5° Georgii IV, cap. CXIII
An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Abolition of the Slave Trade.
[24th June 1824.]
All Acts relating to the Slave Trade, and the Exportation and Importation of Slaves, Repealed. | 'WHEREAS it is expedient that the various Acts and Enactments relating to Slavery and the Slave Trade should be consolidated and amended;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That from and after the First Day of January in the Year of our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and twenty five, all the Acts and Enactments relating to the Slave Trade and the Abolition thereof, and the Exportation and Importation of Slaves, shall be and the same are hereby repealed, save and except in so far as they may have repealed any prior Acts or Enactments, or may have been acted upon, or may be expressly confirmed by this present Act. [See Sections 24. 31. 37. 52. post.] | ||||
Purchase, Sale or Contract for Slaves declared unlawful; as also the Exportation and Importation of Slaves; the Shipping of Slaves in order to Exportation or Importation; the fitting out Vessels; making Loans or Guarantees; the Shipping of Goods, &c. or serving on board Ships employed for any of the aforesaid Purposes; or the insuring of Slave Adventures. |
II. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful (except in such special Cases as are hereinafter mentioned) for any Persons to deal or trade in, purchase, sell, barter or transfer, or to contract for the dealing or trading in, Purchase, Sale, Barter or Transfer of Slaves, or Persons intended to be dealt with as Slaves [See Sections 13, 14. post.]; or to carry away or remove, or to contract for the carrying away or removing of Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or to import or bring, or to contract for the importing or bringing into any Place whatsoever, Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or to ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or to contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons, for the Purpose of their being carried away or removed, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or to ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or to contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons, for the Purpose of their being imported or brought into any Place whatsoever, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or to fit out, man, navigate, equip, dispatch, use, employ, let or take to freight or on hire, or to contract for the fitting out, manning, navigating, equipping, dispatching, using, employing, letting or taking to freight or on hire, any Ship, Vessel or Boat, in order to accomplish any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or to lend or advance, or become Security for the Loan or Advance, or to contract for the lending or advancing, or becoming Security for the Loan or Advance of Money, Goods or Effects, employed or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or to become Guarantee or Security, or to contract for the becoming Guarantee or Security for Agents employed or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful or in any other Manner to engage or to contract to engage directly or indirectly therein as a Partner, Agent or otherwise; or to ship, tranship, lade, receive or put on board, or to contract for the shipping, transhipping, lading, receiving or putting on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Money, Goods or Effects, to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or to take the Charge or Command, or to navigate or enter and embark on board, or to contract for the taking the Charge or Command, or for the navigating or entering and embarking on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, as Captain, Master, Mate, Petty Officer, Surgeon, Supercargo, Seaman, Marine or Servant, or in any other Capacity, knowing that such Ship, Vessel or Boat is actually employed, or is in the same Voyage, or upon the same Occasion, in respect of which they shall so take the Charge or Command, or navigate or enter and embark, or contract so to do as aforesaid, intended to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or to insure or to contract for the insuring of any Slaves, or any Property, or other Subject Matter, engaged or employed, or intended to be engaged or employed, in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful. | ||||
Dealing in Slaves, or exporting or importing them, &c. or shipping Slaves for the Purpose of Exportation or Importation. Penalty 100l. for each Slave. |
III. And be it further enacted, That (except in such special Cases as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Persons shall deal or trade in, purchase, sell, barter or transfer, or contract for the dealing or trading in, Purchase, Sale, Barter or Transfer of Slaves, or Persons intended to be dealt with as Slaves, or shall carry away or remove, or contract for the carrying away or removing of Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves, or shall import or bring, or contract for the importing or bringing into any Place whatsoever Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves, or shall ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons for the Purpose of their being carried away or removed, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or to ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons, for the Purpose of their being imported or brought into any Place whatsoever, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves, then and in every such Case the Person so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of One hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Bntain for each and every Slave so dealt or traded in, purchased, sold, bartered or transferred, carried away, removed, imported, brought, shipped, transhipped, embarked, received, detained or confined on board, or so contracted for as aforesaid; the One Moiety thereof to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety to the Use of any Person who shall inform, sue and prosecute for the same; and all Property or pretended Property in such Slaves or Persons as aforesaid shall also be forfeited, and the said Slaves or Persons shall and may be seized and prosecuted as hereinafter is mentioned and provided. [See Sections 13. 14. post.] | ||||
For fitting out Slave Ships (Exception). Forfeiture of Ship and all Goods belonging to the Owner found on board. |
IV. And be it further enacted, That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Persons shall fit out, man, navigate, equip, dispatch, use, employ, let or take to freight or on hire, or contract for the fitting out, manning, navigating, equipping, despatching, using, employing, letting or taking to freight or on hire, any Ship, Vessel or Boat, in order to accomplish any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, such Ship, Vessel or Boat, together with all her Boats, Guns, Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, and together likewise with all Property, Goods or Effects found on board, belonging to the Owner or Owners, Part Owner or Part Owners of any such Ship, Vessel or Boat, shall become forfeited, and may and shall be seized and prosecuted as hereinafter is mentioned and provided. | ||||
Embarking Capital in the Slave Trade. Penalty double Value. |
V. And be it further enacted That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Persons shall knowingly and wilfully lend or advance, or become Security for the Loan or Advance, or shall contract for the lending or advancing, or becoming Security for the Loan or Advance of Money, Goods or Effects, employed or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, then and in every such Case the Persons so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence double the Value of all the Money, Goods and Effects so lent, advanced or secured, or so contracted for as aforesaid, to be recovered and applied as is hereinafter mentioned and provided. | ||||
Guaranteeing Slave Adventures. Penalty double Value. |
VI. And be it further enacted, That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Persons shall knowingly and wilfully become Guarantee or Security, or contract for the becoming Guarantee or Security for Agents employed, or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, or shall in any other Manner engage or contract to engage directly or indirectly therein, as a Partner, Agent or otherwise, then and in every such Case the Persons so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence double the Value of all the Money, Goods and Effects so by them secured or contracted so to be as aforesaid, to be recovered and applied as is hereinafter mentioned and provided. | ||||
Shipping Goods to be employed in the Slave Trade. Penally double Value. |
VII. And be it further enacted, That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Person shall knowingly and wilfully ship, tranship, lade, receive or put on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, lading, receiving or putting on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, any Money, Goods or Effects to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, then and in every such Case the Persons so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence double the Value of all the Money, Goods and effects so shipped, transhipped, laden, received or put on board, or contracted so to be as aforesaid, to be recovered and applied as is hereinafter mentioned and provided. | ||||
Insuring Slave Adventures. Penalty 100l. and Treble Amount of Premium. |
VIII. And be it farther enacted, That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act permitted) if any Person shall knowingly and wilfully insure or contract for the insuring of any Slaves, or any Property or other Subject Matter engaged or employed or intended to be engaged or employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, then and in every such Case the Person so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall forfeit and pay for every such Offence the Sum of One hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain for every such Insurance or Contract for the same, and also Treble the Amount of the Premium of any such Insurance or Contract for the same, the One Moiety thereof to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety to the Use of any Person who shall inform, sue and prosecute for the same, and every such Insurance shall be absolutely null and void. | ||||
Dealing in Slaves on the High Seas, &c. to be deemed Piracy. Death, &c. |
IX. And be it further enacted, That if any Subject or Subjects of His Majesty, or any Person or Persons residing or being within any of the Dominions, Forts, Settlements, Factories or Territories now or hereafter belonging to His Majesty, or being in his Majesty's Occupation, or Possession, or under the Government of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, shall, except in such Cases as are in and by this Act permitted, after the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and twenty five, upon the High Seas, or in any Haven, River, Creek or Place where the Admiral has Jurisdiction, knowingly and wilfully carry away, convey or remove, or aid or assist in carrying away, conveying or removing, any Person or Persons as a Slave or Slaves, or for the Purpose of his, her or their being imported or brought as a Slave or Slaves, into any Island, Colony, Country, Territory, or Place whatsoever, or for the Purpose of his, her or their being sold, transferred, used or dealt with as a Slave or Slaves, or shall after the said First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and twenty five, except in such Cases as are in and by this Act permitted, upon the High Seas, or within the Jurisdiction aforesaid, knowingly and wilfully ship, embark, receive, detain or confine, or assist in shipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board any Ship, Vessel or Boat, any Person or Persons for the Purpose of his, her or their being carried away, conveyed or removed as a Slave or Slaves, or for the Purpose of his, her or their being imported or brought as a Slave or Slaves into any Island, Colony, Country, Territory or Place whatsoever, or for the Purpose of his, her or their being sold, transferred, used or dealt with as a Slave or Slaves, then and in every such Case the Person or Persons so offending shall be deemed and adjudged guilty of Piracy, Felony and Robbery, and being convicted thereof shall suffer Death without Benefit of Clergy, and Loss of Lands, Goods and Chattels, as Pirates, Felons and Robbers upon the Seas ought to suffer. | ||||
Persons dealing in Slaves, or exporting or importing Slaves; or shipping Slaves in order to Exportation or Importation; or fitting out Slave Ships; or embarking Capital in the Slave Trade; or guaranteeing Slave Adventurers; or shipping Goods, &c. to be employed in the Slave Trade; or serving on board Slave Ships as Captain, Master, &c, Surgeon, &c.; or insuring Slave Adventures; or forging Instruments relating to the Slave Laws. declared guilty of Felony, &c. |
