Sheerness - Portsmouth - Spithead - Devonport - Madeira - Sierra Leone - St Paul de Loanda - Simons Bay (Cape of Good Hope) - Danger Point - Simons Bay - Port Elizabeth - Bird Islands - Simons Bay - surveying in Danger Bay - Simons Bay - surveying - Simons Bay - surveying Danger Point to Cape Agulhas - Simons Bay - Mauritius - St Denis (Réunion) - Johanna (Comoro Islands) - Mayotte (Comoro Islands) - Mozambique - Delagoa Bay - Port Natal - Port Elizabeth - Simons Bay - "Marion shoal" - surveying Cape Agulhas to Danger Point - Algoa Bay - Simons Bay - Quillimane River - Mozambique - Johanna - Matembo - Quillimane River - Simons Bay - Saldanha - Simons Bay - East London - Port Elizabeth - Simons Bay - Algoa Bay - Simons Bay - Algoa Bay - East London - Algoa Bay - Table Bay - Port Elizabeth - Algoa Bay - Mussel Bay - Table Bay - Cape Natal - Simons Bay - Ascension - Santa Cruz de Tenerife - Spithead (Royal review) - Sheerness.
The paddle steamer Hydra was commissioned in January 1852 by Commander Thomas Belgrave. After transporting Major-General George Cathcart, the newly appointed Governor, out to the Cape of Good Hope, this was a long commission on that station, with longish periods moored in Simons Bay alternating with periods surveying either west or east of the Cape, transporting troops (and on occasion the Governor or other officials) along the coast, and two cruises to the Comoro Islands and along the Mozambique coast. The ship was back in home waters just in time to participate in the Great Naval Review to celebrate the end of the Russian ("Crimean") war. The "Naval Intelligence" column of The Times newspaper gives some extra information (links to individual entries in the day-of-week column).
Here is a complete list of officers serving during the commission of 13 January 1852 - 10 May 1856 (from the ship's muster book). The ship carried a Surgeon and an Assistant Surgeon during the whole commission.
1852 | ||
14 Jan | Wed | At single anchor at Sheerness Lieut Pike joined and hoisted the pendant per order of Commander in Chief for Commander Belgrave |
15 Jan | Thu | Masters of "Waterloo" and "Monarch" came on board to swing the ship The above officers left, the wind being too strong to swing the ship |
16 Jan | Fri | Masters of "Waterloo" and "Monarch" on board swinging the ship |
18 Jan | Sun | Running from Sheerness to Portsmouth |
19 Jan | Mon | Weighed and proceeded into harbour Lashed alongside the Maidstone coal depôt |
22 Jan | Thu | Completed coals |
23 Jan | Fri | Cast off from the "Maidstone" and transported ship to be alongside the dockyard jetty |
27 Jan | Tue | Employed stowing the holds and hoisting in and stowing away cases of carbines for conveyance to the Cape of Good Hope |
28 Jan | Wed | Made fast to a buoy in Portsmouth harbour |
3 Feb | Tue | p.m. 1.30 Admiral Prescote and pay clerks came on board and paid ships co. two months advance Lighted the fires Pilot came on board 3 Admiral Prescote left the ship 3.15 Cast off from the buoy and proceeded out of harbour 4 Stopped and anchored at Spithead Pilot left the ship. Drew fires |
6 Feb | Fri | Lighter came alongside with baggage for General Cathcart |
7 Feb | Sat | 5 p.m. HMSV Sprightly came alongside Received on board for passage to the Cape of Good Hope Major General the Hon'ble G Cathcart, Lieut Col Seymour and Capt Curzon 6 Weighed and proceeded to the southward |
9 Feb | Mon | Steering toward Plymouth Sound |
10 Feb | Tue | Made fast to a buoy in Barnpool... Fired two guns to enforce signal for sea... Slipped and proceeded into the Sound |
13 Feb | Fri | 44.2 °N 9.53 °W Broken by the ships rolling: liquor glasses, two in no. |
17 Feb | Tue | At single anchor in Funchal Bay, Madeira |
