The following notices are from Henry Shaw's 1850 "The Dublin Pictorial Guide & Directory"
SESSION 1849-50.
The several Courses of Instruction in Medicine and Surgery will be conducted by the following :-
GEORGE THOMAS HAYDEN, A.B., M.B., T.C.D., Ex-Fellow and Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; Surgeon to the Anglesey Hospital.
WILLIAM TAGERT, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; Surgeon to Mercer's Hospital.
R.S. IRELAND, M.D., Licentiate of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians; Fellow of the College of Surgeons, Ireland and England; Consulting Physician to the Anglesey Hospital.
CATHCART LEES, A.B., M.B., T C D., Fellow of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians; Physician to the Meath Hospital and Pitt-street Institution for the Diseases of Children.
THOMAS P. MASON, M.B., London University; Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; Physician to the Sick Poor Institution.
JAMES H. WHARTON, A.B., T.C.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
ROBERT TRAVERS, A.B., M.B., T.C.D., Licentiate of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians; Physician to the Sick Poor Institution.
THOMAS H. LEDWICH, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; Surgeon to the Anglesey Dispensary.
EDWARD LEDWICH, Licentiate of the Roval College of Surgeons, Ireland; Surgeon to the Anglesey Dispensary.
GEORGE F. OGLE, A.B., M.B., T.C.D., Physician to the Anglesey Hospital.
ROBERT D. LYONS, A.B., M.B., T.C.D., Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland.
As Anatomy is the basis of all Medicine, the Lecturers in this Department are determined to adhere to those arrangements which have rendered the Pupils, educated at this School, so eminently successful at their final Examinations. With the conviction of the paramount importance of this subject, they are resolved to persist in devoting SEVENTY HOURS WEEKLY to this particular and arduous branch of the Profession.
Certificates of attendance upon these Lectures are recognized by the London University; the College of Physicians of London; the Colleges of Surgeons in Dublin, London, and Edinburgh; by the University of Glasgow, as constituting an "Annus Medicus" the Faculty of Glasgow; by the Army and Navy Medical Boards; and the Apothecaries' Hall, London and Dublin.
This School is in a central situation - within five minutes' walk of three excellent Medical and Surgical Hospitals; adjoins the Anglesey Lying-in-Hospital and Dispensary, which afford extensive practice in Midwifery and Diseases of Females and Children, and, also, accommodation for Resident Pupils.
In the construction of the new Dissecting Room, the greatest possible effort has been made to render it spacious, well lighted, perfectly ventilated, and, at the same time, commodious. The Dissecting Rooms are lighted with Gas, so as to furnish the industrious Pupil, during the winter months, with an opportunity of pursuing his labour in the Dissecting Room, at any time between Six o'clock in the morning, and Ten at night. This advantage will be found peculiarly desirable for those who are occupied in attendance upon Hospital, and Lectures through the day, which frequently happens to such as perform, during the same Session, the course prescribed for the attainment of Medical and Surgical Degrees.
Further particulars may be learned form the Secretary, 21, York-street; Doctor HAYDEN; 82, Harcourt-street; Doctor MASON, 6, York-street; or, from Mr. EDWARD LEDWICH, Registrar at the School.
"Now, is not this paradoxical? The ex-president of the Council of the College of Surgeons, the philanthropic Sir Philip [Crampton], condemns me for taking five Shillings as a fee from a single patient in this poverty-stricken country, while very same individual, as a leading member of the Board of Health, consents to fix the salary of his brother practitioner at five shillings a day, for taking charge of some sixty or one hundred fever patients!" - from Dr. Hayden's Introductory lecture.
1. Professional services are a thing in the market, and as such ought to be for public convenience, and to avoid misunderstanding, marked at the "lowest figure." If this plan be adopted, each individual knowing the minimum lowest price, can at once determine whether he will or can purchase the required article or not.
2. May we not steadfastly maintain that that system must necessarily be the most desirable and the most permanent, which realises the grand object of making the true interests of the public, those of the mass of the medical profession, and those of its several members, ALL IDENTICAL!
Or the New and Suitable System adopted by
Physician and Surgeon, 82, Harcourt-street, Dublin; Bachelor of Arts and Medicine, Trinity College, Dublin; Licentiate and Ex-Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; Lecturer on Operative Surgery in the Original School of Medicine, Peter-street, Dublin; and Surgeon to the Anglesey Hospital.