X. And be it farther enacted, That (except in such special Cases as are in and by this Act permitted or otherwise provided for) if any Persons shall deal or trade in, purchase, sell, barter or transfer, or contract for the dealing or trading in, Purchase, Sale, Barter or Transfer of Slaves, or Persons intended to be dealt with as Slaves, or shall, otherwise than as aforesaid, carry away or remove, or contract for the carrying away or removing of Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or shall import or bring, or contract for the importing or bringing, into any Place whatsoever, Slaves or other Persons, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or shall, otherwise than as aforesaid, ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons, for the Purpose of their being carried away or removed, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or shall ship, tranship, embark, receive, detain or confine on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, embarking, receiving, detaining or confining on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Slaves or other Persons, for the Purpose of their being imported or brought into any Place whatsoever, as or in order to their being dealt with as Slaves; or shall fit out, man. navigate, equip, dispatch, use, employ, let or take to freight or on hire, or contract for the fitting out, manning, navigating, equipping, dispatching, using, employing, letting or taking to freight or on hire, any Ship, Vessel or Boat, in order to accomplish any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or shall knowingly and wilfully lend or advance, or become Security for the Loan or Advance, or contract for the lending or advancing, or becoming Security for the Loan or Advance of Money, Goods or Effects, employed or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or shall knowingly and wilfully become Guarantee or Security, or contract for the becoming Guarantee or Security for Agents employed or to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful, or in any other Manner to engage, or to (sic) contract to engage, directly or indirectly therein, as a Partner, Agent or otherwise; or shall knowingly and wilfully ship, tranships lade, receive or put on board, or contract for the shipping, transhipping, lading, receiving or putting on Board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, Money, Goods or Effects to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or shall take the Charge or Command, or navigate, or enter and embark on board, or contract for the taking the Charge or Command, or for the navigating or entering and embarking on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, as Captain, Master, Mate, Surgeon or Supercargo, knowing that such Ship, Vessel or Boat is actually employed, or is in the same Voyage, or upon the same Occasion, in respect of which they shall so take the Charge or Command, or navigate of enter and embark, or contract so to do as aforesaid, intended to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have bereinbehore been declared unlawful; or shall knowingly and wilfully insure, or contract for the insuring of any Slaves, or any Property or other Subject Matter engaged or employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; or shall wilfully and fraudulently forge or counterfeit any Certificate, Cert ificate of Valuation, Sentence or Decree of Condemnation or Restitution, Copy of Sentence or Decree of Condemnation or Restitution, or any Receipt (such Receipts being required by this Act), or, any Part of such Certificate, Certificate of Valuation, Sentence or Decree of Condemnation or Restitution, Copy of Sentence or Decree of Condemnation or Restitution, or Receipt as aforesaid; or shall knowingly and wilfully utter or publish the same, knowing it to be forged or counterfeited, with Intent to defraud His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or any other Person or Persons whatsoever, or any Body Politic or Corporate; then and in every such Case the Person or Persons so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall be and are hereby declared to be Felons, and shall be transported beyond Seas for a Term not exceeding Fourteen Years, or shall be confined and kept to Hard Labour for a Term not exceeding Five Years, nor less than Three Years, at the Discretion of the Court before whom such Offender or Offenders shall be tried and convicted. | ||||
Seamen, &c. serving on board such Ships guilty of Misdemeanor. Punishment. |
XI. And be it further enacted, That (except in such special Cases or for such special Purposes as are in and by this Act expressly permitted) if any Persons shall enter and embark on board, or contract for the entering and embarking on board of any Ship, Vessel or Boat, as Petty Officer, Seaman, Marine or Servant, or in any other Capacity not hereinbefore specifically mentioned, knowing that such Ship, Vessel or Boat, is actually employed, or is in the same Voyage, or upon the same Occasion, in respect of which they shall so enter and embark on board, or contract so to do as aforesaid, intended to be employed in accomplishing any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have hereinbefore been declared unlawful; then and in every such Case the Persons so offending, and their Procurers, Counsellors, Aiders and Abettors, shall be and they are hereby declared to be guilty of a Misdemeanor only, and shall be punished by Imprisonment for a Term not exceeding Two Years. | ||||
Proviso for Option to sue for Penalties in the Vice Admiralty Courts. | XII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and declared, That nothing in this Act contained, making Piracies, Felonies, Robberies and Misdemeanors of the several Offences aforesaid, shall be construed to repeal, annul or alter the Provisions and Enactments in this Act also contained, imposing Forfeitures and Penalties or either of them upon the same Offences, or to repeal, annul or alter the Remedies given for the Recovery thereof; but that the said Provisions and Enactments imposing Forfeitures and Penalties shall in all respects be deemed and taken to be in full Force, it being the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, that the Right and Privilege heretofore exercised of suing in Vice Admiralty Courts for the Forfeitures or Penalties, shall remain in full Force and Effect as before the passing of this Act; and the Jurisdiction of the said Vice Admiralty Courts in all Cases of Forfeitures and Penalties imposed by this Act is hereby established, given, ratified and confirmed. | ||||
Proviso for purchasing Slaves in Island, &c. belonging to His Majesty, if employed there: | XIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or be construed to prevent any Persons from dealing or trading in, purchasing, selling, bartering or transferring, or from the contracting for the dealing or trading in, Purchase, Sale, Barter or Transfer of any Slaves or Slave lawfully being within any Island, Colony, Dominion, Fort, Settlement, Factory or Territory belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, in case such Dealing or Trading, Purchase, Sale, Barter, Transfer or Contract shall be made and entered into with the true Intent and Purpose of employing or working such Slaves or Slave within such and the same Island, Colony, Dominion, Fort, Settlement, Factory or Territory, in which they, he or she may lawfully be at the Time of the making or entering into any such Dealing or Trading, Purchase, Sale, Barter, Transfer or Contract. | ||||
And for the Removal of such Slaves in the same Island, &c. In what case on Licence, Proprietors of Slaves may remove them to any Island within the Government. |
XIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or be construed to prevent any Person from carrying away or removing by Land or Coastwise, or from contracting for the carrying away or removing by Land or Coastwise, of any Slaves, lawfully being in any Part of any Island, Colony, Dominion, Fort, Settlement, Factory or Territory belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, to any other Part of the same Island, Colony, Dominion, Fort, Settlement, Factory or Territory: Provided always, that where Two or more Islands are comprized in the same Colonial Government, nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or be construed to prevent any Proprietor of Slaves, lawfully being in any one of such Islands, from carrying away or removing such Slaves to any other Island within the same Government, for the Purpose of cultivating any Estate or Plantation belonging to such Proprietor himself, provided that such special Purpose of the Removal shall previously be made to appear to the Satisfaction of the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person having the Chief Civil Command for the Time being within such Government, who thereupon shall and may grant a Licence for such Removal, specifying therein the special Cause thereof; but before any Slave or Slaves shall, by virtue of any such Licence, be so removed or embarked on board of any Ship or Vessel for that Purpose, such Clearances or Permits and such Certificates shall be obtained as are hereinafter mentioned and directed in regard to Domestic Slaves attending on their Owner or Master or his Family by Sea. | ||||
His Majesty in Council in the Case herein mentioned may authorize, until July 31, 1827, the Removal of Slaves from any British Island in the West Indies to another British Island there. Security. |
XV. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, by any Order or Orders to be by him or them from time to time issued, with the Advice of His or Their Privy Council, to authorize and permit, until the Thirty first Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty seven, and to the End of the next ensuing Session of Parliament, and no longer, the Removal of any Slaves from any Island in the West Indies belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, to any other Island in the West Indies belonging to or in the Possession of His Majesty, in case it shall be made appear to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and His or Their Council, that such Removal is essential to the Welfare of the Slaves proposed to be so removed: Provided also, that it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, by any such Order or Orders as aforesaid, to make and establish such Stipulations, Conditions and Regulations for the Benefit of such Slaves, in the Island to which they may be so removed, as to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, with the Advice of His or Their Council, may seem meet, and to take Security in double the Value of the Slaves so to be removed (such Value to be estimated according to the Price of Slaves in the Island, to which such Slaves are to be taken) by Bond or Recognizance to be made and entered into by the Person or Persons to or on the Application of whom such Licence may be granted, with at leaat Two sufficient Sureties for the due and faithful Observance and Performance of all such Stipulations, Conditions and Regulations as aforesaid; and all Orders in Council to be so issued as aforesaid shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament within Six Weeks next after the Commencement of each Session. | ||||
Convict Slaves may be transported from a British Island to a Foreign Settlement. | XVI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent the Transportation to any Foreign Colony or Place of any Slave or Slaves that shall have been convicted in any Court of Record, by due Course of Law, in any present or future British Island or Colony, of any Crime to which the Punishment of Transportation is or shall be annexed by the Law of such Island or Colony; but in every such Case a Copy of the Judgment or Sentence, certified by the Court before which the Offender was convicted, shall be put on board in the Ship or Vessel in which any such Convict shall be transported. | ||||
Domestic Slaves may accompany their Masters; Name and Occupation to be inserted in Ship's Clearance. Extract from Slaves' Registry to be put on board, and produced on Arrival. Regulations to be observed on Re-embarkation. Penalties, if Regulations not complied with. |
XVII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Slave, who shall be really and truly the Domestic Servant of any Person residing or being in any Island. Colony, Plantation or Territory, belonging to or under the Dominion or in the Possession of His Majesty, from attending such his Owner or Master, or any Part of his Family, by Sea, to any Place whatever; nevertheless, under the following Regulations; that is to say, First, the Name and Occupation of every such Domestic Slave or Slaves shall be inserted in or indorsed upon the Clearance or Permit to depart of such Ship or Vessel, by or in the Presence of the Collector, Comptroller or other Chief Officer of the Customs of the Port or Place from which such Ship or Vessel shall clear outwards on any Voyage, who shall without Fee or Reward certify under his Hand, that the Slave or Slaves so embarked or carried were reported or described to him as Domestic Servants; Secondly, the Master or Owner of any such Domestic Slave or Slaves shall obtain from the Registry of the Colony to which the same shall belong, an Extract, certified by the Registrar thereof, showing that such Domestic Slave or Slaves has or have been duly entered in the Slave Registry of the said Colony, by their Name and Description or Names and Descriptions therein specified, which Extract and Certificate shall always be on board the Ship or Vessel in which any such Domestic Slave or Slaves is or are carried; and upon such Slave or Slaves being brought into or landed in any British Colony, the Extract and Certificate of his, her or their Registration in the Colony from which he, she or they may have come, shall be forthwith produced to the Collector or Principal Officer of the Customs, and a Copy thereof shall be by him delivered to the Registrar of Slaves in the Colony into which he, she or they may be brought; and if the Domestic Slave or Slaves shall be again removed from the Colony into which they may have been so brought, previous to the next Period for making Returns of Slaves therein, the Collector shall, previous to the Embarkation of such Domestic Slave or Slaves, return to the Party requiring it the original Extract and Certificate of Registration delivered into his Office, to be kept on board the Ship or Vessel in which such Domestic Slave or Slaves may be carried; and if the Regulations herein contained be not complied with, the Owners of the said Slave or Slaves shall forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds for every such Slave or Slaves so illegally dealt with, and the Master or other Person having the Charge of such Ship or Vessel shall in every such Case forfeit the Sum of One hundred Pounds for each and every Domestic Slave so unlawfully taken on board. | ||||
Slaves may be employed in Navigation, under certain Regulations. | XVIII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Slave or Slaves from being employed in Navigation, in Numbers not exceeding in any One Vessel or Boat those usually employed in navigating such Vessels or Boats; nevertheless where he or they shall be designedly so employed in navigating from any British Island, Colony, Plantation or Territory, the Regulations prescribed for the Transit of Domestic Slaves as aforesaid shall be duly observed. | ||||
