Portsmouth - Plymouth - Madeira - St Vincent - Cape of Good Hope - Trincomalee - Rangoon - Moulmain - Andamans - Calcutta - Trincomalee - Bombay - Aden - Suez - Aden - Bombay - Trincomalee - Mauritius - Tamatave - Zanzibar - Seychelles - Trincomalee
Glasgow was commissioned by Captain Theodore Moreton Jones at Portsmouth to become the new flagship of Rear Admiral James Horsford Cockburn, the Commander-in-Chief on the East Indies station, who joined the ship at Trincomalee, but left her three months later - sick - at Calcutta, where he subsequently died (see William Loney's case notes). The ship then took onboard the Viceroy of India, Lord Mayo for a tour of his territories, but he was assasinated at the Andaman Islands. Glasgow subsequently took his body to Suez, where the new Viceroy, Lord Northbrook, was collected and transferred to Bombay, where the new Commander-in-Chief, Rear Admiral Arthur Cumming joined.
Here is a list of the ships principal commissioned officers during this period (from the Navy List; not yet checked with the ship's muster book for exact dates).
1871 | ||
24 May | Wed | At Portsmouth. Captain T.M. Jones commissioned the ship. Received draughts of men. Officers joined. Employed stationing men |
5 Jun | Mon | a.m. 5 Set fires 9.50 Cast off from dockyard and proceeded under steam in charge of pilot out of harbour Saluted the flag of the Commander in Chief, Sir Jas. Hope G.C.B. with 17 guns. "Duke of Wellington" returned ditto. Steering as requisite at Spithead to ascertain deviation of stand compass in charge of Staff Comr Hitchfield [John J.P. Hitchfield, Staff Commander, "Duke of Wellington"] 10.30 Came to at Spithead |
6 Jun | Tue | Running the measured mile; single anchor at Spithead |
8 Jun | Thu | 9.30 a.m. The Com-in-Chief Sir Jas. Hope G.C.B. came onboard to inspect ship. Mustered per open list and by watch bill. Exercised at general and fire quarters 1.20 p.m. Manned yards. Commander-in-Chief left the ship. Employed preparing for sea |
9 Jun | Fri | Spithead to Plymouth |
10 Jun | Sat | Plymouth; weighed for Madeira |
22 Jun | Thu | At Funchal Bay, Madeira |
24 Jun | Sun | Funchal Bay; weighed for St Vincent |
30 Jun | Fri | At single anchor; Porto Grande, St Vincent [modern São Vicente, Cape Verde Islands] |
2 Jul | Sun | Porto Grande; weighed for Cape of Good Hope |
3 Aug | Thu | a.m. 3.10 Stopped engines and came to in Simon's Bay [Cape of Good Hope] 8 Saluted the broad pendant of Commodore J.E. Commerell C.B. with 18 guns which was returned by the "Rattlesnake" |
13 Aug | Sun | 8 p.m. W. Webb (Ord [=ordinary seaman]) and W.H. Rhodes deserted from the ship in the dingy. Sent boats in chase. Boats returned with dingy, men having landed. Lost overboard from dingy, oars 2 in no. |
16 Aug | Wed | Commodore Commerell C.B. V.C. came onboard to hold court of enquiry |
17 Aug | Thu | a.m. 8.45 Read memo, on court of enquiry yesterday, to ward room officers. Mr Wm E. Robson, acting Assistant Surgeon was this day publicly reprimanded on the quarter deck by an order of Commodore Commerell C.B. V.C., senior officer [at the Cape of Good Hope] for a breach of art. 10, page 105, of the Admiralty Instructions as contained in his memo of 16 Aug 1871 9.15 Court assembled to try J. Carniff, AB, and W. Francis, Ord, on charge of desertion 10.30 Court dissolved. Hauled down jack |
18 Aug | Fri | a.m. 7.30 Punished W. Francis, Ord, with 48 lashes, per sentence of court martial 8 Hoisted union jack and fired gun as signal for court matrial 9 Court martial assembled for the trial of Wm Webb and W. Rhodes, ords, from the ship in the dingy 11 Court dissolved. Hauled down jack 11.35 Read warrants |
19 Aug | Sat | 7.30 a.m. Punished W. Webb & W. Rhodes, ords with 48 lashes each as per sentence of court martial |
