The Queens Regulations and the Admiralty Instructions - 1861
When any one of Her Majesty's Ships shall be fitted as a Troop Ship, the Officer placed in command of such Ship is to understand that, although the discipline of the Ship, as well as regards the Troops and their Officers while on board, as the Seamen and the Ship's Officers, is to be under his entire control, he is, nevertheless, to leave the Troops to the management of their own Officers, as far as may be consistently allowed; but no Military Court Martial is to be held on board, nor is corporal punishment to be inflicted, except under his own authority and order; and on which subject he is to be guided by the Instructions contained in Chapter XV, section II, at page 134.
Before each embarkation of Troops, the senior Naval Officer present is either to go himself, or to send one of the senior Captains, to visit the Ship to report, for his information, whether she is clean above and below, and in all respects ready for the reception of the Troops. Application is to be made to the senior Military Officer present for a Military Officer to assist at this inspection.
On receiving directions to embark Troops, the Commander of the Ship is to make every preparation for their embarkation, that the proper berths may be assigned for them, and a convenient place allotted for their baggage on their reaching the Ship, and confusion thereby prevented.
He is to procure from the commanding Officer of the Troops a return of the number of Officers and Men in the detachment, that no delay may take place in the issue of their provisions. He is, in like manner, to obtain a separate return of the Women and Children authorized to accompany the detachment; observing that, except on receiving special orders to the contrary from the Admiralty or a senior Officer, or if abroad, where there is no Naval Officer, a requisition from the Military Commandant, no more women than the proportion of 6 to every 300 men (exclusive of the Officers' Wives and Daughters, and their female Servants, for whose embarkation authority is also to be obtained) are to be taken on board, unless the Troops are to proceed to or from the East Indies or Australia, in which case the number of women to be allowed to be embarked is to be 12 to every 100 men.
The number of Troops to be embarked will depend on the accommodation of the Ship, and will be fixed by survey to be held by Naval and Military Officers.
All Troops are to be accommodated below when the passage exceeds three weeks' duration, also during the winter months; but when a Regiment is to be embarked, it is not intended strictly to limit the actual number of persons in accordance with the foregoing survey, and by so doing to leave some few men behind, when accommodation can be found in the Ship without causing the Troops to be crowded. A watch should be always on deck, of one quarter or one-third of the men taken from each mess.
The cabins of the Military Officers and ladies are to be fitted for their reception; crockery and glass are to be demanded from the Dockyard; and a bed, pillow, and two blankets for each person, and swinging lamps are to be demanded from the Victualling-yard.
The Mess place for the Military Officers is also to be furnished with chairs, crockery, glass, linen, knives, forks, lamps, cooking utensils, &c., on demands to be made upon the Dock-yard. All these, and the foregoing stores, are to be in the charge of the Paymaster. All breakages must be paid for by the Military Officers to the Paymaster of the Ship monthly, and debited in his cash accounts - a certificate of the amounts approved by the Captain, being produced as a voucher.
The Paymaster is to exercise a supervision and control over the Military Mess, for which he will receive £50 per annum. He is to enter a Military Mess Steward, Assistant Steward, and Cook, for the special service of the Military Officers, subject to the approval of the Captain.
The Military Steward is to be responsible, under the Paymaster, for the Mess arrangements of the Military Officers; and will be required, before he is entered, to give security to the Paymaster to the amount of £100.
The Steward is to keep regular accounts of the sums received and expended by him for providing the Military Mess, also a Stock Account, which accounts are, at least once a mouth, to be examined and certified by the Paymaster, after comparison with the requisite vouchers; and the Paymaster is to be held responsible that all supplies received on board for the Military Mess are of proper quality and fit for the service, as required by Art. 12, and that all have been duly paid for by the Steward, to whom he is to make such advances, on the authority of the Captain, out of his public money, as may be required to provide the necessary stock; such advances to be abated from the payments made to the Steward on the Mess certificates, under Article 14.
A survey is to be held quarterly upon the Stores belonging to the Steward, provided for the Military Mess, and a statement showing the value of the stock in hand, is to be transmitted to the Accountant-General.
No fees are to be paid by the Military Officers on account of attendance.
