William Loney R.N. - Uniform
William Loney R.N. - Uniform
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Epaulettes, a bicorn hat, both in their seagoing metal cases, and a sword-belt are the only surviving items from William Loneys uniform in the possession of my family (however decendants of his sister Anne have a watch and a pewter tea and coffee set engraved "WL"). The sword-belt is not the one in the portrait, but is identical to that worn by Deputy Inspector-General Watson in a photograph taken only two years after Dr Loney retired). Click on the following images to see larger versions.

Hat in case


Epaulettes in case


Metal cases for epaulettes and hat

Belt - general view

Belt - general view

Belt - buckle

Belt - manufacturers mark

Belt - braid detail
The metal plate on the cases reveals that these - like the belt - were supplied by "Gillott & Hassell" of 36, Strand, London, 36 Strand is now a "
Sainsbury's Local supermarket"

Gillott opened this shop in 1828. Over the next 40 years the company name changed as people came and went. In 1853 Gillott joined with Hasell to form 'Gillott Brothers & Hasell'. By 1868 they were known as 'Gillott & Hasell', but situated at 2 New Burlington St. The company finally ceased trading in 1954 (Ref: Swords for Sea Service, Vol 1, Part IV; Commander W.E. May and P.G.W. Annis).