HMS Firebrand (1831)
HMS Firebrand (1831)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameFirebrand (1831)Explanation
Launched11 July 1831
Builders measure495 tons
Displacement510 tons
Ships bookADM 135/45
Note1842 = Black Eagle admiralty yacht, 540 bm, 715 disp
Snippets concerning this vessels career
25 November 1831Commanded by Lieutenant commander Thomas Baldock, Mediterranean
9 November 1832Commanded by Lieutenant commander Thomas Baldock, Falmouth
1842Renamed Black Eagle
1 January 1842
- 27 January 1842
Commanded by Commander John Neale Nott, tender to William and Mary, conveying the King of Prussia from Ostend to England and back again
12 June 1844Commanded by Captain Charles Philip Yorke
7 February 1851Commanded by Master commander John Eaton Petley, Woolwich
1 January 1858Commanded by Master commander John Eaton Petley, Woolwich, tender to Fisgard
8 August 1863Commanded by Staff Commander Thomas J Whillier, Woolwich, tender to Fisgard
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Th 29 August 1844Woolwich, August 28. — The Black Eagle steam-vessel, Master-Commander S.B. Cook, left Woolwich yesterday for Portsmouth. The name of the vessel built under the title of the Infernal has been changed to Eclair, and she has been commissioned by Commander W.G.B. Estcourt, and the following officers have been appointed to her:—Lieutenant, P.A. Halket; master, H.D. Barney; paymaster and purser, T.R. Hallett; gunner, William Huist; boatswain, John Warren: acting carpenter, Evan Crowther; and master's assistant, John Gowan.
Ma 16 August 1847

PLYMOUTH, Friday, 3 p.m.

The City of Limerick Dublin steamer, Captain Moppett, which left Southampton yesterday and arrived here to-day, reported that on going through the Needles at 5 o'clock in the afternoon she met a large fleet of yachts, apparently returning from escorting Her Majesty from the Isle of Wight into the Channel.
This morning, between 4 and 5 o'clock, the Limerick descried the Royal steam squadron to the eastward of Start Point. They appeared to have just come out of Dartmouth Harbour. A large ship with two funnels led the van. She was followed by the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert; behind the Royal yacht on the starboard quarter came the Garland, and on the larboard quarter the Black Eagle, The Undine was in the rear of the Garland, and the Fairy followed the Black Eagle. The City of Limerick, with the Company's flag at the main, Ensign aft, and Union Jack at her bow, duly honoured the Royal squadron as she passed under the stern of the Garland and Black Eagle, off Prawl Point, a little after 5 o'clock. There was very little wind. The squadron was at full speed — say, 11 to 12 knots, and steaming a course W. by N., which would bring them abreast of the Lizard. About 6 the Garland put on extra steam, detached herself from the squadron, and steered a more northerly course.
Towards 7 o'clock the squadron was descried from the Breakwater Lighthouse several miles outside the Eddystone, steering for the Lizard. The Royal yacht was a-head, closely followed by the Fairy and Black Eagle. They had outrun the Shearwater and Undine, which were four or five miles astern.
The probability is that Her Majesty will pass Falmouth and proceed direct for Milford Haven, and thus keep her engagements in the St. George's Channel.
Th 19 August 1847


STRANRAER, Tuesday, Aug. 17.

