HMS Euphrates (1866)
HMS Euphrates (1866)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameEuphrates (1866)Explanation
Launched24 November 1866
Builders measure4173 tons
Displacement6211 tons
Ships bookADM 135/161
Snippets concerning this vessels career
19 November 1866Commanded by Captain Montagu Buccleuch Dunn
22 December 1868
- 14 January 1872
Commanded by Captain Charles Thomas Curme
15 January 1872
- 19 April 1875
Commanded by Captain St George Caulfield D'Arcy-Irvine
20 April 1875
- 22 April 1878
Commanded by Captain William Henry Cuming
23 April 1878
- 10 June 1880
Commanded by Captain Charles James Brownrigg, troopship
8 June 1880
- 10 August 1881
Commanded by Captain Henry Hand
(9 September 1886)Commanded by Captain Arthur Cecil Henry Paget
22 August 1888Commanded by Captain John Robert Ebenezer Pattisson
Extracts from the Times newspaper
Tu 27 November 1877The Euphrates left Port Said on the 24th inst. for Malta and Portsmouth. Letters have been received from Commodore Sullivan, in the Active, in Simon's Bay, up to the 29th of October. The Industry would convey Mr. StanleyExternal link, the explorer, and his followers to Zanzibar. Letters have been received from Admiral Ryder, in the Audacious, at Hongkong, up to the 11th ult.; he would there await the arrival of his successor. The Sheldrake had returned from Ichang to Hankow. The Lily had gone from Nagasaki to Chinkiang. The Midge left on the 24th of September for Tientsin, where she will winter. The Frolic was still in dock at Shanghai, after collision. The Growler was ordered from the Dindings up to Hongkong, where she will be docked. The Vigilant had been docked. The health of the Squadron was satisfactory.

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