Admiralty Circular 5.—M M.
Admiralty Circular 5.—M M.

Royal NavyNaval SurgeonAdmiralty circulars


Admiralty, 27th February, 1865.


My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty having had under consideration the expediency of a Medical Examination of the Crews of Her Majesty's Ships at certain periods, with a view to ascertain whether any are suffering from diseases, many of which, aggravated by neglect, incapacitate men for service; their Lordships are pleased to direct that before a ship leaves England, or any port where there is a Naval Hospital, steps shall be taken to ascertain whether any of the men are suffering from any disease requiring Hospital treatment. For this purpose the Officers of the Divisions, accompanied by a Medical Officer, are to go carefully round the Divisions, and are to call upon their men to report to the Surgeon any complaint, however trifling, and should there be reason to fear from the appearance of any Man that he may be suffering from concealed disease they are to order him to be medically inspected.
My Lords further direct that no Man discharged from the Sick List after the Venereal Disease shall be allowed to go on leave till eight days have elapsed from the date of his discharge.
Should a Commanding Officer find, on inquiry in any port abroad which his ship may occasionally visit, that the Venereal Disease is notoriously prevalent, he may exercise his discretion in withholding leave during his stay at the place, should due regard for the health of the Officers and Men under his command, and the duty on which he is employed, render such a precaution necessary. In every case of his refusing leave on this ground, he is to report the fact to his Commander-in-Chief, stating his reasons for having done so.

By Command of their Lordships.
C. Paget.
To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.

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