20 Feb | Fri | Weighed and proceeded out of Funchal Bay |
27 Feb | Fri | 10.9 °N 16.5 °W |
28 Feb | Sat | At single anchor off the town of Sierra Leone |
2 Mar | Tue | Steering to the westward |
5 Mar | Fri | 3.44 °N 7.27 °W |
12 Mar | Fri | 7.34 °S 10.54 °E |
13 Mar | Sat | At single anchor off the town of St Paul de Loanda 3.40 a.m. Commenced coaling Commander Belgrave gave an order to spread the studingsails to keep the rays of the sun from the ships company whilst employed in the arduous duty of coaling ship, the awnings not being fitted. Inserted per order of Commander Belgrave. Edward M. Vincent, Master 9.40 p.m. Discontinued coaling. Coals received during the afternoon 21 tons |
14 Mar | Sun | a.m. 4.30 Sent the paddle box boats on shore and a party to the coal barge "Lora" to bring her alongside. Commenced coaling ship 6.40 The coals vessel "Lora" came alongside. Employed coaling from the "Lora" and from the shore p.m. 3 The coal vessel "Lora" left the ship. Coals received from the "Lora" 13 tons 8.15 Total quantity of coals received during the day 89 tons. Discontinued coaling |
15 Mar | Mon | 2.30 p.m. Completed coaling to 250 tons 3.30 p.m. Weighed and proceeded |
19 Mar | Fri | 18.28 °S 11.52 °E |
26 Mar | Fri | 29.41 °S 8.47 °E |
31 Mar | Wed | At single anchor in Table Bay Found in the anchorage HMSV Styx and Rhadamanthus 10 Manned the yards. Major General the Hon'ble G. Cathcart, Lieut Colonel Seymour and Capt Curzon left the ship |
13 Apr | Tue | Recd one hundred and seventy bags of sugar for passage to Simons Bay Weighed and proceeded out of Table Bay |
14 Apr | Wed | Weighed and proceeded out of Table Bay |
15 Apr | Tue | Moored in Simons Bay |
29 Apr | Thu | Slipped the moorings |
30 Apr | Fri | At anchor off Danger Point Moored in Simons Bay |
5 Oct | Mon | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay |
10 Oct | Sun | At single anchor in Table Bay. Received Mr Gardiner for passage to Algoa Bay, and Mr Pilkington and 14 artificers for erecting a Lt. House on the Bird Islands Weighed and steamed out of Table Bay |
13 Oct | Wed | 34.50 °S 20.47 °E |
15 Oct | Fri | At single anchor in Algoa Bay |
16 Oct | Sat | At single anchor near the Bird Islands |
25 Oct | Mon | Sent a working party ashore to assist in erecting a lighthouse [the wooden lighthouse on Bird Island came into operation on 1 December; it was later replaced by a stone structure] |
27 Oct | Wed | Shortened in cable and proceeded |
28 Oct | Thu | 34.24 °S 23.58 °E |
30 Oct | Sat | Moored in Simons Bay |
13 Dec | Mon | a.m. 6.15 Slipped the moorings and proceeded out of Simons Bay 8.15 Stopped and started as requested. Lower Whittle Beacon N5W, extreme point of Cape of Good Hope South. Landed Captain Denham of HMS Herald and Lieutenant Dayman of HMS Meander for surveying purposes p.m. Exercised a division of seamen at the cutlass drill 4 Captain Denham and Lieutenant Dayman returned 5.30 Stopped and took in moorings |
17 Dec | Fri | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay At single anchor near Stanfords Cove [surveying] |
20 Dec | Mon | Weighed and made sail |
21 Dec | Tue | At single anchor near Point Danger |
22 Dec | Wed | At single anchor near Stanfords Cove |
23 Dec | Thu | Weighed |
25 Dec | Sat | At single anchor near Roman's Bay. Danger Point S62W, Stanfords Cove N80E |
1853 | ||
3 Jan | Mon | At single anchor near Cape Mudge. Cape Hanglip N47W, Extreme of Mudge Point S29E |
6 Jan | Thu | At single anchor in Pringle Bay |
8 Jan | Sat | Moored in Simons Bay |
6 Feb | Sun | a.m. 8 Slipped the moorings and proceeded under steam to close with "Hastings" 8.20 Stopped and took the Hastings in tow 8.30 Proceeded with the Hastings in tow. Course S by W p.m. 1.15 Cast off the Hastings 3.30 Stopped and anchored in 8 fath. water. Moored ship with 62 fath. cable on each bower |