The Royal Squadron reached Loch Ryan at 6 o’clock yesterday evening, escorted by a flotilla of other steamers, crowded with passengers. The squadron anchored at Cairn Ryan amid the hearty cheers of the crowds collected on the shore. The Prince of Wales, his Royal sister, Prince Albert, and the Duchess of Norfolk landed immediately, and took a short walk along the beach. The Queen did not appear, but occupied a kind of covered tent or place of retirement on deck, and employed herself for some time in making a sketch of this magnificent sheet of water. The hills surrounding the loch were covered with bonfires, and the whole line of coast along which Her Majesty passed on her entrance to Scotland was similarly illuminated.
This morning the Royal Squadron, with the exception of the Black Eagle, which had burst one of her boilers, left Loch Ryan at 6 o'clock for Dumbarton, Off Arran, the first glimpse of the Albert and Victoria [!!!] was caught by the flotilla, which had sailed from Glasgow to escort her. The rest of the steamers of the squadron were immediately seen rounding the point, considerably in the rear. The Victoria and Albert came up first, the Fairy and Undine in a line behind. Three hearty cheers resounded as the Royal vessels passed at a quarter to 11, and the band struck up "God save the Queen." The Admiral of the flotilla immediately put about, and followed in the wake of the Royal Squadron. Smoke was seen issuing from the top of the old tower on the lesser Cumbræ — a preconcerted signal of the Queen's approach, and at a quarter past 11 the first Royal salute of 21 guns was fired from Largs, where great crowds lined the shore and innumerable small boats dotted the waters. Upwards of a dozen steamers were following when the Royal Squadron passed the Cloch. A Royal salute was fired from Dunoon. A small yacht gave also a Royal salute, whilst General Darroch's battery, from the summit of the hill above Gourock, poured in a thundering tribute, responded to from the Roseneath shore opposite. At Kempoch Point ratt1ed the musketry of the Coast Guard volley after volley. The Scourge was seen, all dressed in colours, lying off the tail of the bank. The United States frigate Macedonia saluted Her Majesty as she passed, the Royal yacht stopping in her course, imitated by the convoying squadron. The whole of the vessels were off Greenock at a quarter past 12. The sun shone gloriously; the Frith re-echoed with guns and music; and the brilliant picture of natural scenery was filled up with the gay magnificence of flags and streamers. The yards of the Government vessels were manned, and the "Queen's Anthem" was played by numerous bands of music. Such was the scene of Her Majesty's arrival in the Clyde.
It was not until about half-past 12 o'clock that the Victoria and Albert reached the tail of the bank at Greenock; and shortly after the tender yacht Fairy advanced to her side, to receive the Royal party, and convey them to Dumbarton; where, at about 1 o'clock, the long-looked-for signal from the Castle of Dumbarton announced the approach of the Royal Squadron, and the church bells, which the previous day had been set ringing upon false representations, now pealed forth in right earnest. About half-past 1 o'clock a company of the 1st Regiment took up their position on either side of the Royal platform as a guard of honour to Her Majesty, the band meanwhile playing "God save the Queen" as they entered the grounds. In a few minutes the Fairy steamer was seen to approach the river, and every eye present was full of expectation. Two guns from the Argyll battery of the cattle next sent forth their thunders over the waters of the Clyde, announcing that the Fairy was about to land its precious cargo. About 100 yards from the platform two boats were lowered and manned with 10 men each from the Fairy. The first contained Earl Grey and other members of the Royal suite; and the second, Her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, his Serene Highness Prince Leiningen, Lady Jocelyn, and the Dowager Lady Lyttelton. The moment that the Royal party had taken their seats, the cheers from the shores and the platforms in the vicinity broke forth in loud and long continued acclamations. Two more guns from the ramparts were then discharged, and the band on shore struck up "Rule, Britannia." On Her Majesty's landing she was received by Sir James Colquhoun, Lord Lieutenant of the county; the Sheriff, Mr. William Campbell, of Tullichewan; Mr. James Ewing, of Strathleven, Mr. Smollett, M.P, for the county; Mr. Peter Denny, and other gentlemen. Her Majesty appeared in excellent health and spirits, as did the Prince Consort and the Royal children, though we could not but observe that the party were rather bronzed by exposure to the weather. The Queen was dressed in a white bonnet and feather, with primrose-coloured ribbons, a blue and white checked silk dress, a black mantilla, with a neckerchief of the Royal Stuart tartan. His Royal Highness Prince Albert wore a black frock coat, white hat, and grey pantaloons. His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales was apparelled in a blue coloured suit with a drab coloured foraging cap with a college tassel. The Princess Royal wore a pea green spencer, with a close cottage straw bonnet trimmed with primrose-coloured ribbons. The Royal children excited the marked attention and admiration of all assembled. On arriving under the triumphal arch, erected at the extremity of the platform, Her Majesty was presented with an address by the Lord-Lieutenant, which was most graciously received. The Royal party were then handed to the carriages in waiting. The first carriage contained Her Majesty, Prince Albert, the Prince, the Princess Royal, and Prince Leiningen; the second, Earl Grey, Lady Jocelyn, and Lady Dowager Lyttelton. An escort of the Enniskillen Dragoons preceded, and followed the carriages, and the whole went in a leisurely pace to the Castle.