28 Aug | Mon | J. Edwards, J.C. Cox & Wm Keates, deserters, were brought on board by police; weighed for Zanzibar |
9 Sep | Sat | At single anchor in Port Zanzibar. Saluted the Sultan of Zanzibar with 21 guns which was returned |
11 Sep | Mon | a.m. Received fresh beef and vegetables Captain and officers visited H.E. the Sultan p.m. Saluted the English Consul [John Kirk] with 11 guns and the German consul [Theodor Schultz?] with 7 guns on their leaving the ship |
12 Sep | Tue | Port Zanzibar; weighed for Trincomalee [Ceylon, present Sri Lanka] |
3 Oct | Tue | Shortened sails to topsails. Saluted the flag of R. Admiral James Cockburn with 13 guns which was returned by the Forte with 7 Found here [in Trincomalee Harbour] HMS Forte (Flagship), Wolverine and Dryad |
6 Oct | Fri | 9.45 a.m. Commander-in-Chief came onboard to inspect ship's fittings 2.15 p.m. Commander-in-Chief left |
9 Oct | Mon | 1.40 p.m. HMS Forte weighed. Rear Admiral J.H. Cockburn transferred his flag from HMS Forte to this ship. Forte saluted with 13 guns . Returned do. with 7 guns. Forte sailed |
23 Nov | Thu | At single anchor in Trincomalee; weighed for Pt de Galle [Ceylon] |
25 Nov | Sat | At single anchor, Pt de Galle |
29 Nov | Wed | 09.15 a.m. Lit fires in three boilers to steam out of harbour and convey the eclipse expedition to Baypoor [Baypore]. Shortened in cable. Eclipse expedition embarked [to study the total solar eclipse of 12 December, described in the Illustrated London News] |
1 Dec | Fri | At single anchor off Baypore |
2 Dec | Sat | Landed two of the eclipse expedition. Weighed and proceeded under steam for Cannanore. At single anchor off Cannanore [north of Baypore] |
3 Dec | Sun | 6.30 a.m. Landed two of the eclipse expedition with instruments etc 0.30 p.m. Weighed and proceeded under steam for Baykul [the actual observation site] |
4 Dec | Mon | Landed remainder of eclipse expedition with instruments etc Weighed and proceeded under steam SW to fire at a target. Steaming as required round targets for prize firing |
8 Dec | Fri | At single anchor off Colombo [Ceylon] |
12 Dec | Tue | 7.45 a.m. Observed a partial eclipse of the sun |
20 Dec | Wed | Colombo; weighed for Galle |
21 Dec | Thu | At single anchor at Pt de Galle; weighed for Trincomalee |
23 Dec | Sat | Moored in Trincomalee harbour |
1872 | ||
7 Jan | Sun | Trincomalee; weighed for Calcutta [north-east coast of India, on the Hooghly River] |
17 Jan | Wed | At single anchor at Sagar Island anchorage, River Haughly [Hooghly] |
20 Jan | Sat | Indian steamer "Agitator" came alongside. Admiral embarked in ditto and left for Calcutta [where he was to die of "dysenteric colitis", see William Loneys medical case notes] |
24 Jan | Wed | Indian steamer "Undaunted" came down the river. Employed receiving Vice-Roy's baggage from ditto p.m. 4.45 Observed the steamer "Sir W. Peel" coming down the river, bearing the flag of the Vice-Roy. Saluted ditto with 21 guns Manned the yards and fired a Royal salute on the Vice-Roy leaving the Sir W. Peel to embark onboard this ship. Hoisted Vice-Roy's flag and struck the Commander-in-Chiefs 6.50 Lit fires in four boilers to steam down river and to Rangoon with the Vice-Roy of India onboard 9 Weighed and proceeded down the river under steam in charge of pilot |
28 Jan | Sat | At single anchor off Rangoon |
30 Jan | Tue | 4.40 p.m. Manned yards and fired a Royal salute on His Excellency the Viceroy leaving the ship |
1 Feb | Thu | p.m. Fired a Royal salute on His Excellency the Viceroy visiting the ship 11 Viceroy and guests left the ship. Fired a Royal salute and illuminated the ship |
3 Feb | Sat | "Nemesis" came down the river with His Excellency the Viceroy on board. Manned yards and fired a Royal salute on His Excellency the Viceroy leaving the "Nemesis" to embark in this ship Weighed for Maulmain river [the town of Moulmein and the Moulmein river are on the opposite side of the Gulf of Martaban from Rangoon] |