Dr. Hayden at home... |
RULES. TIMES - From 8 to 9 o'clock, morning. From 11 to 3 o'clock, midday. From 8 to 9 o'clock evening. TERMS, CASH - Medical or Surgical Advice and Medicine (Compounded by a Licentiate Apothecary), all for FIVE SHILLINGS |
" abroad... |
From 9 to 11 o'clock, morning. From 3 to 8 o'clock, afternoon. TERMS - Same as above if in the immediate city, viz: -FIVE SHILLINGS for both Advice and Medicine. |
A Visit from nine to twelve o'clock, P.M. - £1
A Visit from twelve to seven o'clock A.M. - £1 10s.
A Prospectus, giving terms more in detail, may be had at DR. HAYDEN'S residence,
N.B. - A request for a Forenoon Visit must be made before 9 o'clock, A.M.; that for an Afternoon Visit before 6 o'clock of same day.
A call after 6 o'clock will be charged for according to the scale for "extra hours."
Bachelor of Arts and Medicine, of Trinity College, Dublin, Licentiate and ex-Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; Lecturer on Operative Surgery in the Original School of Medicine, Peter street; and Surgeon to the Anglesey Hospital, Dublin.
Completed in Part I of Physiology for the Public, Price 6s.; for 3s.
And the Real Remedy for this Complaint. Price 2s. 6d.; for ls. 3d.
THE PHILANTHROPIST. Price 1s. 8d.; for 10p.
THE GENERAL PRACTITIONER; Or the Medical Profession as it ought to be. Price 1s.; for 6d.
THE PRESENT STATE OF IRELAND; The causes of that condition -The Remedies. A Brief Dialogue between an Englishman and Irishman. Price 4d.; for 2d.
THE RIGHT TO DIFFER. An Address Introductory to the Business of the Original School of Medicine. Peter street. Price 2d.; for 1d.
This Physician and Surgeon gives Advice and Medicine either at his Residence, 82 Harcourt street, or within the immediate City of Dublin, for FIVE SHILLINGS.
1. This is the fifth anniversary of the general practitioner system as adopted by me, aided by the advice and sanction of that great and good man, the late and lamented Richard Carmichael.
2. The atrocious attempts - per fas aut nefas - of the council of the College of Surgeons to crush my system and trample upon me, were as unavailing as they were wicked, because this system was good, true, required to meet a public want; and I was upheld not by man, but by God.
3. I have spent upwards of £2,000 in the publication of pamphlets, letters, circulars, cards and advertisements, for the following reasons, marked A, B, and C.
A. To defend my character, moral and professional, from the disgraceful assaults of vindictive, fiendish, and powerful enemies. The late Mr Carmichael truly observed that "the conduct of the members of the medical profession, particularly towards each other, is too often maintained in the spirit of mean jealousy, and low, underhand intrigue."
B. To develop and defend a new system in the teeth of lying and influential opponents, novel machinery and powerful arms were required for both defensive and offensive warfare.
C. It is my decided conviction that a professional man (hear it, oh! aristocracy!) is but a trader, for his services are a thing in the market, and hence he may legitimately use the lawful means which my friend Richard Allen recommends and adopts - idly, advertisement!.
4. For my own part, I have been long since heartily sick of gentility without ability; and, besides I respect that aristocracy only, which either worth or intellect confers, for
"Worth makes the man, and want of it the 'fellow;
'The rest is all but leather or prunella."
5. It has been truly observed - "Serve mankind and you serve yourself." I am not one of those pseudo-philanthropists of the Pecksniff school, who repudiate that congenital quality called self-interest, which is in the animate world what the principle of gravitation is in the material world - a thing not to be got rid of according to the laws of nature. This insidious and insinuating "little gentleman" deceives and cheats alike the public, our friends, and ourselves; for Rochefoucauld has truly observed - "Interest speaks all sorts of languages, and acts all sorts of parts, even that of the disinterested person."
I think I have long since made out a case in which my own interest, that of the medical profession, and also the true interest of the public are accurately coincident. Besides, if "union is strength," here again is the most cogent argument for its preservation - as the self-interest of all parties is indisolubly united by my plan.
6. "I calculate," as Jonathan says, that the public, society, friends, et hoc genus omne, have employed, and will employ me, because thereby (small blame to them) they best consult their own interests.
7. I will, in order to spare the blushes of myself, the ex-President and Council of the College of Surgeons, speak not my own words, but quote those of my friend, the operative mechanic, relative to the respective merits of my humble self and the other parties. Well, here they are - and how truly charitable is his interpretation of the motives of the august council and its philanthropic leader !!