As also in Fishing, or other their Ordinary Occupations. | XIX. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Slave or Slaves from being employed in Fishing, or any other his ordinary Business or Occupation upon the Seas; nevertheless, where he or they shall be so employed in the Course of a Navigation designedly undertaken from any British Island, Colony, Plantation or Territory, the Regulations prescribed for the Transit of Domestic Slaves as aforesaid shall be duly observed. | ||||
Slaves may be employed in the Military and Naval Services. | XX. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent any Slave or Slaves from being put on board any Ship or Vessel by the Order of His Majesty's Commander in Chief, either by Sea or Land, in any Island, Colony, Plantation or Territory belonging to or under the Dominion of His Majesty, in order to be employed in His Majesty's Military or Naval Service, and from being by such Order so employed, however or wheresoever the said Service may require. | ||||
Slaves in Vessels in Distress may be assisted. | XXI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent the transhipping and assisting at Sea any Slave or Slaves which shall be in any Ship or Vessel in Distress. | ||||
The Manner in which captured Slaves shall be disposed of regulated. Proviso for Order in Council. |
XXII. And be it further enacted, That all Slaves and all Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, which shall be seized or taken as Prize of War or liable to Forfeiture under this Act, shall and may, for the Purposes only of Seizure, Prosecution and Condemnation as Prize or as Forfeiture, be considered, treated, taken and adjudged as Slaves and Property, in the same Manner as Negro Slaves have been heretofore considered, treated, taken and adjudged when seized as Prize of War, or as forfeited for any Offence against the Laws of Trade and Navigation respectively; but the same shall be condemned as Prize of War or as forfeited to the sole Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, for the Purpose only of divesting and barring all other Property, Right, Title or Interest whatever, which before existed or might atterwards be set up or claimed in or to such Slaves or Persons so seized, prosecuted or condemned; and the same nevertheless shall in no case be liable to be sold, disposed of, treated or dealt with as Slaves by or on the Part of His Majesty, His Heirs or Successors, or by or on the Part of any Person or Persons claiming or to claim from, by or under His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, or under or by Force of any such Sentence or Condemnation: Provided always, that it shall be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and such Officers, Civil or Military, as shall by any General or Special Order of the King in Council be from time to time appointed to receive, protect, and provide for such Persons as shall be so condemned, either to enter and enlist the same or any of them into His Majesty's Land or Sea Service as Soldiers, Seamen or Marines, or to bind the same or any of them, whether of full Age or not, as Apprentices for any Term not exceeding Seven Years, to such Person or Persons, in such Place or Places, and upon such Terms and Conditions, and subject to such Regulations, as to His Majesty shall seem meet, and as shall by any General or Special Order of His Majesty in Council be in that Behalf directed and appointed; and any Indenture of Apprenticeship, duly made and executed by any Person or Persons to be for that Purpose appointed by any such Order in Council for any Term not exceeding Seven Years, shall be of the same Force and Effect as if the Party thereby bound as an Apprentice had himself or herself when of full Age upon good Consideration duly executed the same; and every such Person who shall be so enlisted or entered as aforesaid into His Majesty's Land or Sea Forces as a Soldier, Seaman or Marine, shall be considered, treated and dealt with in all respects as if he had voluntarily so enlisted or entered himself. | ||||
Persons detained in Slavery escaping, any Officer may provide for and protect them. | XXIII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in case any Person or Persons illegally held or detained in Slavery shall hereafter by Shipwreck or otherwise be cast upon, or shall escape to or arrive at any Island or Colony, Fort, Territory or Place under the Dominion or in the Possession of His Majesty, it shall and may be lawful for His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, or for any such Officers Civil or Military as aforesaid, to deal with, protect and provide for any such Person or Persons, in such and the same Manner as is hereinbefore directed with respect to Persons condemned as Prize of War, or as forfeited under this Act. | ||||
Remedy Where Apprentices under Provisions of former Acts are ill-treated by their Masters. | XXIV. And be it further enacted, That whenever any Person apprenticed under the Provisions of any of the Acts for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, shall be ill-treated by the Master to whom he is apprenticed, or by any other Person by his Directions, or with his Knowledge, Approbation or Consent, it shall and may be lawful for such Person so apprenticed and so ill-treated, to apply himself, or by any other Person on his Behalf, to the Judge of the Vice Admiralty Court nearest to which his said Master shall be residing; and the said Judge shall have Authority and is hereby empowered and required to take Cognizance of the said Complaint, and to summon the said Master, Witnesses and other Persons before him, and examine into the same summarily, and decide thereupon; and if the said Complaint shall, in the Judgment of the said Court, be satisfactorily proved, it shall be lawful for the said Judge to fine the said Master any Sum not exceeding One hundred Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain, and to enforce Payment thereof by Distress and Imprisonment; and also, if it shall seem to him meet, to cancel the Indentures of Apprenticeship; and any Fine so enforced shall go to and belong to our Sovereign Lord the King, His Heirs and Successors. | ||||
Captors of Slaves taken as Prize of War to be allowed a Bounty, not exceeding 20l. for every Man taken. | XXV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That where any Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried; kept or detained as Slaves taken as Prize of War by any of His Majesty's Ships of War or Privateers duly commissioned, shall be finally condemned as such to His Majesty's Use as aforesaid, there shall be paid to the Captors thereof, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, such Bounty as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, shall direct by any Order in Council, so as the same shall not exceed the Sum of Twenty Pounds lawful Money of Great Britain for every Man, Woman and Child that shall be so taken and condemned, and shall be delivered over to the proper Officer or Officers, Civil or Military, appointed to receive, protect and provide for the same; which Bounties shall be divided amongst the Officers, Seamen, Marines and Soldiers on board His Majesty's Ships of War or hired armed Ships, in Manner, Form and Proportion, as by His Majesty's Proclamation for granting the Distribution of Prizes to be issued for that Purpose shall be directed and appointed, and amongst the Owners, Officers and Seamen of any private Ship or Vessel of War, in such Manner and Proportion as by any Agreement in Writing which they shall have entered into for that Purpose shall be directed. | ||||
Governor and Party prosecuting allowed a Bounty. If Seizure made at Sea 10l. per Man, &c. If not made at Sea, 7l. l0s. per Man. |
XXVI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That on the Condemnation to the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors of any Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, seized and prosecuted not as Prize of War, but as forfeited for any Offence against this Act (when such Seizure has been made at Sea by the Commander or Officer of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War), there shall be paid to the Commander or Officer of such Ship or Vessel of War, who shall so seize, inform and prosecute, for every Man, Woman and Child so condemned and delivered over, the Sum of Ten Pounds like Money, subject nevertheless to such Distribution of the said Bounties or Rewards for the said Seizures made at Sea, as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors shall think fit and direct by any Order in Council made for that Purpose; and where such Seizure shall not have been made at Sea by the Commander or Officer of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, there shall be paid to and to the Use of the Person who shall have sued, informed and prosecuted the same to Condemnation, the Sum of Seven Pounds Ten Shillings lawful Money aforesaid, for every Man, Woman and Child that shall be so condemned and delivered over, and also the like Sums to and to the Use of the Governor or Commander in Chief of any Colony or Plantation wherein such Seizure shall be made. | ||||
Mode of obtaining such Bounty. | XXVII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in order to entitle the Captors to receive the said Bounty Money, the Numbers of Men, Women and Children so taken, condemned and delivered over, shall be proved to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, by producing a Copy duly certified of the Sentence and Decree of Condemnation, and also a Certificate under the Hand of the said Officer or Officers, Military or Civil, so appointed as aforesaid, and to whom the same shall have been delivered, acknowledging that he or they hath or have received the same, to be disposed of according to His Majesty's Instructions and Regulations as aforesaid. | ||||
Decision of doubtful Claims to be determined by the Judge of Admiralty. | XXVIII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That in any Cases in which Doubts shall arise whether the Party or Parties claiming such Bounty Money is or are entitled thereto, the same shall be summarily determined by the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, subject nevertheless to an Appeal to the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes. | ||||
Limitation of Appeal. | XXIX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no Appeals shall be prosecuted from any Decree or Sentence of any Court of Admiralty or Vice Admiralty, touching any of the Matters provided for in this Act, unless the Inhibition shall be applied for and decreed within Twelve Months from the Time when such Decree or Sentence was pronounced, except where such Decree or Sentence shall be passed in any Vice Admiralty Court at the Cape of Good Hope or to the Eastward thereof, in which Cases Eighteen Months shall be allowed for the Prosecution of the said Appeal. | ||||
Proviso for 57G.3. c.127. | XXX. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall be construed to repeal or alter a certain Act passed in the Fifty seventh Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to settle the Share of Prize Money, Droits of Admiralty and Bounty Money, payable to Greenwich Hospital, and for securing to the said Hospital all unclaimed Shares of Vessels found derelict, and of Seizures for Breach of the Revenue, Colonial Navigation and Slave Abolition Laws; but that the Provisions of the said Act shall be and they are hereby declared to be applicable to the several Matters and Things in this Act contained, the same as if the said Provisions were specially enumerated and enacted herein. | ||||
Persons apprenticed under this or former Acts on Expiration of Apprenticeship, how disposed of. | XXXI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for His Majesty in Council, from time to time to make such Orders and Regulations for the future Disposal and Support of such Persons as shall have been bound Apprentices under this Act, or the Acts hereby repealed, after the Term of their Apprenticeship shall have expired, or the Indenture of Apprenticeship shall have been cancelled, as to His Majesty shall seem meet, and as may prevent such Persons from becoming at any Time chargeable upon the Island, Colony or Settlement in which they shall have been so bound Apprentices as aforesaid. | ||||
Mode of providing for Slaves captured or seized during the Period of Adjudication. How Party claiming Slaves neglecting to provide for them pending Proceedings, dealt with; no Bounty payable for them, unless finally condemned. |
