"Naval Administration" by Sir Vesey Hamilton, G.C.B. (1896)
Parliamentary Reports, Papers, etc.
Reports of the Commissioners appointed by an Act of 43 Geo. III, for Inquiring into Irregularities, Frauds, and Abuses practised in the Naval Departments, and in the Business of Prize Agency:
First Report: Naval Storekeepers at Jamaica. 1802-3 (78).
Second Report: Chest at Chatham. 1802-3 (97).
Third Report: Block and Coopers' Contracts. 1802-3 (109).
Fourth Report: Prize Agency. 1802-3 (160).
Fifth Report: Sixpenny Office. 1802-3 (174).
Sixth Report: Plymouth and Woolwich Yards. 1803-4 (83).
Seventh Report: Naval Hospital at East Stonehouse - Le Caton hospital ship. 1803-4 (172).
Eighth Report: Victualling Yard at Plymouth. - Embezzling Casks. 1803-4 (179).
Ninth Report: Plymouth Yard. 1805 (1).
Tenth Report: Treasurer of the Navy. 1805 (21).
Eleventh Report: Issue of Navy bills for the purpose of raising money. Loss arising from the mode of paying interest on Navy and Transport bills. Money imprested by the Navy Board for secret naval services. 1805 (47).
Twelfth Report: Purchases of hemp, masts, and fir timber. Transfer of contracts. Observations by way of supplement to First Report. 1806 (1).
Thirteenth Report: Contracts for victualling sick prisoners of war. 1806 (161).
Fourteenth Report: Greenwich Hospital. 1806 (256).
Report of the Select Committee upon the Tenth Naval Inquiry. Report of the Commissioners. 1805 (140). Eleventh Report. 1805 (184).
Report from the Committee of Secrecy on the Eleventh Report. 1805 (198).
Letter of Lord Viscount Melville to the Commissioners of Inquiry; and Answer. 1805 (72).
Precepts issued by the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry to the Treasurer of the Navy. 1805 (93).
Letter from the Comptroller of the Navy to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty on the Eleventh Report of the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry. 1805 (94).
Letter from the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy to the Secretary of the Admiralty, inclosing a Memorial in Answer to the First Report of the Commissioners of Naval Inquiry. 1805 (100).
Letter and Minute of Censure from the Lords of the Admiralty to the Navy Board. 1805 (203).
Reports from the Select Committee appointed to draw up Articles of Impeachment against Henry Lord Viscount Melville. 1805 (206); 1806 (23); 1806 (26).
Reports from the Select Committee appointed to inspect the Journals of the House of Lords in relation to the proceedings upon the impeachment. 1806 (241); 1806 (69).
Reports of the Commissioners for Revising and Digesting the Civil Affairs of His Majesty's Navy:
First Report: Dockyards. 1806 (8).
Second Report: Dockyards. 1806 (92).
Third Report: Dockyards. 1806 (312).
Fourth Report: Navy Office. 1809 (120).
Fifth Report: Foreign Yards. 1809 (121).
Sixth Report: Dockyards at Outports. 1809 (122).
Seventh Report: Naval Hospitals. 1809 (123).
Eighth Report: (not printed).
Ninth Report: Transport Office. 1809 (124).
Tenth Report: Victualling Office. 1809 (125).
Eleventh Report: Victualling Yards at Outports. 1809 (126).
Twelfth Report: Victualling Department Abroad. 1809 (127).
Thirteenth Report: Transport Board. 1809 (128).
Account of expenses incurred by the Commissioners for revising the Civil Affairs of the Navy. 1806 (67) (68).
Reports of the Commissioners appointed by Act 25 Geo. III., c. 19, to inquire into the fees, perquisites and emoluments which are or have been lately received in the several public offices. Dated in 1786-8. 1806 (309).
Third Report, Admiralty (p. 93); Fourth Report, Treasurer of the Navy (p. 131); Fifth Report, Commissioners of the Navy (p. 165); Sixth Report, Dockyards (p. 277); Seventh Report, Sick and Hurt Office (p. 507); Eighth Report, Victualling Office (p. 549): Ninth Report, Naval and Victualling Yards Abroad (p. 723).
