11° Georgii IV et 1° Gulielmi IV, cap. LV
An Act to reduce the Rate of Bounties payable upon the Seizure of Slaves.
[16th July 1830.]
5 G.4. c.113. 7&8 G.4. c.74. |
'WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Fifth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws relating to the Slave Trade: And by another Act, passed in the Seventh and Eighth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled An Act to carry into execution a Convention between His Majesty and the Emperor of Brazil, for the Regulation and Final Abolition of the African Slave Trade, certain Bounties were directed to be paid for the Seizure of Slaves; as in the said Acts are more particularly specified and set forth: And whereas it is expedient to reduce the different Rates of Bounties payable under the said Acts;' |
Bounties granted by former Acts repealed, and other Bounties granted in lieu thereof. | Be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That for all Slaves seized from and after the Fifth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and thirty, the different Rates of Bounties heretofore granted under the before-recited Acts shall be and the same are hereby repealed; and in lieu of the former Bounties there shall be paid, out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Seizor, or to the Seizor and Governor respectively, in those Cases where the Governor of any of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations is or may be entitled, a Bounty of Five Pounds each of lawful Money of Great Britain, upon every Man, Woman, and Child Slave seized and condemned as forfeited or delivered over agreeably to the several Provisions of the above-recited Acts. |
Where Slaves die before Decree of Forfeiture is pronounced, a Moiety of the Bounty may be allowed. | II. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That where any Slaves shall be seized after the said Fifth Day of October One thousand eight hundred and thirty, and shall be considered liable to Forfeiture under the Provisions of the Treaties with Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and the Brazils, but who shall not have been pronounced forfeited in consequence of Death, Sickness, or other inevitable Circumstance, It shall and may be lawful for the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, if to their Discretion it shall seem meet, to direct Payment of One Moiety of the Bounty which would have been due if the said Saves had been proceeded against and pronounced forfeited. |
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