The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
The Officers, Petty Officers, Seamen, Royal Marines, and Boys belonging to Her Majesty's Ships, shall be entitled, according to their several ranks and ratings, to the rates of Full-Pay specified in the General Table of Pay inserted in the Appendix, and the same shall be paid to them under such regulations as are contained in the Instructions for Paymasters of the Royal Navy.
A Flag Officer, or Commodore of the First Class, shall commence Full-Pay from the date of the Admiralty order to hoist his Flag or Broad Pendant, and shall continue thereon until the Flag or Broad Pendant shall be struck by order of the Admiralty, or other competent authority.
A Commodore of the First Class, appointed by a Commander-in-Chief abroad, shall commence Full Pay as such from the date of receiving the order to hoist his Broad Pendant, unless nominated as such into a vacancy for an Officer of that rank, in which case he shall commence Full-Pay from the date of his Commission.
In the event of a Flag Officer being promoted while his flag his flying he is to be allowed the rate of Full-Pay of the rank to which he is promoted, from the date of his promotion, as given in his Commission.
A Captain of the Fleet shall commence Full-Pay from the date of his Commission as such, and shall continue thereon until he is removed by order of the Admiralty, or other competent authority.
A Commodore of the Second Class, or a Captain, on Foreign Service, who may be authorized, under these Regulations, to hoist a Broad Pendant as commodore of the First Class, in consequence of the command of a Station or Squadron devolving on him by the death or absence of its Commander-in-chief, is to commence Full-Pay, as Commodore of the First Class, from the date of hoisting his Broad Pendant as such, and shall continue thereon until he hears officially of the arrival of a senior Officer to himself on the Station, when he is to revert to his original pay and position.
A Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class, having a Commission as Commander-in-chief, during the time his Flag or Broad Pendant shall be actually flying within the limits of his Station; - or,
A Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class, succeeding to the Chief Command of a Squadron or Station, by the death or relinquishment of the Command of a Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class, who had a Commission as Commander-in-chief, during the time he holds such Chief Command within the limits of the Station; that is to say, between the dates when official intelligence shall reach him of the death, or relinquishment of the Command of the Commander-in-chief, and the arrival of another Officer on the Station duly authorized to assume the Chief Command thereof; or,
A Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class assuming the Chief Command on Home or Channel Service, in consequence of the death or the absence on leave of the Commander-in-chief, for the period during which he holds such Chief Command, to be computed as commencing the day following that on which the Commander-in-chief's Flag shall be struck, and ending the day previous to that on which it may be re-hoisted; or,
A Captain on whom the Command of a Squadron of Her Majesty's Ships on Foreign Service, or of a Foreign Station, may devolve, by the death or relinquishment of the Command of a Commander-in-chief, and who may, in such case, assume the rank of a Commodore of the First Class, under Article 19, at page 32, during the time of his holding the Chief Command within the limits of the Station, - that is to say, between the dates when official intelligence shall reach him of the death or relinquishment of the Command of the Commander-in-chief, and the arrival of another Officer on the Station, duly authorized to assume the Chief Command thereof;-
Shall be entitled to 3l. a-day, as table allowance, in addition to his Full Pay.
A Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class, when in command abroad, in the absence from the Station of the Commander-in-chief, on leave, or from any other causes than those stated in Article 19 at page 32, and when, not being a Commander-in-chief, he shall be in charge of a separate Station or Squadron, (abroad or at home), not under the orders of, or detached from, a senior officer, - shall be entitled to 2l. a-day, as table allowance, in addition to his Full-Pay; and a Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class, abroad or at home, serving under the orders of, or detached from, a senior Officer, shall be entitled to 1l. a day, as table allowance, in addition to his Full-Pay.
The foregoing allowances are to be paid only for the time during which the Flag of the Flag Officer, or the Broad Pendant of the Commodore of the First Class, shall be actually flying within the limits of the Station to which he may be appointed, or while he may be detached from a senior Officer under whom he is serving as aforesaid.