At the Castle-gate Her Majesty was received by Colonel Harvey, and was presented with an elegant bouquet by Mrs. Cabbell, of Muirbank, which was most graciously received. Her Majesty was also presented, through Earl Grey, with a handsomely bound copy of the history of the castle and town of Dumbarton, by the well known Mr. Glen, the antiquarian of the county. Her Majesty having taken a hasty survey of the surrounding scenery, left the ramparts, leaning on Prince Albert's arm, and leading the Princess Royal by the hand. The Royal party having reached the summit of the Castle, it was arranged to receive the addresses of the municipal bodies present.
Earl Grey accordingly, after Her Majesty had rested for a few minutes, inquired for the Lord Provost of Glasgow; but just as the esteemed magistrate and representative was to present the city address, Mr. Sheriff Steele stepped forward and observed, that as the Queen was now within the precints of Dumbartonshire, he considered that county should have the precedence. The noble Secretary replied to this, that as he had first met the Lord Provost of Glasgow last night at Lochryan, and had made an appointment for this hour, it would be desirable to receive the Glasgow address first.
The Lord Provost, accompanied by Bailies M'Kinlay and Stewart, and Mr. Forbes, Town-clerk, then advanced, and, after having been presented to Her Majesty, had the honour of laying before her the address of the Town-council. Her Majesty received the same very graciously, and intimated that an answer would be returned.
The Lord-Lieutenant of Dumbartonshire (Sir J. Colquhoun) and the Sheriff (Mr. Colquhoun) were then presented, and had the honour of laying before Her Majesty the address of the county, to which the same answer was returned.
The Provost of Dumbarton then advanced in order to present the address of that burgh. Lord Grey, however, represented to him, that it was only addresses from the metropolis which were generally received in person, but that, in the present case, Her Majesty had made a special exception in favour of the great manufacturing city of the west. The address of the burgh was thereupon left with Lord Gray, to be afterwards delivered to Her Majesty.
The Queen remained some little time longer upon the battery, enjoying the very magnificent prospect laid open to the north, and inquiring for, and receiving information as to the localities visible in her position from Sheriff Colquhoun and other local gentlemen around her.
Meantime his Royal Highness Prince Albert, with the Prince of Leiningen and his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, ascended to the great flagstaff, and inspected the view from that point, inspecting the ruins situated on the highest peak, and known by the name of "WallaceExternal link's Tower."
After Prince Albert had re-joined the Queen, they descended to the armoury, where they were shown Wallace's sword. The Queen and the Prince inspected and handled the well-preserved relic, wondering much at the physical might of that man whose character we, even at this day, so little understand.
From the Leven Her Majesty dropped down the Clyde in the Fairy about 3 o’clock. On Her Majesty's arrival on board the Fairy, after the inspection of the castle this beautiful steamer proceeded down the Leven to re-join the squadron. Nearly half an hour was lost in getting over the bar of the river; but, this accomplished, the Fairy proceeded at a moderate speed down the river, followed by the Undine, and immediately after the Thetis, with the Lord Provost, magistrates, and corporation of the city of Glasgow. The other steamers stationed in the river then joined in the train, to a number of about 30, and the whole went down the river in regular order — the Fairy first, and immediately after the Thetis. The scenes which were successively passed in re-joining the Royal Squadron, combined with the magnificent fleet of steamers which accompanied the Royal progress, were imposing in the extreme. Port Glasgow came first, and the quays, docks, and platforms, with every point at which a view of the river could be obtained, seemed one united mass of human beings, who cheered most heartily Her Majesty and Royal Consort, with the Royal children, as they passed. The gratulations of the assembled thousands were, on repeated occasions, most graciously acknowledged by Her Majesty, who seemed highly delighted with the reception with which she was greeted. Having passed Port Glasgow there was a slight pause as the squadron pawed the jutting point between Port Glasgow and Greenock, on which Newark Castle is situated. When the squadron reached this point, it was saluted by a Royal salute from a powerful battery erected at this spot, and then Greenock came in view.
