about 8.15 p.m. Sails were then furled, and an anchor got out of the stern, and four guns thrown overboard. The subsequent arduous and successful exertions of Commander Newland in heaving the Ranger off after she had been pronounced irrecoverable by his senior officer, Captain Prevost, of the Pantaloon, were not publicly detailed, but were handed in for the optional perusal of the Court. The sentence of the Court was that the charge was proved as against Commander Newland, but in consideration of the circumstances of the case, he was only adjudged to be severely reprimanded. All the other officers and the crew were acquitted. | ||
Tu 3 April 1849 | Her Majesty's brig Ranger was taken into dock on Thursday; her main and false keel are carried away up to her garboard streak. She will require to he lifted. Her crew were paid off in the yard on the 29th. | ||
Ma 2 July 1849 | Portsmouth, July 1. COURT-MARTIAL. A court-martial, comprising Rear-Admiral Prescott. C.B., president; Captains Chads. C.B., of the Excellent, E. Purcell, of the Superb, R.A. Yates, of the Illustrious, F. Blackwood, of the Victory, and Mr. George L. Greetham, Deputy Judge Advocate of the Fleet, assembled yesterday morning, at 9 o'clock, on board the Victory flag-ship, in this harbour, to try Commander Lewis de Teissier Prevost, of the Pantaloon, 10, on the following charge:—"For that the said Commander Lewis de Teissier Prevost when in command of Her Majesty's sloop Pantaloon, did, on the 10th day of September, 1848, leave Her Majesty's sloop Ranger in the Porto Grande of the island of St. Vincent, when such last-mentioned sloop was in distress, without having rendered all the assistance to the said last-mentioned sloop which was then in the power of the said Commander Lewis de Teissier Prevost, and which he ought to have, afforded." Mr. James Hoskins, solicitor of Portsmouth and Gosport, acted as the prisoner's "friend." The evidence in this case was very heavy and lengthy, and has already appeared before the public in the details of the trial at Plymouth of Commander Newland, of the Ranger, who was the principal witness in the present trial. Commander Prevost in defence having made a very long statement, several witnesses were called and examined, after which the court was cleared for deliberation. On re-opening the Judge-Advocate announced that the Court had declared the charge fully proved, and adjudged the prisoner to be dismissed from the command of Her Majesty's sloop Pantaloon. |
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