Aaron Stark Symes R.N.
Aaron Stark Symes R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
Aaron Stark Symes R.N.Explanation
Elders son of Jonathan Wyatt Symes, of Chardstock and Posted, Somerset
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
17 September 1792 Born
19 November 1819 Married Sarah, fourth daughter of William Jefferys, of Guernsey
7 December 1808Entered Navy
16 September 1816Lieutenant
Date fromDate toService
21 May 1845 Lieutenant in Redwing, commanded by Thomas Bevis, Liverpool
19 June 1846 Lieutenant and commander in Urgent, Liverpool
5 January 1848 Lieutenant and commander in St Columba, Holyhead

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