The annual pay of the Military Servants will be as follows, to be paid quarterly, by the Paymaster, on the approval of the Captain, if the duties have been performed in a satisfactory manner, in addition to their pay as non-continuous service Able Seamen:-
Military Mess Steward | £60 |
Military Cook | 20 |
Assistant Military Mess Steward | 15 |
The Steward is to provide a Mess for the Military Officers, ladies, and their children, in accordance with the following regulations:-
This Mess is to consist of breakfast, a light luncheon, dinner, and tea, with a suitable and well-kept table, liberally and amply supplied with articles of the best description and quality, to include live stock, fresh and preserved provisions, and a pint bottle of ale or beer, with a pint of good wine (port, sherry, or other good white wine) per day for each Officer.
For each Officer so messed, the sum of 7s. 6d. per day will be allowed to the Steward.
Ladies are to be charged 5s.; Children, between seven and sixteen years of age, 2s. 6d.; under seven years, 2s.; and 2s. a day for each female servant; but no charge is to be made for children under one year of age.
The Captain will authorize the Steward to be paid at the end of every mouth, by the Paymaster of the Ship, the above allowance of 7s. 6d. a day for each Officer messed, upon the production of the certificate of Mess,* duly signed, and of a certificate by the Paymaster that he has examined the Steward's accounts, for the period of such mess certificate, and found them correct, and that he has satisfied himself that all the supplies have been duly paid for, and Article 9 otherwise complied with. Such certificates and authority by the Captain are to be transmitted to the Accountant-General of the Navy, attached to the Steward's receipt for the amount paid thereon, as vouchers to the Paymaster's cash accounts; and any advances made to the Steward to purchase supplies under Article 9 are to be abated on making such payments.
Date________________18 _ | |||||
We certify, That a good and sufficient Mess has been provided for us during the period undermentioned, in every respect, according to the conditions of the Admiralty Regulations; and that the requisite supplies of Medical Comforts, Articles for use at Table, Fuel, Light, and Necessaries, were likewise provided for our use. | |||||
Rank or Description | Officer's Names | Regiment, &c. | Period inclusive. | Remarks. | |
From | To | ||||
Approved _______________________ Military Commanding Officer. | |||||
Approved _______________________ Captain of the Ship. |
*This Certificate will not be admitted for payment unless the several columns are properly filled up. The period during which any person may not have been Messed, between the above dates, in consequence of absence from the Ship, or other Causes, is to be noted in the column of Remarks.
NOTE. - A Copy of this Certificate is to be given to the senior Officer of each separate Regiment on discharge from the Ship.
The contributions towards the Officers' messing will be repaid to the Admiralty through the War Department, and no money is ever to be claimed on board from any Officer as contribution towards his mess; but Officers with wives and families are to pay for them to the Steward at the end of every month, at the rates stated in Article 13. All extras beyond the regulated allowance (Article 12), whether to Officers or their wives and families, are to be paid for by the Officers, to the Steward, monthly. The Steward's bills for the messing of Officers' wives and families and for extras should be examined and approved by the Paymaster before payment.
Each Non-commissioned Officer and Private is to be furnished with a hammock, properly marked and slung; also two blankets.
The bed places in the women's berths are each to be furnished with a bed and pillow, and each woman is to be allowed two blankets, and each child under ten years of age one blanket.
All persons borne on the books, except Military Officers, their wives and families, are to be victualled in accordance with the scale in Article 1, at page 197; but tea may be substituted for chocolate at breakfast, if the troops should prefer it, and the commanding Officer of the Troops has no objection.
A demand is to be made on the Victualling-yard for the mess utensils required for the troops, in accordance with the scale given in the Paymaster's Instructions.
All articles supplied for the use of the troops are to be placed under the charge of the Military Quartermaster, as pointed out in the Paymaster's Instructions, and to be again taken from his charge before the disembarkation.
When soldiers are employed as stokers, they are to be paid 1s. per day extra pay.
When there is a separate cooking galley for the use of the troops, a seaman is to be selected from the complement to act as cook for the troops, who, for performing this duty, will be paid, under the authority of the Captain, the cooking allowance for a fifth rate, for the period of time the troops are embarked, in addition to the pay of his rating. The Ship's cook is to be paid the allowance according to the rate of the Ship, unless, he shall cook for the troops, when he is to be paid the cooking allowance for a fourth rate.
The Ship's Steward is to be paid victualling store allowance, as for a fifth rate; and also the troop allowance of 3d. per diem for every 50 Military Officers and troops borne or victualled, but not for women or children, or for any lower number, unless there be within 10 of 50, which is allowed as a limit; and this allowance is to be paid upon a certificate by the Captain, showing the numbers borne or victualled each day, to be attached to the receipt for payment.
In long voyages, the allowance of water is to be three imperial quarts per man per day.
