April 14, 1847
I have the honour to hand you enclosed instructions for your guidance in the distribution of the funds of the Association. You will proceed as soon as practicable & take charge of
a sub-district in that under the directions of Count Strzelecki. It is thought expedient to leave to that gentleman, who has already gained great knowledge of the local circumstances,
a power of instructing you to make grants in cases which he has investigated; but it is not intended to restrict you from making grants on your own responsibility.
The District entrusted to you will not be that of Donegal, as originally contemplated but will consist of the counties of Sligo & Leitrim & the barony of Boyle in Roscommon.
I also enclose a copy of a letter handed to Mr Higgins, a gentleman who is acting on behalf of this Association in contact with Count Strzelecki, from which it is thought you
may derive some useful hints.
I have the honour to be Sir
yr. obt. svt.
S. Spring Rice
Hon Secy.
Dr. Loney.
The signatory is the Hon. Stephen Spring Rice, one of the Honorary Secretaries of the Association.