The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
Marine Cadets are to be nominated by the Admiralty. To qualify a gentleman for a nomination, he must not be under 15, nor over 17 years of age, nor under 5 feet 2½ inches in height, and must pass such examination as the Admiralty may, from time to time, direct.
Every Candidate for a Marine Cadetship is to present himself for examination at the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth on the day required, where it will be necessary for him to produce the following certificates:
i. A Certificate of Age.
ii. A Certificate of Good Conduct from the Masters of the Schools at which he has studied during the last three years, or in the event of his having been privately educated, from the Clergyman of his parish, or some person competent to judge of, and certify to, his general good conduct.
iii. A solemn Declaration from his nearest of kin, that, to the best of his or her belief, he does not suffer from, nor has been subject to, any disease or infirmity of mind or body which may incapacitate him from the perfect performance of his duty as an Officer in the Corps of Royal Marines.
iv. A Certificate from one of the Principal Medical Officers of the Naval Hospital at Haslar, that he is of sound bodily health, and that he does not stammer, and has no other physical defect.
He will then be examined in the following subjects, and if he passes satisfactorily, will be appointed a Marine Cadet on board the Gunnery Ship at Portsmouth:
Writing English correctly from dictation - Arithmetic, including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions - First Book of Euclid - Algebra, including Simple Equations - General Knowledge of Geography, i.e., of the Principal Countries, Islands, Rivers, &c., of the Globe - A competent acquaintance with the Latin, or French, or some one Modern Language.
Examinations of the Cadets will be hold, from time to time, in order to ascertain the progress which they may have made.
The final Examination of Cadets to qualify them to receive Commissions as Second Lieutenants in the Royal Marines, will include - Arithmetic - Algebra - Euclid, Books 1, 2, 3, 4, and part of 6 - Trigonometry, Theoretical and Practical - History of England - French - Use of the Pocket Sextant - Fortification - Mechanical Drawing - Gunnery.
The Captain Superintendent of the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth will report to the Admiralty the names of those Cadets who have particularly distinguished themselves at the final Examination, and whose conduct, while on board the Gunnery Ship, has been unexceptionable; with a view to their being appointed (should the Admiralty think fit) to the Royal Naval College, where they will be allowed to continue a year to complete their studies, and at the expiration of that period they will, if they have made satisfactory progress, be appointed to vacancies in the Artillery Companies, or be attached "on command" from their Divisions to those Companies for Artillery Instruction until vacancies occur.
Such Cadets as have not made satisfactory progress at the end of the first year, or who fail to pass the Final Examination at the end of the second year, will be discharged.
All the Examinations are to be conducted by the Professor at the Royal Naval College under the direction of the Superintendent.
On joining the Gunnery Ship, each Cadet must be prepared with a sum of not less than 50l. for outfit and 10l. for mess, washing, and other expenses.
The undermentioned sums must be paid for each Cadet to the Accountant-General of the Navy:-
Cadets under ordinary circumstances | £30 |
Sons of Officers dying on Full-Pay, or of Officers on Half-Pay with large families and inadequate means | 15 |
Sons of Officers killed in the Service, or of Officers dying on Full-Pay, whose families are left in great distress | Gratis. |
Before a Cadet can receive a Commission as a Second Lieutenant, he must deposit the sum of 80l. with the Accountant-General of the Navy, to provide for his being properly equipped.
Cadets are to wear the Blue Cloth Shell Jackets, with Red Cuffs and Collars, and Gold Shoulder Cords, Uniform Cloth Trousers, or White Drill Trousers, according to Regulation.
In winter the Blue Frock-coat, according to Regulations, may be worn without a sash or belt.
Forage Cap according to Regulation.
Marine Cadets are subject to Naval discipline - receive pay at the rate of 3s. 8d. a-day, or 66l. 18s. 4d. per annum - and are considered in all respects as Subordinate Officers.
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