"Naval Administration" by Sir Vesey Hamilton, G.C.B. (1896)
THE following statement indicates the course pursued in regard to the Navy Estimates. The preparation of several of the votes by the Accountant-General follows upon the compiling and working out of these by the Executive Departments responsible for the administration of them.
Total number of Officers, Seamen, Boys, Coast Guard, and Royal Marines.
Prepared by Accountant-General from numbers decided by their Lordships, and sanctioned by Order in Council, as regards Officers, Seamen, Boys, and Coast Guard.
The Deputy Adjutant-General is consulted with respect to the Royal Marines, for whom there is an establishment of 12,900, fixed by Order in Council of 26th June, 1886. Any variation from the foregoing requires similar sanction.
Wages of Officers, Seamen, etc.
This vote is prepared by the Secretariat and the Navy Pay Division of the Accountant-General's Department from the numbers shown in Vote A. at authorized scales of Pay and Allowances, some of the items, e.g., Contingencies, Coast Guard, Recruiting Expenses, etc., being based on past expenditure.
Salaries, etc., Royal Marine Divisions. - According to fixed rates of Salaries and Allowances.
Half-Pay. - Based on authorized rates and probable numbers.
Victualling and Clothing for the Navy.
The Accountant-General prepares the items relating to Salaries, Police, Wages of Naval Men, Extra Pay, Rents, and Contingencies. Gas and Water by Director of Works.
The chief items of the Victualling Vote are worked out by the Director of Victualling, viz., Wages of Artificers, Crews of Yard Hoys, Provisions, Mess-traps, etc., and are referred to the Accountant-General.
The Director of Victualling concurs in the Vote as a whole.
Medical Establishments and Services.
Prepared by Accountant-General as regards Salaries and Allowances, Wages of Naval Sick Berth Staff, Police (at Home), Extra Pay, Rents, and Contingencies, etc.
The Director-General estimates for Civilian Wages, Hospital Provisions, Miscellaneous Disbursements, etc., and refers the items to the Accountant-General for concurrence. He also concurs in the Vote as a whole.
Martial Law.
Prepared by the Accountant-General. The estimates for the Prison Establishments are based upon authorized Scales of Salary, and upon the average expenditure in past years as regards other items.
Educational Services.
Prepared by the Accountant-General from information supplied by some of the Educational Establishments and partly from authorized Scales of Salary and Allowances.
Scientific Services.
Prepared by the Accountant-General. The estimate is based upon the authorized Numbers and Scales of Pay, etc. Information is furnished by the Hydrographer.
Royal Naval Reserves.
Prepared by Accountant-General. The Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves furnishes the numbers of the various Ranks and Ratings to be provided for.
The Admiral Superintendent of Naval Reserves concurs in the Vote, as a whole.
Shipbuilding, Repairs, Maintenance, etc.
Section I. - Personnel.
Prepared by the Accountant-General as regards Salaries and Allowances, and Contingencies, etc.
The Director of Dockyards under the Controller furnishes the amounts for Labour, etc., at the Yards.
Section II. - Material.
The Director of Stores estimates the requirements of Stores, both under the head of Shipbuilding and Maintenance.
Other items are estimated by the Accountant-General.
Section III. - Contract Work.
Estimate is prepared by the Director of Naval Construction under the Controller.
Estimates for Labour and Stores, etc., are furnished by the Controller's Department, and referred to the Accountant-General.
Naval Armaments.
Estimate prepared by Director of Naval Ordnance under the Controller, and referred to the Accountant-General.
VOTE 10.
Works, Buildings, and Repairs at Home and Abroad.
Estimate prepared by the Director of Works, except as regards the Salaries and Allowances of the Officers superintending Works in progress, which are furnished by the Accountant-General.
The items for Works are referred for the concurrence of the Controller and the Accountant-General.
VOTE 11.
Miscellaneous Effective Services.
The Estimate is prepared by the Accountant-General, principally upon the average expenditure in previous years, any new items or doubtful points being considered separately.
VOTE 12.
Admiralty Office.
Prepared by the Accountant-General. The Estimate is based on the authorized members for each rank, any variations in numbers or Scales of Salary receiving separate consideration and Treasury authority.
VOTE 13.
Half-Pay, Reserved and Retired Pay.
VOTE 14.
Naval and Marine Pensions, Gratuities and Compassionate Allowances.
VOTE 15.
Civil Pensions and Gratuities.
The foregoing Votes (Nos. 13 to 15) for Non-Effective Services are prepared by the Accountant-General, and are based upon the numbers actually in receipt of Retired Pay or Pensions, plus the anticipated requirements of the ensuing financial year.
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