XXXII. And be it further enacted, That when any Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, shall be captured or seized as Prize of War, or as forfeited or liable to Forfeiture to His Majesty, or otherwise proceeded against in and by virtue of any Law, and brought to Adjudication in the High Court of Admiralty, or in any Court of Vice Admiralty, or in any Court of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations, or elsewhere within His Majesty's Dominions, which is or may be authorized to hold Jurisdiction in such Cases, if shall be lawful for the Person or Persons claiming any Right or Property in, or the Possession of such Slaves, and he is hereby required to put such Slaves on Shore; and it shall be lawful for the Collector or other Chief Officer of the Customs in such Port or Place in which such Slaves shall be brought to Adjudication, and he is hereby required to direct Enquiry to be made, whether the Person or Persons claiming any Right or Property in, or the Possession of such Slave, shall have furnished, or shall be willing and able to furnish sufficient Food and Necessaries for the Support and wholesome Maintenance of the said Slaves, during the Proceedings which may have been or may be instituted respecting such Slaves; and such Collector or other Chief Officer of the Customs shall, as soon as may be, report to the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person exercising the Authority of Governor in such Colony, or Plantation or Place, the Result of such Enquiry; and if it shall appear to the said Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person exercising the Authority of Governor, that sufficient Food and Necessaries for the wholesome Maintenance of such Slaves, during the Proceedings so instituted or to be instituted as aforesaid, have not been furnished; and if the Person or Persons claiming any Right or Property in or to such Slaves shall refuse or afterwards neglect or omit to supply proper Food and Necessaries for the Support and wholesome Maintenance of the said Slaves during such Proceedings, the said Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or other Person exercising the Authority of Governor in such Colony, or Plantation or Place, being satisfied of the Truth of the Report so made to him, shall authorize the said Collector or Chief Officer of the Customs to take on himself the immediate Care and Custody of such Slaves, and to provide proper Food and Necessaries for such Slaves, during the Proceedings so instituted or to be instituted in any such Court as aforesaid, until the said Court shall have made its Decree, having the Force and Effect of a definitive Sentence, condemning or restoring the said Slaves; and in case the Said Court shall, by such Decree, absolutely restore or condemn such Slaves, the said Court shall, on Application made by the said Collector or Chief Officer of the Customs so providing or having provided for the Support and Maintenance of such Slaves as aforesaid, direct the Accounts for the Provisions and Necessaries so supplied for the said Slaves to be brought into the Registry of the Court and examined, and direct the same, when confirmed, to be a Charge on the said Slaves, to be defrayed by the Person receiving Possession thereof under the Decree of such Court: Provided nevertheless, that in case the Court shall not immediately restore or condemn the said Slaves by Decree, having the Force and Effect of a definitive Sentence, but shall direct further Proof to be made in the Cause, whereby the Restitution or Condemnation shall be deferred, and the Person claiming any Right or Property in, or the Possession of the said Slaves, shall not have supplied, or at any Time pending Proceedings in that Court shall refuse or neglect to supply proper Food and Necessaries for the said Slaves, it shall be lawful for the Court to direct a Valuation to be made of such Slaves, and to decree such Slaves, after such Valuation had and approved by the Court, to be delivered over to such Officer or Person as may be appointed by His Majesty to receive Slaves condemned to His Maj esty's Use, according to the Provisions of this Act, and the same shall be dealt with and treated in all respects according to the said Provisions, save and except that the Bounty shall not be due or payable for such Slaves, but in the Event of final Condemnation, according to the Provisions of this Act. | ||||
Proceedings with respect to Slaves in case of Appeal from a definitive Sentence. | XXXIII. And be it further enacted, That in all Cases in which there shall have been a Decree having the Force and Effect of a definitive Sentence, restoring or condemning the said Slaves, and the same shall be suspended by Appeal, it shall be lawful for the Court, notwithstanding such Appeal, and it is hereby required to proceed forthwith to direct the Slaves so detained to be valued as above directed; and after such Valuation had and approved by the Court, to be delivered over to such Officer or Person as may be appointed to receive Slaves condemned to His Majesty's Use, according to the aforesaid Provisions, as if the same had been finally condemned to His Majesty; and such Slaves shall be treated and dealt with in all respects in the same Manner as if they had been finally condemned to His Majesty, save and except that the Bounties shall not be due or payable thereon, but in the Event of final Condemnation to His Majesty, according to the Provisions of this Act. | ||||
Where Slaves shall be restored in the Court of Appeal, Restitution in Value shall be awarded, deducting the Expenees of Maintenance. | XXXIV. And be it further enacted, That in all Cases in which such Slaves shall have been delivered over as before directed, and shall be finally restored in the Court of Appeal, Restitution in Value shall be made for the Use of the Claimant or Proprietor thereof, according to the Valuation made as above directed, together with Interest thereon, such Sums being deducted therefrom as may have been expended for the Support and Maintenance of the said Slaves, by the Collector or Chief Officer of the Customs as above directed; and the Value so adjusted shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund in the same Manner as Bounties are directed to be paid for Slaves condemned to His Majesty under this Act, on the Production of an official Copy of the final Sentence of Restitution, with the Valuation of the said Slaves endorsed thereon by the Registrar of the said Court, or his Deputy, subject nevertheless, when the Restitution shall be decreed by the Court of Appeal, to the Review and Correction of the said Valuation. | ||||
In what Case Costs &c. against Captor on Decree of Restitution. | XXXV. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the said Courts or any of them having Jurisdiction in the principal Cause, from adjudging and decreeing the Captors, Seizors or Prosecutors in any such Cause as aforesaid, to pay, out of their own proper Monies, such Sums in the Nature of Costs or Damages as the said Court shall decree, when it shall appear to such Court that the Capture, Seizure or Prosecution, or the Appeal thereon on the Behalf of the Captor, Seizor or Prosecutor, shall not be justified by the Circumstances of the Case. | ||||
Ships condemned for illicit Traffic in Slaves may be registered as British Ships. | XXXVI. And be it further enacted, That all Ships or Vessels, whether British or Foreign, which shall be condemned in any Court of Admiralty or Vice Admiralty in any Part of His Majesty's Dominions, for any Offence in relation to the Slave Trade, or under any of the mixed Commission Courts hereinafter mentioned, or which may in future be established in pursuance of any Treaty or Convention between this Country and any Foreign Power, shall, from and after such Judgment or Condemnation respectively, be entitled to a Certificate of Registry as a British Ship, and thereupon have and enjoy all the Privileges and Advantages of British built Ships and Vessels, being first duly registered according to the Provisions of an Act made in the Twenty sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty, and shall be deemed and taken as such, and shall be entitled to have and enjoy all and every the same Rights, Liberties, Privileges and Advantages in all respects whatsoever with British built Ships and Vessels, and shall be subject and liable to all and every the Rules and Regulations that British built Ships or Vessels are subject and liable to; any Law, Custom or Usage to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. | ||||
59G.3. c.120. § 1. confirmed. §4 §5 §6 §7 §8 §9 §10 To be in Force. |
XXXVII. 'And Whereas in and by an Act passed in the Fifty ninth Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for establishing a Registry of Colonial Slaves in Great Britain, and for making further Provisions with respect to the Removal of Slaves from British Colonies, it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for His Majesty to nominate and appoint, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, some fit and proper Person as the Registrar of Colonial Slaves, to receive the Copies of all Registries or Returns of Slaves, and of any Abstracts or Indexes referring thereto, which may have been, or which may at any Time hereafter be transmitted from any of His Majesty's Foreign Possessions, either in pursuance of any Order of His Majesty in Council, or of any Law or Ordinance duly passed in any of the British Colonies respectively, which said Registrar, and his Successors respectively, shall continue to hold the said Office during His Majesty's Pleasure; and also, that the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or any Three or more of them, shall assign to the Registrar so appointed such a Salary, not exceeding in the Whole the Sum of Eight hundred Pounds per Annum, as shall appear to them adequate and proper, and shall fix the Number of such Clerks, Officers or other Persons, to assist the said Registrar, as may from time to time be necessary, and shall allow to them also such Salaries as may be proper, and also reasonable Sums for incidental Charges; all which Salaries and Charges shall be defrayed and paid, in the same Manner as the Salaries and incidental Charges of the Offices of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State are now defrayed and paid, and also, that the said Commissioners of the Treasury, or any Three or more of them, shall provide a proper and distinct Office for the said Registrar, and shall appoint the several Fees to be taken by the Registrar or his Assistants in the said Office, and shall cause a Schedule of the same to be delivered to the said Registrar at the Time of his Appointment, which said Schedule, or a Copy thereof, shall be always kept and hung, for public Information, in the Office of the Registrar; provided always, that the Fees so received by the Registrar, or his Assistants, shall be carried to the public Account, and the Residue thereof, if any, after paying the Salaries of the Registrar, and other Persons employed in his Office, shall be applied, under the Direction of the said Commissioners of the Treasury, in aid of the Expences of His Majesty's Civil List; and also, that the Person who may be at any Time appointed Registrar of Colonial Slaves shall, before he enters on the Execution of his said Office, be sworn before the Chief Justice, or One of the Justices of His Majesty's Courts of King's Bench or Common Pleas, or the Chief Baron, or One of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, in the Words following;
And also, that any Registrar of Slaves who may be appointed by virtue of this Act shall, during his Continuance in such Office, be incapable of being elected or of sitting as a Member of the House of Commons; and also, that as soon as the Office of Registrar of Colonial Slaves shall be opened, Copies and Duplicates of the several Registries and Returns of Slaves in the several Colonies, and all Papers connected therewith, which may have been received by any of His Majesty's Secretaries of State, shall be delivered over to the said Registrar, and shall be by him kept in the said Office; and the said Registrar shall from time to time carry on, continue, correct and enlarge the Copies of the several Registries of Slaves respectively, pursuant to the further Returns of Slaves which may from time to time be received from the several Colonies, and shall form such Indexes and Abstracts, and such convenient Arrangements in other respects as may best promote Regularity in keeping the said Books and facilitate Search therein; and also, that every such Registrar or his Clerk or Assistants, so to be appointed as aforesaid, shall give due Attendance at the said Office every Day in the Week (except Sundays and such Holidays as are kept at the Bank of England), from the Hour of Ten of the Clock in the Morning to the Hour of Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, for the Dispatch of all Business belonging to the said Office; and that every such Registrar, or his Clerks or Assistants, shall, as often as required, make Searches concerning any Slave or Slaves that shall be registered or supposed to be registered in any of the said Books; and shall also, if required, give Certificates under the Hand of the said Registrar as to the Registration or Nonregistration of any such Slave or Slaves, with Extracts, when the same is or are found to be registered, of the Name and Description or Names and Descriptions thereof, and of the Plantation or Plantations, Owner or Owners to whom the same is or are described to belong, and of any other Particulars relating thereto which may be stated in the said Registry; and that such Registrar shall be entitled to receive for every such Search, Certificate or Extract, such Sums as shall be duly appointed in the Schedule of Fees, to be fixed by the said Commissioners of the Treasury as is hereinbefore provided for; and also, that it shall not be lawful for any of His Majesty's Subjects in this United Kingdom to purchase or to lend or advance any Money, Goods or Effects upon the Security of any Slave or Slaves in any of His Majesty's Colonies or Foreign Possessions, unless such Slave or Slaves shall appear by the Return received therein to have been first duly registered in the said Office of the Registrar of Colonial Slaves; and that every Sale, Mortgage and Conveyance, or Assurance of, and every Charge or other Security upon any Slave or Slaves not so appearing to be registered, which shall be made or executed within this United Kingdom, to or in trust for any of His Majesty's Subjects, shall be absolutely null and void in respect of any such unregistered Slave or Slaves; and that for this Purpose no Slave or Slaves shall be deemed and taken to be duly registered, unless it shall appear that a Return of such Slave or Slaves duly made by the Owner or Owners or other Persons in his or their Behalf, in the Manner and Form required by Law in the Colony in which such Slave or Slaves may reside, or a Copy or Abstract of such Return, shall have been received in the Office of the said Registrar from the Colony in which such Slave or Slaves shall reside, within the Four Years next preceding the Date of such Sale, Mortgage, Conveyance or Assurance, Charge or Security as aforesaid; and also, that no Deed or Instrument made or executed within this United Kingdom, whereby any Slave or Slaves in any of the said Colonies shall be intended to be mortgaged, sold, charged or in any Manner transferred or conveyed, or any Estate or Interest therein created or raised, shall be good or valid in Law, to pass or convey , charge or affect any such Slave or Slaves, unless