Accounts respecting Navy and Victualling Accounts from 1790 to 1823. 1823 (417).
Report from a Select Committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances relating to the formation of the Victualling establishment at Cremill Point, and the proceedings of the Admiralty and Victualling Boards thereon. 1831-2 (272).
Instructions from the Board of Admiralty to the Board of Naval Constructors appointed to inquire into the State of Naval Architecture, May 9, 1846. 1847 (289).
Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances under which a circular sent to the Superintendent of Her Majesty's dockyards was cancelled without order or minute of the Board; also under which a letter from Sir Baldwin Walker, tendering his resignation as Surveyor of the Navy, was withheld from the Board, etc. 1852-3 (511).
Report of the Committee on Dockyard Economy, appointed by the Admiralty. 1859 (139, Sess. 2).
Minutes of Evidence taken before the same. 1859 (139-I. Sess. 2).
Observations of the Superintendent and officers of the dockyards, and of the Accountant-General and Storekeeper-General of the Navy on the same; also Memorandum of the First Lord, with Board Minute thereon. 1860 (79).
Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the constitution of the Board of Admiralty, and the various duties devolving thereon; also as to the general effect of such system on the Navy; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. 1861 (438).
Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the control and management of Her Majesty's Naval Yards, together with the Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. 1861 (2790).
The Distribution of Business among the Lords of the Admiralty under the old and new arrangements for conducting the business of the Department. 1868-9 (84).
Correspondence and other papers relative to alterations in the organization and business of the Admiralty. 1868-9 (402).
Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords appointed to inquire into the present state of the Board of Admiralty, with reference to recent changes in the constitution of the Board, and the practical working of the Department, with proceedings, evidence, etc. 1871 (30).
Orders in Council relating to the construction of the Board of Admiralty and the professional staff of the Controller's Department. 1872 (408).
Comparison of the Civil Establishments of the Admiralty, 1868-69 to 1872-73. 1872 (256).
Report of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to inquire into the amount, etc., of Naval Accounts. 1873 (70).
Treasury Minute as to extending the powers of the Controller and Auditor-General in auditing the naval and military accounts. 1871 (483).
Minute by the First Lord of the Admiralty with reference to H.M.S. Captain, with the minutes of the proceedings of the court-martial, and the Board Minute thereon. 1871 (c. 254).
Copy of the Reply made by Sir Spencer Robinson to Minute by the First Lord of the Admiralty. 1871 (37).
Letter addressed by the Admiralty to Admiral Sir James Hope, in reply to his letter to the Admiralty commenting on the proceedings of the court-martial held to inquire into the loss of H.M.S. Captain. 1871 (38).
Letter from the Admiralty to Captain Cowper P. Coles, directing him to report on the first and second cruises of H.M. ship Captain; reports and letters. 1871 (163).
Reports of the Admiral in command of the Channel Squadron as to the trials of the ships Monarch and Captain; with reports from the captains of the respective ships. 1870 (402).
Report of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to inquire into the system under which the duties of the Store Department of the Navy are conducted, with minutes of evidence. 1877 (c. 1646).
Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Admiralty Liabilities. 1885.
Report of a Committee appointed by the Admiralty to inquire into rules and alterations necessary to secure effective control over the expenditure of the various Departments. 1885.
Reports of the Select Committee on the Army and Navy Estimates. 1887.
Report of the Committee appointed by the Admiralty to inquire into the system of Purchase and Contract in the Navy; minute of Lord George Hamilton, evidence and appendix. 1887 (c, 4987).
Report of a Committee appointed to inquire into Dockyard Administration, Expenditure, etc. 1887 (c. 4978).
Reports of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Civil Establishments of the different offices of State at home and abroad; evidence, appendices, etc. 1887.
Reports from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Navy Estimates ; proceedings, evidence, etc. 1888.