23 March | Wed | Let go the mooring and proceeded under steam [surveying between Danger Point and Cape Agulhas] |
15 Apr | Fri | Anchored in Struis Bay. Northumberland Point S75W 1¼ mi, Jetty Point N82W 1½ mi |
19 Apr | Tue | Moored in Simons Bay |
18 May | Wed | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay |
20 May | Fri | 35.7 °S 22.21 °E |
27 May | Fri | 33.35 °S 39.7 °E |
3 Jun | Fri | 26.33 °S 55.43 °E |
6 Jun | Mon | Moored head and stern in Port Louis, Isle of Mauritius |
21 Jun | Tue | 10 The assistant harbour master came on board, slipped the moorings, pointed the ships head down the harbour and secured the head and stern with hawsers 3.45 Pilot came on board. Slipped the hawsers and proceeded out of port under steam 4 Stopped near the Bele buoy and discharged the pilot |
22 Jun | Wed | Anchored off St Denis, Isle of Bourbon [= Réunion] |
23 Jun | Tue | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
27 Jun | Mon | 12.40 °S 50.29 °E |
30 Jun | Thu | Anchored off the town of Johanna [Anjouan (modern Nzwani), Comoro islands] |
4 Jul | Mon | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
5 Jul | Tue | Anchored off the island of Pamanzi [a small island, east of Mayotte; modern map![]() |
6 Jul | Wed | Sent the cutter for water Water received during the day: four tons |
7 Jul | Thu | Weighed Passed the isle of Bouzi on the east side Passed on the west side of the isle of Bandele Steamed out through the passage Saziley du Sud [see modern map ![]() |
11 Jul | Mon | Anchored in the port of Conducia [just north of the town of Mozambique; 1907 map of Mozambique coast] |
12 Jul | Tue | Weighed and proceeded under steam Anchored near the town of Mozambique |
13 Jul | Wed | Weighed and proceeded out of port under steam |
14 Jul | Thu | 11.50 Anchored near Angoxa Point [modern Angoche, near the town of António Énes] 1.30 Weighed and proceeded under steam 5.10 Stopped and anchored near Hurd Island [one of the Angoche islands, south of António Éne; may be modern Njoro island] |
15 Jul | Fri | Weighed and proceeded under steam Anchored near Epidendron Island [in the middle of a string of islands south of the Angoche islands] |
16 Jul | Sat | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
21 Jul | Thu | Anchored in Port Melville, Delagoa Bay |
22 Jul | Fri | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
25 Jul | Mon | Anchored off Port Natal |
27 Jul | Wed | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
31 Jul | Sun | Anchored in Algoa Bay |
2 Aug | Tue | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
4 Aug | Thu | Anchored in Simons Bay |
6 Aug | Sat | Moored in Simons Bay |
12 Oct | Wed | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of port under steam |
17 Oct | Mon | 37.24 °S 27.35 °E [searching in vain for the (non-existent) "Marion shoal"] |
21 Oct | Fri | a.m. 4.30 A heavy sea pooped the ship which broke the gig into two parts, carried away a part of the quarter berthing and washed overboard the card of the starboard binnacle compass |
24 Oct | Mon | 37.48 °S 27.2 °E |
28 Oct | Fri | Anchored near Dyer's Island [then surveying near Cape Agulhas] |
13 Nov | Sun | [Surveying near Danger Point] |
18 Nov | Fri | Anchored in Algoa Bay |
20 Nov | Sun | Commenced embarking the 74th Highlanders. Received twelve officers, 357 men, 25 women, 40 children, two ladies and three officers children of the 74th Highlanders and one Major of the 73rd regiment for passage to Table Bay Weighed and proceeded out of Algoa Bay |
22 Nov | Tue | Anchored in Table Bay. Commenced disembarking the 74th Highlanders and hoisting out baggage |
