The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
If any unauthorized or improper purchase of Stores, Provisions, or anything whatsoever be made by any Officer, or any extraordinary Public Expense be incurred by him, or if any Stores or Provisions of any description be lost, embezzled, or spoiled, through the misconduct or negligence of any Officer, or any unnecessary expenditure of any article whatsoever be ordered by him, the Pay and future Half-Pay of such Officer shall be made answerable for the same, and shall be stopped until the Government shall be perfectly reimbursed for every loss or improper expense which he may have caused.
If any Stores or Provisions shall, through wilfulness or carelessness on the part of any person be lost, destroyed, or embezzled, the circumstances, with the names of the offenders, shall be mentioned in the Ship's Log Book, and in the accounts of the Officers who had charge of the articles; and shall be noted also against the names of the offenders in the Ship's Books, to prevent their receiving their wages until the amount of such Stores or Provisions shall have been deducted therefrom. The dates of the respective losses are to be noted against each charge on the Record-Book, and all Pay Documents.
i. If any person belonging to one of Her Majesty's Ships, whether borne as a Supernumerary or part of the complement, shall absent himself from his duty without leave, and shall fail to acquaint his Commanding Officer with a good and sufficient reason for his absence, to be judged of by the said Commanding Officer, he shall be checked accordingly on the Ship's Books, on the day following his absence, and at the expiration of ten days, if he should not have returned, he shall be discharged "Run," on the day previous to his being so checked.
ii. Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines, or Boys, who quit their Ships without leave, or who, when detached on duty, improperly absent themselves therefrom, may, if apprehended before the expiration of ten days, and without the precincts of a Dock-yard or other Government Establishment in which they were employed, be treated either as Stragglers, or as Deserters, according to circumstances, to be judged of by their respective Captains.
iii. No reward shall be offered or paid for the apprehension of any Commission, Subordinate, or Warrant Officer, unless with the permission of the Commander-in-chief or senior Officer present.
iv. In cases of Desertion, a reward not exceeding 3l., and in cases of Straggling not exceeding 1l. is to be paid to the person by whom the Deserter or Straggler may be brought on board the Ship to which he belongs, or delivered up to any Naval Officer authorized to receive him at the port from which he may have deserted, or to which he may have been ordered to be sent; but no such reward can be paid to any person belonging to the Fleet, nor to any other person for the apprehension of Deserters or Stragglers within the precincts of a port or place where there is a regularly organized Naval Police force. The sum of 3l. is to be paid only for the apprehension of men who have been arrested within three months from the date of their having deserted, and 2l. after the expiration of that time.
v. Although no reward is to be paid to the Police of Her Majesty's Ships or other persons in the Fleet, they are, whenever they may be sent on shore expressly for the purpose of collecting Stragglers or Deserters, to be paid the amount of Extra Pay applicable to their rating by Article 1, at page 218 of these Instructions, provided they have been absent from their Ship for more than six hours, and provided the commanding Officer is satisfied with the manner in which the duties have been performed; and they are to be further allowed the amount of any expenses actually incurred in apprehending and conveying the Stragglers or Deserters on board.
In addition to the reward to be given for the apprehension of Deserters and Stragglers (which, at the time of payment, is to be charged against them), there shall be paid to the person or persons bringing them on board, such expenses attending their lodgement, subsistence, and travelling, as may appear to have been fairly incurred, and to be in accordance with such regulations as the Admiralty may, from time to time, establish on this head. Such expenses are to be separately charged against the wages of the Deserters or Stragglers on the Books of the Ship to which they are brought.
When any person borne on the Books of a Ship about to proceed, abroad, or to cruize, and whose duty it was to be on board the said Ship, shall be absent without leave, the Commander-in-chief, or senior Officer present, may order his discharge, and direct the commanding Officer to place an " R.Q." against his name. Should the person so absenting himself return, or be apprehended and brought back to, the Port, and satisfy the Captain of the Ship in which he is received, that he had no intention of deserting, he is to be borne for passage to his proper ship, where his offence will be more particularly inquired into, and where he will be dealt with as his case may appear to deserve; but should there be any reason to suppose that he did intend to desert, then the Captain of the Ship in which he is received in the first instance, will, if he be a Petty Officer, Non-commissioned Officer, or Leading Seaman, with the permission of the senior Officer present, temporarily disrate him, and bear him for passage as aforesaid, - in either case informing the Captain of the ship to which the Deserter belongs, of the particulars under which he was received, disrated, or retained in his original position, in order that his own Commanding Officer may deal with him as in his judgment may seem proper. And no application for the removal of the "R." placed against the name of any person under tins regulation, will be entertained by the Admiralty, except when the same shall be made by the Officer in command of the ship from which such person may have been improperly absent, and then only under circumstances of subsequent very good conduct for a period of at least six months under the said Officer, and upon clear evidence, direct or circumstantial, that the person did not intend to desert.