Operative mechanic loquitur. - "Need I enumerate all your 'blushing honors thick upon you - a successful practitioner of nearly thirty years standing - a popular lecturer - an admired writer - so many of your quondam pupils actually fellows of the College of Surgeons - living in a splendid house in a fine street, with carriages, horses, nay, even dogs - servants in every department; in short, all the appliances of 'gentility', if not grandeur, at your command. Such being your enviable position, dull indeed, hopelessly dull, would have been your professional brethren - your generous and watchful friends the President and Council, if they did not perceive the opportunity afforded by your alleged 'practice of pharmacy,' (not to speak of your taking a crown fee,) of really 'bringing you out,' by apparently 'drawing you up!!' I will venture to assert, nay, steadfastly maintain, that if all the rest of the Council were either so dull of apprehension, or so unphilanthropic, or both, as to neglect this tide in your professional affairs; to lose this glorious opportunity of leading you on to fortune; the acute, the humane Sir Philip - the kind, the crowning patron of the young medical man - the venerable and venerated colleague, the Fidus Achates of the consulting physician - in fine, 'this noblest work of God,' this honest man - would, with the accustomed admirable adroitness of this great and good President, have availed himself of the opportunity to exercise what is so dear to his heart, 'the noble privilege of doing good' - of advancing the fortunes of a rising (not a rival) medical man, a fellow of his own College, and on that very stage where the courtly baronet had so often and so happily made his own fascinating bow !"
8. Persistent philanthropy is a mixed attribute; it is never so abiding as when it consistently consults both private and public good; thus the public and the profession will necessarily work harmoniously when the interests of both parties are reciprocally respected and fairly represented.
9. Well, I have profitably spent no small amount of money, time, labor, and industry in trying and striving to benefit myself as well as to serve society; and I reckon upon my continued success to be as certain as that mankind, collectively and individually, will obey that instinct or law of their nature which directs them to seek, as a paramount object, self-interest or self-preservation.
10. It has taken five years to drive one-fifth of the wedge between the sound and the rotten. With the blessing of God, while life is spared to me, I will not cease to strive and conquer until the old and abominable "drugging and drenching system" shall be demolished ! - vanish "like the baseless fabric of a vision, and leave not a wreck behind !"
Harcourt-street, Dublin. Christmas Eve.
Opened October 25th, 1810, and is capable of accommodating upwards of 150 patients; but from want of funds, that number cannot be supported.
Lord Chancellor Lord Chief Justice Queen's Bench |
Lord Chief Justice Common Pleas Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer |
President, Vice President, Censors of College of Physicians and Provost of Trinity College, Dublin. |
Nathaniel Callwell, Esq. Henry Courtney, Esq. C. P. Croker, Esq., M.D. Rev. Dr. Elrington |
James Ferrier, Esq. G.A. Kennedy, Esq., M.D. Thomas Hutton, Esq. Henry Hutton, Esq. |
D.C. La Touche, Esq. Hon. & Rev. W. Plunket Rev. Charles Strong Thomas Wilson, Esq. |
Physicians in Ordinary, Dr. J. F. Duncan and Dr. A. Smith. - Physician Extraordinary, Dr. R.Steele. - Accoucheur, Dr. W. F. Montgomery. - Surgeon, A. Jacob, Esq. - Apothecary, Mr. George Tallis. - Treasurers. Messrs. D. C. La Touche & Co. - Registrar and Providore, Mr. R. Blake M'Vittie. - Matron, Miss Mary Royce.
Persons in moderate circumstances, and domestic servants, when recommended by a governor, admitted, on payment of £2, to separate wards. Life subscribers of twenty guineas may send two patients to the Hospital every year; and should they augment their subscription to thirty guineas, they may have one patient in succession in the Hospital. Subscribers of four guineas, may send two patients, and subscribers of two guineas may send one patient to the Hospital during the year of their subscription. The recommendations of subscribers, though above the privileged number, are attended to when the funds permit. Annual subscriptions become due on the 1st of January, and are payable in advance. Application for admission to be made at the Hospital every day at 10 o'clock. The Professors of the School of Physic attend the Hospital, and give their course of Clinical Lectures, and daily attendance on patients, at ten o'clock, during the winter half-year, and during the months of May, June, and July. Clinical Lecturers for the year commencing November, 1845, Drs. Osborne and Barker. Lectures on Midwifery are given five days in each week, by W. F. Montgomery, M.D. Lectures on Medical Jurisprudence are given two days in each week, by Thomas Brandy M.D. Subscriptions will be thankfully received by any of the Governors, and at the Bank of Messrs. David Charles La Touche & Co., or by the Registrar.