23 Nov | Wed | Weighed and proceeded out of Table Bay |
24 Nov | Thu | Moored in Simons Bay |
19 Dec | Mon | a.m. Commodore Talbot came on board 9 Slipped the moorings and proceeded under steam. Course ESE 9.10 Rowan Rock Light Vessel N 75° E. Set the patent log 11.45 Stopped and anchored in Gordon Bay in 6 fathm water and veered cable to 38 fathm. Distance by patent log 19.6 miles Commodore Talbot landed in the barge p.m. 3.30 Commodore Talbot returned on board 4.30 Weighed and proceeded 7.30 Stopped and took in moorings in Simons Bay Commodore Talbot left the ship [William Loney's Medical Journal reveals that the Commodore was accompanied by his family on this outing] |
1854 | ||
5 Jan | Thu | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay under steam |
10 Jan | Tue | 35.30 °S 26.18 °E |
17 Jan | Tue | 32.19 °S 40.19 °E |
24 Jan | Tue | 21.13 °S 41.14 °E |
27 Jan | Fri | Anchored in the Mozambique near Quillimane |
30 Jan | Mon | Weighed and proceeded under steam to the eastward Anchored near the island of Fogo [Fogo and Casuarina are in the same chain as Epidendron Island, 15 Jul 1853; 1907 map of Mozambique coast] |
31 Jan | Tue | Weighed and proceeded with steam to the eastward Anchored near the island of Casuarina |
3 Feb | Fri | p.m. 0.30 Obsd a sail to the southward. Shortened and furled all sail and paddled between Hurd island and Michael Reef [modern Baixo Miguel] in chase 2.30 Fired a gun and brought chase to 3.30 Stopped. Lowered a cutter and boarded the "Wanderer" of London, forty-two days from Bombay 4 Up cutter and steamed inshore 7 Anchored in 12 fath. [near Walker Bank; Walker island may be the modern Puga Puga Island] |
4 Feb | Sat | Weighed and proceeded under steam to the eastward Anchored off the mouth of the Angoxa River |
8 Feb | Wed | a.m. 5.40 Saw a sail to the southward 6 Wore ship and proceeded in chase of stranger. Hoisted colors and pendant 6.25 Fired a gun as signal to chase 6.35 Chase hoisted Portuguese colors 6.50 Fired a 2nd gun as signal to chase 7 Hove to. Lieut. [George Mervyn] Comber left to board the Portuguese schooner 7.20 Commander Morris left to board the Portuguese schooner Lieut Comber's Statement: I boarded the schooner "April the 4th," under the Portuguese colours, for the purpose of ascertaining what she was. On my arrival on board, I made the usual enquiries, but had great difficulty in making myself understood as no one on board spoke English, and I could not obtain any information as to her being a legal trader. In the meantime, the captain produced his papers and opened his hatches, as I suppose he imagined that to be my object. I have to state that the captain was not in the least dissatisfied with my proceedings, Commander Morris at the time came on board, with the necessary documents, and understanding that she was a Government vessel freighted by a Portuguese merchant, quitted her after giving the usual certificate, with a note at the bottom. Dated on board the Hydra at sea, February 8th 1854. (Signed) G.M. Comber, Acting Lieutenant. [Commander Morris' report to Commodore Talbot ] |
9 Feb | Thu | Anchored in the harbour of Mozambique Weighed and proceeded out of port |
15 Feb | Wed | Anchored near the town of Johanna Weighed and proceeded under steam |
19 Feb | Sun | Anchored near the Quiza[?] Island [probably one of the islands in a chain south of Cape Delgado] |
