The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
When any of Her Majesty's Ships shall be ordered to be commissioned, the Carpenter is to inspect very minutely the state of her masts and yards, as well those in store in the Dock-yard as those on board, to ensure their being perfectly sound and in good order. He is also to examine every part of the hull, the magazines, store-rooms, and cabins, and is to report to the Captain, and to the Master Shipwright at the port, any defect or deficiency which he may discover in any of them.
When the Ship is at sea, he is every day, before 8 A.M., and as much oftener as may be desirable, according to the service the Ship is employed on, to examine into the state of the masts and yards, and to report to the Officer of the watch when he discovers any of them to be sprung, or to be in any way defective.
In Ships of two or more decks he is frequently to examine the lower deck-ports, to see that they are properly lined; and when they are barred in, he and his Mates are frequently to see they are all properly secured.
He is to be particularly careful in keeping the pumps in good order, always having at hand whatever may be necessary to repair them.
He is to keep the boats, ladders, and gratings in as good condition as possible, always repairing every damage they may sustain as soon as he discovers it, that when the Ship shall return into port the workmen of the Dock-yard may have only the material defects of the Ship to repair.
He is to keep always ready, for immediate use, shot-plugs and every other article necessary for stopping shot-holes, and repairing other damages in battle; and during action he is, with the part of his crew appointed to assist him, to be continually going about the wings, passages, and holds, to discover whether shot may have passed through, that he may plug up the holes and stop the leaks as expeditiously as possible.
If he should, at any time, find stores or any other articles stowed in the wings or passages, in such a manner as might interfere with his working, if required to cut out shot or to stop leaks during an action, he is to report it to the Captain, that they may be removed.
When the Ship is going into port, he is to prepare as correct an account as possible of the defects of the hull, masts, and yards of the Ship, and the repairs she may stand in need of, which he is to deliver to the Captain. In making this report, he is to be very careful not to exaggerate any defect, by which there may appear to be a greater necessity for the Ship's being repaired than does really exist, nor to conceal any which may really require to be repaired.
He is to be particularly attentive in observing the exertions, and in examining the works, of Artificers sent from other Ships to assist in repairing the Ship he belongs to; and he is to report to the Captain when he discovers any who, by their want of skill, or want of diligence, shall appear to be undeserving of the additional wages appointed to be paid them. He is also to be very particular in superintending the works that may be done by hired Artificers, reporting those whom he may find to be idle, unskilful, or negligent, that such deductions may be made from their pay as to the Captain shall seem proper.
Whenever the Ship shall be, for any purpose, ordered to be heeled, he is to see that all the pumps are in good order, and ready to be worked; he is to station one of his Mates to observe, by sounding the well, whether any material increase of water is occasioned, and he is to attend to this frequently himself whilst the Ship continues heeled, and to be particularly attentive to see that the lower deck-ports continue well secured.
The Caulker is to be under the immediate direction of the Carpenter, who is to see that he examines frequently the caulking of the Ship's sides and decks, particularly in those parts where the seams are most likely to be opened by the working of the Ship; and the Caulker is to report to the Carpenter any part of the caulking which he finds defective; and, when directed to repair it, he is to be careful that the oakum he uses is dry and in good condition; and if any Men be employed to assist him, he is to see that their work is perfectly well executed.
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