Every person subject to the Naval Discipline Act, who shall be absent without leave, or whose absence may have been caused by imprisonment under any commitment for any offence against the law, shall forfeit out of his wages - exclusive of all charges of apprehension, etc., in the case of Deserters and Stragglers - the amount specified in the scale in the Appendix, according to the time he may have been improperly absent.
When a man belonging to the Militia is entered in Her Majesty's Navy with the sanction of the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to which he belonged, his Bounty Money (10s.) is to be repaid to the Regiment, under the direction of the Captain, by the Paymaster of the Ship in which the man is entered, and the same is to be charged against his growing wages on the Ship's Books. On this repayment being made, the man will receive a Certificate of release from the Militia service.
A Deserter from the Militia, entering on board any one of Her Majesty's Ships, is, unless sentenced to imprisonment for such desertion under the Act 17 and 18 Victoria, Chapter 105, to be charged 1d, a-day against his wages on the Ship's Books for eighteen calendar months; and the Captain of the Ship in which the Deserter is discovered is to communicate to the Commanding Officer of the Regiment to which he belonged the fact of such charge having been made.
i. A deduction, at the rate of 5l. a-year is to be made from the pay of each Acting Sub-Lieutenant, Acting Second Master, Midshipman, and Naval Cadet, who receives tuition from the Naval Instructor, and the amount thereof is to be paid to that Officer, quarterly, by the Paymaster of the Ship, under the direction of the Captain, who will cause the Naval Instructor to furnish him with a Return, according to the form given in the Appendix, of all the Gentlemen under instruction during the quarter for which this allowance is claimed; in which Return Masters' Assistants are to be included (if instructed), but no deduction is to be made from their pay on account thereof, the expense of their tuition, in this case, being defrayed by the Admiralty. The Return in question is to be attached to, and sent into Office, with the voucher for payment.
ii. In Ships where no Naval Instructor is borne, and where the Acting Sub-Lieutenant, Midshipmen, and Naval Cadets, may be under the tuition of the Master or Second Master, the above deductions are to be made, and the amount paid, in the manner before described, to the Master or Second Master entitled to receive the same. iii. The Paymaster of the Ship will be held responsible that the deductions on account of instruction are duly charged on the Ship's Books against the respective persons under tuition, at the following rates:-
£ | s. | d. | |
For a Quarter | 1 | 6 | 0 |
For One Calendar Month | 0 | 8 | 4 |
For each Day Short of One Calendar Month | 0 | 0 | 3 |
iv. The deduction is not to be made when the person under tuition shall be in Hospital, nor for any period during which he may be absent on duty, or on leave, beyond four days.
Whenever the Officers and Crew of a Ship are permitted to enter into a Subscription for Charitable or other Purposes, the Captain is to take care that the sums so subscribed be charged against each of the Subscribers on the Ship's Books and all Pay Documents, in order that the necessary deductions may be made from their pay. He is also to cause a List of the Subscribers to be made out, which is to be signed by each individual against the sum he contributes. The List is to be attested by the Paymaster, and approved by the Captain, and transmitted in a letter, through the Commander-in-chief of the Station or Squadron, to the Secretary of the Admiralty. Whenever it be practicable, however, the sums subscribed must be received, from the respective subscribers, by the Paymaster, who is to debit himself with the total amount so received in his monthly Cash Account.
Commissions or Appointments for Officers on Full Pay, will be forwarded to the Captain of the Ship to which such Officers may be appointed; and, should there be a Stamp duty chargeable thereon, the following course is to be observed:-
On the receipt of the Commission or Appointment on board, the Paymaster of the Ship is to note against the Officer's name on the Ship's books the value of the Stamp duty with which he is chargeable, as shown upon the instrument in question, which sum is to be abated from the pay due to the Officer at the end of the Quarter, and inserted in the Quarterly pay account of the Ship. The Stamp duty is only to be recovered by deductions from pay, and is not to be received in cash by the Paymaster, otherwise the Officer will be liable to a double payment.
Officers upon Half-pay are to require the persons who pay them to stop the amount of the Stamp duty; or, if paid by bill upon Her Majesty's Paymaster-General, it is to be abated on the face of the bill, and the net amount only is to be drawn for.
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