the registered Name and Description, or Names, and Descriptions, of such Slave or Slaves, shall be duly set forth in such Deed or Instrument, or in some Schedule thereupon indorsed or thereto annexed, according to the then latest Registration, or corrected Registration, of such Slave or Slaves, in the said Office of the Registrar of Slaves; Provided always, that no Deed or Instrument shall be avoided or impeached by reason of a clerical Error in setting forth the Names and Descriptions of any Slave or Slaves therein, or in any Schedule thereto contained, nor shall the same be avoided or impeached by reason of any Disagreement between the Names and Descriptions and the Entries thereof in the Books of the Registry, or Duplicate Registry, which shall have arisen from any Error or Default of the Registrar, his Assistant or Clerks, in extracting and certifying the said Names and Descriptions, without the fraudulent Contrivance or wilful Default of the Parties to such Deed or Instrument: Provided also, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to hinder or prevent the Transfer or Assignment of any Security, Mortgage or Charge, of or upon Slaves, granted, made, created or executed antecedently to the passing of this Act, nor to avoid any Deed or Instrument whereby such Security, Mortgage or Charge shall be hereafter transferred, nor to avoid, hinder or impeach any Will, Codicil or other Testamentary Paper, or any Probate or Letters of Administration, or any Bill of Sale, Assignment, Conveyance or Instrument, made by or under the Authority of any Commission of Bankrupt, or any public Officer appointed to assign or convey any insolvent Estate and Effects, or by or under the Authority of any Court of Justice, or any Officer thereof, or in the Execution of any legal Process, by reason that the registered Names and Descriptions of any Slaves are not set forth in such Deed, Will, Codicil, Testamentary Paper, Probate of Letters of Administration, Bill of Sale, Assignment, Conveyance or Instrument; and also, that the Issue of any Slave or Slaves, named or described in any Deed or Instrument executed in the United Kingdom, or any Schedule thereto, born after the Return required by Law, in the Colony in which such Slave or Slaves may be resident, who shall afterwards be duly registered in the next Return required by Law in the said Colony, shall be deemed and considered to pass and be conveyed and affected as registered Slaves by such Deed or Instrument, as effectually to all Intents and Purposes as if such Issue were therein named and described, and any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithstanding;' Now be it declared and enacted, That the said several Enactments shall be and remain in full Force and Effect. |
A Governor pro tempore a Governor within this Act. | XXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That every Act which the Governor of any Island, Colony, Plantation or Territory, belonging to or under the Dominion of His Majesty, is by this Act directed or authorized to do or perform, may be lawfully done or performed by the Person or Persons executing, pro tempore, the Office or Function of Governor of any such Island, Colony, Plantation or Territory, by Authority from His Majesty, whether under the Style and Title of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, President of the Council, or under any other Style or Title whatsoever. | ||||
All Securities given in Contravention of this Act void. | XXXIX. And be it further enacted, That every Mortgage, Bond, Bill, Note or other Security, made in or to accomplish any of the Objects, or the Contracts in relation to the Objects, which Objects and Contracts have by this Act been declared unlawful, shall, except in the Case of a bonâ fide Purchaser or Holder of any such of the said Securities as are in their Nature negociable, who may have purchased or obtained the same, without Notice that the same were made or given for any such unlawful Purposes, be void. | ||||
Petty Officers, Seamen, Marines or Servants, having offended and informing against Owners, Captains, Masters, Mates, Surgeons or Super-cargoes ofShips, discharged of Penalties, &c. | XL. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any Person or Persons offending as a Petty Officer, Seaman, Marine or Servant against any of the Provisions of this Act, shall, within Two Years after the Offence committed, give Information on Oath before any competent Magistrate, against any Owner or Part Owner, or any Captain, Master, Mate, Surgeon or Supercargo of any Ship or Vessel, who shall have committed any Offence against this Act, and shall give Evidence on Oath against such Owner or Part Owner, Captain, Master, Mate, Surgeon or Supercargo, before any Magistrate or Court before whom such Offender may be tried; or if such Person or Persons so offending shall give Information to any of His Majesty's Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Envoys, Charges d'Affaires, Consuls, Residents or other Agents, so that any Person or Persons owning such Ship or Vessel, or navigating or taking Charge of the same, as Captain, Master, Mate, Surgeon or Supercargo, may be apprehended, such Person or Persons so giving Information and Evidence shall not be liable to any of the Pains or Penalties under this Act, incurred in respect of his Offence, and His Majesty's Ambassadors, Ministers Plenipotentiary, Envoys, Charges d'Affaires, Consuls, Residents or other Agents, are hereby required to receive any such Information as aforesaid, and to transmit the Particulars thereof, without Delay, to One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and to transmit Copies of the same to the Commanders of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels then being in the said Port or Place. | ||||
Punishment for Perjury. | XLI. And be it further enacted, That if any Oath taken under this Act shall be wilfully false, or if such false Oath shall be unlawfully or wilfully procured or suborned, the Offender shall incur and suffer the like Pains and Penalties as are by Law inflicted upon Persons committing wilful and corrupt Perjury, or Subornation of Perjury respectively. | ||||
In what Cases where Slaves removed without observing Regulations, forfeited, and also the Ship. Slaves found on board untruly described, Penalty 100l. for every such Slave. Masters carrying Slaves without Certificate, Penalty 100l. for every Slave. |
XLII. And be it further enacted, That where any Slave or Slaves that may be lawfully removed shall be sent, removed, carried or conveyed, without observing the Regulations, or any or either of them, required by this Act, such Slaves or Slaves shall be forfeited to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors; and where any Slave or Slaves shall be found on board, who shall be untruly or fraudulently described in or upon the Clearance or Permit required by this Act, with Intent to violate or elude any of the Prohibitions or Regulations in this Act contained, the Owner, Master or other Person by whom or by whose Procurement such Slave or Slaves shall be so untruly or fraudulently described with such Intent as aforesaid, shall respectively forfeit and pay the Sum of One hundred Pounds lawful Money of Great Britain for every such Slave or Slaves; and also where the Non-observance shall consist in exporting, sending, removing, carrying or conveying any Slave or Slaves (not being Domestics or Mariners, as in this Act aforesaid), without such certified Copy from the Registrar of the Colony, as by this Act is mentioned, the Ship or Vessel in which the same shall be so exported, sent, removed, carried or conveyed, shall be forfeited to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors; and where the Non-observance shall consist in embarking or carrying any Slave or Slaves without such Certificate, the Master or other Person having the Charge of the Ship or Vessel in which the same shall be so embarked and carried, without such Certificate as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of One hundred Pounds lawful Money aforesaid for every such Slave or Slaves. | ||||
Seizure of Forfeitures by whom made. | XLIII. And be it further enacted, That all Ships, Vessels, Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, and all Goods and Effects that may become forfeited under this Act, shall and may be seized by any Officer of His Majesty's Customs, or by the Commanders or Officers of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, or any Officer bearing Hit Majesty's Commission In His Majesty's Navy or Army; and moreover, it shall and may be lawful for all Governors or Persons having the Chief Command, Civil or Military, of any of the Colonies, Settlements, Forts or Factories belonging to His Majesty, and for all Persons deputed and authorized by any such Governor or Commander in Chief to seize and prosecute all Ships and Vessels, Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, and all Goods and Effects whatsoever that shall or may become forfeited for any Offence under this Act. | ||||
Appropriation of Ships and Goods forfeited. | XLIV. And be it further enacted, That the Proceeds of all Ships and Goods seized, prosecuted and condemned for any Offence against this Act, except in such Seizures as shall be made at Sea by the Commanders or Officers of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, shall be divided, paid and applied as follows; that is to say, after deducting the Charges of Prosecution from the Gross Amount thereof, One Third of the Net Proceeds shall be paid into the Hands of such Person as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, may please to appoint, for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors; One Third Part thereof to the Governor or Commander in Chief of the Island, Colony, Plantation, Settlement or Territory where the said Seizure shall have been made or prosecuted; and the other Third Part thereof to the Person or Persons who shall lawfully seize, inform and prosecute the same to Condemnation; and in cases of Seizures made at Sea by the Commanders or Officers of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, One Moiety of the said Net Proceeds, after deducting the Charges of Prosecution as aforesaid, shall be paid into the Hands of such Person as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, may please to appoint, for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety to the Commanders, or Officers of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, who shall have made the Seizure, and prosecuted the same to Condemnation, subject nevertheless to such Distribution in the Seizures made by the Commanders or Officers of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, whether at Sea or otherwise, as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors shall think fit to order and direct by any Order or Orders in Council, or by any Proclamation or Proclamations to be made for that Purpose. | ||||
Privileges of Seizors. 4G3. c.15. |
XLV. And be it further enacted, That all Persons authorized to make Seizures under this Act shall, in making and prosecuting any such Seizures, have the Benefit of all the Provisions made by an Act of the Fourth Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for granting certain Duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America; for continuing, amending and making perpepetual an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled 'An Act for the better securing and encouraging the Trade of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America,' for applying the Produce of such Duties, and of the Duties to arise by virtue of the said Act, towards defraying the Expences of defending, protecting and securing the said Colonies and Plantations; for explaining an Act made in the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled 'An Act for the Encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland Trades, and for the better securing the Plantation Trade;' and for altering and disallowing several Drawbacks on Exports from this Kingdom, and more effectually preventing the clandestine Conveyance of Goods to and from the said Colonies and Plantations, and improving and securing the Trade between the same and Great Britain; or any other Act made for the Protection of Officers seizing and prosecuting for any Offence against the said Act, relating to the Trade and Revenues of the British Colonies or Plantations in America. | ||||
In Actions for executing Act. General Issue. Treble Costs. |
XLVI. And be it further enacted, That if any Action or Suit shall be commenced, either in Great Britain or elsewhere, against any Person or Persons for any Thing done in pursuance of this Act, the Defendant or Defendants in such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the Special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of this Act; and if it shall appear so to have been done, the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and if the Plaintiff shall be nonsuited, or discontinue his Action after, the Defendant or Defendants shall have appeared, or if Judgment shall be given upon any Verdict or Demurrer against the Plaintiff, the Defendant or Defendants shall recover Treble Costs, and have the like Remedy or the same as Defendants have in other Cases by Law. | ||||
Limitation of Suit for Penalties and Forfeitures. | XLVII. And be it further enacted, That all Actions, Suits, Bills, Indictments or Informations, for the Recovery of any of the Penalties or Forfeitures under this Act, may be commenced, had, brought, sued, exhibited or prosecuted, at any Time within Five Years after the Offence committed, by reason whereof such Penalty or Forfeiture shall be incurred; Provided always, that where any Slave or Slaves have been, or shall at any Time have been illegally imported, nothing herein contained shall extend to prevent Proceeding being commenced to obtain the Condemnation or Forfeiture thereof, but that the said Slave or Slaves so illegally imported shall and may be condemned and forfeited at any Time after such illegal Importation. | ||||
Mode of Trial for Offences against this Act. 28H.8. c.15. 33H.8. c.23. 11&12W.3. c.7. 46G.3. c.54. |
