The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
A Sub-Lieutenant, after receiving a Commission or an acting Commission as such, is to be attentive and zealous to carry into effect the several orders and directions he may from time to time receive from the Captain or Lieutenants of the Ship in which he is serving, or from other his superior Officers.
He is, as far as may be in his power, to see that all the subordinate Officers, and all others of inferior rank to himself, perform with punctuality the duties required of them.
He is to assist in preserving order and regularity in his mess, when off duty; and he is to be careful that such directions as the Captain may give relative to the expenses of the mess, in furtherance of Article 19, at page 107, of these Instructions, be adhered to.
When at sea, he is to see that the men of his watch are attentive to their duty, whether as look-out men or having other charge requiring their vigilance and constant attention; and when all hands are on deck for any service he is to take equal care that those at the station in which he is placed, duly obey the orders given with silence and alacrity.
He is to keep a log-book according to the established form, or a journal containing professional observations on the various places visited in the course of service, and the usual astronomical and other observations, with the daily position of the Ship, winds, currents, &c. As the log-book or journal is to be retained by him for his future information, it should contain track charts as well as plans and sketches of harbours, and whatever additional information useful to navigation, or to Her Majesty's Service, his observations may enable him to obtain. He is to produce the said log-book or journal to the Captain, whenever required by him; and on leaving the Ship a notation is to be made on his pay ticket, by the Captain, showing that a log-book or journal has been kept by him, without which notation he will not be allowed to receive his pay. (The instructions contained in this Article apply also to Acting Sub-Lieutenants, Second Masters, and Acting Second Masters.)
He is to take care always to have with him a sextant or quadrant, and a telescope. (Second Masters, Midshipmen, Masters' Assistants, and Naval Cadets are to provide themselves with similar instruments.)
He is to make himself thoroughly acquainted with the regulations respecting navigation, &c., contained in Article 20, [should be 19] at page 165, of these Instructions. (This Article applies also to Second Masters, Midshipmen, and others whose duty it may be to keep watch.)
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