HMS Confiance (1827)
HMS Confiance (1827)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameConfiance (1827)Explanation
Launched28 March 1827
Builders measure295 tons
Ships bookADM 135/100
Snippets concerning this vessels career
25 November 1836Commanded by William Arlett, Woolwich
20 February 1838Commanded by Lieutenant Edward Stopford, on the coast of Syria
1838Commanded by Lieutenant John Henn Gennys, Mediterranean
19 January 1849Commanded by Acting Master William Martin, steam tug, Devonport
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Ma 24 May 1852

PLYMOUTH, Saturday.

Her Majesty’s screw steam-blockship Sanspareil, 81, in charge of Mr. Biddlecombe and a party of seamen riggers, having been towed out of harbour yesterday at 6 a.m. by the steam-vessels Pike and Confiance, went into the Channel to try her engines, under the superintendence of Captain W. Ramsey, of the Magicienne, and in company with the steam-sloop Desperate, Lieutenant Stevens. The Sanspareil returned at 7 in the evening, and went up Hamoaze; her average speed under steam was 7¼ knots, the engines working well. She is now ordered to take on board all her guns and stores, when her engines will be again tried.
Sa 6 October 1855The receiving ship Hibernia was towed from Hamoaze into the Sound at Plymouth on Thursday, by the Confiance and Zephyr steamers, and commenced taking powder and shot on board the same day.
The steamvessel Rosamond, having completed coaling in Hamoaze, went into the Sound at Plymouth on Thursday, and will accompany the Hibernia to Malta.

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