The quantity of baggage and stores allowed to be embarked with Troops, is to be regulated by the following scale, namely:-
Limit of weigh allowed. | To be so packed as not to exceed in admeasurement. | |
cwt. | cubic feet. | |
i. - STAFF. | ||
Brigadier-General | 30 | 150 |
Colonel on the Stuff | 26 | 130 |
Adjutant-General, or Quartermaster-General, when not a General Officer | 30 | 150 |
Deputy Adjutant-General, or Deputy Quartermaster-General | 24 | 120 |
Assistant Adjutant-General, or Assistant Quartermaster-General | 20 | 100 |
Deputy Assistant Adjutant-General, or Deputy Assistant Quartermaster-General | 14 | 70 |
Military Secretary, when a Field Officer, or at the head of his department | 20 | 100 |
Military Secretary (not being a Field Officer) or Assistant Military Secretary | 14 | 70 |
Aide-de-camp | 14 | 70 |
Brigade Major | 14 | 70 |
Chaplain, 1st class | 26 | 130 |
Ditto, 2nd class | 20 | 100 |
Ditto, 3rd class | 20 | 100 |
Ditto, 4th class | 14 | 70 |
Deputy Judge Advocate, if commissioned | 20 | 100 |
Commissary-General | 36 | 180 |
Deputy Commissary-General, 5 years' service | 26 | 130 |
Ditto, under 5 years | 20 | 100 |
Assistant Commissary-General | 20 | 100 |
Deputy Assistant ditto | 14 | 70 |
Acting ditto | 8 | 40 |
Inspector-General of Hospitals, 3 years' service | 36 | 180 |
Ditto, under 3 years | 30 | 150 |
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, 5 years' service | 26 | 130 |
Ditto, under 5 years | 20 | 100 |
Surgeon-Major | 20 | 100 |
Staff Surgeon | 20 | 100 |
Staff Assistant-Surgeon, 6 years' service | 14 | 70 |
Ditto, under 6 years | 8 | 40 |
Apothecary, 15 years' service | 14 | 70 |
Ditto, under 15 years | 8 | 40 |
Town or Fort Major | 14 | 70 |
Town or Fort Adjutant | 8 | 40 |
Garrison Quartermaster | 8 | 40 |
Principal Military Storekeeper | 20 | 100 |
Military Storekeeper | 20 | 100 |
Deputy Military Storekeeper | 20 | 100 |
Assistant Military Storekeeper | 14 | 70 |
Military Store Clerk | 8 | 40 |
Purveyor-in-chief | 20 | 100 |
Deputy Purveyor-in-chief | 14 | 70 |
Purveyor, 10 years' service | 14 | 70 |
Ditto, under 10 years | 8 | 40 |
Purveyor's Clerk | 8 | 40 |
Clerk of Works, 1st class | 14 | 70 |
Ditto, 2nd class | 8 | 40 |
Ditto, 3rd class | 8 | 40 |
Engineer Clerk | 8 | 40 |
Barrack Master, 1st class | 20 | 100 |
Ditto, 2nd class | 20 | 100 |
Ditto, 3rd class | 14 | 70 |
Ditto, 4th class | 14 | 70 |
ii. - REGIMENTAL. | ||
Cavalry or Infantry | ||
Field Officer | 18 | 90 |
Captain | 12 | 60 |
Subaltern | 6 | 30 |
Paymaster | 18 | 90 |
Adjutant | 12 | 60 |
Quartermaster | 18 | 90 |
Surgeon-Major | 19 | 95 |
Surgeon | 19 | 95 |
Assistant-Surgeon, 6 years' service | 13 | 65 |
Ditto, under 6 years | 7 | 35 |
Hospital Stores | 18 | 90 |
Armourer's Stores | 6 | 30 |
Regimental Mess | 50 | 250 |
Veterinary Surgeon | 6 | 30 |
Cavalry | ||
Troop, each, if above 50 Rank and File | 12 | 60 |
Ditto, if 50 Rank and File, and under | 6 | 30 |
Saddlers' Apparatus | 6 | 30 |
Articles for Lance and Sword exercise | 7 | 35 |
Infantry | ||
Company, each, if above 50 Rank and File | 18 | 90 |
Ditto, if 50 Rank and File, and under | 12 | 60 |
Royal Artillery and Engineers | ||
Field Officer | 27 | 135 |
Captain | 18 | 90 |
Subaltern | 12 | 60 |
Paymaster | 27 | 135 |
Surgeon-Major | 19 | 95 |
Surgeon | 19 | 95 |
Assistant Surgeon, 6 years' service | 13 | 65 |
Ditto, under 6 years | 7 | 35 |
Adjutant | 18 | 90 |
Quartermaster | 18 | 90 |
Veterinary Surgeon | 12 | 60 |
iii. - MISCELLANEOUS. | ||
Schoolmaster | 3 | 15 |
School | 3 | 15 |
Band | 12 | 60 |
Each Officer's wife, including children under 14 years' of age* | 6 | 30 |
Officers' children, above 14 years of age, each* | ½ | 2½ |
Each Soldier's wife, including children* | 1 | 5 |
* Whenever the family of the Officer or Soldier is permitted, by competent authority, to accompany him or to proceed to join him.
