HMS Defiance II (launched as Perseus, 1861)
HMS Defiance II (launched as Perseus, 1861)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameDefiance II (launched as Perseus, 1861)Explanation
TypeSloop (1862: Corvette)   
Launched21 August 1861   
HullWooden Length185 feet
PropulsionScrew Men180
Builders measure955 tons   
Displacement1365 tons   
Fate1931 Last in commission1869
Ships book   
21 August 1861Launched at Pembroke Dockyard
28 September 1862
- 21 November 1864
Commanded (from commissioning at Plymouth) by Commander Augustus John Kingston, China (including the bombardments of Kagoshima and Simonoseki)
13 September 1864
- 20 November 1864
Commanded by Acting Commander William Henry Cuming, China
21 November 1864
- 22 January 1866
Commanded (until paying off) by Commander Charles Edward Stevens, China
21 November 1864
- 22 March 1865
Commanded by Commander William Henry Cuming, China
23 January 1866
- 24 October 1869
Commanded (from commissioning until paying off) by Commander Charles Edward Stevens, China
(1879)Used for scrubbing hammocks &c. for Cambridge, Devonport
(1890)Attached to Defiance for torpedo instructional purposes, Devonport
1904Renamed Defiance II
26 June 1931Sold
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