4 Feb | Sun | Daylight: Saw "Dacca" and "Nemesis" 6.45 Stopped and came to off the Reef buoys at entrance of Moulmain River 7.55 Viceroy disembarked and left for Moulmain in the "Nemesis", accompanied by "Daphne" and "Dacca" |
6 Feb | Tue | Viceroy came onboard; weighed for Port Blair, Andaman Islands |
8 Feb | Thu | am: 1:15 In fore trysail 4 "Nemesis" astern. Steaming 5 Shortened and furled sails and altered course to W.S.W. Daylight. Saw the Andaman Ids. ahead 6:25 W. end of Sir Hugh [Ross] Id. N 61° W, E. end of Neill Id. N 32° W, N.E. extreme of land N 7° W 7:50 In trysails 8 Steaming, "Nemesis" astern, "Dacca" on port bow. W. end of Havelock Id. North, N. end of Ross Id. S 78° W 9:30 Stopped engines and came to with BB [Best bower = anchor] in Port Blair in 15 ftms, veered to 45 ftms 10:45 Manned yards and fired a Royal Salute on H.E. the Viceroy leaving the ship to visit the shore. Out steam launch and engine Put fires out; "Nemesis" arrived South Point S 7° E, extremes of Ross Id. N 50 E to S 54 E, Ships head NW pm: Draught of water: 20ft 6in forward, 23ft 0in aft Employed on airing and mending clothes H.E. the Viceroy returned onboard and left again in steam launch to visit the convict establishments in the harbour Mustered at Quarters Down royal yards Ships company bathed 7:50 Steam launch returned bearing the remains of H.E. the late Viceroy Governor General of India who had been assassinated whilst embarking to return from visiting the convict establishments Lost overboard by accident from steam launch and dingy: hooks, boat, iron, 2 No., staves, one in No., oars, boat 1 No. |
9 Feb | Fri | am: Employed painting ship's side in morning 5:30 Topped yards and drooped gaffs and lower booms Received F[resh] Beef 934 lbs, Vegs 467 lbs 7;40 Major Playfair (D.S.) assembled a Court to investigate into the assassination of H.E. the late Viceroy and Governor General of India Employed coaling ship 9:30 General Stewart [Sir Donald Martin Stewart, Superintendent of Port Blair, later Chief Commissioner of the Andamans and Nicobars, 1872-1875] proceeded to try the prisoner Shaer Ali, for the murder of H.E. the late Viceroy and Governor General pm: 0:30 "Nemesis" and "Dacca" sailed Court sitting as in forenoon 2:15 Finished coaling. Recd. 85 tons 3:30 Court dissolved Employed cleaning ship 4:50 In steam launch and engine S.S. "Scotia" sailed - Marquis & marchioness of Drogheda left in ditto for Madras |
10 Feb | Sat | Port Blair; weighed for Calcutta |
13 Feb | Tue | At single anchor off Sagar Island, River Haughly |
22 Feb | Thu | Steaming out of the River Haughly for Trincomalee |
23 Feb | Thu | At single anchor in Trincomalee harbour |
1 Mar | Fri | Trincomalee; weighed for Bombay [modern Mumbai, west coast of India] |
8 Mar | Fri | At No. 1 mooring in Bombay harbour |
11 Mar | Mon | Bombay; weighed for Aden [in present Yemen] |
19 Mar | Tue | At single anchor in Aden harbour |
21 Mar | Thu | Aden; weighed for Suez |
28 Mar | Thu | At moorings off Suez |
29 Mar | Fri | a.m. 9.30 Hoisted out the remains of His Excellency the late Viceroy of India. Boats of ship formed procession and escorted do to Enchantress. Struck Viceroy's flag. Enchantress hoisted ditto. p.m. 1.30 HMS Enchantress weighed and proceeded up Suez Canal 2.45 Slipped and proceeded across the bay under steam |
8 April | Mon | a.m.4.30 Fired a gun and hoisted blue peter 5.25 Mustered at quarters. Fired 13 blue lights and 3 rockets to show position to steamer approaching and coming alongside with Lord Northbrook and suite onboard 7.50 Lord Northbrook and suite embarked 8.45 Weighed and proceeded under steam down the gulf of Suez |