iv. - It will be observed, that it is the principle of the above regulation, to permit a larger relative proportion of admeasurement in respect of the weight allowed, than would be admitted according to the commercial proportion which is 40 cubic feet, or a ton in admeasurement, for 20 hundred weight, or a ton in weight. But in no case is the weight allowed by this regulation to exceed, when packed, the admeasurement of 5 cubic feet for one hundred weight.
v. - The quantity of baggage above set forth is on no account to be exceeded, unless by special permission of the Admiralty, if at home; or, if abroad, by that of the senior Naval Officer at the port of embarkation, or if there be no such senior Officer present, that of the Military Commandant; the latter of whom will state the grounds of his application in writing, which will be a sufficient voucher for its being received on board, provided the vessel can stow it.
vi. - The allowance of baggage for Detachments of Troops, Companies, or Services, is to be in the same proportion as the part may bear to the whole.
vii. - Staff Officers, Cavalry Officers, and Mounted Officers of Infantry, when proceeding by water, to be allowed specially to embark, besides the weight of baggage according to their respective ranks, the equipment for each horse required to be kept by them in the execution of their public duties, and foraged at the public expense, in the following proportions, viz.-
For one horse ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...10 cubic feet admeasurement.
For the second, and every other horse in addition ... 5 ditto ditto
viii. - The Arms and Accoutrements of the Infantry, and the Arms, Appointments, and Saddlery of the Men and Horses of the Cavalry, when conveyed by Sea, are to be so conveyed at the public expense, without reference to the weight or admeasurement allowed for the heavy baggage of the Troops or Companies.
ix. - Regimental Brevet Officers are not to be allowed the quantities according to their Brevet rank, unless they may be in the performance of the duties attaching to the Brevet rank.
x.- When an Officer is ordered to proceed on duty to an out-station where, for his reasonable comfort and convenience, it may, in the opinion of the Officer commanding the Troops, be necessary that he should provide himself with a tent or marquee out of his own funds, the same, with its appurtenances, is to be conveyed at the public expense, in addition to the quantity of baggage allowed by this regulation.
xi. - In Southern Africa, and in the Australian Colonies, when an Officer is ordered to proceed on duty to an out-station, where the necessaries and conveniences of life are not to be procured on the spot, or within a reasonable distance, the General or other Officer commanding at the station from which the said Officer is detached may, upon an application to that effect, grant his authority for the carriage, at the public expense, of 2 cwt. additional of baggage, or its equivalent in admeasurement, belonging to the said Officer; and in cases where the Officer, owing to the distance of the station to which he may be ordered, and its remoteness from any town, may appear to have a just claim to have a larger allowance of baggage conveyed at the public expense, the General Officer commanding will consider such cases to be special, and report the whole of the circumstances for the consideration of the Secretary at War.
xii. - When a married Officer is provided with a passage in a vessel belonging to, or freighted or chartered by Government, and under the terms of the engagement there shall be spare room in the vessel, not otherwise required for the public service; or when by land, it may be necessary to hire such means of conveyance for the authorized quantities of baggage belonging to the Officers and men as shall admit of some addition being made without incumbrance, a discretion is given in those cases to the Officer commanding, to direct that a limited quantity of the baggage belonging to the family of a married Officer may be at the same time conveyed; but it is to be distinctly understood, that on no pretence whatever is an expense to be incurred for this object, nor under any circumstances is the additional baggage of the married Officer to be conveyed in diminution of the baggage allowed by this Regulation to the other Officers and Men of the Corps or Detachment.
On no account is the Officer in command of the Ship to allow any private goods, or merchandize of any description, to be received on board; and he is to take care that no practice shall occur detrimental to the Revenue.
Whenever any large number of military invalids are ordered to be received on board, the Captain is to make application to the chief military authority of the place, for a proper number of Medical Officers to be embarked with them.
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