Admiralty Circular 4.—W.
Admiralty Circular 4.—W.
CIRCULAR No. 4.—W. Cancelling CIRCULAR No 22.—W.
Admiralty, 8th Feb. 1867.
My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, having had
under their consideration the Rank, Pay, and Position of
Naval Medical Officers, are pleased, under the authority of
Her Majesty's order in Council of 6th July, 1866, to establish
the following regulations:—
1. Staff Surgeons to be placed on a separate list, and promotion to that rank to be open to Officers for distinguished
or special service, although 20 years' on full pay may not
have been completed.
2. Surgeons specially promoted to be Staff Surgeons before
serving 20 years, are to have 16s. 6d. a-day half pay.
3. The whole time served on full pay as an Assistant
Surgeon to be allowed to Surgeons to qualify for the rank
of Staff Surgeon, provided the examination for Surgeon is
passed before the Officer completes 10 years' service.
4. The pay of Surgeons and Staff Surgeons to increase by
periods of four years instead of five years as at present.
5. In order to put Naval Medical Officers on the same
footing as Army Medical Officers, in respect of allowances in
hospitals at home and abroad, they are to receive the following money allowances in lieu of provisions for themselves
and servants, and for fuel and light:—
| At Home. | Abroad. |
| £ | £ |
Inspectors of Hospitals | 85 | 130 |
Deputy Inspectors | 67 | 112 |
Staff Surgeons and Surgeons | 53 | 112 |
Assistant Surgeons | 39 | 108 |
All other allowances for provisions to cease.
In cases where Medical Officers draw provisions or fuel from
public stores, they will be charged for the same at cost price.
6. The scale of travelling allowances, extra pay, lodging
money, and compensation for losses, to be fixed for Naval
Medical Officers according to their relative rank with other
Naval Officers.
7. In regard to Cabins; to meet the requirements of the
Service it is necessary that the Senior Executive Officer and
the Staff Commander, or Master, should have the Cabins
placed most advantageously for the performance of their
special duties; with these exceptions, Medical Officers are to
have cabins according to their relative rank in the Service;
Cabins will be allotted to Assistant Surgeons.
8. Staff Surgeons to be placed on the same footing as
Commanders with regard to servants.
9. A Staff Surgeon to be appointed to all Flag Ships bearing the flag of a Commander-in-Chief on a foreign station with
an allowance of 5s. a-day in addition to his established pay.
10. The periods of retirement by age to be fixed as follows:—
Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons at | 55 years of age. |
Staff Surgeons | 60 " |
Inspectors General and Deputy Inspectors General | 65 years of age. |
11. Assistant Surgeons at home, after completing their
time for examination for the rank of Surgeon, may be
granted two months' leave of absence on full pay, on condition of their resuming their studies at a Medical School or
12. To place Staff Surgeons on an equality in rank with
Surgeons Major in the Army, they are to rank with Commanders according to date of commission.
13. Officers in command of Her Majesty’s ships must, on
all occasions, whether on shore or afloat, take rank and precedence of Officers placed under their command. A ship
must always be represented by an Executive or Combatant
Officer, after whom all Officers are to take precedence
according to their relative rank.
14. The Pay of Naval Medical Officers to be increased in
accordance with the following scale:—
◄Table scrolls horizontally►
| Pay per Diem. |
Rank. |
Under 5 Years' Service. |
Above 5 Years' Service. |
Above 10 Years' Service. |
Above 14 Years' Service. |
Above 18 Years' Service. |
Above 22 Years' Service. |
Above 26 Years' Service. |
Above 40 Years' Service. |
| s. d. | s. d. | s. d. | s. d. | s. d. | s. d. | s. d. | s. d. |
Assistant Surgeons | 10 0 | 12 6 | 15 0 | 17 6* | •• | •• | •• | •• |
Surgeons | •• | •• | 17 6† | 20 0 | 22 0 | •• | •• | •• |
Staff Surgeons | •• | •• | •• | •• | 24 0† | 27 0 | 29 0 | •• |
Deputy Inspectors General of Hospitals and Fleets | •• | •• | •• | •• | 30 0† | 32 0 | 35 0 | 37 0 |
Inspectors General of Hospitals and Fleets | •• | •• | •• | •• | •• | 45 0† | 47 0 | 50 0 |
*Provided he passes his Examination before 10 Years' Service.
†Or on Promotion.
15. Naval Medical Officers to be permitted to retire after
20 years' service, on Full Pay, but the rate of Half Pay
awarded to Officers so retiring not to exceed five-tenths of
the full pay to which they may be entitled from length of
16. As a special reward to Officers of long and good service
who, owing to the comparatively small numbers of the
Inspectorial Ranks, have not been promoted to any higher
position than that of Staff Surgeon, such Officers of the rank
of Staff Surgeon as have served for 25 years on full pay, to be
allowed the half-pay of 1
l a-day, on being compulsorily
retired at 60 years of age, or retired on medical survey.
17. My Lords will consider, and publish hereafter, the
manner in which it may be found most advisable to assist
Naval Medical Officers, in their professional education after
examination and admission into the Navy.
The New Scale of pay to come into operation from the
1st January, 1867; the other arrangements, including the
increased allowances in Clause 5, from the 12th July, 1866,
the date of Circular No. 22.
By Command of their Lordships, Henry G. Lenox.