16 Apr | Tue | At single anchor in Aden Bay Manned yards and fired a Royal salute on His Excellency Lord Northbrook leaving the ship |
17 Apr | Wed | 5.45 p.m. Manned yards and fired a Royal salute on His Excellency Lord Northbrook embarking. Shore fort saluted with 21 guns 6.15 Weighed and proceeded under steam out of Aden Bay |
26 Apr | Fri | Noon: Furled sails. Proceeded under steam for Bombay Harbour 1.30 Saluted the flag of Rear Admiral Arthur Cumming CB with 13 guns. Vessels in Bombay Harbour consisting of Flying Squadron and HMS Briton saluted with 21 guns and manned yards and we steamed past with His Excellency the Viceroy on board 3.15 Took in No. 2 moorings. Dressed ship. Out barge 5.20 Lord Northbrook and suite left the ship. Manned yards and fired a Royal salute in company with the fleet Sunset: Down royal yards, undressed ship |
27 Apr | Sat | Admiral Cumming C.B. Com-in-Chief transferred his flag from HMS "Briton" to this ship "Inconstant" [of the Flying Squadron] hoisted jack as signal for court martial |
29 Apr | Mon | 5.50 p.m. Squadron saluted with 21 guns in honour of the unveiling of the statue of Her Majesty |
11 May | Sat | Manned yards on H.H. the Prince of Kattiwar visiting the ship [Kathiawar is a peninsular between Bombay and the (present) border with Pakistan, forming part of the Indian state of Gujarat] Slipped from moorings for Trincomalee |
19 May | Sun | Moored in Trincomalee harbour |
22 May | Wed | Captain reprimanded Nav[igating] Sub-Lieut [Henry] Baynham for gross negligence of duty in leaving spirit room open, this being under his special charge |
11 Jun | Tue | am: Sent firing party ashore 5:20 Departed this life Jas. Williams (Krooman) from wounds received at the hands of Jno. Bishop (Krooman) Received fresh beef 488 lbs, vegetables 244 lbs Party at dockyard 8 Loosed sails Punished Jas. Watts B.1.C [Boy, 1st class] with 24 cuts as per Warrant 9:45 Mustered by divisions. Prayers after [?] Quarters of watch at drill pm: Party at Dockyard Coroners Inquest assembled to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of Jas. Williams (Krooman) Sent funeral party on shore to bury [?] the remains of Jas. Williams (Krooman) 5:30 Mustered at Quarters. Inspected hammocks Expended prize firing 400 rounds of cartridges ball powder[?] (signed) Commander, (signed) Gunner |
17 Jun | Tue | Trincomalee; unmoored; at single anchor; weighed for Port Louis, Mauritius |
3 Jul | Wed | At moorings in Port Louis |
22 Aug | Thu | Port Louis; slipped moorings for Tamatave, Madagascar |
25 Aug | Sun | At single anchor in Tamatave harbour |
26 Aug | Mon | Tamatave; weighed for Zanzibar |
1 Sep | Sun | a.m. 9.50 Saw Wolverine at anchor in Zanzibar. Wolverine saluted with 13 guns [appropriate for a Rear Admiral]. Returned do. [i.e. the salute] with 7 [for a Captain] 10.30 Stopped engines and came to in Port Zanzibar in 7 fthm with B.B., veered to 40 fthm 1.15 Saluted the British consul [John Kirk] with 11 guns. Fort saluted with 7 guns 1.45 Saluted the Zanzibar flag with 21 guns which was returned by the fort 2 p.m. German consul visited ship. Saluted do. on leaving with 7 guns |
5 Sep | Thu | 9.30 a.m. H.R.H. the Sultan of Zanzibar visited the ship. Manned yards and fired a Royal Salute. Fort returned do 11.30 H.R.H. the Sultan landed. Manned yards and fired a Royal Salute. Fort returned do |
11 Sep | Wed | Zanzibar; weighed for the Seychelle Islands |
19 Sep | Thu | Moored in Port Victoria, Seychelles |
5 Oct | Sat | Port Victoria; unmoored for Galle |
18 Oct | Fri | At single anchor off Point de Galle; weighed for Trincomalee |
20 Oct | Sun | Moored in Trincomalee harbour |
12 Nov | Tue | Dr Loney, Dy. Insp. Gen. and one seaman to HMS Nassau for passage to Galle |
Epil | ||
Dec - May 1873 |
The Frere Mission to end the slave trade at Zanzibar |
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