XLVIII. And be it further enacted, That all Offences against this Act which shall be committed in any Country, Territory or Place, other than this United Kingdom, or on the High Seas, or in any Port, Sea, Creek or Place where the Admiral has Jurisdiction, and which shall be prosecuted as Piracies, Felonies, Robberies or Misdemeanors, shall and may be enquired of, either according to the ordinary Course ot Law, and the Provisions of an Act passed in the Twenty eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled An Act for Pirates; or according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Thirty third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled An Act to proceed by Commission of Oyer and Terminer against such Persons as shall confess Treason and Felony, without remanding the same to be tried in the Shire where the Offence was committed, as far as the same Act is now repealed; (Sic) or according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Eleventh and Twelfth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Third, intituled An Act passed for the more effectual Suppression of Piracy, in as far as the same Act is now unrepealed; or according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Forty sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act passed for the more speedy Trial of Offences committed in distant Parts, upon the Seas; and all Persons convicted of any of the said Offences, to be enquired of, tried and determined, under and by virtue of any Commission to be made or issued according to the Directions of the said Act of the Forty sixth Year of His late Majesty's Reign aforesaid, shall be subject and liable to and shall suffer all such and the same Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, as by this Act, or any Law or Laws now in force, Persons convicted of the same respectively would be subject and liable to, in case the same were respectively enquired of, tried and determined and adjudged within this Realm, by virtue of any Commission made according to the Directions of the Statute of the Twenty eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth. | ||||
Offences committed out of the Admiral's Jurisdiction. | XLIX. And be it further enacted, That all Offences against this Act, which shall be committed in any Place where the Admiral has not Jurisdiction, and not being within the Local Jurisdiction of any ordinary Court of a British Colony, Settlement, Plantation or Territory, competent to try such Offence, may be enquired of, tried and determined, under and by virtue of any Commission to be issued according to the Directions of the said Act of the Forty sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Third. | ||||
Process and Trial. | L. And be it further enacted, That all Offences committed against this Act may be enquired of, tried, determined and dealt with, as if the same had been respectively committed within the Body of the County of Middlesex. | ||||
Recovery and Application of Forfeitures and Penalties. 4G.3. c.l5. |
LI. And be it further enacted, That, unless in Cases specially provided for by this Act, all Forfeitures and Penalties shall and may be prosecuted, sued for, recovered and applied as follows; that is to say, the several pecuniary Penalties and Forfeitures imposed and inflicted by this Act shall and may be sued for, prosecuted and recovered in any Court of Record in Great Britain, or in any Court of Record or Vice Admiralty in any Part of His Majesty's Dominions, wherein the Offence was committed, or where the Offender may be found after the Commission of such Offence; and all Seizures of Ships, Vessels or Boats, Slaves or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, Goods or Effects, subject to Forfeiture under this Act, shall and may be sued for, prosecuted and recovered in any Court of Record in Great Britain, or in any Court of Record or Vice Admiralty in any Part of His Majesty's Dominions in or nearest to which such Seizures may be made, or to which such Ships or Vessels, Slaves or Persons treated as Slaves as aforesaid, Goods or Effects (if seized at Sea or without the Limits of any British Jurisdiction) may most conveniently be carried for Trial; and all the said Penalties and Forfeitures, whether pecuniary or specific (unless where it is expressly otherwise provided for by this Act), shall go and belong to such Persons, in such Shares and Proportions, and shall and may be sued for and prosecuted, tried, recovered, distributed and applied, in such and the like Manner, and by the same Ways and Means, and subject to the same Rules and Directions, as any Penalties or Forfeitures incurred in Great Britain and in the British Colonies and Plantations in America respectively, by force of any Act relating to the Trade and Revenues of the said British Colonies or Plantations in America, now go and belong to, and may now be sued for, prosecuted, tried, recovered, distributed and applied respectively in Great Britain, or in the said Colonies or Plantations respectively, under and by virtue of a certain Act made in the Fourth Year of His late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act for granting certain Duties in the British Colonies and Plantations in America; for continuing, amending and making perpetual an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Second, intituled 'An Act for the better securing and encouraging the Trade of His Majesty's Sugar Colonies in America;' for applying the Produce of such Duties to arise by virtue of the said Act towards defraying the Expences of defending, protecting and securing the said Colonies and Plantations; for explaining an Act made in the Twenty fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled 'An Act for the Encouragement of the Greenland and Eastland Trades, and for the better securing the Plantation Trade;' and for altering and disallowing several Drawbacks on Exports from this Kingdom, and more effectually preventing the clandestine Conveyance of Goods to and from the said Colonies and Plantations, and improving and securing the Trade between the same and Great Britain. | ||||
Recital of certain Treaties, &c. for preventing Traffic in Slaves. | LII. And Whereas certain Treaties and Conventions, and a Declaration, together with certain explanatory and additional Articles, still subsisting full in force, were made between His late Majesty King George the Third, and His Catholic Majesty the King of Spain, His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands respectively, for preventing Traffic in Slaves, of the Tenor and Effect following; videlicet, | ||||
[The texts of the following documents are included word for word in the act] 'TREATY between Great Britain and Portugal, signed at Vienna the Twenty second of January One thousand eight hundred and fifteen. Additional Article Additional Convention to the Treaty of the Twenty second January One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, between His Britannic Majesty and His Most Faithful Majesty, for the Purpose of preventing their Subjects from engaging in any illicit Traffic in Slaves. Signed at London the twenty eighth of July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, in the English and Portuguese Languages Form of Passport for Portuguese Vessels destined for the lawful Traffic in Slaves Instructions intended for the British and Portuguese Ships of War employed to prevent the illicit Traffic in Slaves Regulations for the Mixed Commissions, which are to reside on the Coast of Africa, in the Brazils and at London Separate article Declaration, signed the Third Day of April One thousand eight hundred and nineteen, touching Molembo and Cabinda, as described in the Convention of the Twenty eighth July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, between His Majesty and His Most Faithful Majesty Additional Articles to the Convention between His Britannic Majesty and His most Faithful Majesty, signed in London on the Twenty eighth of July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen; signed at Lisbon Fifteenth March One thousand eight hundred and twenty three TREATY between His Britannic Majesty and His Catholic Majesty, for preventing Their Subjects from engaging in any illicit Traffic in Slaves. Signed at madrid, the twenty third of September One thousand eight hundred and seventeen Form of Passport for Spanish Vessels destined for the lawful Traffic in Slaves Instructions for the British and Spanish Ships of War employed to prevent the illicit Traffic in Slaves Regulations for the Mixed Commissions, which are to reside on the Coast of Africa and in a Colonial Possession of His Catholic Majesty Explanatory Article to the Treaty between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom, of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty the King of the Spains, concluded and signed at Madrid September the Twenty third One thousand eight hundred and seventeen Additional Article to the Treaty between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Spains, signed at Madrid September the Twenty third One thousand eight hundred and seventeen Declaration explanatory of the Additional Article between Great Britain and Spain, signed at Madrid December Tenth One thousand eight hundred and twenty two TREATY between His Britannic Majesty and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, for preventing Their Subjects from engaging in any Traffic in Slaves, Signed at the Hague, May Fourth One thousand eight hundred and eighteen Instructions for the Ships of the British and Netherlands Royal Navies, employed to prevent the Traffic in Slaves Regulations for the Mixed Commissions, which are to reside on the Coast of Africa, and in a Colonial Possession of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands Articles explanatory of and additional to the Treaty concluded at the Hague, May the Fourth One thousand eight hundred and eighteen, between His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, for the Prevention of the Traffic in Slaves. Signed at Bruxelles December Thirty first One thousand eight hundred and twenty two Further additional Article to the above mentioned Treaty. Signed at Bruxelles January Twenty fifth One thousand eight hundred and twenty three |
58G.3. c.36, §3. 58G.3. c.85, §3. 59G.3. c.16. §5. 59G.3. c.17, §1. |
And Whereas in and by an Act passed in the Fifty eighth Year of His late Majesty George the Third, intituled An Act to carry into Execution a Treaty made between His Majesty and the King of Spain, for preventing Traffic in Slaves; and by a certain other Act passed in the said Year, intituled An Act to carry into Execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal for the preventing Traffic in Slaves; and also by a certain other Act passed in the Fifty ninth Year of his late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to carry into Effect the Treaty with the Netherlands, relating to the Slave Trade; and also by an Act passed in the said Fifty ninth Year of His said late Majesty King George the Third, intituled An Act to amend an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for carrying into Execution a Convention made between His Majesty and the King of Portugal, for the preventing the Traffic in Slaves; it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for His Majesty, by any Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, to appoint such Commissary Judges and Commissioners of Arbitration, Judges and Arbitrators, as are in and by the said Treaties and Conventions, and the Regulations thereto annexed, mentioned to be appointed by His Majesty, and from time to time to supply any Vacancies which may arise in such Offices, by apppinting other Persons thereto, and to grant Salaries to such Commissary Judges and Commissioners of Arbitration, Judges and Arbitrators as aforesaid, not exceeding such Annual Sums as the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland shall from time to time direct; and such Commissary Judges, and Commissioners of Arbitration, Judges and Arbitrators are hereby authorized and empowered to examine and decide all such Cases of Detention, Captures and Seizures of Vessels, and their Cargoes as aforesaid, detained, seized, taken or captured under the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions and Regulations, or included therein, as are by the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions and Regulations, and by these Acts, made subject to their Jurisdiction; and to proceed therein, and give such Judgments, and make such Orders therein, and to do all other Acts, Matters and Things appertaining thereto, agreeably to the Provisions of the said Treaties, Conventions, and the Instructions and Regulations annexed thereto as aforesaid, as fully and effectually to all Intents and Purposes, as if special Powers and Authorities for that Purpose were specifically and particularly inserted and given in relation thereto in these Acts:' | ||||
The above Enactments in Force. | Now be it declared and enacted, That the said Provisions as herein recited, shall continue, remain and be in full Force and Effect. | ||||
58G.3. c.36. §4., c.85. §4., 59G.3. c.16. §6., c.17. §3. in Force. | LIII. 'And Whereas in and by the said Acts of the Fifty eighth and Fifty ninth of George the Third, it is enacted, that it shall be lawful for His Majesty, by any Warrant under His Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State for the Time being, to nominate and appoint a Secretary or Registrar to the respective Commissions and Courts which shall be established in His Majesty's Dominions, and from time to time supply, by other Appointments, any Vacancy which may thereafter occur in such Office, and to grant a Salary to such Secretary or Registrar, not exceeding such Annual Sum as the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury shall from time to time direct; and such Secretary or Registrar is hereby respectively authorized and empowered to do, perform and execute all the Duties of such Office, as set forth and described in the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions and Regulations respectively, and to do, perform and execute all such Acts, Matters and Things as may be necessary for the due Discharge of the Duties of his Office, according to the Provisions of the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions and Regulations as aforesaid:' Now be it declared and enacted, That the said Provision as herein recited, shall continue, remain and be in full Force and Effect. | ||||
