O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'
O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'

Royal NavyO'Byrne

The following is the entry for Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt in William O'Byrnes 1849 'Naval Biographical Dictionary'.

D?EYNCOURT. (Commander, 1841. f-p., 14; h-p., 7.)

Edwin Clayton Tennyson D'Eyncourt, born at Caenby Hall, co. Lincoln, is second son of the Right Hon. Chas. Tennyson D?Eyncourt, M.P. for Lambeth.
This officer entered the Royal Naval College 3 Aug,1826, and embarked, 5 July,1828, as Fst.-cl.Vol., on board the Samarang 28, Capt. Fanshawe Martin, on the Mediterranean station; where, until July 1833, he afterwards served, as Midshipman, in the Asia 84, and Britannia 120, flag-ships of Sir Pulteney Malcolm, the Actaeon 26, Capt. Hon. Fred. Wm. Grey, and the Rapid 10, Capt. Chas. Henry Swinburne. Having passed his examination 22 Oct. 1832, he next, from Nov. 1833, to Sept. 1836, officiated as Mate of the Excellent gunnery-ship at Portsmouth, Capt. Thos. Hastings, and of the Jupiter 50, Capt. Hon. F. W. Grey, under whom he escorted Lord Auckland to India. On the receipt of his first commission, 21 Feb. 1837, Mr. D'Eyncourt became for a few months Flag-Lieutenant, in the Howe 120, to Sir Robt. Otway, Commander-in-Chief at the Nore; after which he joined, 11 Nov. in the same year, the Calliope 26, Capt. Thos. Herbert, successively employed on the South American and East India stations. As Aide-de-camp to the latter officer, he took an active part in the hostilities of 1841 in China. He assisted, on 7 Jan. in that year, at the capture of Chuenpee; was slightly wounded at the taking, 26 Feb., of the forts at the Boca Tigris; and, on the following day, witnessed the destruction of the enemy?s camp, fort, and ship Cambridge, bearing the Chinese Admiral?s flag, containing in the whole 98 guns, at their position below Whampoa Reach ? on which occasion he appears to have been sent with the despatches, and the defeated Admiral?s flag, to Sir Gordon Bremer, the Commander-in-Chief. We subsequently find him employed in the boats, at the capture, on 13 and 18 March, of the last fort protecting the approaches to Canton, and also of the city itself; and next, assisting meritoriously, during the after-operations against that place, at the destruction, 22 and 26 May, of a fleet of more than 30 wax-junks and fishing-vessels, and of the whole of the defences extending about two miles from the British factory, where 64 heavy cannon were destroyed. He was promoted (shortly after his removal with Capt. Herbert to the Blenheim 72) to the rank of Commander, by commission dated 8 June, 1841. Since 17 Nov. 1846, he has been in command of the Comus 18, on the southeast coast of America. Agents ? Messrs. Stilwell.

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