Admiralty Circular of 6 July 1875.
Admiralty Circular of 6 July 1875.
6th July 1875.
The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are pleased to direct that the following Regulations, relative to the Examination of Candidates for the Appointment of Surgeon in the Royal Navy, shall in future be adopted:—
1. Every Candidate desirous of presenting him self for admission to the Naval Medical Service most be not under twenty-one nor over twenty-eight years of age. He must produce a certificate from the District Registrar, in which the date of birth is stated; or, if this cannot be obtained, an affidavit from one of the parents or other near relative, who can attest the date or birth, will be accepted. He must also produce a certificate of moral character, signed by a Clergyman or a Magistrate to whom be has been for some years personally known. or by the President or Senior Professor of the College at which he was educated.
2. He must be free from organic disease, and will be required to make a declaration that he labours under no mental or constitutional disease or weakness, nor any other imperfection or disability that can interfere with the most efficient discharge of the duties of a Medical Officer in any climate.
His physical fitness will be determined by a Board of Medical Officers, who are to certify that his vision comes up to the required standard, which will be ascertained by the use of Snellen's Test Types.
He most also attest his readiness to engage for general service, and to proceed on foreign service when required to do so.
3. He most be registered under the Medical Act in force at the time of his appointment, as licensed to practise Medicine and Surgery in Great Britain or Ireland.
4. Certificates of registration, character, and age must accompany this Schedule when filled up and returned.
5. Candidat es will be examined by Examining Board in the following subjects:—
- Anatomy and Physiology.
- Surgery.
- Medicine, including Therapeutics, the Diseases of women and children.
- Chemistry and Pharmacy, and a practical knowledge of drugs.
(The examination in Medicine and Surgery will be in part practical, and will include operations on the dead body, the application of Surgical Apparatus, and the examination of Medical and Surgical patients at the bedside.)
The eligibility of each Candidate for the Naval Medical Service will be determined by the result of the examinations in these subjects only.
Candidates who desire it will be examined in Comparative Anatomy, Zoology, Natural Philosophy, Physical Geography, and Botany, with special reference to Materia Medica; also in French and German; and the number of marks gained in these subjects will be added to the total number of marks obtained in the obligatory part of the examination by Candidates who shall have een found qualified for admission, and whose position on the list or successful competitors will thus be improved in proportion to their knowledge of these branches of science.
6. After passing this examination, every Candidate will be required to attend one entire Course of Practical Instruction in the Medical School at Netley, on—
- (1) Hygiène.
- (2) Clinical and Naval and Military Medicine.
- (3) Clinical and Naval and Military Surgery.
- (4) Pathology of Diseases and Injuries incident to Naval and Military Service.
7. At its conclusion, the Candidate will be required to pass an examination on the subjects taught in the School.
If he give satisfactory evidence of being qualified for the practical duties of a Naval Medical Officer, he will be eligible for a Commission as Surgeon.
8. During the period of his residence at the Netley Medical School, each Candidate will receive an allowance of 5s. per diem with quarters, or 7*. per diem without quarters, to cover all costs of maintenance; and he will be required to provide himself with uniform (viz., the Regulation undress uniform of a Surgeon, but without the sword).
9. All Candidates will be required, while at Netley, to conform to such rules of discipline as the Senate may from time to time enact.
10. After completing three years' Full Pay Service, Surgeons will be allowed to be examined for the rank of Staff-Surgeon; but no Surgeon can be promoted to the rank of Staff-Surgeon until he shall have served five years, two of which must have been in a ship actually employed at sea.
Recommended by _______ I _______ (Christian and Surname at full length) ____ Years of age in last —
vide accompanying Certificate — a Candidate for appointment as a Medical Officer in the Royal Navy, do hereby engage for General Service, and attest my readiness to proceed on duty abroad whenever required to do so.
I declare that I labour under no Mental or Constitutional Disease or Weakness, nor any other imperfection or disability which can interfere with the most efficient discharge of the duties of a Medical Officer in any climate.
