HMS Beagle (1854)
HMS Beagle (1854)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameBeagle (1854)Explanation
Launched20 July 1854
Builders measure477 tons
Ships book
Note1865 = Kanko, Japanese navy
Snippets concerning this vessels career
July 1854Commanded by Lieutenant commander Edward George Hore
9 August 1854
- 17 November 1854
Commanded by Acting Mate William Nathan Wrighte Hewett, Black Sea during the Russian War
18 November 1854
- 16 May 1857
Commanded by Lieutenant William Nathan Wrighte Hewett, Mediterranean
20 September 1859Commanded (from commissioning) by Commander Edward Hay, East Indies and China
1865Renamed Kanko, Japanese navy
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Fr 1 July 1859The Impérieuse, 51, screw, Captain R.B. Maguire, has been brought down Portsmouth harbour and placed along-side the Malabar, coal depôt, for the purpose of coaling.
The Neptune, 91, screw, Captain Sir W. Hoste, has crossed lower and topsail yards and placed battens on her rigging, in readiness for rattling down. She has hauled off from alongside the sheer jetty to alongside the Prince Regent hulk, in Portsmouth harbour.
The Sidon, 22, paddle, Captain R.B. Crawford, is coaling alongside the north quay of the fitting basin.
The Dauntless, 32, screw, Captain W. Edmonstone, in the steam basin at Portsmouth, has commenced crossing her lower and topsailyards.
The Sphinx, 6, paddle, and the Beagle, 8, screw, have both been brought down Portsmouth harbour, and placed in the steam basin, to be advanced to the first-class steam reserve.

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