20 Feb | Mon | a.m. 6.30 Weighed and set the square sails 6.35 Proceeded under steam and sail 8 Extremes of the isle of Quiza at N½W and NW. East end of the isle of Quemba SWbW½W 9.30 Furled sails Altered course as requisite to steam through the Zueco Pass. 11 Anchored in 10 fathm water and veered cable to 30 fathm. Gig and cutter left for Mamequo to look for fresh water p.m. 2.30 Boats returned without having found fresh water 3.20 Weighed and proceeded under steam. Course NbW¾W. Altered course to NWbW and NW for the entrance of Duport Pass. Altered course to W¾N; the water at the time suddenly shoaling from 6 to 5½ to 3½ fathm,. Stopped and reversed the engines and let go the Starb bower. Although working on the 5th grade of expansion the ship forged a little ahead and almost imperceptibly touched the ground and hung forward. In a few minutes after moving a short distance astern and then becoming stationary, the least water being 16 feet on either side and under the counter 4.50 Stopped the engines. Lowered the cutter to sound and the port paddle box boat to lay out the stream anchor to the ESE, the latter being accomplished after some difficulty, the tide and wind drifting strong to the south'ard 6.35 Commenced heaving on the stream cable and backed astern with the engines. Slipped the starboard bower cable, the ship moving astern at the time 6.45 The ship floated and swung off into deep water, steamed a short distance ahead and let go the port bower in 5½ fathm water and veered cable to 25 fathm. Shifted the stream cable from aft to the starboard bow [all the place names in this entry are questionable] |
21 Feb | Tue | a.m. 5.30 Weighed the stream anchor 7.45 The paddle box boat left to weigh the Starb bower and the gig to sound 9.30 The boats came alongside with the bower. Secured the anchor in its place, and hoisted up and turned inboard the paddle box boats Hoisted out the barge People coiling away hawsers and cable and cleaning up deck p.m. Commander Morris and Lieut [George Mervyn] Comber left in the barge and cutter (armed) for the River Masimbwa 5.40 Mustered at quarters Sounded the well and found the ship had made only 1 inch of water since grounding on the proceeding day 7.45 Cutter and barge returned |
22 Feb | Wed | Anchored off the town of Ibo |
23 Feb | Thu | a.m. Weighed and proceeded under steam to the eastward 10 Philip Stiff (boy of the first class) fell from the fore topmast rigging and died immediately from the effects of injuries received p.m. 1.30 Committed to the deep the body of the late Philip Stiff (boy of the first class) |
28 Feb | Tue | Anchored near the isle of Casurina |
4 Mar | Sat | Weighed and proceeded under steam Anchored off the mouth of the River Jejungo[?; north of Quillimane] |
8 Mar | Wed | Anchored off the mouth of the River Quillimane |
12 Mar | Sun | Anchored near Elephant Shoal |
15 Mar | Wed | Anchored near Masaugzani Point [near the town of Beira] |
16 Mar | Thu | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
20 Mar | Mon | 23.11 °S 35.57 °E |
27 Mar | Mon | 33.20 °S 29.12 °E |
3 Apr | Mon | Moored in Simons Bay |
10 Aug | Thu | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay |
11 Aug | Fri | Anchored in Roulyes [?] anchorage, Saldanha Bay |
12 Aug | Sat | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
13 Aug | Sun | Moored in Simons Bay. Vessels of war at the Anchorage, HM ships Frolic, Penguin, Nerbudda, Dee, Dart, Seringapatam |
20 Sep | Wed | [Troopship Charlotte wrecked in Algoa Bay] |
5 Oct | Thu | Slipped the mooring and proceeded out of Simons Bay Recd 7 officers, 14 women, 214 men and 20 children of the 2nd and 6th Regiments, Royal Engineers, Staff C.M. Rifles and 60 men Rifles. Weighed and proceeded out of Table Bay. Broken by the rolling of the ship: - cups, coffee, five in no. - wine glasses, five in no. - finger glasses, five in no. |
10 Oct | Tue | Anchored in Algoa Bay. Landed Staff, Assistant Surgeon Grey, and 4 Sergeants and 6 privates, one woman and two children of the Cape Mounted Rifles... Weighed. |
11 Oct | Wed | Anchored off the town of East London. Commenced discharging soldiers and military baggage... Weighed |