For Industrious and distressed Young Women of Good Character.
The number of inmates are sixty, under the care of the Sisters of Charity. The Institution is supported by annual subscriptions, donations, a charity sermon, and the produce of the industry of the young women. A supply of washing and plain work is earnestly solicited. The Governesses beg leave to assure the public that this Institution has preserved very many interesting young creatures, for whom, if left a little longer unassisted, no alternative appeared but infamy or famine.
Benefactions will be thankfully received by the Governesses, Mrs. Sweetman, Booterstown; Mrs. Sweetman, Longtown, Clane; Mrs. Corballis, Mrs. O'Brien; and by the Most Rev. Doctor Murray, the Very Rev. Doctor Yore, V.G. the Rev Gentlemen of St. Mary's, Marlborough street: Michael Sweetman, Esq., Longtown, Clane; J.C. Bacon, Esq. and John O'Brien, Esq. Mountjoy square, East, Treasurer. The Committee of Governesses meet at the House of Refuge on every Monday, to promote the interests of the Institution.
PRESIDENT, Right Hon. Lord Viscount Lorton. - CONSULTING PHYSICIANS, Sir Henry Marsh, Bart., and Dr. Johnson. - CONSULTING SURGEON, Sir Philip Crampton, Bart. - MEDICAL ATTENDANTS, Dr. Croker, Dr. Lees, Dr. Banks, Dr. Dwyer, Dr. Battersby, F.R.C.S.I., and Dr. M'Clelland, F.R.C.S.I. - COLLECTOR, SECRETARY, Dr. Francis Battersby, 31, Kildare-street. - TREASURERS, Messrs. La Touche and Co.
This Institution was founded in 1822 for the purpose of devoting that attention to the disease of infants and children, which cannot be afforded at a general hospital. Upwards of 6,000 patients are here relieved annually.
Subscription for an annual governor, one guinea; governor for life, ten pounds, each having the right to recommend patients. Hour of attendance from twelve to one o'clock every day.
Established by Royal Charter.
GOVERNORS AND GUARDIANS President, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant | |||
Lord Primate, v.p. Lord Chancellor, v.p. Lord Mayor |
Archbp. of Dublin, v.p. Commander of the Forces Dean of St. Patrick's |
Archdeacon of Dublin Recorder of Dublin |
High Sheriff of Dublin (all for the time being) |
Appointed by Charter Duke of Leinster, v.p., and heirs Elected since the charter | |||
Marquess of Kildare Earl of Charlemont, v.p. Earl of Leitrim, v.p. Rt. Hon. Chief Baron |
Sir Henry Marsh, bt. M.D. Rev. C.C. Beresford Robert Collins, M.D. William Rathborne, Esq. |
Sir John K. James, bart Charles Johnson, M.D. Evory Kennedy, M.D. Francis Blake Knox Esq. |
Wm. Humphreys, Esq Sir P.Crampton, bt. M.D. Ralph S. Cusick, Esq. |
Treasurer, The Bank of Ireland - Master of the Hospital, Robt. Shekleton, M.D - Assistants George Johnston, Esq., M.D. - Consulting Physician, Sir Henry Marsh, bart. - Consulting Surgeon Sir P. Crampton, bart. - Chaplain, Rev. C.H. Minchin, A.M. - Secretary and Registrar, J.G. Strickland Esq. - Matron Mrs Von Feinagle. - Apothecaries, Messrs. Stoker and M'Munn - Receiver of Cash Mr. Frederick Huddart. - Keeper of the Rotundo Rooms, Mr. T. Hayden.
This Hospital, the first of the kind in Her Majesty's dominions, was opened in George's-lane 25th March, 1745, by the late Bartholomew Mosse, who, with the assistance of several charitable benefactions, supported it for nearly twelve years; and having built the hospital in Great Britain-street (for which he also obtained a charter) the latter was opened for the reception of patients, 8th December 1757.
This Hospital contains 140 beds, (fifteen of which are appropriated to the diseases of females) and is the principal institution in Ireland for the study and practice of midwifery. Contributions will be thankfully received by any of the Governors.
William-street. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1750.