No table allowance shall be paid to a Superintendent of a Dockyard or other Civil Establishment, nor to a Captain of a Fleet, unless the command of the Squadron or Station shall devolve upon him in consequence of the death, absence on leave, or relinquishment of the command of the Commander-in-chief or senior Officer, in command.
The table of the Flag Officer or Commodore of the First Class is to be considered as the regulated place for the daily entertainment of the Captain of the Fleet, Captain of the Ship, and such Officers composing the Retinue of the Flag Officer or Commodore as he may think fit to receive when he is actually resident on board. When the table of the Flag Officer or Commodore is not kept on board, the Captain of the Fleet, Captain of the Ship, and the Flag Officer's Secretary, must make the necessary arrangements for messing amongst themselves, and on their own account.
A Commodore of the Second Class shall, from the date of hoisting his Broad Pendant by order, to the day of striking the same, be entitled to ten shillings a day in addition to his pay as Captain of the Ship he commands; but if also appointed to the command of a Station, or if in the actual command of a separate Squadron (not, in either case, under the orders of a Flag Officer or Commander-in-chief, or other senior Officer), he may, if so ordered by the Admiralty, while actually within the limits of his Station, or holding such separate command, receive an allowance of twenty shillings a day in lieu of ten shillings.
A Captain who, in consequence of the death, or absence on leave, of a Commander-in-chief, on home or Channel Service, may hoist a Broad Pendant as Commodore of the Second Class, under Article 21, at page 33, shall, for the period during which he actually holds the chief command, be entitled to receive twenty shillings a day in addition to his pay as Captain of the Ship he commands.
Commodores of the First and Second Class, who may, in the presence of a senior Captain, strike their Broad Pendants, shall, nevertheless, during such period, continue to receive all such Full-pay and Allowances as they would have been entitled to if their Pendants had not been so temporarily struck.
The Flag Lieutenant, and the Secretary to a Flag Officer or Commodore, shall commence Full-Pay, from the date of their commissions or appointments; and the Secretary's Clerks, the Coxswain, and Domestics, shall commence Full-Pay from the date of their respective appearances, as stated on the Books of the Flag Ship, or of any other Ship for passage to join her, after the order for hoisting the Flag or Broad Pendant on board such Ships shall have been received; and their Pay shall continue until the Flag is finally struck; but in the event of the death, or removal from ill health, of a Flag Officer on a Home Station, their Pay shall be continued until the arrival of a successor, or orders be given respecting them by the Admiralty; if on a Foreign Station, and not retained by the successor, their Pay shall continue until their arrival in England; but if they are under the necessity of returning by any other conveyance than one of Her Majesty's Ships, they shall be allowed a reasonable sum for their expenses, and also their Pay until their arrival in England, unless there should appear to have been any unnecessary delay in returning, in which case their Pay shall cease at such time as the Admiralty shall direct.
Every Officer whose case is not specially provided for in this Chapter (except Warrant and Subordinate Officers), appointed to a Ship by the Admiralty, from Half-Pay, or from the shore, shall commence Full-Pay from the date of his Commission or Order, unless he be appointed to supersede, or act in the place of an Officer in a Ship at any port in the United Kingdom, when it shall commence the day following that on which such Officer was discharged from off the Ship's Books, provided the date of the Commission or Order of the Officer joining shall entitle him to Full-Pay from that period, and if not, the date of the Commission or Order shall be taken as the date of commencing Full-Pay.
An Officer appointed to supersede, or act in the place of, another Officer in a Ship at sea, or on Foreign Service, shall commence Full-Pay from the date of his embarkation to join.
If there shall appear any unnecessary delay in joining, or in embarking for the purpose of joining, the Full-Pay of the Officer shall commence from such time only as the Admiralty shall direct.
