HMS Kestrel (1872)
HMS Kestrel (1872)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameKestrel (1872)Explanation
Launched29 February 1872
Builders measure462 tons
Displacement610 tons
Ships bookADM 135/266
Snippets concerning this vessels career
8 January 1873Commanded (from commissioning at Sheerness) by Commander William Raymond Boulton, East Indies
15 June 1880
- 15 September 1882
Commanded by Commander William Metcalfe Lang, China
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 20 January 1879The Army and Navy Gazette states that reliefs for the following unarmourcd ships will be required during this year, namely — the Rover, commissioned December, 1875; Opal, commissioned January, 1876; Rifleman, commissioned April, 1876; Avon, Plover, Spartan, commissioned June, 1876; Wolverine, commissioned August, 1876; Danae, commissioned September, 1876; Boxer and Vulture, commissioned December, 1876. The Frolic and Kestrel, on the China station, which will have completed a three years' commission, may either be recommlssioned on the station or be relieved by the river gunboats. The Admiralty will also have to provide a relief for the Bellerophon, ironclad, and flagship on the North American station. Little difficulty will be experienced in these reliefs, as the reserves are full of ships.

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