For this occasion it would seem as if Greenock had come en masse to the quays and building yards to greet the Queen of the Isles; as the whole river frontage, from the extreme point of Cartsdyke to Gourock, was lined with spectators. The crowd on the platform, on the quay, and the crowd assembled on the roof of the Custom-house especially, received the gracious attention of Her Majesty, who was on deck all the time, and repeatedly acknowledged the cheers and manifestations of loyalty exhibited by her subjects. In all our experience we never witnessed such a scene as Greenock presented at 2 o'clock, the hour at which the Royal squadron appeared. At least 100,000 persons were assembled on the shore. The fleet was composed of 40 steamers, at a moderate calculation, and as it passed at every point the thunders of artillery, both from the shore and the ships collected in the river, combined with the cheers of the multitude, formed a scene of surpassing grandeur, such at imagination can only conceive, but of which description fails to convey an adequate impression. One of the most remarkable incidents in passing Greenock was the dancing of the Highland fling, by a Highlander in full costume, on the paddle-box of the Chieftain, the performance of which amused Her Majesty in a very high degree.
Having passed Greenock, the Fairy, with Her Majesty on board, proceeded straight for Loch Long, accompanied by several of the river steamers, in the following order:— The Fairy, the tender, the Sovereign, the Thetis, the Premier, Queen of Beauty, Pioneer, Mars, Monarch, Petrel, Dunrobin Castle, &c. The greater number of these, however, went only a short distance up the Loch; and only the Premier, the Petrel, and the Mars continued in Her Majesty's company to Arrochar. On arriving at the head of the Loch the Fairy stopped for only a few minutes, Her Majesty remaining on board. The Fairy then slowly swept round the head of the Loch, and continued her course downwards towards the foot of Loch Long, keeping close in by the Ardentinny shore, followed closely by the Premier, the tender, Petrel, and Mars. On arriving at the foot of the Loch, the Fairy steered across the mouth of Holy Loch, and passing along by Kirn and Dunoon, which she reached about half-past 6 p.m., proceeded towards Rothesay, the place of rendezvous for the Royal squadron, while the river steamers turned their course homewards.
The visit of Her Majesty to Arrochar seemed to have taken the inhabitants completely by surprise, as no preparations were observable on the way up. The presence of so many steamers crowded with passengers, and covered over with flags, however, speedily brought them from their houses to welcome the Queen to her Highland lochs and romantic glens.
On several occasions his Royal Highness Prince Albert held up the Prince of Wales to see the most exciting scenes of the Royal progress; and thus the king in embryo was repeatedly cheered by the crowds who were favoured with his Royal presence.
The most complete preparations have been made at Inveraray for the reception of Her Majesty. Mr. Dewar, the ground officer at Dalmally, has received orders to collect the retainers of Breadalbane, and it is expected that a muster of from 100 to 150 men will be made from that district. It is also expected that Mr. Campbell of Islay will bring to the scene of the festivities 300 of his Islay men. The Celtic Society are already bivouacking on the lawn in front of Inveraray Castle. It is anticipated that altogether there will be 100 members of this national association present to grace the reception of Royalty, in their ancient and picturesque garb marshalled under the chiefs of Islay, Dunans, and Inverawe.
At the Castle everything is in readiness to do honour and to give a Highland welcome to our gracious Sovereign. A battery of cannon is mounted to fire a Royal salute. On Her Majesty's landing, she is to be received by the Provost and magistrates of the burgh, who will present an address; and it is also expected that the county gentlemen will tender their congratulations on the auspicious occasion. It is intended at the same time, we believe, to present his Royal Highness Prince Albert with the freedom of the burgh, enclosed in a silver box.
At the pier where Her Majesty is to land, a canopied walk has been erected, of about 150 yards in length, by Messrs. Leitch and M'Intyre. It is constructed of pillars gracefully festooned with evergreens and flowers, supporting a roof of white cloth, fringed with blue, and the floor of which is to be covered with scarlet cloth. From this covered gallery to the entrance to the Duke of Argyle's grounds trees have been planted on the side of the street next to the Loch, giving it somewhat the appearance of an avenue. A magnificent triumphal arch, gracefully festooned with flowers and evergreens, and two galleries have been erected. The galleries are for the accommodation of the public. A grand stand has been erected for ladies.
The weather is beautiful, and should it continue so, Her Majesty and attendants will have every reason to congratulate themselves on their visit to this most interesting portion of the Highlands.
Tu 21 September 1847

