The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
When any Ship or Vessel shall be captured, or detained, her Hatches are to be securely fastened and sealed, and her Lading and Furniture, and, in general, everything on board, are to be carefully secured from Embezzlement; and the Officer having charge of such Ship or Vessel shall prevent anything from being taken out of her, until she shall have been tried, and sentence shall have been passed on her, in a Court of Admiralty or Vice-Admiralty.
The Commanding Officer of Her Majesty's Ship shall cause the principal Officers of any Vessel he may detain, and such other persons of the Crew as he shall think fit, to be examined as Witnesses, in the Court of Admiralty or Vice-Admiralty, to prove to whom the Vessel and Cargo belong; and he shall send to the said Court all Passports, Custom-House Clearances, Log-Books, and all other Ship's Papers, which shall be found on board, without suffering any of them to be on any pretence secreted or withheld.
The Commanding Officer is to take particular care that all Prisoners of War are treated with humanity; that their personal property is carefully protected; that they have their proper allowance of provisions, viz., two-thirds of all species, except Spirits, Wine, or Beer, of which none shall ever be issued to them; and that every comfort of air and exercise which circumstances admit of, be allowed them; but to prevent any hostile attempts on their part, they are to be always attentively watched and guarded, especially when many of the Ship's Company may happen to be employed aloft.
If any Ship or Vessel shall be taken acting as a Ship of War or Privateer without having a Commission duly authorizing her to do so, her Crew shall be considered as Pirates, and shall be dealt with accordingly.
If any one of Her Majesty's subjects shall be found serving on board an Enemy's Ship of War or Privateer, he shall be closely confined, until an opportunity shall offer for his being tried as a Traitor. The Commanding Officer shall, by the first opportunity, send an account of him, and of his place of birth, if known, to the Secretary of the Admiralty; and he shall also direct some of the Officers and Men of the Ship to notice very particularly every circumstance of the case, that they may be able to give evidence against such Offender.
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