Royal Navy obituary in the Times newspaper
Royal Navy obituary in the Times newspaper

Royal NavyObituaries

The following obituary for William Wiseman appeared in the Times newspaper.

Obituary in the Times newspaper
12 January 1893Captain Sir William Wiseman died last evening at 4, Elliot-terrace, Plymouth, of which house he entered into occupation on his arrival at Plymouth a fortnight ago. Sir William Wiseman was one of the members of the recent Court-martial on Admiral Fairfax, and, it is believed, caught a severe cold during one of the earlier sittings. He complained of illness, and was advised to leave the Court and return home, but he declined to do so on the ground that his absence would make the Court informal, and the whole proceedings would have to be gone through again before a newly-constituted Court. He remained, therefore, until the end, and when he reached home on Saturday evening was very ill and had developed symptoms of pneumonia, which on Tuesday evening became so alarming that his friends were telegraphed for. Several of them arrived yesterday evening, to find that he had just breathed his last. Sir William Wiseman was the only son of Sir W.S. Wiseman, eighth baronet, by Charlotte Jane, only daughter of Admiral Charles W. Paterson. He was born in 1845, and married, in 1878, Sarah Elizabeth, third daughter of Mr. Lewis Langworthy, who survives him, and by whom he had five children, the eldest being William George Eden, who succeeds him. Sir William Wiseman came into the title in 1874. He entered the Navy in 1859; became lieutenant in 1867; commander in 1871; and captain in 1882. He served in the New Zealand War in 1864-5, and also in the Niger expedition in 1869.

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