Stephen Edmund Spring Rice
Stephen Edmund Spring Rice

Royal NavyPersonnel

Other non-sea officer biographies
Stephen Edmund Spring Rice 
Eldest son of the Rt Hon Thomas Spring Rice (1790-1866), 1st Baron Monteagle of Brandon, Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1835 to 1839 (in Melbournes 2nd ministry), and Comptroller General from 1839 to 1865.
Date (from)(Date to)Event
31 August 1814 Born.
11 March 1839 Married Ellen Mary Frere.
18?? Deputy Chairman of the Board of Customs.
(1847) Hon Secretary of the British Association for the relief of the extreme Distress in Ireland & Scotland.
9 May 1865 Died (on board steamer Tripoli on way back from Mediterranean).
Letters and papers of Monteagle and his two sons (Stephen and Charles) are in the John Rylands University Library in Manchester.

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