9° Georgii IV, cap. LXXXIV
An Act to continue an Act for amending and consolidating the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
[25th July 1828.]
5 G.4. c.113. The Powers vested in His Majesty by the recited Act continued to 31 July 1829. |
'WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade, it is amongst other Things enacted, that it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, by any Order or Orders to be by Him or Them from time to time issued, with the Advice of His or Their Privy Council, to authorize and permit, until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and to the End of the next ensuing Session of Parliament, and no longer, the Removal of any Slaves from any Island in the West Indies belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, to any other Island in the West Indies belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, in case it shall be made appear to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and His or Their Council, that such Removal is essential to the Welfare of the Slaves proposed to be so removed; and it is thereby provided, that it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, by any such Order or Orders as aforesaid, to make and establish such Stipulations, Conditions, and Regulations, for the Benefit of such Slaves in the Island to which they may be so removed, as to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, with the Advice of His or Their Council, may seem meet, and to take Security in Double the Value of the Slaves so to be removed (such Value to be estimated according to the Price of Slaves in the Island to which such Slaves are to be taken), by Bond or Recognizance to be made and entered into by the Person or Persons to or on the Application of whom such Licence may be granted, with at least Two sufficient Sureties, for the due and faithful Observance and Performance of all such Stipulations, Conditions, and Regulations as aforesaid; and all Orders in Council to be so issued as aforesaid shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within Six Weeks next after the Commencement of each Session: And Whereas it is expedient that the Powers so vested as aforesaid in His Majesty in Council, by the said recited Act, should be still further continued;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the Powers so vested as aforesaid in His Majesty in Council, in and by the said recited Act, shall continue and be vested in His Majesty in Council, in such and the same Manner, and subject to all such and the same Conditions and Regulations, as in the said Act are provided and contained, until the Thirty-first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, and further until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, if Parliament be then sitting, and no longer.>/td> |
In Colonies where no Custom House is established, the Governor may appoint some Person to grant Clearances and Certificates for the Removal of Slaves./td> | II. 'And Whereas it is by the said Act amongst other Things provided, that where Two or more Islands are comprised in the same Colonial Government, nothing therein contained shall prevent or be construed to prevent any Proprietor of Slaves, lawfully being in any One of such Islands, from carrying away or removing such Slaves to any other Island within the same Government, for the Purpose of cultivating any Estate or Plantation belonging to such Proprietor himself; provided that such special Purpose of the Removal shall previously be made to appear to the Satisfaction of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person having the chief Civil Command for the Time being within such Government, who thereupon shall and may grant a Licence for such Removal, specifying therein the special Cause thereof; but it is enacted, that before any Slave or Slaves shall, by virtue of any such Licence, be so removed or embarked on board of any Ship or Vessel for that Purpose, such Clearances or Permits, and such Certificates, shall be obtained as are thereinafter mentioned and directed in regard to Domestic Slaves attending on their Owner or Master or his Family by Sea; and it is by the said Act further provided, that nothing therein contained shall prevent any Slave, who shall be really and truly the Domestic Servant of any Person residing or being in any Island, Colony, Plantation, or Territory, belonging to or under the Dominion or in the Possession of His Majesty, from attending such his Owner or Master or any Part of his Family, by Sea, to any Place whatever; nevertheless, under certain Regulations therein mentioned, and especially under the Regulation that the Name and Occupation of every such Domestic Slave or Slaves shall be inserted in or indorsed upon the Clearance or Permit to depart of such Ship or Vessel, by or in the Presence of the Collector, Comptroller, or other Chief Officer of the Customs of the Port or Place from which such Ship or Vessel shall clear Outwards on any Voyage, who shall, without Fee or Reward, certify under his Hand that the Slave or Slaves so embarked or carried were reported or described to him as Domestic Servants: And Whereas it may be necessary to effect a Removal of Slaves, under the Provisions aforesaid, from Islands in which no Custom House is established, and in such Cases it would be impossible to comply with the Regulations aforesaid respecting Clearances;' Be it therefore enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Governor or other Person administering the Government of any of His Majesty's Colonies, by Commission under his Hand and Seal, to appoint some fit and proper Person or Persons in any One or more Island or Islands, in any such Colony wherein no Custom House shall be established, for the special Purpose of granting such Clearances and Certificates as aforesaid; and all Clearances and Certificates to be granted by any Person or Persons appointed in manner aforesaid shall be to all Intents and Purposes as valid and effectual as if the same had been granted by any Collector, Comptroller, or other Officer of Customs, as in the said recited Act in that Behalf mentioned : Provided always, that every such Commission shall and may from time to time be revoked and renewed by any such Governor, as Occasion may require.>/td> |
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