13 Oct | Fri | Anchored in Algoa Bay, Port Elizabeth... Weighed |
16 Oct | Mon | Anchored in Table Bay |
23 Oct | Mon | Anchored in Simons Bay |
31 Oct | Tue | Anchored in Table Bay. received 8 officers, 162 men, 9 women, 10 children & 1 civilian (servant) of H.M. 6th and 45th Regiments, C. Mounted Rifles and medical staff... Weighed |
4 Nov | Sat | Anchored off the mouth of the Buffalo River. Shore boat came alongside, commenced landing troops, baggage and military stores. Weighed |
5 Nov | Sun | Anchored in Algoa Bay |
13 Nov | Mon | Weighed and proceeded to the eastward |
14 Nov | Tue | [surveying in the bay till 23 December] |
26 Dec | Sun | 35.5 °S 20.25 °E |
27 Dec | Sun | Moored in Simons Bay |
1855 | ||
5 Jan | Fri | p.m. 1.30 Weighed and proceeded with the light vessel "Pacific" in tow 2.30 Moored the light vessel; at the inshore mooring Received two officers and sixty-one non-commissioned officers and privates, 4 women and one child of Her Majesty's 73rd regiment for conveyance to Cape Town 6 Weighed and proceeded with the Badger in tow 7 Anchored in 16½ fthm. Sent a party of men to secure the "Badger" at the "Pacific" light-vessels moorings 9 Weighed and proceeded under steam |
6 Jan | Sat | Anchored in Table Bay. Landed two officers and sixty-one non-commissioned officers and privates, 4 women and one child of Her Majesty's 73rd Regiment. Received fourteen officers, three hundred and sixty-eight non-commissioned officers and privates, four women and two children of Her Majesty's 6th, 12th and 73rd Regiments, 60th Rifles, Royal Artillery Staff and Cape Mounted Rifles for conveyance to Algoa Bay and Port Elizabeth Weighed and proceeded under steam |
9 Jan | Tue | Anchored in Algoa Bay |
10 Jan | Wed | Landed one Lieut. Colonel H.M.'s 12 Regt, one do. do. Cape Mounted Rifles, 35 men of the Royal Artillery, 15 men of Her Majesty's 73rd Regt, three women and three children |
13 Jan | Sat | Anchored near Buffalo River Mouth Landed 12 officers, 318 men and one woman of Her Majesty's 73rd Regt and 60th Rifles, 6th regt. Weighed and proceeded under steam |
14 Jan | Sun | Anchored near the Bird islands |
15 Jan | Mon | Anchored near St Croix isle |
16 Jan | Tue | Anchored near Port Elizabeth [and then surveying] |
24 Jan | Wed | Exercised a division of seamen with the 6pdr brass gun firing at a shark (short practice) |
3 Feb | Sat | Moored in Simons Bay |
20 Feb | Tue | Slipped the moorings |
24 Feb | Sat | Anchored in Algoa Bay near Port Elizabeth |
3 Mar | Sat | People cleaning the ship Recd Major Hale and servant of Her Majesty's 6th regiment Received 11 Members of Parliament for the Eastern Division for a passage to Cape Town 5.30 p.m. Manned yards His Excellency the Governor Sir George Grey and Lady Grey and suite came on board 6.15 Weighed and proceeded under steam |
4 Mar | Sun | Closed to speak the barque "Espérance" of E?????, under English colors, and in consequence of both vessels yawing together the "Hydra" slightly scraped the side of the "Espérance" and carried away her starb studdingsail braces and split her fore and main topsail |
6 Mar | Tue | a.m. 6 Anchored in Table Bay 7.30 Manned yards. His Excellency the Governor Sir George Grey, Lady Grey and suite left the ship Landed 11 members of Parliament for the Eastern Division, received at Algoa Bay Landed six individuals of the civil engineer's department Landed Major Hale and servant of Her Majesty's 6th regiment |
16 Mar | Fri | Anchored in Table Bay Recd Commodore and Mrs Trotter, Commander Wolloth [?] and Mr[s?] Maclean [Henry Dundas Trotter had since replaced Talbot as Commodore on the station]. Weighed and proceeded under steam. Anchored in Hout Bay, sent the cutter on shore for water |