Subordinate Officers shall commence Pay from the date of joining their respective Ships, or from the date of embarking on board one of Her Majesty's Ships for that purpose; and their pay shall cease on their being discharged from the Service, or after their being thirty days in hospital or sick quarters at home unless under the circumstances mentioned in Articles 29 and 33. Assistant-Engineers, 2nd Class, after being thirty days in hospital or sick quarters at home, will be entitled to Harbour Service Pay only.
Warrant Officers shall commence Full Sea Pay from the day subsequent to that on which they may be discharged from the Books of the reserved Guard Ships or Dock-yards, to proceed to join a Ship on active service.
If any Officer be promoted by the Admiralty while serving, and appointed to a Ship in Commission, whether he be to supersede an Officer or not, he shall be considered as on passage to join, and entitled to the Full-Pay of the rank to which he is promoted from the date of his appointment; but if not appointed to a Ship in Commission, he shall, from the date of his promotion, and while he continues to serve in the inferior capacity from which he has been advanced, be entitled to receive the Half-pay or Harbour-Pay of the higher rank when it exceeds the Full-Pay or Sea-Pay of the lower rank, but he is not entitled to both.
Officers and others appointed by Commanders-in-chief, on Foreign Service, to fill vacancies occasioned by death, under the authority conveyed to such Commanders-in-chief in Article 9, at page 48, shall be entitled to the Full-Pay of the Ship, and of the Rank or Class to which they may be appointed, from the date of their Commission, or Order, or Warrant, as the case may be.
Commission, Warrant, and Subordinate Officers removed from one Ship to another, or appointed to act in proper vacancies, by competent authority, shall be entitled to the Full-Pay of the Rank to which they may be respectively appointed from the day following that on which they may be discharged from their former Ship to join her, and shall continue on such so long as they do the duties of the situation to which they are appointed.
No Officer shall receive the Pay of a rank superior to that which he holds in the Navy, unless appointed by competent authority to act in such superior rank.
Officers whose Full-Pay is regulated by the Class to which they are attached, are not to draw for the higher rates until they have received official intelligence from the Secretary of the Admiralty of their having been advanced to a superior Class.
In the event of a Ship being captured or wrecked, or otherwise lost or destroyed, the Officers and Crew will continue subject to discipline, and be entitled to pay, as directed in the "Naval Discipline Act, 1861."
The Full-Pay of every Commission and Warrant Officer in Her Majesty's Ships at Home, shall cease on the day of his being superseded, invalided, or discharged, unless sent to sick quarters, in which case it shall continue until he shall be able to rejoin, provided no other Officer be acting in his stead; but if there be an Officer acting in his stead, or an Officer has joined to supersede him, then it shall continue until the expiration of six weeks only from the date of his being sent sick, provided he remains so long in Hospital, and his Ship shall continue in Commission. If, however, an Officer, of whatever rank or grade (except Petty Officers, for whom provision is made in Article 34), be superseded, invalided, or discharged abroad, or be sent home in consequence of his Ship being put out of Commission, or the complement of the Ship being reduced, his Full-Pay shall continue until his arrival in England; but if there shall appear to have been any unnecessary delay in returning, it shall cease at such time as the Admiralty shall direct.
Commission, Warrant, or Subordinate Officers, sent to hospital or sick quarters abroad, are to remain checked on the Ship's Books until they return to the Ship, or are otherwise finally disposed of from hospital or sick quarters.
The pay of every Officer discharged at his own request, or for misconduct, shall cease on the day of discharge.
An Officer receiving an order to act in the situation of another Officer on leave, will be paid according to the rank in which he acts; and the Officer on leave is, in this case, to be checked to Half-Pay until he rejoins his Ship.