Governors of Colonies to fill up Vacancies in Commissions pro tempore. | LIV. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Governor or Lieutenant Governor, or Principal Magistrate of the Colony or Settlement in which such Commission or Court shall sit, within the Possessions of His Britannic Majesty, to fill up every Vacancy which shall arise in such Commission or Court, either of Commissary Judge, Commissioner of Arbitration, or any Officer thereof appointed by His Majesty as aforesaid, according to the Provisions contained in the aforesaid Regulations, annexed to the said Treaties and Conventions as aforesaid, ad interim, until such Vacancy or Vacancies shall be thereafter filled by some Person or Persons appointed by His Majesty for that Purpose. | ||||
Oath to be taken by Commissary Judges and Arbitrators. | LV. And be it further enacted, That every Commissary Judge and Commissioner of Arbitration appointed by His Majesty, or ad interim as aforesaid, shall, before he shall enter upon the Execution of any of the Duties of such his Office, take an Oath in the Presence of the Principal Magistrate then residing and acting in the Colony, Settlement or Place in which the Commission or Court shall be appointed to reside; which Oath every such Magistrate in any Colony, Settlement or Place belonging to His Majesty, in which such Commission or Court shall be appointed, is hereby authorized to administer, in the Form following; (that is to say),
Oath to be taken by Secretary or Registrar. | LVI. And be it further enacted, That every Secretary or Registrar appointed by His Majesty, or ad interim as aforesaid, under the Provisions of the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions and Regulations, and of this Act, shall, before he enters on the Duties of his said Office, take an Oath before the British Commissary Judge as aforesaid, who is hereby empowered to administer the same, in the Form following; that is to say,
Oaths and Impositions in judicial Proceedings administered by Commissary Judges, &c. Who may summon Witnesses and send for Papers. |
LVII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Commissary Judges, or for any such Secretary or Registrar, and they are hereby respectively empowered, to administer Oaths to and take the Depositions of all Parties, Witnesses and other Persons, who may come or be brought before them to be examined, or for the Purpose of deposing in the Course of any Proceeding before the said Commissary Judges and Commissioners of Arbitration, in the Cases in which such Commissioners of Arbitration shall act with the said Commissary Judges, under the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions or Regulations or this Act; and it shall also be lawful for the said Commissary Judges and Commissioners of Arbitration, in the Cases aforesaid, to summon before them all Persons whom they may deem it necessary or proper to examine, in relation to any Suit, Proceeding, or Matter or Thing under their Cognizance, and to send for and issue Precepts for the producing of all such Papers as may relate to the Matters in Question before them, and to enforce all such Summonses, Orders and Precepts, by such and the like Means, Powers and Authorities, as any Court of Vice Admiralty may do. | ||||
Persons giving false Evidence deemed guilty of Perjury. Trial of Perjury. Venue therein. |
LVIII. And be it further enacted, That every Person who shall wilfully and corruptly give false Evidence in any Examination, or Deposition or Affidavit had or taken upon or in any Proceeding before the said Commissary Judges or Commissioners aforesaid, or in any Examination, or Deposition or Affidavit had or taken before the said Secretary or Registrar, under the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions or Regulations or this Act, shall be deemed guilty of Perjury, and being thereof convicted, shall be subject and liable to all the Punishments, Pains and Penalties to which Persons convicted of wilful and corrupt Perjury are liable; and every such Person maybe tried for any such Perjury, either in the Place where the Offence was committed, or in any Colony or Settlement of His Majesty near thereto, in which there is a Court of competent Jurisdiction to try any such Offence, or in His Majesty's Court of King's Bench in England; and that in case of any Prosecution for such Offence in His Majesty's said Court of King's Bench, the Venue may be laid in the County of Middlesex. | ||||
Pendency of Suits arising out of Spanish and Portuguese Treaties, before Commissions, Bar to any other Suit. | LIX. And be it further enacted. That the Pendency of any Suit or Proceeding instituted before the said Commissioners for the Condemnation or Restitution of any Ship or Cargo, or Slaves taken, seized or detained by virtue of the said Treaties or Conventions with Spain and Portugal, or Instructions or Regulations thereto annexed, or the final Adjudication or Condemnation, or Judgment or Determination thereupon, may be pleaded in Bar or given in Evidence under the General Issue, and shall be and be deemed and adjudged in any Court whatever, to be a good and complete Bar in any Action, Suit or Proceeding, whether brought or instituted by any Person or Persons for the Recovery of any Ship, Vessel or Cargo, or of any Damage for any Injury sustained thereby, or by the Persons on board the same, in consequence of any Capture, Seizure or Detention, or Act, Matter or Thing done under the Authority or in pursuance of the Provisions of the said Treaties or Conventions, or of the Instructions or Regulations thereto annexed. | ||||
Mixed Courts under the Netherland Treaty shall be the only Tribunal. | LX. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any Person to commence, prosecute or proceed in any Claim, Action or Suit whatever, in the High Court of Admiralty, or in any other Court, or before any Judges or Persons whomsoever, other than the several Mixed Courts of Justice appointed under and by virtue of the Treaty with the Netherlands aforesaid and this Act, for the Condemnation or Restitution of any Ship or Cargo or Slaves, or for any Compensation or Indemnification for any Loss or Damage, or for any Injury sustained by such Ship, Cargo or Slaves, or by any Persons on board any such Ship, in consequence of any Capture, Seizure or Detention, under the Authority or in pursuance of the Provisions of the said Treaty with the Netherlands, or of the Instructions and Regulations thereto annexed, or of this Act; and that the Pendency of any Claim, Suit or Proceeding instituted, or which may be instituted before any of the said Mixed Courts, so to be appointed under the Authority of the said Treaty with the Netherlands, and this Act, for the Condemnation or Restitution of any Ship or Cargo, or Slaves taken, seized or detained by virtue of the said Treaty with the Netherlands, or of the Instructions and Regulations thereto annexed, or for any Compensation or Indemnification for any Loss or Damage, in consequence of the taking, seizing or detaining any such Ship, or the final Adjudication, Condemnation, Judgment or Determination of any such Mixed Court as the Case shall require, may be pleaded in Bar or given in Evidence under the General Issue; or in case no such Claim, Suit or Proceeding shall have been instituted before any such Mixed Court, then the said Treaty, Instructions and Regulations, and this Act, may in like Manner be pleaded in Bar, or given in Evidence under the General Issue; and every such Plea in Bar or Evidence so given under the General Issue shall be deemed and adjudged to be a good and complete Bar to any such Claim, Action, Suit or Proceeding in the said High Court of Admiralty, or in any Court or Place other than such Mixed Courts. | ||||
Proviso for Jurisdiction of Prize Appeal and Admiralty Courts. | LXI. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Lords Commissioners of Appeal in Prize Causes, and for the High Court of Admiralty, in all Cases and Questions arising out of the said Captures that may be depending before them, or that may be brought before them on Appeal from any Vice Admiralty Court, according to their respective Jurisdictions (except in such Cases as are in and by this Act expressly excepted), to proceed therein, and to hear and determine all Questions respecting any Right or Interest in or to the same, to which His Majesty, or the Captors or Seizors of such Ships, Vessels or Cargoes may claim to be entitled by reason of the Capture or Seizure thereof, and the Laws relating thereto, and to enforce their Judgments and Orders therein by the usual Process of the said Courts. | ||||
Proceeds, in case of Captors not establishing their Rights, to be paid to the Use of His Majesty. | LXII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in all Cases of Spanish and Portuguese Ships captured and proceeded against, and for which Indemnification has or maybe made, in pursuance of the said Treaties or Conventions aforesaid, and in which the Captors or Seizors shall not establish any Right or Interest on their Behalf, by reason of the Capture thereof, and the Laws relating thereto, it shall be lawful for the said Court respectively, to order and adjudge the Ships, Vessels and Cargoes, or the Proceeds thereof, and all and every Part thereof, unto or to which the Captors shall not establish am Right or Interest as aforesaid, to be delivered or paid to the Use of His Majesty, to such Person or Persons as the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the Time being shall appoint to receive the same, and to enforce the Delivery or the Payment thereof by the usual Process, as is used and established by Law in Cases of Prize. | ||||
Treasury may direct Papers and Proceedings respecting Vessels and Cargoes belonging to Subjects of Spain, Portugal or the Netherlands, condemned in Vice Admiralty Court at Sierra Leone, to be transmitted to Registry of Admiralty Court of England. Treasury may enforce Payment of Proceeds, and reward in certain Cases. |
LXIII. 'And Whereas several Vessels belonging to the Subjects of Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands respectively, have been captured between the Seventeenth Day of February One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, and the Period at which the Commissioners appointed in virtue of the before mentioned Treaties or Conventions have assembled: And Whereas the Vessels belonging to the Subjects of Portugal so captured as aforesaid, are by the additional Convention with that State, bearing Date the Twenty eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, made the Subject of special Adjudication under the Mixed Commission established in London: And Whereas during the Period aforesaid, certain Proceedings have been had and Decrees have been made without due Authority or Jurisdiction, in the Vice Admiralty Court at Sierra Leone, in respect of Seizures of the Vessels and Cargoes belonging to the Subjects of Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands, some or all of them, for alleged Contravention of the said Treaties or Conventions: And Whereas it is expedient and necessary to make further Provisions and Regulations resnecting all the aforesaid Ships and Cargoes and also for the Payment of Bounties in certain Cases for Slaves seized and taken on board the said Ships;' Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury to direct the original Papers and Proceedings respecting all Ships, Vessels and Cargoes belonging to any of the Subjects of Spain, Portugal or the Netherlands, condemned in the Vice Admiralty Court at Sierra Leone since the Seventeenth Day of February One thousand eight hundred and fifteen, to be transmitted to the Registry of the High Court of Admiralty of England; and further, to direct the Proceeds of such Ships and Cargoes, in whosesoever Possession the same may be, to be remitted and paid for the Use of His Majesty, in such Manner as the said Commissioners of the Treasury may direct and appoint; and further, that it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of the Treasury, to institute Proceedings in the said High Court of Admiralty, against any Person or Persons in Possession of the said Proceeds, for the Purpose of obtaining Payment of the same, and to enforce the Payment thereof by Process of the said Court, and to reward the Captors in all Cases where Contravention of Treaty has taken place, by granting to them One Moiety of the Proceeds of every Ship and Cargo captured as, aforesaid; and the remaining Moiety of the said Proceeds shall be paid to such Person or Persons as the said Commissioners shall direct or appoint to receive the same for the Use of His Majesty. | ||||
In what case Captors not entitled to Rewards. | LXIV. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That the Captors shall not be entitled to any such Reward, where the Mixed Commission, established in London for the Adjudication of the Claims of Portuguese Subjects, have awarded or may hereafter award Indemnification to be made to the Portuguese Owners. | ||||
Treasury may order Charges of Proceedings incurred by Captors to be paid out of Proceeds, &c. | LXV. And be it further enacted, That in every Seizure of any Ship or Vessel for being engaged or employed in the illicit Traffic in Slaves, by any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, or any Ship or Vessel duly commissioned by any Governor or Lieutenant Governor of any of His Majesty's Colonies or Settlements, in which it shall appear to the Satisfaction of the Lord High Treasurer or the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury for the Time being, that such Seizure has not been wantonly or improperly made, it shall be lawful for the said Lord High Treasurer or Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, or any Three or more of them, to order and direct that all the Costs, Charges and Expences which may have been or may be incurred by the Person or Persons making such Seizures, in any Proceedings, for any Matter or Thing relating thereto, or arising out of any such Seizure, shall be paid and defrayed out of the Proceeds of such Capture or Seizure, or out of any of the Proceeds of the said Vessels or Cargoes, paid or to be paid to the Order of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury under the Provisions of this Act. | ||||