Reports of the Royal Commission on Warlike Stores. 1888.
Preliminary and further Reports of the Royal Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Civil and Professional administration of the Naval and Military Departments, and the relation of these Departments to each other and to the Treasury. ("Hartington Commission.") 1890.
General Literature touching Admiralty Administration.
The Œconomy of His Majesty's Navy Office, containing the several duties of the Commissioners and Principal Officers thereof. Being the first rules established for them by the Duke of York under Charles II., and continued in force to this day. By an Officer of the Navy. 1717.
A Collection of Statutes and Parts of Statutes relating to the Admiralty, etc., down to the fourteenth year of George II, 1755.
A Collection of the Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, Ships of War, etc., to the eighth year of George III. 1768.
An Answer to Mr. Pitt's attack upon Earl St. Vincent and the Admiralty on 15th March, 1804. 1804.
Audi Alteram Partem, or the Real Situation of the Navy of Great Britain at the Period of Lord St. Vincent's resignation, being a reply to misstatements by an Officer of His Majesty's Navy. 1804. (A reply to the last.)
Memoirs of the Administration of the Board of Admiralty under the Presidency of the Earl of St. Vincent, n.d. (1805.) (A defence of St. Vincent by his friends.)
Naval Anecdotes for the years during which the Earl of St. Vincent presided at the Board of Admiralty. By a Recorder of Facts. 1805. (Violently abusive.)
A Key to the Papers which have been presented to the House of Commons upon the subject of the charges preferred against the Earl of St. Vincent by Mr. Jeffry. 1806. (A defence of St. Vincent's conduct and policy, probably by Ben. Tucker.)
Naval Anecdotes, or a new Key to the Proceedings of a late Naval Administration. 1807. (A scurrilous reply to the last.)
A Collection of Statutes relating to the Admiralty, etc., down to the fiftieth year of George III. 1810.
Remarks on the Conduct of the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815. By a Flag Officer. (Sir Charles Vinicombe Penrose.) 2 editions. 1830.
Observations on the Preparation and Discipline of the British Navy, with suggestions for a better system. 1837.
A Brief Memoir of the life and writings of the late William Marsden, F.R.S. 1838.
Memoirs of Admiral the Earl of St. Vincent. By Jedediah Stephens Tucker. 2 vols. 1844.
Remarks on the Naval Administration of Great Britain since 1815. With a Preface by Admiral Bowles. 3rd edition. 1847.
An Autobiographical Memoir of Sir John Barrow, including reflections, observations, and reminiscences at home and abroad from Early Life to Advanced Age. 1847.
Naval Financial Reform. A letter addressed to the First Lord of the Admiralty, on Portions of the Naval Report of the Finance Committee. By Jedediah Stephens Tucker, 1849,
Napier, Sir Charles. The Navy: its Past and Present State. In a series of Letters, edited by Sir William Napier. 1851.
Administration of the Admiralty. Opinions of the late Right Hon. Sir George Cockburn, Bart., on the necessity of remodelling the Admiralty Board. 1855.
The Orders in Council and some of the Acts of Parliament for the Regulation of the Naval Service. 5 vols. 1856-58.
Admiralty Administration: its faults and its defaults. Second edition, revised. 1861.
Our Nautical School, Wh.....ll (i.e., the Admiralty), giving a Description of its Proceedings from the First Reformed Parliament in 1832. With a brief allusion to the loss of the Captain, and the resignation of Mr. Chil...s (i.e., Right Hon. W. H. Childers). 1871.
Recent Naval Administration. By Lord Brassey. Second edition. 1872.
Admiralty Reform: the necessity of undertaking it and the Direction that should be given to it. By Admiral Sir Spencer Robinson. 1886 (pp. 30).
Papers and Addresses by Lord Brassey, K.C.B., D.C.L. Naval and Maritime; 1872 to 1893. Arranged and edited by Captain S. Eardley-Wilmot, R.N. 1894.
The British Fleet. By Commander Charles N. Robinson, R.N. 1894. Second edition. 1895.
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