The Full-Pay of the Officers mentioned in Article 1, at page 238, who, when serving on board Her Majesty's Ships, or in Tenders or Boats, or in Transports, or when employed on shore, shall be wounded in fight with the enemy, or with pirates or smugglers, or in encounters with the Ships of friends by mistake, shall be continued to them as follows:-
i. If the wound received shall occasion the loss of an eye, or a limb, or the total loss of the use of a limb, or be such as shall prove equally prejudicial to bodily exertion with the loss of a limb, the person so wounded shall be entitled to Full-pay during the time he shall appear, by good proof, to have lain under cure, if no Pension shall have been settled upon him, or until a Pension shall have commenced.
ii. If the wound does not amount to the loss of a limb, or is not equally prejudicial to bodily exertion, the continuance of Full-Pay in such case is not to extend beyond eighteen calendar months from the time the person was wounded, unless, under very special circumstances, the Admiralty shall see cause to order it for a longer time, nor for any period beyond which he may have been under cure, or after a Pension shall have been settled upon him.
Petty Officers, Seamen, and Boys, shall commence Pay, according to their ratings, from the date of their entry into the Service, and their Pay shall cease on being finally discharged from it.
Petty Officers, Seamen, and Boys, entered for continuous service, who may be sent to Hospital or Sick Quarters at Home, are to be allowed their full wages for thirty days, from the date of their being so sent; but, after the expiration of thirty days, Petty Officers, Able Seamen, and others of corresponding ratings, will (unless under the circumstances described in Article 33) be subject to a deduction of 10d. a day from their Pay; Ordinary Seamen and Second-Class Ordinary Seamen, 8d. a day; and Boys, 4d. a day, to be charged against them on the Ship's Books on their return from the Hospital or Sick Quarters; and continuous service Men and Boys, invalided from abroad, are to be subject to the same deductions from the date of their arrival in Hospital in England. After remaining three months in Hospital, they are to be discharged from off the Ship's Books, and cease pay as continuous service Men or Boys. But all Warrant Officers, Subordinate Officers, Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines, and Boys, who shall be wounded in action with the enemy, shall receive the full amount of their Wages or Allowances until their wounds shall be healed; or, if declared incurable, until they shall receive a Pension, or be admitted into the Royal Hospital at Greenwich.
The time during which continuous service Men or Boys remain in Hospital shall, until they are cured, invalided, or otherwise discharged, be allowed to reckon as part of their time of service.
Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines, and Boys, who shall be sent to Hospital or Sick Quarters, abroad, are to remain checked (but not to be subject to any deduction from pay) until they return to their Ship, or are otherwise finally disposed of from Hospital or Sick Quarters. Should any such Men or Boys be left in Hospital or at Sick Quarters, they are, when the Ship to which they belong receives her final orders to quit the Station, to be marked "D.S.Qy." on the books, and to be disposed of by the Senior Officer on their recovery.
Petty Officers and Seamen, not entered for continuous service, and not being wounded in action with the enemy, are to be discharged from off the Ship's Books at the expiration of thirty days after being sent to any Hospital or Sick Quarters at Home, provided they are not cured within that period.
All Marines sent to Hospital or Sick Quarters at Home from any of Her Majesty's Ships' shall be discharged from off the Books of such Ships at the expiration of thirty days after being so sent, provided they are not cured within that period, and other Marines shall be embarked in their place from the nearest Head-Quarters.
Whenever any person belonging to the Fleet shall be sent to a Naval Hospital or Sick Quarters at Home, for treatment of any serious bodily injury sustained by him while serving, and arising from an immediate act of duty, and shall in due course cease to be entitled to wages, the Admiralty are authorized to continue such person on Full-Pay or Wages for such further period during which he may remain in Hospital or Sick Quarters, on the same conditions, and subject to the same limitations with regard to time, as in the case of persons wounded in fight with the enemy, referred to in Articles 27 and 29.
To enable the Admiralty to judge of the propriety of awarding this boon to Officers and others in each particular case, the respective Captains from whose Ships such patients are sent to Hospital, are to transmit, through the Commander-in-chief under whom they arc serving, to the Secretary of the Admiralty, a detailed statement of the circumstances under which the wound or injury was received, together with a report from the Surgeon, describing the nature and extent of the same.
Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines, and Boys invalided abroad, or sent home in consequence of their Ships being put out of Commission, or their complements being reduced, shall continue on Full-Pay and Wages, according to their respective ratings, until disposed of in England; and the same rule shall also apply to continuous service Petty Officers and Seamen, and to Marines, whose time of service has expired and who are not re-engaged, or who claim and obtain their discharge after completing twenty or twenty-one years' service, as the case may be, to entitle them to Pensions.
Petty Officers and Seamen who are not entered for continuous service, and who claim and obtain their discharge after five years' service, are to retain the pay of the ratings they had in the Ships from which they were discharged, while they are on passage home, if they return in one of Her Majesty's Ships. Whether such persons shall do duty or not shall rest with the officer in command of the Ship in which they are embarked: and, if doing duty, a notation to that effect is to be inserted against their names on the Ship's Books.
An allowance, in addition to their Full-Pay, under the designation of Command Money, is to be made to the under-mentioned Officers:-
s. | d. | ||
In Ships with a complement of not less than 600 men | 12 | 0 | per diem. |
In Ships with a complement of less than 600, and not less than 350 men | 8 | 6 | " |
In Ships with a complement of less than 350 men | 5 | 0 | " |
Flag Captains are to receive the lowest rate of Command Money, whatever may be the complement of their Ships. Commodores of the 2nd Class are to receive the Command Money to which they may be entitled in the ships which they command. The Admiralty reserve to themselves the power of awarding the higher rates of Command Money to Captains commanding ships whose complements would not otherwise entitle them to the same, according as there may be circumstances rendering it advisable to do so.
Captains borne for special service on the books of any of Her Majesty's Ships, will, if considered to be entitled to Command Money, be paid the same at such rate as the Admiralty may in each case direct.
All Commanders appointed to the command of any Ship, Vessel, or Tender, shall receive Command Money at the rate of 2s. 6d. per diem.
Lieutenants and Masters.
All Lieutenants and Masters appointed to the command of any Ship. Vessel, or Tender, shall receive Command Money at the rate of 2s. per diem.
The date when Command Money shall commence and when it shall cease, is to be governed by the same rules as are applicable to the date of the commencement and termination of Full Pay.
Gunnery Lieutenants, doing duty in that capacity in any of Her Majesty's Ships, shall be allowed 1s. a day, in addition to their pay, provided they have held the rank of Lieutenant for three years.
In consideration of the additional duties and responsibilities devolving on Masters of Flag Ships, an extra allowance of from 2s. 6d. to 5s. per diem will be granted to those Officers at the discretion of the Admiralty, according to the peculiar circumstances of each case; this allowance, however, will not be given to the Masters of the Flag Ships in the Home Ports.
Masters who may have charge of Boatswains' and Carpenters' Stores, in the absence of those Officers, or in Ships in which no such Officers are allowed to be borne, shall, in consideration of the increased charge and duty given to them, and on rendering proper accounts of the same, receive, in addition to their Full Pay, the Allowances mentioned in the Table of Pay; or if they have the charge of only either the Boatswains' or of the Carpenters' Stores, then they are to be paid half of the said Allowance, for the period they may have executed the duty; and in the event of Gunners' Stores being placed in their charge, a proportionate Allowance is to be made to them, but the whole Allowance not to exceed the amount stated in the Table of Pay.
Second Masters (if placed in charge of the said Stores) shall receive the Allowances mentioned in the Table of Pay: or, in the event of having charge of the Stores of one Department only, a proportionally reduced sum, as in the foregoing case of Masters.
Payments, on account of piloting Her Majesty's Ships, may be made to Masters, Second Masters, and others, under such regulations, and at such rates, as the Admiralty shall from time to time establish.