17 Mar | Sat | Moored in Simons Bay Landed Commodore and Mrs Trotter, Commander Wolloth [?] and Mr[s?] Maclean |
24 Jun | Sun | a.m. 10 Slipped the moorings with H.M.B[rig] Frolic p.m. 4.15 Cast off H.M.B. Frolic |
25 Jun | Mon | Anchored in St Sebastian Bay [21 °E] |
26 Jun | Tue | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
29 Jun | Fri | Anchored in Simons Bay |
14 Aug | Tue | Punished Geo. Thompson (A.B.) with 34 lashes for absenting himself from his ship without leave, and not returning until brought back by the police from Cape Town |
26 Aug | Sun | Slipped the moorings and proceeded under steam for Caulk Bay Anchored in Caulk Bay Received for passage to Port Elizabeth Captain [illegible], Ensign [illegible], Ensign [illegible] of HM's 45th Regiment, Ensign [illegible], C.M. Rifles, 13 non-commissioned officers, 69 privates, 2 women and 6 children of HM's 45th Regiment........ |
30 Aug | Thu | Anchored in Algoa Bay. Landed ....... |
1 Sep | Sat | Lost in the forenoon as below by the cable parting: Anchors of 5 cwts, 2 qts, 0 lbs, one in no. Anchor stocks of 1 cwt, 1 qt, 4 lbs, one in no. Cable chain, 7/8, 38 fthm [surveying near isle of St Croix] |
15 Sep | Sat | Weighed and proceeded under steam |
17 Sep | Mon | Anchored in Mussel Bay |
19 Sep | Wed | Anchored in Table Bay |
27 Sep | Thu | The loss of the anchor and cable which were left on the shoal in Algoa Bay on the 1st inst. was this day reported to the Commodore Hy. D. Trotter agreeably to the instructions given in Chapter 5, Art 32, page 129 of Admiralty Instructions |
4 Oct | Thu | Anchored in Table Bay Moored in Simons Bay |
25 Oct | Thu | Received two officers, one lady, twenty soldiers, eight men and 11 children of Her Majesty's 3rd Regiment, two officers of the Cape Mounted Rifles and one gunner and driver of the Royal Artillery |
27 Oct | Sat | Slipped the mooring and proceeded under steam |
30 Oct | Tue | Anchored in Algoa Bay Landed two officers, one lady, twenty soldiers, eight men and 11 children of Her Majesty's 3rd Regiment, two officers of the Cape Mounted Rifles and one gunner and driver of the Royal Artillery Weighed and proceeded under steam |
5 Nov | Mon | Anchored near Cape Natal |
9 Nov | Fri | His Excellency Sir George Grey embarked with Mr Ayliffe (interpreter) and four domesticks |
14 Nov | Wed | Anchored in Table Bay Landed His Excellency the Governor, Sir George Grey and Mr Ayliffe |
1856 | ||
18 Feb | Mon | Moored in Simons Bay... Weighed |
22 Feb | Fri | 27.0 °S 7.53 °E |
29 Feb | Fri | 16.42 °S 5.15 °E |
6 Mar | Thu | Anchored near George Town, Isle of Ascension |
8 Mar | Sat | Weighed |
14 Mar | Fri | 4.11 °N 17.21 °W |
21 Mar | Fri | 16.21 °N 17.55 °W |
28 Mar | Fri | Anchored near the town of Santa Cruz [de Tenerife] |
31 Mar | Mon | Weighed |
4 Apr | Fri | 37.30 °N 13.6 °W |
10 Apr | Thu | Anchored at Spithead |
18 Apr | Fri | Weighed in company with the squadron and proceeded under steam Anchored off Browndown Point [at the west end of Stokes Bay, off Gosport, in preparation for the naval review] |
22 Apr | Tue | Anchored off Spithead |
23 Apr | Wed | Noon: observed the Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert" coming out of harbour bearing the Royal Standard 0.30: manned yards 1.15: manned the rigging and cheered Her Majesty on passing in the Royal Yacht 4.30: manned the rigging on Her Majestys passing into harbour in the Royal Yacht |
26 Apr | Sat | Anchored in Stokes Bay [off Gosport] |
2 May | Fri | Anchored in the River Medway off Sheerness dockyard |
5 May | Mon | Lashed to the pier inside the basin at Sheerness |
10 May | Sat | Sunset: hauled down the pennant |
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