Captors of Vessels, &c. condemned and Proceeds disstributed, confirmed in Possession. | LXVI. And be it further enacted, That wherever Ships and Cargoes captured by any of His Majesty's Ships of War, or by any Ship or Vessel commissioned by any Governor or Lieutenant Governor of any of His Majesty's Colonies or Settlements, have been in fact condemned for illicit trading in Slaves, contrary to the Treaties or Conventions made between the Governments of Spain, Portugal or the Netherlands, and where Distribution of the Proceeds thereof has been made prior to the Tenth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and twenty one, the said Captors shall be confirmed, and are hereby confirmed in the Possession of the said Proceeds; any Law, Statute or Usage to the contrary notwithstanding. | ||||
Captors after Condemnation entitled to the Crown's Moiety. | LXVII. And be it further enacted, That where any Ship or Vessel employed or engaged in illicit Traffic in Slaves, in Violation of any of the said Conventions hereinbefore mentioned, shall be seized by any Ship or Vessel belonging to His Majesty, duly authorized under the Provisions of the said Conventions to make such Seizure, and shall be afterwards condemned by any of the Commissioners appointed in virtue of the Treaties or Conventions aforesaid, there shall be paid to the Captors the Moiety to which His Majesty is entitled, under the said Treaties or Conventions, of the net Proceeds of the said Ship and Cargo; the said Moiety of the said net Proceeds to be distributed in the Manner hereafter directed for the Distribution of Bounties on Slaves taken on board the said Vessels. | ||||
A Bounty of 10l. for every Slave found on board of Vessels seized and condemned. | LXVIII. And be it further enacted, That there shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, a Bounty of Ten Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain for every Man, Woman and Child Slave seized and found on board any Ship or Vessel taken, and by the Commissioners appointed in virtue of any of the said Treaties or Conventions, condemned for illicit Traffic in Slaves, in Violation of any of the Provisions of the said Conventions, such Bounty to be issued and paid by Order from the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, and to be distributed to and amongst the Captors aforesaid, in such Manner and Proportions as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, shall think fit to order and direct, by any Order or Orders in Council, or by any Proclamation or Proclamations to be made for that Purpose. | ||||
Such Bounty of 10l. to be paid for every Slave found on board of Vessels of Portugal, Spain and Netherlands, captured within the Periods herein mentioned. In what case Moiety of Proceeds deducted from Bounties. |
LXIX. 'And Whereas, besides the Treaties hereinbefore mentioned, a certain other Treaty was concluded with His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, on the Nineteenth Day of February One thousand eight hundred and ten: And Whereas prior to the passing of this Act, and since the Conclusion of the said Treaties respectively, divers Seizures have been made of Ships, Cargoes and Slaves on board the said Ships, the said Ships being engaged in Traffic for Slaves, contrary to the Provisions of the said Treaties, some or one of them;' Be it further enacted, That in all Captures of Portuguese Vessels, made by any of His Majesty's Ships of War, or any Ship or Vessel duly commissioned by any Governor or Lieutenant Governor of any of His Majesty's Colonies or Settlements, between the First Day of June One thousand eight hundred and fourteen, and the Twenty eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen, which said Vessels shall have violated any Treaty or Convention with Portugal, there shall be paid a like Bounty of Ten Pounds for every Man, Woman and Child Slave so seized and taken; and in all Captures of Vessels belonging to Spain, Portugal or the Netherlands, captured by any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels duly authorized under the Provisions of the said Treaties, of the said Twenty eighth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and seventeen with Portugal, the said Twenty third Day of September One thousand eight hundred and seventeen with Spain, and the said Fourth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and eighteen with the Netherlands, prior to the passing of this Act, and condemned for Contravention of the Provisions thereof, there shall be paid a like Bounty of Ten Pounds for every Man, Woman and Child Slave found on board any such Vessel, to be distributed to the Captors thereof, in the same Manner as is by the Provisions of this Act hereinbefore directed: Provided always, that in all Cases in which the Proceeds of any such Capture shall have been distributed among the Captors, and allowed to be retained by such Captors, under the Provisions of this Act, the Amount of the Moiety of the Proceeds shall be deducted from such Bounties. | ||||
Proceeds and Bounties distributed as Treasury shall direct. | LXX. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in all Cases where any Bounty or Bounties, or any Proceeds, are by virtue of this Act given to any capturing Vessel duly commissioned by any Governor or Lieutenant Governor of any of His Majesty's Colonies or Settlements, the said Proceeds and Bounty or Bounties shall be distributed in such Manner as the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury shall be pleased to direct or appoint. | ||||
Parties claiming Benefit under this Act may resort to Court of Admiralty. | LXXI. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That any Party or Parties claiming any Benefit, by way of Bounty or Share of the Proceeds, for the Seizure of any Spanish, Portuguese or Netherland Vessels, for Violation of Treaty or Convention, shall and may resort to the High Court of Admiralty for the Purpose of obtaining the Judgment of the said Court in that Behalf; and that it shall and may be lawful for the Judge of the said High Court of Admiralty to determine thereon, and also to hear and determine any Question of Joint Capture which may arise upon any Seizure of Slaves, and enforce any Decree or Sentence of any of die Mixed Commission Courts established or to be established in pursuance of Treaties or Conventions with Foreign Powers, and the Decrees or Sentences of the Vice Admiralty Court relating to any Seizure under this Act. | ||||
Where Slaves taken as Prize not condemned, or delivered over, Treasury may allow One Moiety of Bounty. | LXXII. And be it further enacted, That where any Slaves, or Persons treated, dealt with, carried, kept or detained as Slaves, have been, prior to the passing of this Act, or shall be hereafter taken as Prize of War, or trading contrary to the Provisions of the Treaties with Foreign Powers, or as liable to Forfeiture for any Offence committed against this Act, but who shall not have been condemned, or shall not have been delivered over in consequence of Death, Sickness or other inevitable Circumstance, it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, if to their Discretion it shall seem meet, by Warrant, signed by any Three or more of them, to direct the Payment out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of One Moity of the Bounty which would have been due in each Case respectively if the said Slaves had been delivered over. | ||||
In what Case Treasury may direct Payment of Costs and Damages. | LXXIII. And be it further enacted, That when any Seizure shall be made, or Prosecution instituted as or for the Violation of any of the Provisions of this Act, and Judgment shall be given against the Seizor or Prosecutor, or such Seizure shall be relinquished by him, it shall be lawful for the said Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, if to their Discretion it shall seem meet, by Warrant, signed by any Three or more of them, to direct Payment to be made out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of such Costs, Damages and Expences as the said Seizor or Prosecutor may be liable to pay in respect of such Seizure, or any proportionate Part thereof. | ||||
Treasury may direct Payment awarded on unlawful Seizures. Liability of Seizors not taken away. |
LXXIV. And be it further enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, if to their Discretion it shall seem meet, by Warrant, signed by Three or more of them, to direct Payment to be made out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, of any Sums of Money awarded by the Mixed Commission Courts to be due on account of any unlawful Seizure or Detention by any of His Majesty's authorized Cruizers: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall exempt the Seizor from his Liability to make good the Payments so made, when lawfully called upon by Order of the said Commissioners. | ||||
Registrars of V. A. Courts, &c. to transmit to Treasury Return of Cases adjudged, &c. | LXXV. And be it further enacted, That the Registrars of the several Vice Admiralty Courts, and also the Commissary Judges and Commissioners of Arbitration of the several Mixed Commission Courts respectively, shall, on the First Day of January and First Day of July in every Year, transmit to the said Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury a List or Return of all Cases which shall have been adjudged in the said Courts respectively under this Act, during the Six Months preceding, together with the Names of the Seizors, and the Dates of the Seizures and Sentences respectively, together with an Account of the State of the Property, according to the Schedule marked (A.) to this Act annexed. | ||||
Forfeitures to His Majesty to be paid over as He shall direct. | LXXVI. And be it further enacted, That all Sums of Money accruing to His Majesty from or on account of any Forfeiture, Penalty or Condemnation under this Act, shall be paid over to such Person or Persons as His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, may please to appoint, for the Use of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors. | ||||
Regulations to which Prize Agents liable extended to Bounties and Proceeds distributed under this Act. | LXXVII. And be it further enacted, That all the Provisions, Rules, Regulations, Forfeitures and Penalties respecting the Delivery by Prize Agents of Accounts for Examination, and the Distribution of Prize Money, and the accounting for and paying over the Proceeds of Prize and the Percentage due thereon to Greenwich Hospital, shall be and are hereby extended to all Bounties and Proceeds to be distributed under the Provisions of this Act to the Officers and Crews of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War, whether the said Bounty and Proceeds shall be paid to Prize Agents, or to any other Persons authorized to receive the same for the Use and Benefit of the Officers and Crews of any of His Majesty's Ships or Vessels of War. | ||||
In Actions for Acts done in pursuance of the said Treaties or of this Act. General Issue. Treble Costs. |
LXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Action or Suit shall be commenced, either in Great Britain or elsewhere, against any Person or Persons, for any Thing done in pursuance of the said Treaties, Conventions or the Instructions or Regulations thereto annexed, or of this Act, in as far as it relates thereto, the Defendant or Defendants in such Action or Suit may plead the General Issue, and give this Act and the special Matter in Evidence at any Trial to be had thereupon, and that the same was done in pursuance and by the Authority of the said Treaties, Conventions, Instructions or Regulations, or of this Act; and if it shall appear so to have been done, the Jury shall find for the Defendant or Defendants; and if the Plaintiff shall be nonsuited, or discontinue his Action after the Defendant or Defendants shall have appeared, or if Judgment shall be given upon any Verdict or Demurrer against the Plaintiff, the Defendant or Defendants shall recover Treble Costs, and have the like Remedy for the same as Defendants have in other Cases by Law. | ||||
Nothing relating to the said Treaties, &c. to alter any other Part of Act. | LXXIX. And also that nothing in this Act contained in relation to the said Treaties, Conventions, Regulations or Instructions aforesaid, shall extend or be deemed or construed in any wise to alter, suspend, affect, relax or repeal any of the Clauses, Penalties, Forfeitures or Punishments contained and enacted in any other Part of this Act, but that all such Clauses, Regulations, Penalties, Forfeitures, and Punishments therein contained, shall remain in full force and virtue. | ||||
Nor any of the said Treaties, &c. | LXXX. And be it further enacted, That nothing in the other Parts of this Act contained shall extend or be deemed or construed in any wise to alter, suspend, affect, relax or repeal any of the Clauses, Penalties, Forfeitures or Punishments contained, enacted or confirmed in that Part of this Act which relates to the said Treaties, Conventions, Regulations or Instructions aforesaid. | ||||
Act may be altered, &c. this Session. | LXXXI. And be it further enacted, That this Act may be repealed, altered or amended during this present Session of Parliament. | ||||
Commencement of Act. | LXXXII. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall commence and have Effect from and after the First Day of January in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty five. |
SCHEDULE (A.) referred to by this Act.
Date of Seizure. | Property seized. | Seizor. | Date of Sentence. | Decretal Part of Sentence, whether Forfeiture or Restitution. | Whether Property condemned has been sold or converted, and whether any Part remains unsold, and in whose Hands the Proceeds remain. |
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