Paymasters of Flag Ships, Troop Ships when actually conveying troops, and of Steam Guardships, will be allowed, under special circumstances, a sum varying from 2s. 6d. to 5s. a-day, at the discretion of the Admiralty, in consideration of the extra duty entailed by such service.
When neither Assistant Paymaster Clerk nor Assistant Clerk is borne on the Ships' Books, though allowed in the complement, the Paymaster is to pay himself on Certificate approved by the Captain, extra pay at the rate of 2s. 6d. per day.
For exercising a supervision and control over the Military Mess in Troop Ships, the Paymaster will be allowed 50l. per annum.
An Engineer or Assistant Engineer appointed to take charge of the Engines in any one of Her Majesty's Ships, is entitled to one shilling a-day, in addition to his Full or Sea Pay. In order to determine whether Engineers or Assistant Engineers in charge of Machinery are entitled to the extra shilling a-day, the words "in charge of Engines" are to be inserted on the Ship's Books and Pay Documents against the names of all Engineers and Assistant Engineers who are in charge.
A Money Allowance, for the purpose of providing Stationery, shall be made to Commanders-in-chief and Flag-Officers, and to senior Officers in command of Stations or Squadrons, at such rates as the Admiralty may, in each case, be pleased to direct.
A Money Allowance, according to the following Scale, will be granted to the Paymaster for binding the Ships' Books, and for providing the Stationery required in the performance of the public duties of the Captain and himself:-
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Rates | £18 per annum. |
4th, 5th, and 6th Rates | 15 " |
Sloops | 12 " |
Smaller Vessels | 8 " |
A Money Allowance to provide Lodgings, and in lieu of Provisions Lights, Lamps, Fuel, &c., will be made to Officers and others, under certain circumstances, at such rates as the Admiralty may from time to time establish.
Where there are no special orders as to the amount to be paid Officers of Her Majesty's Ships, compelled to reside on shore, will be granted the following allowances for Lodging:-
s. | d. | |
To Officers in command of rated Ships or of Sloops | 4 | 6 a-day. |
To Ward Room Officers | 3 | 6 " |
To Gun Room and Warrant Officers | 2 | 6 " |
When it may be absolutely necessary to employ Seamen or others to act as Stokers or Coal-Trimmers in Her Majesty's Steamships, the difference of Pay between the ratings held by such Seamen, or others, and that of Stoker, shall be paid to them under such regulations as the Admiralty may be pleased to establish.
Leading Stokers and Stokers of Her Majesty's Steamships (not Kroomen), being actually employed, and doing duty on board such Ships while the steam is up, within the tropics, (but not when the fires are banked only), are to be entitled to half the Pay of their rating in addition, which additional Pay is to be paid to them under such regulations as the Admiralty may be pleased to establish.
Petty Officers and Seamen who do not volunteer for continuous service under the provisions of Her Majesty's Order in Council of 1st August, 1853, and of the Act 16 and 17 Victoria, Chapter 69, are to be considered as entering for five years, if their services should be so long required; and all men, whether entered for continuous or limited service, who, in cases of emergency, may be detained in the service after the period for which they were originally liable to serve shall have expired, shall be entitled to receive, for such extra service 2d. a-day in addition to the Pay of their respective ratings, and Commanding Officers are to be careful to note in the Ship's Books, and all Pay Documents, from what date such men are entitled to additional Pay.
When Petty Officers and Seamen, not engaged for continuous service, volunteer to remain abroad, on the ships to which they belong being ordered home, they are to be considered liable to serve for five years from the date of their fresh entry in the Ship to which they may volunteer.
