The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
No Flag-Officer or Commodore, on Home or Channel Service, shall strike his Flag or Broad Pendant, for the purpose of going on leave of absence from his duties, without having previously obtained permission from the Admiralty so to do.
No Officer shall have leave to be absent from his ship for more than 48 hours at one time, without the sanction of the Commander-in-chief or senior Officer present; nor shall the Captain or any other Officer go from the immediate neighbourhood of the Port where his Ship may be, without the approval of such Commander-in-chief or senior Officer.
An Admiral, or a senior Officer, commanding at Woolwich, Sheerness, Portsmouth, Plymouth, or Cork, may, provided the service on which the applicant is employed will conveniently admit thereof, grant an Officer, not being in command of a Ship, leave of absence for any period not exceeding thirty days, - and Officers in command of Ships four days, - reporting the same to the Admiralty in the proper form.
At places in the United Kingdom, other than those above mentioned, the Commander-in-chief, or senior Officer present, may grant leave to the extent of four days.
Officers on the Home Stations are not to be allowed to be absent on leave for more than forty-two days, in the aggregate, in the course of twelve months, without the sanction of the Admiralty.
All applications for leave, on the part of Officers, are to be made in the established form, and transmitted by the Captain of the Ship to which the applicant belongs for the consideration of the Commander-in-chief of the Station or Squadron. Should an Officer require longer leave of absence than the senior Officer is authorized to grant, his application may be forwarded to the Admiralty, through the proper channel.
No Commander-in-chief abroad is to allow an Officer to return to England on leave of absence from his Ship, except under the most urgent circumstances, which shall, in the opinion of the Commander-in-chief, justify him in departing from this injunction, the particulars of which are to be very fully explained, by letter, to the Admiralty.
All Officers when on leave are to keep the Officer in command of the Ship to which they belong acquainted with their address, so that in the event of the exigencies of the service requiring them to return before the expiration of their leave, they may be recalled by letter, or by telegraph, if necessary.
Officers referred to, and circumstanced as described, in sections ii, iii, iv, and v, of Article 10, at page 293, of these Instructions, may be granted leave of absence, by the Commander-in-chief, for a period not exceeding six weeks, provided their services can be spared; but it is to be clearly understood that such indulgence is not to be allowed to interfere with the period at which such of them as are Acting Sub-Lieutenants, Acting 2nd Masters, Midshipmen, or Masters Assistants, are expected to pass their final examinations.
Continuous Service Men and Boys returning to England, after the usual period of foreign Service, will be granted a month or six weeks' leave, and further leave during each year, whenever the service will permit. In the event of such Men and Boys remaining absent beyond their leave, they will be dealt with as Deserters or Stragglers, as the case may be, under Article 3, at page 213, of these Instructions.
Non-continuous Service Petty Officers and Seamen, belonging to Ships about to be paid off, will, if they wish to remain in the service with a fresh entry, and are accepted, be also allowed long leave, with the advantage of continuing pay and time; but if they do not return, at the expiration of their leave, they will be discharged from off the books of the Ship in which they are borne, and forfeit their claim to pay and time from the date of being paid off.
Every facility is to be given to Men and Boys belonging to Ships about to be paid off to deposit their clothes, &c., in the Dockyards, during their stay on shore.
Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines, and Boys proceeding on leave beyond the limits of the port, or the immediate neighbourhood of the place where their ship may be, are to be furnished with passes, according to the form in the Appendix. They are not to be granted more than four days' leave at any one time, without the permission of the senior Officer present; nor, without the sanction of the Admiralty, to be absent from the port in such numbers as might interfere with the efficiency of their ships, in the event of their being suddenly called upon for service.
The several Commanders-in-chief will regulate a proper system of leave of absence, that the Crews of all Ships on their respective stations, may enjoy an equal amount of indulgence.
All leave granted to Petty Officers, Seamen , Marines, and Boys, is to be recorded in the Leave Book.
No application for leave of absence, from any Officer or other person belonging to a Ship under sailing orders, or about to proceed to Sea, will be entertained, except in the most urgent cases; and no leave under such circumstances is to be given without the sanction of the Admiralty.
No Officer, or other person, belonging to a Ship under orders to be paid-off, is to be allowed to sleep out of his Ship without the express permission of the Commander-in-chief or senior Officer present, and such permission is not to be given unless under extraordinary circumstances. Should a Sunday, however, intervene during the time of preparing to pay off, the Commander-in-chief, or senior Officer present, is authorized, on the application of the Captain, to grant leave to such of the Officers and Crew as can be spared from Saturday evening, after the working hour, until the following Monday morning at daylight.
Men and Boys proceeding on long leave of absence from Ships paid off, or under any other circumstances, are to be informed that, in all cases, they will be expected to return to the particular Flag Ship selected by themselves, before being paid off, or to any other Ship to which they may properly belong, and that they are not at liberty to proceed to other ports, or to volunteer for other Ships, without authority. In the event of Men, at the expiration of their leave, being without means to enable them to return to their proper Ships, no objection will be made to their being received on board the nearest Ship-of-war; but in that case they are forthwith to be forwarded to the Ship to which they may properly belong, and the cost of forwarding them is to be charged against their pay.
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