Lord Primate | Lord Archbishop of Dublin | Lord Chancellor |
Thomas Williams, Esq. William Tngert, Esq. Jonathan Osborne, M.D. Alexander Read, Esq. |
P.D. La Touche, Esq. W.D. La Touche, Esq. John Brennan, Esq. T.D. La Touche, Esq, |
Haliday Bruce, Esq. William Jameson, Esq. Philip Bevan, Esq. |
This Hospital, founded by Mrs. Mary Mercer, for the relief of the labouring poor suffering under disease and calamity, at present contains 60 beds.
Physician, Dr. Jonathan Osborne. Surgeons, Alexander Read, Philip Bevan, William Tagert, and William Jameson, M.D. Esqrs. Resident Apothecary and Register, Mr. Andrew Greaves Power. Housekeeper, Miss D. Wilkins.
Cases of accident admitted at all hours without recommendation.
Subscriptions and benefactions are thankfully received and acknowledged by the Treasurer, P.D. La Touche, Esq., by the Physicians and Surgeons, and by any member of the Committee.
Patients admitted in the year ending 1st October, 1849, | 586 |
Of this number were accidents, | 209 |
Externs supplied with advice and medicines | 17,582 |
Paul Barry, Esq Loftus A Bryan, Esq Maurice Collis, Esq Sir P. Crampton, Bart Leland Crosthwait, Esq |
Robert Callwell, Esq William H. Porter, Esq Arthur Guinness, Esq Thomas L. Kelly, Esq D.C. La Touche, Esq |
W D La Touche, Esq John M'Donnell, Esq Jas Scott Molloy, Esq Jas O'Ferrall, Esq Nathl. Hone, Esq |
Wm Stokes, Esq M.D, George Roe, Esq Sir R Shaw, bart P Sweetman, Esq |
Attending Physicians, Dr Wm Stokes and Dr Cathcart Lees. - Attending Surgeons, Sir Philip Crampton, Bart, Wm H Porter, Maurice Collis, Josiah Smyly, Francis Rynd, and George Porter, Esqrs. - Treasurers, Messrs La Touche and Co. - Registrar and Providore, Mr E B Stanley. - Apothecary, Mr L J Parr. - Housekeeper, Mrs Sarah Walker.
This Institution was founded for the relief of the poor of the country in general. There are one hundred beds for intern patients, and about forty thousand extern poor are annually supplied with advice and medicine. The attending surgeons have resigned the bounty of £100 Irish per annum to the Hospital, giving their services gratuitously. On the 1st of September, 1848, there were 80 patients in the Hospital, and one hundred were admitted during the month ; 90 were discharged, 9 died; so that on the 30th of September, 81 remained. Applications for admission to be made at the hospital, from nine to ten o'clock every week-day, at which hour the Physicians and Surgeons attend to give advice; and order medicine for externs. Cases of accident are always admitted, and there is an apparatus for recovery of persons apparently drowned.
Persons paying twenty guineas become governors for life; such as pay two guineas annually governors for the year, and subscribers of one guinea per annum are entitled to recommend patients. A committee of twenty-one governors, who meet on the second and last Monday in each month, superintend the Hospital; and a general meeting of the Governors is held annually on the first Monday in April, to elect a Committee for the year.
This noble Institution was opened in 1835, by the Sisters of Charity, with the concurrence of their founder, the Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. The Hospital contains 80 beds, constantly occupied by cases of great urgency, and has attached to it a Dispensary, where great numbers of sick are relieved. Both are open to the afflicted without any regard to religious distinctions. The plans and economy of the Hospital are modelled on those of the great Hospitals la Petite Enfans Malades, &c., of Paris, for which purpose some of the Sisters have been for a considerable time residing in those establishments abroad.
Its funds are derived from voluntary subscriptions, donations, bequests, and an annual charity sermon, Clinical lectures are delivered in this Hospital, and certificates of attendance on its practice are recognised by the Colleges of Surgeons in Dublin and London, the London University, &c.
First Medical Adviser in Ordinary, J. M. O'Ferrall, Esq, M.D. M.R.I.A.; Second Medical Adviser in Ordinary, O'Brien Bellingham, Esq., M.D.; Consultants, Sir Philip Crampton, bart M.D. F.R.S.; Sir Henry Marsh, bart., M.D. M.R.I.A. ; Apothecary, Patrick Dywer, Esq
Benefactions will be thankfully received by the Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Mountjoy square; by R. A. Simpson, Esq, 2 Lower Gloucester street; and by the Superioress of the several Houses of the Sisters of Charity in Stanhope street; Upper Gardiner street; Sandymount; Donnybrook; 56 Stephen's green East; and at their Houses in Cork, Waterford, and Clonmel.