Petty Officers and Seamen, on whom Good Conduct Badges have been conferred, will (unless holding ratings, or being in a position not entitling them to Badge Pay), be entitled to be paid for the same on the Ship's Books, as follows:-
For 1 Badge | 1d. per diem. |
For 2 Badges | 2d. " |
For 3 Badges | 3d. " |
A Victualling Store Allowance is to be paid to Ships' Stewards, under such regulations as the Admiralty may from time to time establish, according to the following Scale:-
s. | d. | ||
If employed in Ships of the 1st Rate (including Guard Ships of the Steam Reserve) | 3 | 6 | per diem. |
Ditto 2nd Rate | 3 | 0 | " |
Ditto 3rd Rate | 2 | 6 | " |
Ditto 4th Rate | 2 | 0 | " |
Ditto 5th Rate | 1 | 6 | " |
Ditto 6th Rate | 1 | 1 | " |
If employed in Sloops, &c., with a complement of 100 Men and upwards | 0 | 8 | " |
If employed in Smaller Vessels | 0 | 4 | " |
Ships' Stewards' Assistants employed in Tenders, and other vessels in which no Ship's Steward is borne | 0 | 4 | " |
Ships' Stewards of Troop Ships are to be paid Victualling Store Allowance as for a fifth rate; and when Troops are embarked on board, or victualled from, one of Her Majesty's Ships, the Ship's Steward will be entitled to an Allowance, in addition to the foregoing, of 3d. per diem for every fifty Military Officers and Troops borne on the Ship's Books, but no allowance is to be made for any lower number, unless there be within ten of fifty, nor for Women or Children.
A Cooking Allowance is to be paid to Ships' Cooks, under such regulations as the Admiralty may, from time to time, establish, according to the following Scale:-
s. | d. | ||
If employed in Ships of the 1st Rate | 1 | 6 | per diem. |
Ditto 2nd Rate | 1 | 4 | " |
Ditto 3rd Rate | 1 | 2 | " |
Ditto 4th Rate | 1 | 0 | " |
Ditto 6th Rate | 0 | 10 | " |
Ditto 6th Rate | 0 | 8 | |
If employed in Sloops, &c., with a complement of 110 Men and upwards | 0 | 7 | " |
If employed in Smaller Vessels | 0 | 6 | " |
In Troop Ships, where there is a separate galley for the use of the Troops, and a Seaman is selected to act as Cook for them, he is to be paid the Cooking Allowance for a fifth rate while so employed, in addition to the pay of his rating. The Ship's Cook is to be paid the allowance according to the rate of the Ship, unless he cooks for the Troops, when he is to be paid the Cooking Allowance for a fourth rate.
Carpenters, Carpenters' Mates, Carpenters' Crew, and Shipwrights, Caulkers, and Caulkers' Mates (if employed in the Carpenter's Crew), are, when paid wages, to be entitled to three-pence a-day, and Coopers and Cooper's Crew, two-pence a-day each, in addition to the pay of their ratings, on its being duly certified that they have provided themselves with a complete set of tools.
Gunnery Instructors are to be paid sixpence a-day, - Seamen Gunners, with First-Class Certificates, four-pence a-day, - Seamen Gunners with Second-Class Certificates, two-pence a-day, - Trained Men, one penny a-day, - and Divers, one penny a-day, in addition to the pay of their respective ratings on the Ship's Books.
In any Ship where no Seamen's Schoolmaster is serving, and where, under Article 87, at page 346, the Captain directs some competent person to perform the duties of Seamen's Schoolmaster, the said person, for so doing, shall be entitled to receive, in addition to his pay, such a sum as shall make his pay equal to that of Seamen's Schoolmaster; and if a Petty Officer should be selected for the duty, he is to be allowed, at his option, 5 l. a-year, in addition to his pay as a Petty Officer, or the pay of a Seamen's Schoolmaster in lieu of that appertaining to the rating he holds: such sum, in each case, to be paid on a certificate from the Officer in command, setting forth that the duty was performed by his authority, and to his satisfaction, and without neglecting any other duty which the person was, by his rating, bound to perform. The number of Men and Boys instructed (distinguishing each) must also be noted on the certificate.
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