(Place of Residence)
Schedule or Qualifications.
I have in my possession the following Degrees, Diplomas, and other Qualifications in Medicine, Surgery, and in Arts.
I wish to be examined in the following Voluntary Subjects, viz.
Admiralty, 7th October 1873.
(For Information of Candidates.)
1. Promotion to the rank of Fleet-Surgeon in open to Officers for distinguished or special service, although 20 years on Full Pay may not have been completed; such Fleet-Surgeons will have 16s. a-day Half-Pay.
2. Fleet-Surgeons rank with Commanders, according to date of Commission.
3. The whole time served on Full Pay as a Surgeon to be allowed to Staff-Surgeons to qualify for the rank of Fleet-Suigeon, provided the examination for Staff-Surgeon is passed before the Officer completes 10 years' service, otherwise only 10 years served as Surgeon will be allowed to count.
4. Fleet-Surgeons are appointed to the Flag ships of Commanders-in-Chief on Foreign Stations with an allowance of 5s. a-day in addition to their established pay.
5. The Hospital Allowances for Naval Medical Officers at Home and Abroad, In lieu of provisions for themselves and servants, and for fuel and light, are as follows:-
| At Home. | Abroad. |
| £ | £ |
Inspectors-General of Hospitals | 85 | 130 |
Deputy Inspectors-General | 67 | 112 |
Fleet-Surgeons and Staff-Surgeons | 53 | 112 |
Surgeons | 39 | 108 |
In cases where Medical Officers draw provisions or fuel from public stores, they will be charged for the same at cost price.
6. The travelling allowances, extra pay. lodging-money and compensation for losses, are fixed for Naval Medical Officers according to their relative rank in the Service.
7. Medical Officers have cabins according to their relative rank in the Service.
8. The Full and Half-Pay of Naval Medical Officers is in accordance with the following scale:-
| ₤ s. d. |
Under 5 years’ service (except during the Sesion at Netley - (see regulations) | 0 11 0 |
Under 8 years’service | 0 12 6 |
Under 11 years’service | 0 14 0 |
Under 14 years’service* | 0 15 6 |
Above 14 years’service* | 0 17 0 |
*Provided he passed his examination for Staff-Surgeon while under 10 years’ service |
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 14 year’s service | 0 13 0 |
Under 17 years’service | 1 0 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 1 2 0 |
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 20 year’s service | 1 3 0 |
Above 20 years’service* | 1 4 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 1 10 0 |
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets.
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 22 year’s service | 1 11 0 |
Above 22 years’service* | 1 12 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 1 15 0 |
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets.
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 22 year’s service | 2 5 0 |
Above 22 years’service* | 2 6 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 2 10 0 |
| ₤ s. d. |
Under 5 years’ service | 0 6 0 |
Under 8 years’ service | 0 8 0 |
Under 11 years’ service | 0 10 0 |
Above 11 years’ service provided he passed his examination for Staff-Surgeon while under 10 years’ service | 0 11 0 |
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 14 year’s service | 0 11 0 |
Under 17 years’ service | 0 12 0 |
Above 17 years’ service | 0 14 0 |
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 20 year’s service | 0 15 0 |
Above 20 years’ service | 0 16 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 0 18 0 |
Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets.
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 22 year’s service | 1 1 0 |
Above 22 years’ service | 1 2 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 1 7 0 |
Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets.
| ₤ s. d. |
On promotion or under 22 year’s service | 1 11 0 |
Above 22 years’ service | 1 12 0 |
And for each additional year of service 1s a-day more until the maximum is reached, namely | 1 15 0 |
9. Retirement is provided for according to age in service, under special regulations.
Note.- Under the head of retirement will be found the regulations under Order in Council of 4th February 1875, by which the title of Fleet Surgeon has been substituted for Staff Surgeon, and that of Staff Surgeon for Staff Surgeon 2nd Class.