For the reception of poor decayed Blind and Gouty Men, opened November, 1781. Founded by the late George Simpson, Esq., of this City.
John Barlow, Esq. Joseph Bewly, Esq. Theophilus Jones, Esq. James Chambers, Esq. Thomas Crosthwait, Esq. |
Isaac M. D'Olier, Esq. John King, Esq. Samuel Law, Esq. Joseph Hone, Esq. Nathaniel Callwell, Esq. |
George Pirn, Esq. Ven. Archdeacon Strong Robert Wybrants, Esq. The Ven. Archd. Lindsay |
Physicians, Samuel Law, and James F. Duncan. Surgeons, E. Hutton, M.D., and Samuel L.L. Bigger, Secretary, Agent and Receiver, James Reid. Housekeeper, Mrs. Reid.
Petitions for admission to be lodged with the Secretary, one Month previous to the second Monday in May and November, being the days appointed for electing patients.
His Grace Archbishop of Dublin, The Rt. Hon. the Lord Chief Justice |
The Rt. Hon the Master of the Rolls Admiral Oliver, R.N. |
The Provost The Recorder Rev. C. R. Ellington, |
Rev. F. B. Woodward Rev. A. Campbell Rev J. H, Armstrong Rev. Mr. Atkins |
Rev. Mr. O'Meara Joseph Gabbett, Esq. George Armstrong, Esq. P.J. Majoribanks, Esq. |
H. Kingsmill, Esq. William Walsh, Esq. T. Billing, Esq. |
A. Braddell, Esq. B.B. Smyth, Esq. Atkinson Wray, Esq. |
Treasurer, The Royal Bank of Ireland. - Secretary, C.J. Labatt, M.D. - Consulting Physician, C.P. Croker, M.D. - Consulting Surgeon, Sir P. Crampton, Bart, M.D. - Medical Officers, Charles Benson, M.D. 34 York-street; Josiah Smyly, A.B. 18, Merrion-square, C. J. Labatt, M.D. 119, Baggot-street, Hamilton Labatt, A.B. 1, Upper Fitzwilliam-street, Henry Head, M.D. 6, Upper Mount-street, Assistant Medical Officer, Maurice Collis, Jun. 46, York-street. - Resident Apothecary, Collector, and Registrar, Robert Seymour, Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, Dublin.
The object of this Institution is to afford medical and surgical relief to all sick poor, who are recommended by subscribers, and attend at the Dispensary at prescribed hours. Patients who are unable from illness to leave their houses, are visited upon the recommendation of a subscriber.
The Institution is open each day in the week (Sunday excepted) until 11 o'clock, A.M. to receive the recommendation of patients requiring to be visited at their own houses; and at 11, for the reception of those who are able to attend at the Dispensary. None are admitted after 12 o'clock. Accidents are attended to at all times. Such patients as are affected with fever, or whose circumstances in other respects render it necessary, are recommended to Hospitals.
A donation of five guineas constitutes a member for life. Subscribers of 10s. 6d. annually, are members for the year. Subscribers of one pound per annum for seven years consecutively, become members for life, without any further subscription.
Members may recommend patients, and may be chosen on the committee, who, as well as the Physicians and Surgeons, receive contributions.
Under the Patronage of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant,
Opened on the 14th January, 1804,
We, the undersigned Physicians and Surgeons in this city, convinced of the advantages likely to arise to Society from a more general diffusion of Cow-Pock, are associated for the purpose of Vaccinating the Children of the Poor, and supplying the different parts of Ireland with Infection. And we do hereby pledge ourselves to the Public, that no Infection shall be issued by us which we do not believe to be of the most genuine kind.
Physicians. Robert Collins, M.D. Charles Johnson, M.D. Evory Kennedy, M.D. Secretary, Jonathan Labatt. M.D. |
Surgeons. James William Cusack, Esq. Robert Moore Peile, Esq. Robert Adams, Esq. Assistant Secretary, Henry L. Dwyer. M.D. |
On Tuesdays and Fridays, between 11 and 3 o'clock, Children of the Poor brought to the Institution, are Vaccinated gratis. Packets of Infection, which may be transmitted by post at half-a-crown each. Practitioners, Union Workhouses, on the application of their respective Clerks, and Dispensaries supplied for one guinea per annum each. Surgeons of the Army are supplied on application to the Army Medical Office, Dublin. All applications for Lymph, and communications, are to be addressed to the Secretary, at the Institution.
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