The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
The commanding Officer, or the Officer of the watch, as the case may be, must see that the following instructions for the guidance of the Ship's Police are scrupulously observed by those whose duty it may be to carry them into effect:-
(The term "Police" is to be considered as applying to the Master-at-Arms, and Ship's Corporals, and to persons performing, or assisting to perform, the duties appertaining to those ratings.)
i. A rough account of the offences committed by, and punishments awarded to, every person under the grade of subordinate Officer, is to be kept by the chief of the Police.
ii. At 9 A.M. every day, the chief of the Police is to furnish the commanding Officer with a list of defaulters under punishment, and of such men as may have been reported for misconduct, and whose cases have not been investigated.
iii. The Police should be present at the investigation of all complaints.
iv. The chief of the Police is to make himself acquainted with the instructions relative to minor punishments (Article 50, page 118), and to see that all punishments awarded to offenders are properly carried out. He is to attend at all corporal punishments, and especially to guard against the possibility of intoxicating liquors being conveyed to the Prisoner before punishment; he is to charge himself with the care of the Prisoner until such time as he may be released to duty.
v. In case of fire he is responsible for the release of prisoners from cells or irons.
vi. He is to see the Paymaster's and Warrant Officers' store-rooms locked up at the hours appointed, and that no lights are left therein, and to report the same to the commanding Officer, - returning the keys to the place allotted to them.
vii. He is to see that all fires, and the Officers' and Ship's company's lights, are extinguished at the proper hours; and that, during the night, no lights whatever are permitted, except those authorized by the commanding Officer.
viiiI. Under his orders the Police are to report all lights in cabins after the hour appointed for their being extinguished.
ix. He is to accompany the Officer selected to visit the different parts of the Ship at evening rounds, and be prepared with the keys of all the store-rooms that it may be requisite to visit.
x. One of the most important duties devolving upon the chief of the Police is the prevention of traffic in spirits, whether by the sale of the Ship's company's grog, or by the introduction of intoxicating liquor into the Ship. No spirits, wine, or beer, should be received on board without his knowledge, nor without his having obtained permission, from the commanding Officer for their introduction; and he is to be careful that no public stores or other property of the Crown be improperly taken out of the Ship by any person.
xi. He is to see that Police are stationed in such boats as may be permitted to supply the Ship's company with necessaries, and to report if they should contain unripe fruit, unwholesome vegetables, or any other objectionable articles. Moreover, he should guard against imposition by a supervision of the prices charged; in every case reporting the same to the commanding Officer.
xii. He is, when necessary, to search all boats returning to the ship.
xiii. He is to keep a "Leave Book," and to inspect all men returning from leave, - reporting their condition to the commanding Officer. He is to secure and keep in custody the effects of all absentees, as well as of deceased men, until the same are delivered to the charge of the Paymaster.
xiv. He is to obtain, daily, a list of such men as may be discharged from the sick list to duty; and to take care that the Petty Officer of the part to which they belong, and the Police of the Ship, are made acquainted with the fact.
xv. On receiving information of the intention to send any one of the Ship's company to a hospital, he is to take a list of the clothes and effects belonging to the patient, which he is to deliver into the Ship's office, in order that the same may be noted on the proper documents.
xvi. He is to attend at all general musters, and account for absentees.
xvii. On the opening of the magazine, he is to report all lights out on the orlop deck to the commanding Officer. He is to acquaint the Officer of the Guard of the magazine being opened, in order that the necessary directions may be given to the sentries to prevent any lights being used below.
xviii. Whenever it shall be necessary to open the spirit-room, he is to place one of the Police in charge thereof, who is to remain at his post until the spirit-room is again secured.
xix. The chief of the Police, assisted by his subordinates, is to take especial care to check all bad language, quarrelling, gambling, traffic, and disorderly noise among the Ship's company.
xx. He is frequently to visit the various parts of the Ship, to sec that due order exists, and that his subordinates are performing their duties. He is to acquaint the Officer of the Watch with all offences and irregularities committed in the Ship, which shall come to his knowledge.
xxi. Whenever an order is given to clear the lower deck, he is to see that the Ship's company quit it without loss of time, and that no one remain upon it who is not authorized to be there.
xxii. He is to be present at the sale of all dead and run men's effects, - all payments to the crew, and issues of clothing, tobacco, or soap.
It cannot be too strongly impressed upon the minds of the men constituting the Police of Her Majesty's Fleet, that the prevention of crime is of far more importance than its detection.
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