ARDRISHAIG, Saturday Evening.

At 6 o'clock this morning Her Majesty, Prince Albert, the Royal children, and suite, left Fort William in the Victoria and Albert yacht for Crinan. The yacht was accompanied by the Scourge, Garland, and the Fairy. Meanwhile, the Black Eagle and the Undine had doubled the Mull of Cantyre for the purpose of receiving the Royal party at the eastern terminus of the canal in Lochfine. The wind was rather high, but nevertheless the passage was an easy one, excepting off Easdale, when the Royal vessels rolled rather uncomfortably from the swell of the Atlantic. The fleet reached Crinan Bay a little before 10 o'clock, when Her Majesty immediately landed in an open boat, and was received by Sir John Orde of Kilmory, Mr. Malcolm of Poltalloch, Mr. Campbell of Auchendarroch, and escorted by them to the Sunbeam royal barge, which was in readiness in the canal. The passage was performed in two hours. Her Majesty's reception at Ardrishaig was enthusiastic; but there was a great falling off in numbers as compared with the period when the Royal party pursued the same route westward. At the terminus of the canal Her Majesty, Prince Albert, and the Royal children entered a close carriage, and drove down at a walking pace to the quay, off which lay the Black Eagle and Undine. The weather in the morning had been fair, but blowy; but a little before Her Majesty's arrival rain commenced, and fell heavily during the whole period of the embarkation. Indeed, after the arrival of the canal yacht at Ardrishaig, the Queen remained in it nearly half an hour, in the hope that the rain might abate after a passing shower, but as the elements showed no symptoms of mitigating their wrath, it was not deemed expedient longer to delay the departure.
Her Majesty appeared somewhat chilled, and from this reverse in the weather the Queen's departure from Scottish ground took place under rather uncomfortable circumstances. She was enveloped in a gray cloak and hood, and in walking along the quay to the boat Prince Albert shielded Her Majesty from the pelting rain by holding an umbrella over the Royal head. The Royal party was rowed about 200 yards to the Black Eagle, in which Her Majesty and suite, consisting, among others, of the Duke and Duchess of Norfolk, Lord Palmerston, Mr. Anson, &c., embarked, and set sail down the loch at 1 o'clock for Campbelton Bay, the point of rendezvous for the whole squadron. The Black Eagle would reach the bay about 6 o'clock, and as soon as she was joined by the Victoria and Albert it was intended that Her Majesty should proceed on board of that vessel and pass the night.
At 5 o'clock on Sunday the fleet leaves Campbelton Bay for Fleetwood, which will be reached about 6 the same evening. There the Queen will remain at anchor, sleeping on board the yacht.
Th 15 September 1853

WOOLWICH. Sept 14.

The Cyclops steam frigate, in charge of Mr. Alexander Pope, assistant to the master attendant at Sheerness Dockyard, left Woolwich in the forenoon of to-day, with the boilers and engines of the Nile, for Devonport.
The Admiralty have decided on discontinuing the Dover mail packet service, and that the mails between England and France shall be carried in future by contract steam-vessels. The present Dover mail steam-packets are — the Garland, Lieutenant-Commander Edward Wylde; the Onyx, Acting Second Master E.C. Rutter; the Princess Alice, Acting Second Master John Warman; the Violet, Lieutenant-Commander Henry P. Jones; the Vivid, Acting Master Luke Smithett; and the Undine, Acting Second Master Edmund Lyne, all paddle wheel steamers. Four of these vessels it is contemplated to dispose of, and reserve two for further service as tenders at some of the naval ports. It is also said that Captain Smithett will be appointed to the command of the Black Eagle, Admiralty steam-yacht, at Woolwich; in that case her present commander, Mr. John E. Petley, will, in all probability, be appointed Superintendent of the Compass Department, which has not been filled up since the death of Captain Johnson.

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